Friday, January 11, 2013

Stuttering in children

Stuttering develops learning different languages ​​and non-speech behavior, becoming a learned behavior. The knowledge that something can be learned by learning some other change is the underlying basis of stuttering therapy. New learning conditions and corroboration fluency, delete the old speech patterns, and the place of speech netečnog tense and eventually comes fluent speech. 

Given the variety of factors that cause or increase the stuttering, the necessary changes in the child's environment and creating a positive verbal interaction between parent - child. This requires close cooperation between parents and therapists to jointly address a situation in which a child speaking a stutter and those situations in which a child is smoothest.

The frequency and severity of stuttering vary. Sometimes a child will speak without difficulty, usually when talking to himself, or with their favorite animals while singing. Also, many people do not stutter when they speak with the voice of another person, when they speak and write at the same time, when you say the deeper tone of voice, imitating someone's speech or use some of the techniques for achieving speech fluency. Stuttering can disappear completely for a long time and then come back in full force, especially in stressful situations.

Circumstances that can increase stuttering are:

• Fast hate violence,

• Ending child

• Bargaining what the child wants to say,

• Begin speaking immediately after the child finishes,

• bombing of a child with a lot of questions,

• insistence to join the conversation

• unrealistic expectations that are placed in front of the child,

• conflict between family members, about discipline,

• chaotic way of life in the family without established routines,

• experiences that forcing a child to feel humiliated.

How parents can help?

The first and most important suggestion is that parents change their behavior. This does not mean that they are guilty as a child stutters, since the causes are multiple, but I can try to change the way we listen and respond to their child, and to understand that a child expresses feelings with words.

You need to listen to more than the literal meaning of the word, because the child still sending emotional messages to their way of talking (emphasizing words, changing loudness, unusual hesitations, pauses, repetitions) and the way of looking while speaking. In this way, the signal is detected that requires intense listening to the child and showing love, attention and interest

In such cases, you should remember and do this:

First Listen patiently what the child says, not as he says and respond to the message behind the words;

Second Allow the child to complete a thought without interruption;

3rd Maintain natural eye contact until the child a story;

4th Avoid supplementing the child, some words are his own;

5th After the child's speech, respond slowly and unhurriedly, using some of the words that it used it, for example., If he says: "I see jjja zzzeku," say, "oh, you see a bunny, so cute";

6th Ask fewer questions (only one) and give him enough time to respond;

7th Slowing down the pace of life at home and spend at least five minutes every day talking with the child without haste, slowly relaxed (relaxed);

8th Find ways to show your child that you love and appreciate and that you are beautiful together;

9th Provide in-house calmly, relaxed atmosphere, everyone listens to everyone in the family, when one speaks and another hears so alternately. Stuttering should not be an excuse for a child to have a monopoly on talking and interrupting other people while talking.

10th The child must be learned standards of behavior, social values ​​and the kind of responsibility that is expected of him.

11th Consistency in bedtime at a certain time, it helps the child to get used to sleeping time, because the line daily from beneficial: rising, dressing, meals, sleep, reducing uncertainty in his life.

12th Make sure to have enough rest, as fatigue improves stuttering.

13th Old ways of responding to stutter as "speak slowly", "breathe deeply", "relax", are examples of unnecessary suggestions do not help, but can only worsen the problem.

14th Pause for 2-3 seconds after the child finishes the sentence, before answering his questions or comments, because it will be a model for slower speech.

15th Use simple vocabulary and sentence structure, in a light, relaxed pace, occasionally feed in the light reps, and if a child asks a question about it, tell him that adults sometimes make mistakes.

16th Whenever there are problems with the story, let me finish communication, let him understand that is an important message, and do not fight.

17th Allow the child to show fear and anger, and to jointly proanalizirajte.

18th If the child starts to talk to you while you are doing things that require concentration, tell him that this time you can not watch it, but listening to him carefully.

19th Count how many times have you said NO during the day and cut it in half. Restrictions should be provided with timely explanation.

20th Do not place unrealistic demands before the child, who has not come as yet, either in terms of learning, even in sports and recreational activities. Their day must not be overburdened with obligations imposed. They have to have enough time for spontaneous, relaxed play and socializing.

Is it possible to prevent stuttering?

General measures to prevent stuttering related to the prevention predispozicijskih causes for its occurrence. This means ensuring the conditions that promote normal physical and mental development of the child, such as enriched diet with added vitamins, physical exercise, swimming, breathing and relaxation exercises, walking, harmonious, peaceful and calm atmosphere, without family conflicts, verbal abuse or excessive indulgence.

Quarrels, mental and physical insults poor children are immature nervous system, and it grows numb, listless and frightened. Spoiled indulgence and lead to problem behavior of the child, it becomes a breeding ground for various discrepancies in the physical and speech development.

Children who have been fertile ground for the emergence of stuttering (weak, too sensitive, inherently burdened) require more intensive prevention. Oversensitive child should not be too excited very active games (especially at night), watching television and videos. By the third year, the TV should be limited to one hour per day, and to be selected with a clear understandable drawing pictures, content that takes place at normal speed, beautiful voice model, shows about animals and children. It is better to offer in return the children listen to radio broadcasts, audio plays and fairy tales, and songs for children, in which the speech of actors and singers clear, expressive and rhythmic. Commercials are harmful because they give a lot of voice and visual information in a very short time. Also, in today's computer games and aggressive content, and long sitting before the screen, should not be a substitute for family conversation and play activities with children.

Hypersensitive children should be protected from unexpected events that do not meet the normal daily routine (traveling, feasting, visiting amusement parks, etc..), But for them to be prepared in advance.

It should take care of our own way of speaking when a child is listening. It should be smooth, clear, grammatically correct, composed of expanded content, but simple and well-formed sentences, not just the short commands. We should not force your child to repeat words or whole sentences that are too heavy for him. When talking fast and stumbling, gently helping him to speak calmly and slowly, and if you falter not ask him to repeat it, but gently draws attention to another topic. Should not it be fixed attention on the faults, but he explains that he is able to speak properly and beautifully. You need to establish the rules of communication in the family, and teach your child to develop listening through reading stories, fairy tales and verses, encouraging you and just talk about them.

For a child to be separated predisposed particular time of day, at least an hour, when he is given full attention, reducing the story, and deals with his sedate games (creating, drawing), reading, walking in nature, does not correct his speech, not He points out the error, not a tease and not imitate his jamming.Sometimes it takes a child to point to voice the same if they are the result of negligence, but it does not fix the attention on the differences in the speech, but he explains that it is able to speak correctly and fluently.I always give him plenty of time to answer, do not hurry, do not ask the tough questions that require a rambling response, especially in the presence of others. Never should the adult guests to demonstrate "how smart kid" asking him complicated questions and asking to recite a long and complicated lines that are not appropriate to their age. Since the expression of uncertainty in the speech occurs due to the underdeveloped vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, parents will help children by actively assist him in learning about the world, learning new concepts to enrich vocabulary and improving pronunciation votes

Parents should not differ from the normal initial sticking phenomena of stuttering, and at times can a speech therapist for help. When a child begins to repeated short speech elements, syllables or sounds, frequently with the change of pitch or structure of words, as is evident from the tension of facial muscles, raise your shoulders, swallowing air, sudden interruptions in speech means that require urgent intervention to speech and language stuttering becomes a habit and traumatizes the child. And that is most beneficial to keep calm and unconcerned behavior, not teaching children how to speak. This would only achieve a negative osvešćavanje difficulties in children.

Ph. D. degree in special education Milivojka Markovic - speech therapist


What is stuttering?

Stuttering (balbuties) is a fluency disorder that prevents the normal flow of speech. Everyone is sometimes disfluentan, but what really makes a person who stutters is different from a normal voice disfluencijama the type and frequency of these disfluencija. Stuttering is a complex disorder that is manifested by an above-average number of voice disfluencija, but may include a number of additional communication, emotional and behavioral disorders. Stuttering is, therefore, a multidimensional problem affecting the person as a whole and apart from the obvious speech difficulties may involve negative feelings and perceptions of people who stutter, such as humiliation, shame, guilt, anxiety, frustration, lack of confidence and a sense of inferiority. Many of the features visible stuttering related to the lessons, often maladaptive behaviors that a person who stutters is used to avoid or postpone stuttering.

Stuttering characteristics are reflected in the following:

Repeats or repeat votes (bbb-bike), syllables (ku-ku-house), parts of words (bin-basket-basketball), whole words and phrases.

Prolongation or unnatural pronunciation votes or long syllables (aaaaaaautomobil)

Inadequate pause, hesitation or voiceless delays in the flow of speech arising from blocking airflow

Speech in sudden jerks, and people trying to initiate or sustain phonation

Irregular breathing

Avoiding the party is looking into the eyes

Avoidance of certain words and everyday speaking situations

Negative feelings such as humiliation, frustration, a sense of inferiority, etc.. (In the later stages of the disorder)

Other reactions associated with stuttering, resp. reactions that accompany stuttering such as muscle tension, lips, jaw, and / or neck, quivering lips, jaw and / or tongue while trying to start a speech, nervously tapping his foot on the floor, eyes blinking, head twitches and tics different (and all in order to avoid stuttering). There are many such reactions, which vary with each individual.

Variability in the severity of stuttering, as the voice of the situation, the other person and the message that is trying to convey. It may happen that a person who stutters speaks fluent in speech therapy clinic than at school or at work, or that he has no trouble expressing what he wants for dinner at home, but there are considerable difficulties when ordering a meal in a restaurant. Conversations with a spouse can be easier than with the employer. A person can be completely fluent when singing, but have significant speech difficulties during a phone conversation, etc..

A sense of loss of control. A person who stutters can experience the fear of certain words, sounds or situations, fear of stuttering, and a sense of embarrassment and shame. Certain sounds and words can be avoided. The word, which people think it's hard to say, can be replaced another, or a particular speech situation can be avoided entirely. For example, a person who stutters may still be waiting for someone else to answer the phone, or visiting the shops rather than an hour to ask the seller where you can find a certain thing. Such reactions to stuttering occur in the later stages of the disorder.

Normal disfluencije

Everyone is sometimes disfluentan in terms of prolongation or repetition of certain words and exclamation points. But disfluencije in people who do not stutter are not as frequent as in those who stutter. Generally speaking, there are the different types of disfluencija. Normal disfluencije mostly consist of repetitions of whole words or syllables like mind and also, while the characteristic stuttering repetition and prolongation of votes and records. Approximately 7-10% of the average person's speech disfluentno. When the speech of a person disfluentan in proportion higher than 10%, then it can be said that the person stutters.

Many children go through a period of normal dysfluency between 2 and 5 years of age. When these children disfluencija frequency can be 10%, and sometimes more, and they usually consist of the repetition of words or phrases and unnecessary insertion of different voices and shouts. The word is being repeated, with ease, once or twice, and the child does not show any tension in speech and often not even aware of their difficulties. It is believed to cause this dysfluency in children could be a combination of several factors such as increased development of speech and speech-motor control and external stresses that children face in the critical early stages of speech development. With the development of communication skills in a number of these children usually disfluencije disappear, but it does not always happen.


We still do not know for certain what causes stuttering. Various factors or combination of factors may cause people in different emergence of stuttering. Furthermore, what causes stuttering can be very different from what eventually keeps disorder or makes it worse. Possible circumstances that are likely to cause stuttering disturbance in muscle coordination of movements of speech, lack of control over cerebral speech functions, speed of speech development, the way in which people turn to the child and stress. It is impossible to ignore the potential impact of genetic predisposition.

It is known that children who stutter are no more susceptible to psychological problems than children who do not stutter. Generally speaking, there is no reason to believe that emotional trauma causes stuttering.Although the result of many years of stuttering may be some emotional problems.

Multi-factorial and dynamic nature of stuttering prevents the adoption of a single theory that would give a comprehensive explanation about the origin and development of the multi-layer disturbances. Stuttering is a syndrome that includes many uncertainties even for the most experienced speech therapists and researchers in the field of stuttering.

However, we can say that the root cause of stuttering is almost irrelevant. In fact, for most people who stutter ways of reacting, feelings and beliefs that develop after a stuttering start but made up a larger part of the problem. So it looks as stuttering acquired, or unconscious behavior. habit. Once the resolve negative feelings, thoughts, behaviors and reactions, then usually remains little or no element that keeps stuttering syndrome.


Rashness, in speech pathology, manner of speaking that is marked by a kaotičnošću, rapid transitions from one thought to another, in most cases, accelerated speech, lack of limiting the basic ideas, the inability to develop basic ideas, abundant strange associations equal in importance the basic idea, there are difficulties in the matter of concentration, all of which usually manifests in oral speech. This type of speech in speech pathology is called rashness (batharismus) or eng. cluttering. According to the DA Weiss, "haste is a disorder of preparatory thought processes that precede the speech based on hereditary predispositions. Cluttering the verbal manifestation of the central language imbalance that cuts in all channels of communication." Because verbal features (one of the most common symptoms are delays in speech) is often known in the differential diagnosis confused with stuttering.

Some Facts about stuttering:

* Stuttering occurs more frequently in men than in women, at a ratio of 3.5: 1

* Stuttering is not a symptom of an emotional or psychological disorder, although it can be a source of stress and cause some emotional difficulties

* People who stutter are less intelligent than people who speak normally

* Stuttering is not learned by imitating other people who stutter

* About 1% of adults in the world stutter

* About 3 million Americans have problems with stuttering

* Stuttering occurs in all cultures and social groups

A person who stutters is considering a normal speed, although the expression of these thoughts may be slower

* There is no magic cure for stuttering

* Stuttering is possible to overcome the way that it is not a problem for normal communication


Stuttering is a hereditary

Usually considered a psychological problem, stuttering is most likely the result of genetic mutations that are included in the daily metabolic processes - according to a latest research geneticists.

Stuttering is characterized by the repetition of words or syllables, delays in creating sounds to form words and sudden interruptions in liquid speech. It affects more than 60 million people worldwide. Research on twins and adopted persons indicate that stuttering is heritable.

The results indicate that the most recent analysis of this unpleasant speech disorder is to blame ten different mutations in three genes and enzymes in their composition.

"The real causes of stuttering is much sought and hardly worthy of the attention of researchers. Would think that our results will be sufficient to convince skeptics that stuttering is simple - a biological problem," said Denis Drajna, a geneticist at the National Institute for Hearing Disorders and other communication problems in Bethesda, Maryland, U.S..

The study is based on data obtained after the experiments performed since 2005. year, identified chromosome 12 as "a particularly important factor in the development of stuttering."

In the latest survey, conducted on 400 people who stutter, Drajna and associates have identified specific mutations in the "long arm" of chromosome 12 that occur in people who stutter - but never in people who do not suffer from this disorder.

And identified three genes linked to stuttering - known as GNPTAB, and GNPTG NAGPA - play the same role in the body, which contain enzymes that help direct the other enzymes that act as cellular organelles called lysosomi and the ever "break" and recycle cell parts and refer them for further "koriušćenje".

Any of the ten mutations identified by Drajna and his research team, may intervene in the process, sending the target enzymes in different places and are forced to accumulate lysosome fractions of cells that were not properly "degraded".

Researchers have not yet discovered why this particular mutation causes stuttering but Drajna doubt that there are specific neurons "in charge" of speech in the brain that are very "receptive" to this anomaly.

Previous investigations suggest that the replacement of the enzyme could one day be a therapy for the treatment of stuttering. Synthetic enzymes could be injected into the human bloodstream inject - from which the cells could take them in and replace the "wrong" enzymes.

"Many people with this disorder claim that it destroys life," says Drajna. Although, however, the majority of children who stutter lose this inhibition with age, some the disorder remains for life. 

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