Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pneumonia in children

It is essential to pay attention to diet, body temperature and symptoms of disease, or any worsening of the disease. 


The child must eat until the disease is. If the mother is breastfeeding, breastfeeding should be strengthened (breastfeed more often). All children have a fever should increase fluid intake to avoid desiccation (dehydration) of the organism. Parents must take account of a patent airway, particularly the nose in children who suck, because during suckling child breathes through the nose only.

Dealing with an elevated body temperature

One should first correct measurements clearly establish that a child truly has a fever. In the case of high temperatures should take measures for its reduction.

I. If the temperature is 38-39 degrees C, the child should be given more fluid cooled by the child wants to drink (not hot drinks).

II. At high temperature, 39 ° C and higher, the temperature should decrease medication (paracetamol) and physical measures: • Increase fluid intake (child should frequently offer any kind of liquid),

• apply a coating of stagnant water,

• baths in lukewarm water,

• undress the child.

Medications for lowering body temperature (paracetamol) in the form of syrup are given in the case of elevated temperature of 39 ° C or more every six hours following doses depending on age and weight of the child:

• 3 months-1 year (5-9 kg) 1/2 teaspoons of syrup

• 1-3 years (10-14 kg) l teaspoonful of syrup

• 4-6 years (15-19 kg) 1 1/2 teaspoon of syrup

• older children are syrup (or tablets) given according to the instructions listed with the drug

You should never exceed the prescribed dose. A child younger than three months with fever should be sure to take the examination the doctor.

Dealing with a reduced body temperature

If we find that measuring the sick child, especially a newborn, and dojenĨeima body temperature lower than normal values, the child should keep warm and seek medical attention.

Dealing with symptoms of respiratory illness

A) Cough Parents can give your child herbal tea or syrup (eg trputca or marshmallow). Lay the child should be slightly elevated position, ventilate the room in which he resides, and moisten the air. In moist cough when a child coughs should help him to expel sputum, and not to swallow it, which is very often especially in infants and young children. Lay the child face down to his lap with his head and upper body tilted toward the floor over the parental knee and gently tapping the back of the lower part of the shoulders to help him to expel mucus. If full health arising from coughing like a dog barking, it should immediately take the child to the doctor because it can be done quickly or on the resulting severe sore throat or foreign body inhalation.

B) Pain in throat and / or ear If your child feels dry and sore throat, you should drink more fluids, preferably lukewarm herbal tea, and any other liquid that suits him (water, fruit juices, soup, etc.). Pain in the ear can be reduced by giving syrup of temperature reduction that simultaneously acts and painkillers (paracetamol). It is forbidden to drip hot oil in the ear and the like because of the possibility of additional complications such as penetration of the eardrum. The ear and the nose is allowed to drip just drops that your doctor has prescribed.

C) The rapid and / or shortness of breath, rapid pulse, skin color changes should be determined by measuring the frequency of breathing and heart action, and the values ​​obtained are compared with normal values ​​for age.In the presence of elevated and / or breathing difficulties should a child take the examination the doctor will determine what kind of cases. Should pay attention to the various sounds that are heard when breathing and describe them to the doctor. Should seek medical attention in case of reduced heart rate in children with fever.Also the child should be taken to the doctor in case of an extremely pale, gray or bluish color.

D) Cold Cold okrajine okrajine (arms, legs) or with a high body temperature to keep warm socks, gloves, wrap and the like. and seek medical help because it could be a serious health disorders.

E) Seizures (convulsions) if convulsions occurred with fever, you should immediately endorse the measures and lowering her child immediately take a medical examination regardless of whether the seizures stopped spontaneously or not.

The worsening of the disease

During the child's illness it is important to monitor disease progression and time to notice signs of deterioration when it is necessary to seek medical help immediately. Deterioration of general condition is reflected in the inability to take food and drink, vomiting, change in skin color, temperature rise, malaise and severe drowsiness or restlessness, and weeping, and any form of disturbance of consciousness. The worsening of respiratory symptoms, aggravation of all the aforementioned symptoms.

The doctor evaluates the need of giving a child medication. Fever is not a reason for antibiotics.

Without the advice and recommendations to doctors the child should not be given any medication, especially antibiotics do not. I find fever with mild signs of respiratory disease is not a reason for taking antibiotics because the causes of these diseases are often viruses when antibiotics are ineffective and may be harmful. If your doctor has determined that the child should take medication, it is necessary to follow the exact instructions on how to take the medicine, and single daily dose, the interval between individual doses and the total duration of treatment. How not to start drug therapy on its own initiative, should also not her own initiative or interrupted regardless of the improvement of symptoms and general health of the child. 

Useful information about pregnancy on:
Useful information about health and healthy diet you can find on:

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