Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Corporal punishment is bad for your child

Approval of desirable behavior is a better way to teach good behavior of the constant criticism, shouting and punishment. It is necessary to show pleasure when you adopt a child a new skill, because if a child does not get impetus and encouragement, or gets a lot of complaints, will be his desire to adopt new skills diminish. 

When the ban by parents to children, should always be given a second option, for example. If something can not be touched, to offer replacement, something that can and can not just say "no." Physical punishment is detrimental to the child. It causes the child becomes unduly violent towards others. It can also make a child frightened and destroy his natural desire to learn from others.

Physical punishment was a common method of education in many areas. Parents who were themselves physically punished as children often such corrective measures applied to their own children, which is not good for the child. Each parent will be found sometimes in the situation that he wants to physically punish a child.Then it is best to refrain from acting in a moment of intense emotion, calm down and think about the motives of such a child's behavior and then act out smirenijeg state. You need to talk with the child (who is over) or apply a different penalty, not physical punishment.

Small children sometimes lie because it does not fully perceive the difference between the real world and fantasy. When a child does something wrong and unacceptable, the need to respond firmly but calmly pointing out that this is not the right way of behavior. It should give a simple and reasonable explanation. Children remember the explanations that have been received from the adults they love and they want to meet.Eventually, the child will accept these explanations and examples as a basis for their stock. In this way the child will develop an awareness and understanding about the difference between right and wrong.
Useful information about pregnancy on:
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