Friday, January 11, 2013

Does my child is using drugs?

Marijuana is the most widely used and most popular drug in the world and in our country. Many argue for the legalization of marijuana, emphasizing its positive aspects, and propagating that smoking marijuana is not addictive. Given that young people are often under the misconception that marijuana is not harmful to health, as well as the fact that most users of other drugs from marijuana began, most attention is paid to this addiction. 

STA is marijuana and how to use?

Marijuana is a green, brown or green mixture of dried shredded leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of hemp (Cannabis sativa). Cannabis (Cannabis) is a term that refers to marijuana and other drugs originating from this plant.

Most users of marijuana hanging in the cigarette (called a joint) or in the smoke pipe. Some people put marijuana in food or make tea from it. It can also be used by the tobacco out of cigarettes and marijuana substitute. Lately marijuana cigarette is put crack cocaine or crumbly tablets, and it's called 'chemistry'.

At what age should children usually begins with marijuana?

With the use of marijuana and other drug use begins in high school and early twenties, and in later years the situation is deteriorating. On average, in every department of the Belgrade high school student has one serious problem of drug addiction. Begin time consuming marijuana and other drugs, on average, move about 15 years ago. Recorded an increase in younger and younger and younger adolescents, children aged 12, 13 or 14 years, who abuse or are addicted to drugs but, above all, of marijuana.

Why do young people using marijuana?

Children and young people use marijuana for different reasons. Curiosity and the desire to fit into a particular group are the most common reasons. Of course young people who smoke cigarettes and / or drink alcohol are at greater risk to start using marijuana. Also, studies have shown that there is a greater chance that the child begins to use drugs if a family member is drinking alcohol and take pills. Parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters are role models that children look up to. Some young people who take drugs do not agree with their parents. Some have friends who use drugs and urge them to start. All environmental factors that surround a child - home, school, neighborhood - affect whether a child will try drugs. Children who long marijuana can become dependent, and it becomes the main reason why they continue taking the drug. Some mention psychological Dismissal as a reason for taking the drug - to make it easier faced with concern, anger, depression, boredom, and so on. Studies have also shown that children and young people (of both sexes) who are physically and sexually abused at a higher risk than others, to begin to marijuana and other drugs, and this at a younger age.

How will you discover that your child is using marijuana?

There are some signs by which you can discover. If someone has taken marijuana can:

- Seems to have dizziness

- Difficult to walk

- Looks silly and laughing for no reason

- A red and bloodshot eyes

- Hard to remember things that just happened.

When the early effects fade after a few hours, the user can become very sleepy.

Parents should monitor changes in behavior in their children, although this may be difficult due to puberty.Parents need to pay attention to the following signs: withdrawal, depression, fatigue, carelessness, hostility and worsening relations with family members and friends. And changes in the school, and the high incidence of laziness, lack of interest in sports or other favorite activities, and changes in eating or sleeping habits, may be related to drug use. However, these signs may indicate problems that are not caused by drug use. In addition to the above, parents should pay attention to:

- Traces of drugs and drug accessories such as pipes and rolling paper for tobacco so. 'Grit'

- The smell of burnt grass on clothes in the bedroom

- The use of incense and other air fresheners

- Taking eye drops

- Clothing, posters, jewelry and the like. things that promote drug use.

Yes marijuana is addictive?

Yes. Although everyone who uses marijuana does not become dependent, those who begin to compulsively seek and take the drug become addicted to marijuana. In heavy marijuana users can develop tolerance.Tolerance occurs when the user needs larger amounts of the drug to achieve the desired result, which was achieved earlier with lower doses. Some heavy users show signs zavisnisti, because when I do not take drugs appear simpomi withdrawal (abstinence crisis): restlessness, loss of appetite, insomnia, weight loss and drowsiness. One study found that in young marijuana and who had previously recorded anti-social behavior quickly it came to creating a dependency on the drug. This study also showed that the troubled child who smokes cigarettes, using alcohol and marhiuanu, advancing from first to regular marijuana so much as a progression to regular cigarette smoking, and even greater than before of alcohol.

DID dependence on marijuana can be cured?

Until a few years ago it was difficult to find a treatment program zavisnisti of marijuana. The treatment of this addiction was the same as the treatment of dependence on other drugs. These included a detoxification therapy and behavior. Recently, the researchers tested various ways to involve users of marijuana in the treatment and to assist them in drug rehabilitation. Currently there are no drugs that could be treated with marijuana dependence. Treatment program focuses on counseling and group support systems. From these studies therapists teach users what characteristics predict successful treatment and which approach is most effective. Further progress in treatment is moving in the direction of creating a program to help adolescents who take marijuana.

How to prevent the child from coming into contact with marijuana?

There is no magic formula for preventing child to take drugs. However, the influence of parents can be great if you talk to their children about the dangers that come with the use of marijuana and other drugs, and that they were actively involved in the lives of their children. And because the children are enrolled in high school, parents should be interested in their school work, extracurricular activities and getting to know the child's friends. Studies have shown that proper parental care and concern for the child's behavior can influence the cessation of further use of individual drugs and for those adolescents who are fond of marijuana, as well as the rebels, those who can not control their emotions under stress. To inquire about drug abuse in your neighborhood, it's important to get involved in prevention programs in their municipalities, local community or school. Find prevention programs in which your child and you can participate together.

Talk to your kids!

As you can see, marijuana is a dangerous drug that gives clues to the health and well-being of children and adolescents at a critical period of their life when they grow up, mature, learn and lay the foundation for further development. As a parent of children you can turn to for help and advice in solving any problems and making decisions, including the decision of not taking drugs. You are their role model, and your decision not to take marijuana and other drugs will reinforce the message that indicate their children.


Will your kids to listen to you?

When children are thinking about whether to take the drug or not, for them, is a very important question, "what will my parents think," how will it affect them?

That means it's very important that they make it clear that you do not want under any circumstances take illegal drugs. You seem to be afraid and worried. To make you unhappy, seemed to suffer heavily.

As discussed above, in that the regular interest in the events in their lives, their friends, school and sports activities, they are more likely to turn to you for advice and they will feel they have the support that will enhance their self-confidence so that they will more easily be able to resist the pressure to take drugs.

When you talk with your kids about drugs, be open and honest, and do not for a moment assume that they already know what is your attitude.

Those of you očkuju to talk to them about drugs, so you have to be very open with their opinions iztnošenju. Nothing is left open for tumačnje mistake.

It is also often Vazo to talk about the dangers associated with drug use, and how your rules to apply to the school house and on all other issues.

When it comes to Discuss Drugs, extensive testing of parents and their children show that young people appreciate when parents instructions for some important personal things, and they tend to turn to them for review.

But they expect parents to be informed, honest and open.

10 ways to encourage young people to talk with you about drugs

First Be a part of their lives

Always take the time to their children. Interest in what they are interested in and specify the steady time for joint activities. Do not be afraid to ask where your teen is going and who you will be. It is important to spend time together as a family. For example, try to talk and eat together every day and find other opportunities to enjoy the time spent together as a family.

Second Listen to them

Demonstrating a willingness to listen to them, you will help your child feel more comfortable with you and when they should listen to you. Ask them for their opinions when making family decisions. This will show that we attach importance to them. Try not to interrupt and not act in a manner that will prevent further discussion (eg, nervous, anxious, Preaching, outrage, ridicule, etc.). Give them the support to help you feel free to talk about their problems.

3rd Be a role model behavior

When it comes to illegal drugs, not true adage "do as I say, not as I do. If you are taking illegal drugs, you can not expect your child to consider your advice. Do not underestimate the potential impact of your behavior on your children. Especially if you use tobacco or abuse alcohol and drugs.

4th Be honest

It is important to be informed, but do not pretend to know everything. Be prepared to say "I do not know, but I'll try and look for an answer. Be honest and clear in expressing your views to make it easier for your children to be honest with you.

5th Choose the right moment

Choose the right time to speak on the topic, using the situations that arise during natural events. This can occur when watching TV, while talking about someone from school or when you give them an answer to something that is too difficult to discuss.

6th Be calm (calm)

Being calm and sensible is also important. Do not prenagljujete. Remember that anger and explosive, impulsive reactions can just close the door to further communication, that is, to make you lose contact with your child. Explosive reactions are a sign of weakness and not a good position for a successful impact on young people.

7th Avoid conflict (conflict)

When there is conflict, it is difficult to solve the problem. Try to understand their point of view and encourage them to understand yours. If a conflict arises, stop and continue the conversation when you are both calm. Do not be afraid to say the word - sorry.

8th Continue to talk

When you have already discussed, it is important to do it again. Be ready to talk about drugs with your children, and start early.

9th Accurately determine the boundaries

Most young people expect and appreciate some ground rules. By being allowed to participate in setting these rules, encourages them to be more responsible in respect of the rules. Once you establish the rules together and agree on the consequences of their violation-Apply them.

Think of the way, and agree on how young people react if they find themselves in a situation where they are exposed drgama. For example, let them know that you are ready to come pick them up if they need it, even if it is very late.

However, to fully explain that you'd prefer that they do and do not lead to a situation where they can be exposed to illegal drugs.

10th Concentrate on the positive

Try not to react only to the errors of their children, in that which you are not satisfied. Praise your children when they behave well, and emphasize those things that work well. Should support them in making self feel good, and not treat them with respect.

They say - you say

What teens cited as the reasons for taking illegal drugs and how you can respond

Here are some of the reasons that young people give for taking drugs, and ideas on how you can respond to them at:

"Someone has tried it, so I thought / I could la / la I

Express your concern and examine their decision. Ask them if they have drugs to their expectations, and talk to them about the hazards imposed upotrebom.Pokušajte further to find out if they were forced, and explain what in this situation can do, where to go - you can continue to help them to cope adequately with a similar situation.

"I've always wanted / to try that drug

Ask what that drug is appealing, and what they expect to get from these types of drugs. Questions such as "How do you think / it would be like?, And" Why this drug? Can bear fruit. You may be able to talk about whether they have tried other drugs, and if so, why. Say that you are concerned about their behavior, and try to establish some ground rules.

"All my friends were doing it so I thought / la ... Why not?

Clear to them about what is your attitude toward drug use, and explain to them why you want them to use drugs. Ask them if they thought it was safe to use the drug only because their friends use. Explain to them that there are individual differences in response to drugs.

Ask them why they are, in the opinion of niihovom their friends used drugs, and whether they are aware of the reasons why drugs are usually taken. Talk about the dangers of experimenting with drugs. Perhaps it is useful to talk about the importance of being able to responsibly make their own decisions, rather than causes of the society.

"I felt / I is well after use

Try to find out the reason why the young people used drugs. Find out how they felt. This is a good time to offer help and the situation to determine if you can for them to do something, or if they want to talk about another issue that is bothering them. Talk about someone can feel good and less risky. Offer them constructive alternatives.

"All my school, family and life problems are gone

This statement is an opportunity to deal with other problems that plague your child. Let them know that if there are problems, you'd like to talk about them. Ask what you can do to make things better. Discuss whether the problems returned when the drugs stopped acting. Express your feelings about the dangers associated with drug uoptrebu. Specifically to them about that with them you can work on finding a better way of solving their problems.

"It gave me more confidence

Let them know you are concerned and explain that they do not need drugs to feel good. Share your own experiences when you find it difficult to fit into society, and explain to them what helped you to gain more confidence. It can be both positive and negative experiences. By talking about your personal experiences, you will gain more credibility with young people. Consider ways in which you can help to improve your child's self-esteem.

"Well, you used drugs

For this statement to be prepared if this applies to you. You need to be honest and open with your child.Admit that illicit drugs are dangerous, now that you made a different decision, and that they do not want to make the same mistake. You are an important role model.

What to do if you think a teenager (your child or student) tries on drugs?

It is important to discuss about this issue with a teenage boy.

Let them know you are concerned and to fear because they think that they might be using drugs.

Be open with them, so that they receive encouragement to be open with you. Otherwise, you will not know the full story of what is happening in their lives.

Talk to them about what they consider the benefits and dangers of the drug. This can give you the opportunity to give them new information about the dangers associated with the drug.

Where to seek help?

Do not be afraid to ask for help. There are many services and institutions that can provide support, advice and assistance in order to assist the person who is using drugs, their family and friends.

Remember, you do not have to fight alone against the problems caused by drugs. In our area there are many places where you can provide support and assistance. Use the phone numbers listed in the site to get in touch with people who can help and support.

One is to possibility to connect with others who have similar problems and so organized nastupitie to the wider community (state government) to share experiences and to | you new ideas on how to proceed.

What families can do to prevent substance abuse?

The most effective 'tool' to deter young people from taking drugs is a parent who devotes time and attention to their children.

Talk, Interest on for their livelihood

Be the one who talks to them and to their friends about what is happening at school, about the sport, about what interests them. The more parents and other family members involved in children's lives, more positive, the young people look at themselves, and all are more likely to respond by accepting family attitudes, beliefs, attitudes.

Notify each other and dogovarajte

If our regularly inform their children where you're going, when and where they can go back to you on | in if you need them, and makes it easier to create a habit with them to do the same.

Monitoring of children's activities and behavior does not mean that they do not believe me, it means that you care enough about them to take an interest in what they are doing.

Tell the drug when exercising and recreational activities as a constructive solution

Better safe than sorry, especially substance abuse. This means that it is worthwhile to invest the time to inform you about drugs and drug addiction, but also about the importance of sport and recreation for the protection of health and strengthening the body's resistance and personality, so that you can keep a reliable conversation about drugs so how about constructive ways of living and to overcome the problem.

This will allow you to not overdo it or you do not give false information, in which case that young people were less willing to accept your advice.

Remember, you do not need to be an expert to help the young person to choose not to use drugs or substances.

Encourage them to participate in sports or recreational activities

Physical activity (sport and recreational activities) are the natural and most convenient way for young people to meet those needs for which the drug reaching for and in addition learn to set goals, to fight for their achievement and to accept failure as part of life that can be aktovnošću overcome their own and make friends that will be a valuable support in a variety of situations.

How sport and recreation help?

How sport and recreation can help?

All living creatures, including man, and are alive and well, but in order to remain healthy need for physical activity and exercise. Some types of activities and movements are an integral part of everyday life, but they are not enough in order to be physically healthy and mentally strong, balanced, and that we would do well.It requires us, and sports or recreational activities as witnessed by the number of people who spontaneously, for pleasure dealing with some of the many sports and recreational activities. The simplest activities of this type have a number of effects on our body and mental state.

How sports or recreational activities acting on us?

* Protects us from negative feelings (emotions) and makes us feel calm, pleasant, to be a good mood because it neutralizes norepinephrine, a hormone that is secreted when we are under stress. In addition, after exercise, during which he is engaged sympathetic nervous system speeds up many functions in the body, it begins to seem that the parasympathetic calms all functions of the body which during activities were accelerated.

* Makes us feel stronger, mentally refreshed, and thus self-confident in meeting new tasks and problems because it improves the heart and lungs and all parts are better nourished body, including the brain

* Contributes to the beautiful appearance and health because of these activities comes to burning excess calories to eject toxic substances from the body and to the strengthening and shaping muscles

* Increases the ability to set their own goals in life

* Develops perseverance, endurance and stamina in the encounter difficulties with engaging in sports and recreational activities makes a person better equipped to deal with different requirements and problems

* Enriching social life because it allows the acquisition of new and reliable friends who are a significant source of support in different life situations. Those who participate in sports are usually popular among | in Friends.

* Provides an opportunity for fun and entertainment, and to experience the great thrill | of when you achieve your goal

* Provides an opportunity to discover the unique capabilities of a sport and so we come to the material gain.

How much do we need these activities?

In order to feel good and be healthy enough to corporal and three times a week for half an hour or even sports and recreational activities as the easiest walk is brisk walking. The important thing is just to choose activities according to their own abilities as they would not have caused a great strain. It is important to adjust mogućnotima ambitions and how these activities would become an additional source of stress.


The great power of drug addiction and you ruin lives and destroy families. As a parent who knows the facts about drugs and talk openly with their children about this issue, you will be able to protect the younger generation from the dangers of substance abuse.

The first step is that you are also well informed about the various types of drugs, their effects and how to identify them. Here's a list of the most common drugs, descriptions of how they look and act in the body.


Products: Marijuana, Hashish, Hashish Oil, Cannabis sativa, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, bong (bhang).

Street Names: Pot, grass, weed, reefer, joint, Mary-Jane, Acapulco Gold, Rope, Mull, Cone, spliff, dope, hash.

There are two types of drugs that smoke - marijuana and hashish. Marijuana is made from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant called cannabis or hemp (cannabis) and hashish is made from the resin of the plant, which is dried and pressed, and prepared for smoking.

Many people smoke marijuana, clean, and combine it with a tobacco cigarette in hand made out that they call a joint ("joint"). Sometimes the hemp smoke pipe called a "bong."

Effects: Short-term effects include feeling relaxed, laughing and giggling, loss of internal psychological inhibitions, increased appetite.

Symptoms may include sudden mood changes, slowed thinking, slowed reflexes, dilated pupils, dry mouth, rapid pulse, delusions and sometimes hallucinations.

Possible consequences: If you take a long time, there is a risk of impairment of memory and concentration, the weakening of the will to work and study, weight gain. It is believed that cannabis derivatives for very young users affected by the disturbance and blocking the development of samosvijeti, thus damaging psychological development function in children and adolescents.


Products: Amphetamine, MDMA (Ecstasy) Methamphetamine, Ritalin, Dexamphetamine, woman.

Among the most popular stimulants including amphetamines and ecstasy.


Street names: the most common - speed, or ox-blood (burgundy liquid form).

Ampfetamini be produced as a powder, tablet, paste or liquid form.
It is usually taken orally as tablets, although some users snort it as a powder, injected or injected into a vein.

When they are sold on the street, usually wrapped in aluminum foil, packed in a plastic bag or small balloons. They have a strong odor and bitter taste.

Effects: It causes euphoria and excitement, a sense of comfort and confidence.
Symptoms may include: sweating, chills, nausea and vomiting, dry mouth, dilated pupils, and decreased appetite.

Possible consequences: Prolonged use leads to chronic sleep problems, weight loss, high blood pressure, feelings of fear and anxiety, paranoid ideas, reduced ability to control emotions, so it's possible violent behavior, severe depression, damage to nerve cells.

* Ecstasy
Ecstasy is a synthetic drug, is also known as MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine). It is usually produced in small tablets, but in capsules or powder that is snorted or injected with an injection.

Street Names: Ecstasy, or MDMA addition, it called it-E, eggs, ecky, XTC.
They think it is currently one of the most popular party drugs, because it's used mostly young people in discos, nightclubs and parties.

Effect: Causes a feeling of comfort and increased self-confidence, and removes the psychological inhibitions. The feeling of anger and frustration disappears and develops a feeling of "everyone loves everyone."

Symptoms may include: sweating, chills, nausea and vomiting, hallucinations and anxiety attacks.

An additional problem with this drug is that it inhibits inhormaciju in the brain that the body is hot, and it happens to people who had taken ecstasy at a party or disco club prevrućoj radiatively active gases end up in the hospital due to heat stroke. Therefore those who are on these drugs must constantly drink water to prevent dehydration of the body. But, on the other hand, too much water in combination with ecstasy causes brain swelling and brain damage.

Possible consequences: this drug is very dangerous for those suffering from heart disease, diabetes, asthma, depression or mental illness.

Other party-drugs: include Ketamine (Special K) and PCP (Angel Dust - angel dust). These two drugs belong to the group of anesthetics that have a hallucinogenic effect.

GHB (known as Fantasy) is also a pain reliever, but it is a still little known. In small doses, produces a feeling of relaxation, calmness and mild euphoria. In larger doses it can cause anguish and vomiting, respiratory collapse and respiratory failure, and coma.


Products: The most popular - LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and Psilocybin (also known as magic mushrooms-magic mushrooms).

Street names: acid, trips, tabs, blotter, wedges

Prepared in liquid or solid form, sometimes on a smaller piece of paper decorated polularnim images and characters.

Effect: produces a state of trance This is a powerful hallucinogen that alters the perception of reality, and, under his influence, "see" sounds or "hear" colors. Changing perceptions of time, space, and their perceptions of themselves.

Symptoms: A very unpleasant and dangerous symptoms of the so-called "bad trip" - ("bad" trip ") are intense fear, paranoid ideas, unpredictable gusts of memories and reliving unpleasant or traumatic events from the past (so-called" flashbacks ").
These frightening symptoms can be activated at any time, even if it's been many months and years after taking LSD.

Possible consequences: Damage to the memory and concentration. Reduced ability to reason and coordination, as well as experiencing hallucinations increase the risk of injury, violent behavior, paranoid reactions or dangerous.

Products: Heroin, Morphine, Codeine, Methadone,

Street names: horse, hammer, H, dope, junk, gear, boy.

It belongs to a group of drugs with opium, morphine and codeine. These are substances that have an effect and to eliminate the intense pain.

Heroin is usually prepared as a powder, and can swallow, smoke or take drugs, smoke or inject injection.There is no "safe" way of taking drugs heroin, because deaths occur regardless of the manner in which the heroine takes.

Effects: Short-term effects cause euphoria, insomnia and lack of experience of pain.
There is a high risk of addiction and long-term use leads to a number of physical disorders and social problems.

Symptoms: lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, constricted pupils, slow breathing.
Possible consequences: cause impotence in men, menstrual disorders and infertility in women. There is a high risk of contracting AIDS and hepatitis B because of the common use of needles, syringes. Heroin addicts almost always have problems at work because they are unable to work, family problems, trouble with the law because resort to theft to find the money for drugs. Deaths are frequent due to an overdose of injected heroin or heroin use unclean.

Products: Cocaine, Crack Cocaine
Street names: for Cocaine: coke, snow, happy dust, flake, white lady, for crack cocaine: crack, rock, base, sugar block.

Cocaine is a stimulant that speeds up the brain activity. It is usually prepared as a white powder with no odor and bitter taste. The cocaine powder is coca leaf extract. Cocaine that is sold on the street is often a mixture of milk powder, or flour. Snorted or injected with an injection.

Effect: Boosts energy, alertness and general mood and sexual arousal.

Symptoms: dilated pupils, loss of appetite, and erratic behavior are possible immediately after taking the first dose. The effects of good mood and high energy ("High Effects) lasted only 30 minutes, after which there is a" fall ("low effects). And, if it is used several times in one day lead to extreme agitation, hallucinations, aggressive behavior unpredictable, nausea and vomiting, pain in the chest or heart attack.

Possible consequences: Prolonged use of cocaine can lead to chronic insomnia, agitation and increased irritability, weight loss, paranoia and complete exhaustion. Often ušmrkivanje cocaine powder damages the nostrils, leading to bleeding from the nose, sinus infections and damage to the nasal tissue

Products: Adhesives, Gasoline, Aerosol, Paints

Street names: laughing gas, whippits, nitrous, snappers, poppers ...
Some of these chemicals that are inhaled can cause temporary euphoria.
Symptoms: dizziness, slurred speech, poor coordination, nausea, vomiting, slow breathing.
Possible consequences: Damage to the brain, chest pain, muscle pain, joint pain, heart problems, severe depression, fatigue, loss of appetite, bronchial spasms, sores in the nose and mouth, strange and wanton conduct, shortness of breath, or sudden death.

The great power of drug addiction and you ruin lives and destroy families. As a parent who knows the facts about drugs and talk openly with their children about this issue, you will be able to protect the younger generation from the dangers of substance abuse.


You do not need to be an expert on drug abuse to young people in the decision to not to use drugs! When a child is thinking about whether to take any drugs or not, one of the important questions in his mind is "what will my parents think?". So it is very important that children know exactly what you think of it and you do not want them to take any drugs. Never.

When you talk with your kids about drugs, be honest, clearly and unambiguously explain that you expect them not to take any drugs and never. Some parents tacitly assume that experimenting with so-called. soft drugs is not so dangerous because there are many tried it at a young age, and did not become drug addicts.A young man of mixed messages: "You should not use drugs, but soft drugs are not particularly bad for all the people" is interpreted as a kind of tacit parental permission to experiment with drugs.

It is important to mention that often the dangers associated with drug use, their potential to correct erroneous beliefs about the "harmlessness" of some drugs or small quantities, and to explain to children the following facts about drug addicts and drug abuse:

All illegal drugs bring with them the risk and danger. There is no harmless amount, type of drug or harmless ways of using drugs.
No one can ever know for sure what actually takes.
There is no guarantee of purity or strength of the drug, and no one knows for sure when the drug is mixed.
No one can know for sure how the drugs act, even if it has already been used.
It is very dangerous to mix drugs and intoxicants srdstva, including alcohol and drugs are prescription.
Statistics have shown that most often starts taking heroin after prolonged intake of other drugs, and that a significant number of young people who start drinking alcohol for a 12-13 years, it tends to take and later heroin.
Different people may react differently to the same drug, and it is possible that the same person has different reactions to the same drug and the same amount depending on the current mood, mental state, or depending on how many times before taking the drug. (Nature and effect of certain drugs, read the previous issue).
Will pump some drugs in his drink, and so will my child become an addict!

Many parents believe that their children are mature, educated and of themselves would never have tried drugs, but they can happen to drug dealers want to make dependent, and so later on making them, thus allowing them to secretly inject drugs a glass with a drink at a party, disco or in a bar.

Something like this rarely happens! First, there is little point in a drug interferes drink! Second, even if this happens, a person who drinks a drug dissolved in the drink will not automatically become dependent on the drug, no matter what drug it is. Therefore, drug dealers would thus profit.

It is much more likely to have friends or acquaintances to try to persuade your child to smoke marijuana at a party, take a pill of ecstasy in a disco, or try another drug. Peer pressure is an important factor in the development of addiction and we need to help your children learn to say no in such social situations.


The young man is very important to have your friends and the friends with whom he is close. But the young and not mature enough person can easily fall into the trap of common feelings and actions. People in the group will often do things that would not have done that alone. So will a lot more screaming at a football game when you are in a group, but to come alone, or dress "wacky clothes" when they and other similarly trained group. But all this is usually not an issue, and membership in the group is a natural tendency of young people to society because they feel safer, more confident and better. But there is a downside to the aspirations of young people belonging to the group if the people of the society are doing things that are dangerous and harmful to them or others. The dilemma of a young man whether to conform with others in the company or not, is a very strong and unpleasant. If you do what others are doing, it may be later regret, but at least feel accepted in the group. If he refuses, then he feels isolated, "different", or "smart," which will be in the company of others ridiculed and rejected.

Many parents think that children who took drugs at a party and was nagovarana ubjeđivana you should try it, so they caved to pressure the company. However, young people report that it does not happen that way.They will try to take drugs with their companion, but more because they want to belong to that company, or do what others are doing, rather than what they had been persuaded to it or forced.

Therefore, it is important to prepare a young man how to react if they found in a society where friends are experimenting with drugs, or someone offers him marijuana because "everyone in that society smoke marijuana." It is important to teach children not only to refuse drugs, but also how to refuse. Some children find themselves in the uncomfortable situation when they say "No, I do not want to try it," because they think that they will be ridiculed society. Others, however, attack, criticize and pose strict parents digestion of those drugs, so we avoided the society. It is therefore useful to parents and children talk about how the child will say, "No thanks, I'd rather not," to remain firm in its decision not to take drugs, and that without feeling bad. Children need to understand Kolio is important to take responsibility for yourself and your own behavior and make their own decisions, rather than simply imitate others.

There are other reasons why young people use drugs:

* Curiosity, experimentation, boredom and a desire to experience the thrill of something new or
* Rebellion
* Depression
* Method of relaxation and stress reduction

Do not underestimate the impact your behavior has on children, especially if they themselves smoke, drink alcohol excessively, or taking medications without a prescription or drug.

Clear boundaries

Most young parents when they cost consult and permit them to participate in defining the rules. This will be more willing to take greater responsibility to them and comply with them. Once together define a rule that reads: NO to drugs!, Make sure that young people know what the consequences will be borne if we break it.

Define and agree on how young people can react when they find themselves in situations where they are offered drugs. For example, tell them that you will always pick them up if they want to and if you need to, even late at night. But it is clear to them and say that you would prefer to do not put in a situation where they could be exposed to illicit drugs.

And, do not forget the cardinal rule of good upbringing of children: praise their children for good behavior and always place the emphasis on what we do well. Encourage them to feel comfortable in their own skin, and show them that they are valuable people.


It is important that you as a parent know more about drugs, to be able to talk about the dangers of drug use with their children. Many children can not take seriously talk about drugs with their parents who are full of prejudices about drug addiction, a wholly erroneous beliefs and do not even know the basics about the types of drugs.

"My parents are terribly afraid that I'm going to start using drugs, and constantly lecturing me about it, and have no idea what is actually marijuana, heroin and what!", Complaining that many of our young people who believe that information about the drugs they need more of their parents than them. The parent who does not know enough about drugs is very inclined to believe the many erroneous but scary "hearsay news" and often unnecessarily frighten themselves and their children, while, on the other hand, because of their lack of information about drugs can be overlooked or actual danger signs of drug addiction.

How do you know that your child is using drugs?

Rarely will you ever be able to be absolutely sure. Many of the signs that indicate that your child is taking drugs also be signs of God and for something completely different - a disease or disorder and emotional crisis. However, most of those present here are warning signs:
- Mood swings, depression and lethargy of the jumps in the euphoric, cheerfully mood.
- Red eyes, dilated pupils, persistent sore throat and nose, coughing, and when there is no cold, podočnajci, diarrhea, sweating, signs on the body of the needle.
- Excessive sleeping
-Increased activity, "excess energy".
Sudden weight loss or weight gain.
-The sudden need for money, the money disappearing from your home.
- Loosening in school, poor grades, truancy from school.
- Changing Society. Leaving socializing with old friends, and "the game" as some new faces.
- Staying up late at night, do not respect the agreement with parents about when to go back home, problems with the police.

If a drug can become a reality in your home

First Stay calm. I get angry and want to talk to your child while under the influence of drugs, you will not achieve anything.

Second When the effect of the drug passes, try to find out what happened and why your child started to use drugs. Is it out of sheer boredom and a desire to experiment, or there are other reasons. Ask him how the drug affects you take him and what was his motivation for it. Find out about the drug.

3rd Put it clear that you love him and care about him, and that is why it is absolutely unacceptable for you to continue on with the drug.

4th Do not waste time blaming yourself as a parent. You will not get much time to change the situation.Some young people will experiment with drugs even if their parents are perfect. I prefer to concentrate on is what to do if your child stops taking the drug.

5th Do not be afraid to ask for help. Contact the school counselor, teacher, doctor. There are specialized centers for the treatment of drug addiction, and help parents and family members. Do not hesitate to ask for help. And remember, it's never too late to help your child to overcome problems with drugs. 

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