Preparing for the birth of another child can be as special if you were expecting their first baby. Help your older child understand what to expect, but you be aware of all the challenges that await you.
What will change?
The changes are probably the worst that happens is the firstborn child. Having two children can seem preiscrpljujućim, especially if you are already tired or have had a difficult delivery. It is therefore the most important good organization before birth.
Time will be limited, and you'll be even busier - your former plan will be living stretched to the limit. Schedule sleep and meals will be variable and will depend on the age of your older child.
You will probably be easier to bother, even before the baby is born, since caring about an older child during pregnancy may require a lot of energy. After birth, the first 6 to 8 weeks, children can be extremely challenging, because the main job will be to bring order between sleep and feeding babies, and meet the needs of an older child and his changing emotions.
The positive changes brought by another child increased confidence in their own abilities, knowledge and experience. It is about all the things you come up with my first child seemed so heavy - breast feeding, changing diapers, illness - all this will seem natural.
How will this affect you?
Returning home with a new baby will be affected in different ways - physical and mental. Increased exhaustion and mild anxiety are a normal occurrence after childbirth.
The so-called. "Baby blues" can be a frightening experience, but you do not have feelings of depression zadražti for itself. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms. It is important to distinguish the appearance of "baby blues" - which usually passes within a few weeks, and postpartum depression - a serious disorder that can affect behavior and sleep disorders. If you start to feel very depressed and anxious, or thinking about hurting yourself and your child promptly seek professional medical advice.
Physically, most likely you will feel the pain and fatigue, especially if you have had difficulties during childbirth or have given birth to caesarean section. This will especially make it difficult for night feeding if you decided to breastfeed her child, and nobody can do it for you.
If you work outside the home, you may be unsure about the future of your business. The decision about when to return to work is important, check out how you can get support from friends and family when you decided on.
Do not be surprised if you feel concerned about connecting with the new baby. You may find it difficult to understand that you will be able to love the new stranger with the same intensity as the first child - but you will.As a "double" Parents often say - parental love in some strange way to double when the second child is born.
You will notice that your first few months after birth remain some time (if any remain) that you can devote yourself only. Sleepless nights and everyday tensions can be exhausting, so make sure you make time.
Help an older child to adjust
Your first child may have a range of mixed emotions, from jealousy to excitement and even resentful. Younger children are unable to words to express their feelings and their behavior would be worse after the birth of a new child. We could begin to suck his thumb, look for the bottle again, forget some skills and communicate like a baby in order to attract your attention.
Older children may test your patience - bad behavior, have tantrums and throw it on the floor, refusing food and the like. These problems are usually temporary and short-lived, with a little preparation you can avoid them and to prepare the older child on arrival brace or reefs.
Some of the things you can do are:
· Allow an older child to participate in the selection of items for the new baby's room. This is especially important if the children share a room.
· Find a special gift to the older child is happy to share with younger, like favorite toys, books or photos of children in a common room. Consider a special gift just for the older child, such as special chairs on which they are able to sit while you eat or moult younger child.
· Organize a special time just for you two. It can be anything, shopping, short walk through the park, and even more reading bedtime stories. During this time your partner can help to take care of the baby.
· Play a role by sharing stories or read to the child who will help him understand what was happening.
· Explain to your child what to expect when the baby comes. Tell him that the little kids cry, sleep, and that they need to change diapers often. Make sure that you child is older, regardless of the fact that little baby requires a lot of attention, still have a lot of time and love for him.
· "Turn up" role in the child's family. Tell him that he would now be "older sibling" and let him enjoy the new role. Think about how to take him to one of the examination or to participate in the ultrasound.
Arrival of a sibling is a big change for your older child, so that time is not suitable for the introduction of additional changes. This means that the arrival of new babies is probably not the best time to potty train the child's bottle or inclusion in a program that will be the first time separated from you for a long time.
Brotherhood / Sisterhood plays an important role in the life of your baby, so do not single out older child from the decision making process. With attention focused on the new baby (new furniture, clothes, toys), an older child to feel neglected. Make sure it is still special in your life to enable him to participate in the turbulent activity.
How to help yourself?
Here are some tips that can help you with additional responsibilities. Some of the things you can do before the birth of a child:
· Stock up on supplies of food and dry food you can cook quickly. If you cook, make double portions and freeze part of it. It will come in handy when the baby is born. Inquire about good restaurants with delivery, have their number always be handy.
· Reorganize store dirty laundry. Get a special container for the disposal of every child and one for other family members. Laundry is usually one of the biggest complaints of new mothers - as it seems to quadruple the amount when a new child arrives. Prepare in advance!
· If possible, take advantage of the new child some old stuff (or from someone who is willing to lend them) instead of buying new ones. Cradles, cribs, strollers, high chairs, clothes - everything is going to save you money and time.
· Get a few movies, but do not watch them before the birth of a child. They could help you late night feeding.
· Place the bag in the car with provisions for changing so always be prepared. A lot of women in the car holding a bag with toys for the older child and a bag with diapers, wipes and an extra blanket for the younger.
· Keep a book or toy, always handy in the bedroom and living room, and even in the bathroom. This child will be able to entertain at least a few minutes if a problem arises.
· Ask someone to you immediately after returning from the hospital to help the children. That someone can be a real satisfaction, and provide you with additional time for the holidays.
· If that's not too much expense, find someone to help with domestic duties at least once a month.
· Do not forget about your own needs. Indulge yourself, even if it's something quite simple like going to the hairdresser or relaxing in bubble bath after napronog days.
When you and your family adjust to the arrival of another child, you will enjoy the many positive sides of the larger family.
information about pregnancy on:
information about health and healthy diet you can find on:
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