Friday, January 11, 2013

Fairy tales for kids

Mommy, tell me a story...

Have you ever wondered why children so they like to tell stories?

And even if this is not a fairy tale vacation time.
Psychologists explained: this allows to express their need for contact, recounting again and reliving what happened to them during the day.

They want to hear about things, and that our relationships are not explored or understood.
Attentive parents and educators understand the desire and amuse children stories and songs that were invented.

Those that children's pleas and give it little attention storytelling repressed and ignored, we should not forget the extent to which the development contributes to the telling of a child's personality, his emotional, social, ethical, and speech development.

Unjustified excuses

The classic excuse is unsure of the ability to find the right words:
I do not have time!

There are those who believe that the audiotapes, radio and TV quite adequate substitute for their stories.Wrong! Because persistent delay the story for tomorrow or some other time children become tired of repeating that the desire to achieve and never asked to slowly stop talking to them.

Time parents themselves spiritually impoverish our children.

Models of socialization

Telling a different story it is very important to a child's development because, for example, the first rhyming poems and rhyming stories convey the love and comfort, encouraging your child to contact and communicate with others. Stories about the environment and specific areas of knowledge transfer and information about the nature of human life, foster children's observation, curiosity and provide new knowledge.
Story problem child nude models of socialization, behavioral models in the group and the company, help in growing up.
Also, teach your child how to deal with feelings, overcome fears and anxieties, to feel joy, sadness, worry ...

Fantastic stories are indispensable condition for the development of imagination and creativity, and make a living fairy tale power and the triumph of good over evil, showing the ways in which evil can win and how it can save you from danger. Teach children to believe in the forces of good and overcome hatred.

Although many parents are tireless in devising their own stories, there are those who would rather reach for books that contain stories for children.

Younger children should be more talk and less readable.

As they grow, you should switch to a combination of reading and talking to all pre-school age, they become mature enough to understand what is read.

Before reading to children, every parent should read the previous story in order to assess whether the content current interests of the children and their comprehension.
It should provide enough time to talk, but also for possible child issues, talk, explanations ...

Parents should know how to select the right time to talk in order to create a good atmosphere for listening.

It is recommended to read just one story, regardless of the child's pleas that he be told that story yet.

You should pay attention to the voice interpretation, because in this way enriches children's vocabulary.

Important is individual access to the child.

How to choose

Lists of books for children "such and such age," that is, they can be useful, but not the only starting point.The impact of the incident on the children of the same age can be very different, but also because of their ability to monitor and different understandings.
Of course it now raises the question of how parents can handle and how to choose appropriate literature for children.
It is well known that children can get into the story if the narrator presents the perspective of the child, respecting the uniqueness of children's world, if it is a starting point for talking children's reality, but without going to the extreme disfiguring the world.
Clear that all these requirements difficult to meet.
However, any parent can suggest thoughts, feelings and desires of the child, and in this way our children actually learn what story they want to offer them.

Deepening actions

Kids usually follow the story very closely and course of action, and expression in storytelling. On the way to continue a conversation with your child about re-told, should depend on his reaction to the occupation and it shows.

Parents and educators should deepen seamlessly retold in the following ways:

* Common game prepričanog related to the topic, prepared the things that come dramatization (for example, the Indian flagship, pismonošina bag), prepared materials for the creation of the theme of the story

Occasionally questions or originating point of the story

* Insert famous rhymed verses or parts of the story in everyday situations,

* Reference to a current event that may be a starting point for discussion

* Using the box in the box to save many valuable things (precious stones that dig dwarfs in Snow White) that I can always re-visit, the occasional repetition of the story ...

If the narrator in this way helps children to deepen their thoughts on pročitanome, stories, poems and fairy tales will become their mental treasure, and some characters from the stories of friends and role models.

The myth of Santa Claus is useful for children

Stories of Santa Claus to children who are told they are good because they develop the concepts of good and evil, according to a study to be published in the journal Psychiatric Bulletin.
"Talking to children about Santa Claus is a valuable asset to parents because it increases the level of morality of children believe that Santa knows whether they were good or bad," explained the doctor Lynda Breen, founder of the research, who works at Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool.

In the same journal psychiatrist Mark Salter regret the importance of myth and magic, especially the legend of Santa Claus, vanished in a society that emphasizes the reality.

From the experts

Talk to him

The narrator will stimulate the imagination of young listeners, to arouse righteous ideas, clarify and deepen the experience and encourage them to action only if the child feels like the center of the world. Storytelling will, therefore, only child pričinjavati joy:

If you feel that the story speaks to him and it just finds the world he knew.
This happens in the story, which tells of a child who has had a bad day, the child's name is inserted, seamlessly incorporate their habits and desires, if we're talking about things that are known to him, if the story has details on which recognizes its own environment and everyday life, and if you compare with each other famous events.

If the narrator try to visualize clearly what a story.
This happens if his own story also presents (for example, where a story about a doll lap), his words followed modest view, gestures and facial expressions, tone of voice and adjust the intonation of the content of the story so expressive mimic the sounds of animals polls, the whistle of the wind, the story that spoke about a child unfamiliar surroundings complemented by well-made picture books, photographs and drawings.

If the narrator is closely following children's spontaneous reaction modeling, it follows that part of his game or spontaneous dramatization and the like.

Mr. sc. Vladimir Velički

If the child does not tell stories, I read fairy tales, and if you play enough, I miss him all his life. You'll feel it as an injustice that has been inflicted. Rarely think that a child listening to stories or playing a role in the game and leaflets. This is not meant only to sensitively anxious, neurotic child in play therapy which is almost inevitable part of the journey towards mental health. To make a story really took care of the child, she has to entertain and arouse their curiosity. But to enrich his life, it must stimulate his imagination, he must be helped to develop their intellect and clarify their feelings - must be in conformity with its anxieties and aspirations: it must be fully recognized its difficulties, at the same time pointing to the solution of problems that disturb him . The story must be linked to all aspects of the child's personality, without defiance, but rather recognizing the seriousness of his predicament. Adults who tells the story by inventing itself, must be aware of your words and must be accompanied by the child's reactions. The story is elected and instantly directs the child's mood. In fairy tales and children's stories as well as later in the comic book or a good movie is a town that fits nesvenim pressure trough passes and the child that gradually blends into conscious fantasies and becomes available to the child's mind.

Many parents believe that a child should be given only conscious reality or pleasant images that meet the desire - that it should expose only conscious side of things. However, such a simple diet of spirit feeds only on a one-sided way, and real life is not entirely bright. There is an extended refusal to allow the children to find out how much of what goes wrong in life comes from our very nature. Aggressive, anti-social, selfish behavior is triggered anger or fear, which has its cause. Like all of these phenomena and to understand and find their meaning. However, instead, parents are often aggressive or antisocial every child presenting as morally incorrect act. Even though they know that it is immoral to say not oppose evil whenever possible, they simply present the characters and events. The characters in fairy tales are not ambivalent - not both good and evil, as is the majority of people in real life. Personality is either good or evil, just to artificial polarization that reflects the spirit of a child solved by the moral dilemma. The child meets the fairy tale motif to say hero slaying a dragon or witch still hurt. The evil that is not without its attractions, which symbolizes the mighty giant or a dragon, cunning witch, an evil wizard, only temporarily prevalent.punishment of criminals is not only a requirement for a lesson in morality but a matter of survival. Life does not make sense if it was pure chance and surrender to circumstances. So, one must distinguish between good and evil, between the one and the one that threatens efforts to prevent it. In fairy tales, a brother stupid and stubborn, another smart and capable, one sister is beautiful and good, the other is ugly and vile.Setting the opposing character provides an alternative in terms of commitment: we want you to be good or vile. However, this is not only instructive opominjuceg-character-style 'crime still does not pay' positive hero already has a greater attraction than the negative, so that the child is about to mature in an age when people can grasp the actual size and feel pleasure in humanity, kindness , creation. Because those who destroy even if seemingly defeated, in relation to the objective set themselves, they lost their spirit and uskošcu internal accident. The child is ready for commitment to be good because it is the very nature of man, because what he really is the greatest happiness of the greatest burden. Has a fairy tale in which the hero of the fraud comes to success. Their value is not in the power of any identification (usually these characters are not displayed and unappealing in the world such as.: 'Tomcat in Boots') has already been prepared for real life, where are those who feel very insignificant for fear of them had nothing will turn on capturing the unexpected success of the fraud or power. Happy life as a prince and princess lived through eternity teaches that the establishment of a permanent connection will meet with the other person as possible, but of course the way to state this is a thorny and difficult. In fairy tales, not to speak at length about the joy and happiness in love as it is spoken at length about the difficulties they have gone through.Perhaps the experience of happiness for such a short confession. And maybe the silence of the mystery of love and ultimately necessary. Say not used to express the depth of feeling that the secrets of love. Pure act ljubavit triumphs, and lines remain quelled.

In order to achieve emotional satisfaction and security is needed maturity of personality, and she was not given at birth as black hair or blue eyes but is the product of power struggles of life and death power from the birth onwards. Safe place in the world can be found as a product of inner confidence in yourself and your value, but it can also be a result of running away from his own chaos into the crowd of similar individuals. A lone individual who manages to come up with your life in something making conditions, greater hero than he who wins in the group. The hero of fairy tales while I go, help his animal natures ... He learns to tap into the dark, listening, thinking. He teaches that we will not pay, make it big and when I am not to cheat: The rulers and sages are not given chance, she won only by love. Around the fourth or fifth year, when fairy tales or stories begin to exercise their beneficial effect is attractive say 'Hansel and Gretel'.Striving to keep the child's parents, although the time has come to face the world alone, forward motion caused by internal movement in the opposite direction, this story is only of secondary importance. effort to be a wicked witch threatens to dominate fairy tales. It is being quelled and defeated by his own recipe. What the child is frightened burns and transforms it into a victory of hope over despair. But fear of separation and abandonment and fear of death, which is located in this tale are not limited to a certain period of development. At all ages, zaludenost house by candy senitmentalno turning to the past, psychological and mnogoo engage older children, and the outcome of fairy collects them encouragement. Motif step mothers as substitute mother keeps the child is not a coincidence. Let us remember the importance of the relationship of a mother for a child to be accepting, warm, protective. In fairy tales, usually a jealous stepmother and jealous person is hostile to supraniku, in this case the child. The child is saved from, essentially inadequate mother, changing in many ways his position. Identification of changes allows the child to one of the same tale in different periods of life is understood in a way that suits them. For instance, in the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel, malice and hypocrisy old witch Marica who wins just in the first part of the story passive and obedient to follow dovitiljvog brother Ivica. At one stage of development the child will respond to what is Gretel by Ivica safely back home since figured out that the way throwing pebbles ..In other, earlier stage, the child will love to be Gretel because she just revenge on the evil witch.

A parent can not be trusted to know where a certain age tale will be important for the child and how and why will read or speak a variety of fairy tales and stories. For those that it becomes contagious delight the child restraint. Loves to talk and read often. I certainly do not mean to but at some time soon, and the stories that at first they were not interesting it will become. Also adult interpretation, no matter how accurate they can be deprived child the opportunity to experience what it sasmostalno understand some meaning. When asked to place a child in connection with a fairy tale, or any other should be very cautious answer. It is wise to priupitati: 'What do you think?' and then, recognizing his experience to give an appropriate response.

PRINCIPLE: The child in the most appropriate way to resolve their conflicts, fears and difficulties in the game

PRINCIPLE: The children do not avoid fear - instinctively knows that he must bring it if they want to learn.

PRINCIPLE: The child helps himself playing - washes, clouds, food, use their dolls, teddy bears - in these games it is possible to see how a child sees parents acting for him.

PRINCIPLE: The child develops through the game motivational sphere, beyond the cognitive egocentrism, develops intellectual operations, and mastering fears more successfully control their own behavior.

PRINCIPLE: The child likes to read a fairy tale, but there is more to his telling of the story - the fate of the characters more similar to its position, it is the child more enthusiastically.

PRINCIPLE: same as adult interpretation, however may be true, deprive a child the opportunity to feel as alone understand a certain sense. 

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