Raising children is one of the hardest jobs in the world, but the job that you always feel unprepared. However, this is a job that most people comply. Here are some tips about the responsibilities of raising children, which may help you to feel fulfilled as a parent, but also to enjoy more of their children.
Nurture your child's self esteem
Children feel about themselves begin to develop even as babies, when they see themselves "through your eyes."The child absorbs your voice, body language and your every expression. Parents' words and behavior, more than anything else, affect the development of the child's self image. Praise your child for his accomplishments, however small, the child will develop a sense of pride. If you let him do things for yourself, you will help them feel capable and independent. On the other hand, negative or disparaging comparisons with other child will feel worthless.
Avoid double messages, or use words as weapons: "How stupid of you!" or "You act like a baby than your little brother". Such comments about hurt children "inside" the same as you would blow zabolio "outside".
Be compassionate and choose words carefully. Let the child know that everyone make mistakes and still love it, even if you do not like some of his actions and behavior.
Note the child's good behavior
Have you ever wondered how many times you react negatively to the child's "mischief" in the day? You may discover
to criticize more than compliments. How would you feel if your boss had so much negative guidance, even well-intentioned?
Much more effective approach is to "catch" your child doing something right: "You made a bed without being asked, that's terrific!" or "I watched you while you play with other children and you were very patient - mom is proud of you."
Looking at "long distance" of such statements will encourage good behavior, as opposed to the repetition of sharp rebuke. Focus on that every day you see a good thing you can boast. Be generous with rewards - your love, hugs and compliments can work wonders and are often reward enough. Very soon you will find that the behavior of "progress" toward desired.
Set limits and be consistent
Each household is required disciplines. Its aim is to help children choose acceptable behaviors and learn self-control. Children will likely test the limits you establish for them, but they are essential to them for one to become a responsible adult. Establishing house rules will help your child understand the expectations and develop self-control. House rules might include: no TV before dinner, and no hitting and insulting, offensive or provoking is not allowed.
To succeed in implementing these rules, you will need to have a system "in place" when it comes to breaking the rules: eg. one warning, then the consequences of losing some privileges (watching cartoons or playing in the park) or the end game. A common mistake is that parents fail to be consistent with the "punishment". You will not discipline a child if one day you respond to violations of rules, and another day they ignore. Consistent with their expectations of teaching a child.
Keep time for children
With all of the obligations, parents and children can be difficult to find a common meal or spend some quality time having fun. But there is probably something that your child wanted more than that. Wake up 10 minutes early so you can have breakfast with your child or put off washing the dishes after dinner and go to walk together. Children who lack parental care, which often aspire to behave inappropriately because they are convinced that in this way to focus attention on himself.
A lot of parents to the mutual satisfaction is the scheduled time for the children. For example, say your child is a special Tuesday evening with mom or dad and let him just deciding how to spend the time. Think about other ways of connecting with the child - leave him a message or a special toy.
It seems that adolescents are less desired by their parents' attention
than younger children. Since there is a less common points where parents and teens can find, parents should do everything to make it accessible when a teenager wishes to talk or participate in family activities. Going out to concerts, games and other things you can do together will help to facilitate communication and to learn more about the child and his friends.
Do not feel guilty if you are employed parent. There are a lot of "little things" that you can do with a child - like cooking popcorn, playing cards, sightseeing windows - which will be glad to remember.
Be a good role model
Young children largely learn behavior by watching you. The younger you are, the more they will be guided by you. Before the planet and start yelling at the child, consider whether you want your child will behave when angry. Constantly be aware that your child is watching you. Studies have shown that children prone to aggressive behavior usually have a model home for the behavior.
Create a model with features that you want to develop in a child: respect, friendly disposition, kindness, honesty, tolerance. It lets selfless behavior. Do good to other people without expecting favors or prizes. Give thanks. And above all: to treat your diet as you would like others to treat you.
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