Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nightmares in children

Children between two and four years of age are particularly prone to nightmares, as this is the time to start developing a sense of fear, and imagination.

When your child wakes up at night in fear, crying and having trouble sleeping again, it's probably a sign that he had a nightmare. These "episodes" of nightmares usually occur in the second part of the night, during REM sleep, there is a possibility that the child will remember what he dreamed, and the next day and that he will be tormented dream content.

Nightmares should not be confused with night terrors, which occur in the first third of the night. Children who have a night terror are still asleep, but do not dream, they are very upset and very difficult to console. Then again go to sleep and not remember anything the morning. But we'll talk more later in the text. Now back to the nightmares.

Why is it a nightmare?

Most children of different ages has at times nightmarish, but children between two and four years of age are particularly prone to nightmares, as this is the time to start developing a sense of fear, and imagination, and increases the possibility of description of nightmares so that parents can find out exactly what their child is dreaming.

Nightmares may occur from the "horrible" stories they have heard or film or program you are watching on television (even if you do not seem terrible), and too much excitement before bedtime or a stress to the child occurred during the day. For example, a child may have nightmares from the withdrawal of diapers and training to kahlicu, changes in the kindergarten, kindergarten, or damage to the person who saves the day when you are at work. Almost any event can trigger the occurrence of nightmares and it does not mean you're a bad parent.They are an integral part of life in children and adults and it is normal to show up from time to time.

How to help your child

When a child starts to cry or shout you go up to him and comfort him and touching words until he stops. If you take the child to him in bed, keep in mind that you may develop a habit that your child is in the middle of the night comes to bed. Let them, if they want, what they have dreamed of, but do not work if you do not want the pressure. So encourage them to touch or verbally, but the phrase "it's just a dream" may not help the children of two, three, four, because only then they begin to understand the differences between dreams and reality. Of course, it is useful to remind them that this is really a dream, because the day will come when you will be able to realize that they just woke up and had a bad dream.

If you know what a child dreamed of, try to show him that there really is no monster in the closet or under the bed ... But try to be very nonchalant about the removal of fears, as it does not turn into monsters with night hunting lights, night game or the law. If your child has a favorite toy, blanket, pillow or sleeping with whom, once more set to the matters at hand. If necessary, mount a night light or light in the hallway, and remind him that you are immediately in the next room, you will not go anywhere and they are all home safe.

Preventing nightmares

It appears that some children are more susceptible than other nightmares, which greatly influenced his character, and genetics. Also, every parent knows their child best and how to cheer and comfort him, but there are some tactics to try to prevent or at least minimize the occurrence of nightmares. It is known that children are dependent on the routine, so if it you have never created to do, for example, quite warm bath before bed, a bottle of milk or something, brushing teeth, reading stories, singing lullabies or some other peaceful songs. Try reading the stories that have something to do with sleep.

All this can minimize the stress, excitement and impressions that have accumulated in the child during the day and reduce the potential for nightmares. You can also try to create such a story about a child's favorite toys so they will keep her in your dreams or your child at home to make a toy that will be able to sleep and that it will "defend" in their dreams.

Before bedtime, apply the cream to the child that you will call the "cream of sweet dreams" about which you will also develop a story that spread when a child will have sweet dreams. You can also do it with a bottle of milk, that will contain the "magic dust" for sweet dreams. Not only will your child want to drink all the bottle, but it will calm down with the conviction that good sleep and dream. Come up with a nice story about dreams, why would the child feel better, happy and relaxed at bedtime.

If you know your child's day was full of different excitement and stress, try with your child before bedtime to talk about what happened during the day and in that way make it clear that there is nothing to worry, that everything is fine. If nightmares occur frequently if the child is afraid to go to sleep and even have fears during the day, seek professional medical advice.

Night terror

We have already mentioned at the beginning of the text the night of terror, and it is a sudden episodes of crying, screaming, sobbing, and mumbling to open the eyes of a child that does not actually awake. The child is in a state between dream and reality and unaware of your presence, and will not respond to anything you say or do.Scientists believe that in essence is a problem of transition from one sleep stage to another, and we are going through during the night.

About 15 percent of children have problems with night terrors, and problems are starting to age a year or two and occur sometime in the seventh year of life, while there are some cases that may occur up to adolescence.Also, episode may last only a few minutes until the 40 minutes, and when it is finished your child will quickly sink back into sleep, and nothing will be remembered in the morning. As we have already emphasized night terror occurring in the first part of sleep when the baby has not yet entered the REM stage.

What to do?

The easiest way to distinguish between nightmares of the night terror the child after he awoke from the nightmare is often remembered as a mope, reacts to your presence and you can normally communicate with him and comfort him. In a night terror will be no consolation. When it comes to a night terror, do not try to wake up because it will not be able to comfort him, and if you try to hug or hold the possibility that you will make the situation worse.

Unless there is a possibility that the child during a night terror episodes do not attempt to hurt physically comforting. Just gently and calmly say, be careful not to hurt, and wait to pass. A child during the night of terror and could rise from bed, and therefore before bedtime take measures to protect children from injury. Remove toys from the floor, make sure the stairs, where all the windows and could be hurt.

Why do they occur?

No one knows what the night terror occurs, so it is not known, nor in any way to prevent them. But what is certain is that the child has a night terror has no mental problems, and even should not mean that color or something that is upset about something. Night terror can occur because of excessive fatigue of the child, either recently slept badly because of an illness or disrupted sleep routines, or anything else.

Solving any other sleep problems, you'll probably solve the problem of night of terror. In some cases, night terror can cause apnea or increased mandule and adenoids, which can cause breathing problems, which in turn causes a partial awakening of the child.

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