Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Does your child needs speech therapy?

Even 63 percent of preschool children has a problem speaking.

The children of preschool age who has a problem in verbal communication and language development, can have serious problems with learning and adoption of the school curriculum, pokzalo the Research Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology, Belgrade.

The most common disorders encountered in children of preschool age are problems in the pronunciation of votes, undeveloped or developed speech pathology, different dysphasia, problems with 'depleted' vocabulary, and agramatične incomplete sentences and language disability children to express thoughts and feelings.

These were all reasons why the Department for Child Protection of the City Hall has decided to fund the work of speech therapists in all kindergartens in Belgrade, according to Lilies Jovčić, the presence of a speech therapist on the payroll of the kindergarten means to detect disturbances in the development of speech-language functions and their appropriate treatment.

"Decision to fund the work of speech therapists in all kindergartens in Belgrade godfathers of the research results show that an increasing number of children having problems in linguistic development, but also the reality that many parents, because of long working hours, not in a position to take the child examination by a speech therapist in the health center or in a specialized institution, "explains the" Policy "Secretary for Child Protection Ljiljana Jovčić.

Illustrating the scale of the problem, Dr. Mirjana Sovilj, director of the Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology, says it needs the "well-trained army of speech that can cope with the number of children who have problems in language and speech development," and notes that the necessary expert and close cooperation between the speech therapist, teachers and parents.

"Children who have speech problems must have a constant encouragement from teachers, a speech therapist and educator have to train parents how to stimulate the child's verbal communication and how to prevent language disorders in children.

Statistics, who testified that 63 percent of preschool children have problems with speech and language development, to a large extent 'tailor' the fact that the average child of preschool age spend three hours a day in front of the small screen and an additional two to three hours in the video-game preoccupations and this causes the range of linguistic, psychomotor and locomotor disorders.

First of all, because the television and video-game examples of one-sided communication in which the children quiet for hours, and vocabulary spoken by the characters cartoonish voice level meets the children of two years.If you listen to the communication of these children, we will see that it is full neartikulisanih voices and cries of warrior heroes speak cartoons or video games and the very poor, "says Dr. Ljiljana Sovilj.

She points out that the speech-language disorders not inherited, but that is inherited predisposition to their development. In translation into the language of statistics, this means that 97 percent of parents of children with speech disorders had some language disorders that are not adequately treated.

A large number of children that were created by artificial insemination and whose mother has maintained pregnancy disorders in language development, and part of speech disorders caused minimal damage to hearing - poor auditory speech perception and speech understanding narrowing leads to narrowing of the potential for learning.

In most instances, if you go:

- A baby up to the second month of life is not cooing, not react to sounds from the environment, not reacting to the mother's voice and does not make eye contact during feeding.

- A baby up to six months of life does not connect some letters and starts with polurazumljivim 'chatter'.

- A baby up to the ninth month of life, not split in two syllables (ba-ba, ma-ma, da-da).

- A child of one year has devised the word and understands the meaning of words.

- A child up to three years of age has completed speech and language development.

Voice disorders in children should be corrected as soon as possible

To avoid speech disorders, children need to talk to you more, keep them where there is more of both children and adults. It is important that the child hears the correct pronunciation, and not to be beat, a speech therapist says Bojana Vulic.

Parents who fear that their child has not yet spoke, while his peers largely Parliament is advised to turn to a psychologist or speech therapist
When a child is late or the progovaranjem speaking voices, parents often tend to be ahead and in front of others and more difficult to justify the time that their child is just lazy and that things will improve by themselves.However, this approach indicates clinician Bojana Vulic, owner of the center "Spik ap" in Belgrade, because silence is not good or stuttering may mean that a child has a problem in the developing language system, or motor impairment that requires professional help.

Consequences for life
Voice disorders in children should be corrected as soon as they can leave and a number of psychological consequences. Children easily feel when it is something different, you have a speech problem, it is impossible to remain unnoticed. So often withdraw into themselves, they become shy and insecure. All this can be solved with a few logopedic treatment.
- For example, girls may rustling five years may be cute, but if not timely corrected, a major risk that the other kids tease you go to school. It will therefore certainly suffer and be unsafe. Will avoid any situation in which the public should not act, and maybe a talent for acting or would be an excellent teacher - explains Vulic.

FOUR cause for alarm

It is good to chew
On slower progovaranje and irregular pronunciation may be affected by diet, says Bojana Vulic. She explains that because of the rapid pace of life for young children are increasingly given soft foods that do not need to chew, such as porridge and a variety of food from the bottle. That way kids are late getting used to chewing a straw and drink from a cup.
- And just as it is practiced motor tongue, lips, cheeks, the body that we needed to talk - says our interlocutor.
It lists several situations when you need urgently to establish the cause of the disorder before and in accordance with it helped the child. This should be done when:
- The child is not looking at you when you talk to him (here refers to the short-term attention, not on whether it focuses on the story of Hansel and Gretel from start to finish)
- The child does not understand you (if the ball is in the room and you ask "where is the ball", it will not turn to it until it does not show his hand)
- The child is not trying to say, do not you repeat the word in any game, and if you want something from you, exclusively uses gestures or you pull the sleeve
- The child says, but a very obscure and seems to can not hear you if you are not looking at the same time
After the second birthday of the alarming situations in addition to the four considered and persistent stuttering in children older than three years, and uttering words and sentences without respect for the rules of their language.

From the horse tonta
5 pearls
These are just some of the jewels and the three-year-year-old.
Mamakanga - bubamara
Tujaje - cartoon
Dida - nipple
Tonto - horse
Ljakoto - pillow
Goluv - Pigeon
Gužba - crowded

The most common speech disorders, says our interlocutor, progovaranje are late, incorrect pronunciation and stuttering.
When the late progovaranju word, it says there is no single rule when the child needs to talk. So parents who fear that their child has not spoke while his peers largely Parliament advised that it is better to turn to a psychologist or speech therapist to see what it is about to panic, but comparing your child with his peers.
- Every child is a different story. For many reasons, the differences between them can be huge so happens that the two children the same age cajoling one speaks a few words, and the other largely concluded the sentence - it shows.
She said many children aged between two and five years of stuttering more or less, except that in most cases, stuttering spontaneously lose, and in some children remain.
- Will you stop stuttering, much depends on the behavior of the environment. Sometimes it takes just ignore the stuttering, sometimes avoid situations that upset a child. The wrong approach can lead to even bigger problems, and that would not make a mistake, it is best for parents to consult a psychologist or speech therapist - said Vulic.
Parents, she says, can do so much to do these disorders occur not so much as to talk with your child, make child spends as much time in the company of other children and adults. And most important, not tepaju child, but to properly pronounce words. This will help him and just get talking.

When to contact the speech therapist to help?

Often parents do not notice the delay in the development of the second year of a child's life, or experts in related fields calm and advised waiting until the third or even fifth year. Optimum is to take a child with speech therapy before the age of two years.

Indicator of whether the child is delayed in development or in accordance with the development, not only in whether the child speaks or not.

When the child comes of Special-language therapist examination, what is important for child development is contact with other people, whether there is a return to interact with people who are trying to animate it, the way his game, requires an understanding of, relationship with other children and with parents.

Departure of speech should not be disposed of in the following cases:

- When a child of two years during the stimulation and the game screams and retreats.

- No holds the look, when the game loves to just play, without the involvement of other people.

- Do not seek things gesture (if there is no speech), but it grabs.

- When a child is not responding, sometimes parents think they can not hear. They often say: 'As you heard me, but I'm not registered. "

- Barge in conflict situations and reacts violently to requests. This happens because the child does not understand what he seeks. In another situation, familiar to him, it shall request - not because it is understood, but the account linked to the situation (example - the order: 'Bring shoes and go out' to make, but the order: "Bring the shoes and put in the closet! 'or,' Put shoes in the closet ', they will bring shoes to go out, or it will not be executed.

- When a child is 'clumsy', the motor is clumsy, uncoordinated movements there. Later he began to hold the head, sit, or walk again later.

- When you were born as a 'risk' babies. This includes infants with low Apgar score, who were born blue, who received oxygen, was in an incubator, had physiological jaundice, when there is suspicion of hearing impairment, hypotonic or hypertonic children (with reduced or increased muscle tone), children with cerebral palsy , splits or other syndromes.

Why should occur early in the speech therapist?

Early development, and proper early stimulation of the child, are of great importance for the prognosis defektološka-speech therapy. Nerve structures in a newborn is an exceptional speed multiply and grow.

Often parents do not notice the delay in the development of the second year of a child's life, or experts in related fields calm and advised waiting until the third or even fifth year. How many have become extinct during this period of nerve cells that are not under the stimulation!

Optimal is that parents who follow the child's development contact to two years. A team of experts (special educator, psychologist and neuroscientist) will assess whether it is late in development or in accordance with the development.

How to prepare your child for an encounter with a speech therapist?

Keeping the child in most instances need not be a stressful event. Toddlers do not need to say that in most instances going to make it on 'learned to speak'.

It is quite enough to tell the child to go along with an aunt (or fellows) to play and talk stories. How will it accept a speech therapist, and other associates, depends not only on the issue of access to parents, but also on access to speech therapy.

The most natural approach to child's play, and observing the child in natural conditions and not in a tense questioning of the child and parents. The child must understand that speech therapists 'non-medical', that are there as friends - to help them in their difficulties. And parents need to properly direct the child in such a work at home and monitor its development.

The moment you develop a proper interaction between the child, parents and therapists, the child will thrive.

Teach children to love books

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