Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tips for successful breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural continuation of the pregnancy and is the hardest and most beautiful relationship between mother and child for life. From the aspect of breastfeeding, the first week after birth is the hardest, but it is an investment for the future, which is very much worth it. 

Breastfeeding satisfies baby's need for all nutrients (except vitamin D) to the age of six months.

It turned out that breastfeeding is more successful if the baby immediately after birth place of mother's breast, but because he "knows" that sucks. Babies who begin to nurse immediately after birth, in the later period of their mothers inflict a lot fewer problems (better to catch the nipple, sucking faster and more efficient and better progress).

Breastfeeding immediately after birth has certain advantages for the mother. When the baby pulls the nipple, to the mothers hormone stimulates oxytocin. In addition to affecting the secretion of milk, this hormone stimulates uterine shrinkage, leading to a reduction posleporođajnog bleeding. As you can see, nature is all taken care of - so she should not resist!

Milk production begins around birth, under the influence of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates the creation of suckling babies. The more the baby sucks, the more milk it produces, and vice versa.

Proper feeding

Before the start of breastfeeding, and mother and baby have to take a comfortable position, whether the child is breastfeeding in a lying or sitting position. When feeding, the baby should not only turn his head toward his mother, but it should turn its head. The baby is well placed on the breast if it is calm and relaxed, if you suck slowly and deeply - using the lower jaw, which is manifested by movements of the muscles around the ear.

If the breast is full before feedings can be a bit empty. The baby needs his mouth to cover as much as possible of the areola. If the areola is large, it should be held between the forefinger and middle finger.

Since breast milk is not leaking continuously as a bottle, but the choppy, it may be because babies often interrupted feeding, which is completely normal. Given that the composition of milk is not the same at the beginning and end of feeding (first milk is vodenije, with more sugar and the milk back thicker, oily, with more protein and fat soluble vitamins), it is necessary to vacate the baby from one breast to the end of a other all they want. The rest of the milk from the breast should be squeezed by hand.

At the next feeding, give your baby breast in reverse order, to be symmetric emptied. If you are breastfeeding twins, each man sucking from one breast to the end (and can simultaneously).

A baby should not be fed by any kind of planned schedule, but when she wants. The first days after birth, the intervals between feedings should not exceed three hours. If the milk has not come in sufficient quantity, instead of artificial baby milk feed give it a number of small feedings throughout the day. It will meet its daily requirements in calories but will also stimulate your breasts to produce more milk. It is scientifically confirmed that nearly all healthy nursing mothers can produce twice as much milk than her baby needs.

The baby needs to suck until the sieve. Then they will: either to refuse the breast, or falling asleep. Many babies, especially premature babies, love to sleep during feedings. Touching breasts can estimate how much milk the baby drank. If you care to suck it a few more sips and not to pull, you are the first days after feeding  ​​with a few teaspoons of your milk.

While the baby is sucking, never remove the breast from her mouth. Tip of the little finger, touch the corner of your baby's mouth, causing it to drop the nipple itself. Then gently pull the nipple from the baby's mouth, it's best when he falls asleep.

Express milk
If the breasts are too full so the baby can not latch, you first need to manually push out a certain amount of milk, while the breast is tender. Breast engorgement is "cured" by frequent express milk

Proper express milk looks like this: catch your thumb on top and other fingers on the bottom - the periphery of a dark circle (areola breast), where the bumps are located. Gently squeeze them one to another, and also to ourselves - about ten times. Then put the palm of one hand on your breast, and the palm of the other hand under the breast, and massage in circular movements. Here is a hand moves to the left and the other (simultaneously) to the right - do it a dozen times.

Flooding, and massage are performed alternately, ten minutes per breast, and to every hour if there is a delay - until the milk does not start to leak into the stream until the breast does not soften. Do not be discouraged if at first almost nothing comes out. It is important to be persistent and will be in five or six hours to go milk "as the tap!" If in the meantime, the baby wakes up and asks to suck, be sure to offer her breast. If breastfeeding is successful, the problem is resolved.

For this method should have a lot of patience, and above all faith in success. Instead of manually express milk, can be used pump, preferably one that is immediately put in a sterile bottle in which to store milk.

It is not good crush nodes in the breast, because it leads to the island of their delicate tubules, where the flow of milk becomes even smaller, the situation worsens.

Mastitis and sores

Milk that has "stopped", it is a good medium for bacteria, so that soon develops inflammation of the breast - mastitis. This is followed by redness, painful swelling and fever. However, during mastitis, even one that is accompanied by high fever, a mother can and should breastfeed your baby, that's the best way to remove milk jam.

Eventually, a doctor after a breast examination to recommend an antibiotic that does not bother babies. Only in the case of forming an abscess (pus collection), breastfeeding is temporarily discontinued, express milk sheds, a small mother treated surgically, which releases pus.

Otherwise, mothers who are from the beginning with the baby in the room, and breastfeeding is the "request", is almost unaware of mastitis. Its most common cause is the absence of night feedings - that nature intended, and should not be skipped.

During the first week after birth, often happens that at nipples resulting sores - sores. On the one hand, they are the result of higher sensitivity of the nipple at the time (as usual), and on the other - a result of improper position of the baby during breastfeeding.

Sores are also common in unsuccessful feeding - when a baby draws milk, but it does not draw. These ulcers occur less frequently if the nipples before and after feeding oiled their own milk, which is quite enough for their care. In addition, there are now very effective preparations for the care of warts, as well as for healing ragada, and can be purchase at any pharmacy.

Sores, otherwise, not obstacles to breastfeeding. But if it is more painful for the mother, can skip one or two feedings, but the mother needs to manually empty the breast and feeds her baby milk express milk.

Prepare nipples

Warts vary in form. May be prominent, short, flat, or sunken. However, the ability to easily pull the nipple, is more important than her looks. In most cases, breast feeding is possible and the warts can not be enough to get away. Baby sucking the nipple extractor, but it is useful to the mother herself drawn towards the end of pregnancy, massaged them with coarse towel, and wear only comfortable, cotton waistcoat.

If the nipples sucked and no maneuvers can not adapt to the child, try to breastfeed through silicone nipples (the softer and thinner), which is properly sterilized after use. If this does not help, the baby is fed breast milk express milk- generated in the container and boil give the child a spoon, a bottle only when all hope is lost in breast breastfeeding.

Express milk is kept in sterile container in the refrigerator (up to three days), using a heated to body temperature (not boil is, not to destroy valuable proteins).

It is important to know that your milk can not be "weak". Although the first milk - called colostrum, it looks like "water", the baby was at that moment needed just such milk. Never has it too, because the baby's body at that age would not be able to receive a large amount of liquid.

If you regularly breastfeed, milk soon becomes yellow, and white. Nice sucking baby who does not seek to hold water, because it gets enough fluids through the mother's milk, even when it's hot.

Useful information about pregnancy on:
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