Friday, January 11, 2013

What children's drawings speak?

Pens and pencils help the child to show his world reveal his character, desire and the way we perceive reality. 
The child's paintings and drawings show his innermost fears and that can hardly be expressed in words. Armed with paper and pencil, even the youngest children to their fears and insecurities are able to give shape and color, and in this way they alleviate.
But that's not all: the drawing is the most direct way in which the child interacts with adults, especially their parents. It is a primary means to express their discomfort or fear to seek help. It is important to recognize them because they allow us to get to know your child's psyche.

We know that with the help of children's drawings, you can find out a lot about children. Drawings are a window into their inner world. They often use drawing as a method of research, problem solving, giving visual form ideas and observations. Does the house have a little Picasso, you will find out to their 11 years.What are the normal stages in the drawing, and when you should be concerned, says child psychologist Gordana acic.

Through what child draft follow his emotional and social development, how a child is intellectually mature, and how it relates to the environment, people close to experiencing, his attitude toward the world and others - said Jelena Radosavljev, a psychologist at the Institute of Mental Health, Belgrade .
According to her, but about 15 months the children take pen in hand and you are the first drawings doodles, but the child enjoys the fact that the motor can be expressed. At the age of 20 months are beginning to be discerned, and some forms of child then begins to name what she has drawn. With two kids draw the human figure, so you go out of your head and hands and feet. With three or four year old child in drawing the human figure significantly lengthen legs and from hands to continue.
- What we are most in psychology to analyze the children's drawings of the family and this is something that most children and draw. Child family line by first draft of his most essential person, and that person goes to extreme left, the figure is usually the largest and most important for the child. If a child with this person closely, it will draw itself in addition to the figures, and then the order to draw all the other members of the family - Jelena Radosavljev story.
Sometimes the parents when a child is afraid of the draft family, but omitted a member.
As explained by our interlocutors, the child is aware of who has a family, but sometimes there is some resistance to the draft, especially if they are younger brothers or sisters, for a bit of jealousy. When his father left out, which is more frequently than mothers, their most common explanation is "Daddy's at work."

As seen drawing?

- Children do not draw what is realistic, but things the way they are perceived. With six or seven years they have come to school there and learning how to draw, but until then they represent through drawing their vision of the world - said Jelena Radosavljev.

There are two ways in which drawing looks - how a child uses the line (whether thickens some of the highlights and some areas) and to allocate things in space.

If a child draws more figures, and some devote more attention and effort, it gives the impression that he was the subject, and very important.

When a child is drawing a lot of shades, it often indicates anxiety, and if bold some parts of the body - for example, drew the whole human figure, but his fists or darken the bolded lines of the hand or not drawn it, it indicates that the child is not with that person can make contact.

- The most important thing is to observe the way children draw and omits what the drawing. If the draft itself without eyes or ears, this indicates that there is a need to tend to some things and wants to protect - said Jelena Radosavljev.

Sometimes the drawings are missing feet, which indicates that the child is an experience that does not belong anywhere.

When looking at children's drawing, must always take into account several aspects, first of all what the child did, the circumstances in which a line, in which age, because the three-year-trait not the same as a child of eight years. He says Jelena Radosavljev, adults tend to express emotions through color, while the children do not have this way of experiencing the colors, but are related to the one that has them pretty.

Warning Signs!

The monster with a thousand eyes, a little sun, and covered with a very thin and barely visible pencil line.They are all different elements of art that may indicate mild anxiety.


If it is too light, revealing timidity, hypersensitivity, and often very introverted child restraint. This may be a sign of the need for more attention, approval and praise.
If the paper has many intersections presented characters and objects, your child probably afraid to make mistakes and not to draw a picture as good as other kids: be proud of his ability and skill and openly show him the love you feel for him.
When the move is over-emphasized to the point that a child with a pen or marker almost punctured the paper, it could be a sign of great vanity. However reveals much more aggressive and capricious child.


Black is the color of fear, but also white. If the baby is blocking the clean paper or leaves a lot of empty space on each page, you may be afraid of emptiness or a need for clear boundaries, the need to tell his parents not long to go.
If priority is given to colors such as blue and yellow, it can mean jealousy (or the fear of losing one's love).
The color should be viewed in conjunction with the displayed object: for example, red-faced human figures can be a reflection of the repressed aggression and child needs to throw it out.

Some elements may be associated with children's fears: monsters, but also mice, spiders, snakes, insects.
Often drawing blood, doctors or hospitals may indicate anxiety.
The sun is in the child's subconscious father. If it is obscured or too far away from the rest of the drawings, it may indicate the need for more communication with her father.
The house is a symbol of the mother.
Fiery red roof can be linked to aggression directed toward the mother figure, while the front door padlocked or large key can be a sign of fear of "attack" other people's wishes or a sign of the child (whose parents pushed) to the door of his home, his friends kept open.
Windows also play a very important role in a child's symbology: windowsills full of flowers reflect the joy and the closed windows or windows with bars reflect the fear of opening up to others.
The leaves falling from the trees represent the fear of loneliness and the desire of the child to be back quite a bit, secure and always close to their parents.
Pay special attention to the shoes, feet and legs: if a child draws parents barefoot, without the foot or leg, this could mean that there is not enough confidence in them and that they need more security.
Buttons are the umbilical cord. When you are very stressed, reflecting a fear of growing up and entering the adult world that is perceived as too aggressive.

Way of drawing reveals the temperament of the child

Shy child to pull the thin lines, while the child is very energetic squeeze pencil on paper. Imaginative prefer to draw circles, mild forms (round smoke from the chimney). In contrast, active child prefers corners, straight lines (spike trees).

Schedule of drawings on paper: It shows us how the child fits into its environment. Left means the past and devotion to his mother, father and the future right. Lines directed upwards represent the child's dreams, and turned down his daily life. Child is safe in itself'll put in the middle of drawing paper.

Choice of colors: Opened and used living child warm and vibrant colors (yellow, orange, red). Gently and calmly will choose cool colors. Draw a blue six years says he does not want to keep the baby.

Symbols: Water, house, sun, animals - the most common motifs and children's drawings. While drawing a cat or a dog, a child tells us a lot about ourselves. Maca which pampers drawing the child likes to be pampered and just. The house is a home from home and opening to the world. Open windows show a child's balance.
Family: Drawing each family member separately indicates its place in the child's head. But, if you do not draft someone and it does not mean lack of love for that person. So it can happen that a child herself draft with parents and siblings in the picture on the wall.

What you should know: Parents should not be to analyze each drawing as it will lose confidence and enthusiasm for drawing if you feel that it monitored. Stay with him and let him alone line. Because drawing is a gift to the child, so they should be proud of the drawing that you feel bad. Keep your child's drawings.They will reveal his little secret until 12 year. After that, a child's creativity is not spontaneous.
There is no miracle recipe for understanding and interpretation of children's drawings. For the analysis must take more drawings from one period with different themes. In them you will find the same signs of sensitivity, because the child is expressed through his work, regardless of the content of the drawings. 

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