Why is breastfeeding so important?
Why breastfeeding is the best choice?
World Health Organization recommends that babies be breast-feeding mother's milk the first six months of life due to its exceptional nutritional value of the milk needed for growth and healthy development of infants.
Breastfeeding also showed that the results of several studies, positive impact on maternal health, among other things because it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in later life period, but also allows them to get back on the weight they had before childbirth.
However, less than 40 percent of babies younger than six months, the world is exclusively breastfeeding breast milk, according to statistics published on the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week which is organized every year from 1 to 7 August in more than 120 countries.
In Europe, however, breastfeeding breast milk enough represented. For example, in the countries of northern Europe nearly all mothers breastfeed their babies breast milk (99 percent in Norway and Sweden), and this figure is high and the rest of Europe - 95 percent in Denmark, 92 percent in Switzerland, 85 percent in Italy, 75 percent in Germany and 69 percent in the UK, while in France the figure is slightly lower and 56.2 percent, reported the French weekly "Nouvel observater".
Breastfeed infants, prevent overweight children
Women could reduce obesity in children by maintaining a normal weight during pregnancy and breast-feeding a baby, the conclusions of a panel of the U.S. government which presented the results of a public U.S. first lady, Michelle Obama.
One of three American children are overweight or obese, and therefore they are at greater risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and other related diseases.
Obesity is especially present in the black and Latin American children, and some experts warn that "today's children on their way to live shorter than their parents."
Michelle Obama is presenting the results of the panel, as part of its campaign against obesity in children, said he wanted to help babies who are born today, you are growing at a healthy weight, which according to the results of the panel, can be achieved if by 2030. rate of overweight children drop by five percent.
The report showed that the two most important factors that affect obesity in children, mother's weight before and during pregnancy.
Various studies have shown that one in five children becoming obese or overweight reaches the age of six, and that more than half of obese children before two years of reaching overweight.
About six percent of children younger than six months now suffers from being overweight, compared to 3.5 percent that were published between the 1980th and 2001, the report showed.
The report also set out to consider the recommendations of restaurants that serve portion sizes and provide more information on the number of calories of the meal.
It is also recommended to prescribe a new federal standards for serving meals in schools and educational institutions to be more attention paid to nutrition, and that pediatricians do the usual practice of calculating and tracking their body mass index of patients.
In Serbia, a growing number of obese children. Specialists in nutrition at the Institute "Batut" show that Serbia is not much different from the nutritional and other European countries have announced that the institution will initiate the improvement of nutrition of children in schools.
Why is breastfeeding important?
World Breastfeeding Week begins on Sunday and lasts until 7 August. WHO and UNICEF reminded that breastfeeding is a natural continuation of the pregnancy, and breast milk is best food for babies in the first months of life.
On the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week to promote breast milk, which begins Sunday and lasts until 7August, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF call health care workers and to implement measures to propagate this type of breastfeeding in the world, carried the French media.
In addition to the adoption of measures relating to breast feeding breast milk, which are known to health workers, WHO and UNICEF seek, above all, intense information pregnant women about the benefits of breastfeeding.
World Health Organization recommends that babies be breast-feeding mother's milk the first six months of life due to its exceptional nutritional value of the milk needed for growth and healthy development of infants.
Breastfeeding also showed that the results of several studies, a positive impact on maternal health, among other things because it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in later life period, but also allows them to get back on the weight they had before childbirth.
Children fed breast milk are healthier
Children who were fed breast milk have a lower tendency toward malignant and chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma and eczema.
Dr Ljilja Petrović-Stanković, a neonatologist at the Gynecology and Obstetrics "Narodni front" on the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week, said that breast milk does not have a replacement and that it contains antibodies that increase the body resistance and added that it provides the intimacy between mother and child .
"Milk that a mother breastfeeding a child is refined in its body and can not be subjected to any environmental effects, as when it comes to cow, formula or other milk," she said.
Dr Petrovic-Stankovic pointed out that 70 years ago and cow's milk taken only if the mother is endangered life or can not breastfeed, and even then it is resorted to baby food or milk of a lactating woman close family.
Most doctors mothers trying to show the advantages of breastfeeding, but the marketing of breast and stories that will be nice if the mother breastfeeds the child, as well as fashion bottles, contributed to a growing number of women after a short period of breastfeeding goes to baby formula milk.
Instead of formula milk substitute is necessary, it is becoming a staple food, so kids do not get the chance that nature has given them. Breast milk should be an extension of the symbiosis of mother and child, at least the first six months, recalls Dr. Petrovic-Stanković.
In commemoration of World Breastfeeding Week, an association of "parent" will be on Thursday 5 August, held a roundtable discussion with the aim of opening to the public on whether and how you can raise the percentage of breastfed babies in Serbia, announced the president of the association Dragana Soćanin.
On Sunday, 8 August, the Zemun quay will be held a public event "Friends of babies from the first moment," she said, adding that the occasion to bring together nursing mothers, health professionals and other individuals and institutions that promote and support breastfeeding.
"On the manifestation of pregnant women and mothers will be able to get advice on breastfeeding and baby food, from professional staff and peer counselor association 'Parent' and to share experiences with other mothers," she said, adding that the event supported the City Department of Health and the municipality of Zemun.
Breastfeed baby or feed him the bottle?
Breastfeeding is the best diet for health, growth and development. Breast milk is much more valuable than any other product that is given as a substitute for breast milk. It contains a balanced ratio of nutrients and ingredients to ward off infections, ideally suited to the needs of your child. A baby who is breastfed receives the most valuable food and that it is most convenient. Therefore, the baby millionaires that artificial feeding (formula) milk has a poorer nutrition of infants from the poorest families by nursing her mother. So always, if you have opportunities, tj.mlijeka, choose to breastfeed your children. The vast majority of women can breastfeed, but unfortunately there are many entrenched practices which jeopardize breastfeeding. This life is the first time, he caused to a natural mechanism, such as breastfeeding is largely lost. False ideas are due, even in medical textbooks.
Separation of mother and baby after giving birth, feeding the uvrđenoj scheme, giving a bottle of artificial milk, tea or other liquids, have become common practice that has led to disorder neneminovno breastfeeding and breast milk to reduce inventories. Your child should first begin to breastfeed, and then to yourself through the bottle, which should be only a secondary option. When your baby turns 6 months to gradually introduce solid foods, but the ideal would be to continue to breastfeed. Your child should continue to drink sweetened drinks or tea. These fluids contain no nutrients and destroy your teeth. Tea reduces the absorption of iron and can lead to anemia.
Breast-feeding prevents the development of exluded in adulthood. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of development of children's diabetes (diabetes mellitus). Breastfeeding on demand may delay the child allergies such as asthma or eczema. Research shows that children who are breastfed have better intelligence. This is particularly pronounced in infants who received only breast milk. Babies who are breastfed have a much better immunity. Studies show that breastfeeding reduces the formation of bad teeth, bad eyesight, some children's cancer, high blood pressure and some heart disease later in life.
Some studies show that the longer a woman breastfeeds her child reduces the possibility of ovarian cancer and premenopausal breast cancer and bone disease (osteoporosis) and hip fractures in old age. Mothers with diabetes need less insulin for the duration of breastfeeding their babies. This should be reason enough to choose to breastfeed. If you are unable to breastfeed, there is always an artificial food, you need to select with the advice of your pediatrician.
Breastfeed your baby, the better the student one day
Children who were breastfed as babies showed better results in school, say the scientists.
Just four weeks after birth, breast feeding babies are sufficient to significantly affect the development and progress of children in preschool and school age. Babies who are breast feeding mothers do better in reading, writing and mathematics at age 5, 7, 11 or 14 years.
It has long been known that breastfeeding is good for immunity, so that babies who are fed breast milk more easily recover from ear infections, fewer are bothering your stomach, and rarely suffer from asthma, but now scientists have found that breastfeeding positively affects intelligence.
A team of scientists from Oxford University conducted a study during which they monitored the results of 10 000 students who are mothers breastfed and those who were on artificial food for babies. Although the respondents came from the same social environment, analysis of school success it was found that kids who are mothers breastfed showed better results in mathematics, reading and writing in elementary and high school.
"It is already known that breastfeeding has positive influence on the immunity the baby, but now we are determined to have a significant impact on the development of intelligence and cognitive abilities," says Dr. Mary Jacob, who was part of the research team, reports the "Daily Mail".
Babies who are breastfed have fewer mental and physical problems than children who were fed with artificial milk, according to a recently published study.
British scientists have concluded that the problematic behavior is far less frequent in children who are breast-feeding at least four months.
Challenging behavior was observed in six percent of children who were breastfed at least four months, while this kind of behavior is represented in 16 percent of children who were fed with artificial milk, according to research.
One possible reason for better development of breastfed children is that breast milk contains a number of fatty acids, essential for the growth of children, as well as hormones that are important for brain development and nervous system.
But the act of breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on the interaction between mother and child as well as on cognitive function in children.
Epidemiologist for the children's disease Maria Kviglej universities of Oxford, said that breastfed children suffer less from infections, while breast-feeding mothers exposed to lower risk of breast cancer.
Why breastfeeding is the best choice?
World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated from 1 to 7 August in 170 countries. Breastfeeding is a natural continuation of the pregnancy, and breast milk is best food for babies in the first months of life.
World Health Organization recommends that babies be breast-feeding mother's milk the first six months of life due to its exceptional nutritional value of the milk needed for growth and healthy development of infants.
Breastfeeding also showed that the results of several studies, positive impact on maternal health, among other things because it reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in later life period, but also allows them to get back on the weight they had before childbirth.
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