Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tips for your students

Start the school year is difficult for students and parents. Leaders are terrified of the unknown, not happy over the duties after the holidays, and all that affects moms and dads who are faced with both emotional and financial stress. For you have made ​​a list of eight best advice of experienced mom with increasing order to manage and survive September 1. 

Starting school will more easily overcome if the preparation time
As soon as you stepped into the second half of August for most children and parents nightmare begins. Children look for anything and everything for school, new pencil, screwdriver, erasers, rulers of the modern, expensive clothes .... complain of anything and everything, some even falling ill before departure. And when you start the school year starts and homework problems. Here's how to successfully overcome all these difficult situations.

Buy the best model and may be more that can all fit nicely into it. Although it seems cruel when you see the champion with a bag to the knee, there's nothing worse than to buy a smaller model, and to him the way to school notebooks and pens falling out. Ask mom starijh students who are the most practical models, and you can povedet and its latest baby in the purchase. Note that the zipper is strong and made of metal. Among other supplies for the school do not spend too much money - these are things anyway for one season.

Most children can read, write, but also adds before starting school. Do not force, but work with your child as much as it is fun. It will all learn in school - and because moving first grade! In addition, when the child starts school you will have plenty of opportunity to learn from him. You do not have it before the official start.

Prepared food for a great holiday Package in lunch box, preferably made of metal. If you are packing your food in the bag, chances are it will stay somewhere on the bench. The ideal is to work packing a sandwich, because the child does not have much time to eat while at school. So he better prepare a quality meal when you get home.

At 9 in BED
Even before a child starts school, "enter" into the school routine. Later, skip going out and sleeping until 10 am, watching TV and breakfast in pajamas. It is best to two weeks before departure you start to push the boundaries of sleep and getting up to first September everything was ready.

Get a drying rack for a closet that can "agree" Clothing combinations. This will allow you to save the outfit for the child throughout the week without losing time in the morning when all the folks in the crowd. Also, most of the girls asks what carry the most popular in school, buy something that you can afford, but not fall into debt due to start school. Take advantage of summer sales, but you do not have to pokupujte all before September 1.

A quality backpack for books is something that is meant to buy regularly. But if your school boy "begging" and new jeans, tennis shoes from the last collection, jacket ... then be careful.
Explanation: Back to school is a lot of pressure, they want to fit in, to show something new, and it usually involves modern shoes.
- Children pretarno care and want to have control even when it comes to clothes, because the rest can not be affected - said Cathy Guttentag, an assistant professor at Children's Institute in Texas.
Tip: Talk with your child about his concerns. Find out what you really want, explain what you have for money, and agree how much pocket money will be reduced because of the extra purchase. As soon as you mention the allowance, the child will change their minds about things.

When a child begins to complain about anything and everything, heavy domestic, bad teachers, rough fellow, caustic comments from friends of the first bench .... let him just a few minutes.
Explanation: The child is socialized in a completely new environment, every year, so many things its hard to fall.Needs to exhaust the child, but do not overdo it.
Tip: When you start wailing immediately divert the conversation. Ask "How was the birthday party last night?", "How did you spent on training?" .... Talk about having fun, friends. The new theme will stop and turn unpleasant thoughts to something better.

Children are incredibly talented and creative when it comes to making up excuses not to do homework on time. It is particularly difficult period in the first quarter.
Explanation: For the child who starts first grade in the new situation is stressful, confusing, it takes time to adapt and organize. For older students start the school year is the beginning of a new daily regime.
Tip: Insist on routine, daily tasks, the tasks used to divide into smaller units. Set limits and prohibitions if these rules are not respected. Agree and that is a place in your home part where the students work and learn.

The first day of school

Closer to the first day of school ... 

Every new experience has a different effect on your child, however, the first day of school is special. In the first few days your child will learn about new places, people, rules and relationships. It can be exciting, but scary.

The first day of school can mitigate this by your child's school to show before the school year, after which you talk with your child about everything seen. Inquire about the curriculum so that you can explain to your child what to expect at school. Talk positively about your school days and let your child know that you expect a nice period in which to meet a lot of friends with whom to learn the game interesting and useful things. It is important that you are optimistic and positive from the first moment when you start talking with your child about starting school.
Your positive attitude and cheerful, it will help the child to be less fearful, and that in the end and happy school days. Together go buy everything you need for school, let your child choose a backpack and everything else that he likes and will happily wait for the first day to try everything. In the morning before school, be calm and relaxed, do not make nervous. And have breakfast together with a previously prepared rukakom a visit to the school.
In the school yard will definitely wait and worry about other moms with children, so take the opportunity to familiarize yourself and your child to learn at least one other school, because he will enter the classroom in the society will be much easier. After the first day everything will be easier because it will help your child get used to the school environment and responsibilities.
At first, the only important your attitude, so if you're impatient for the start of happy school and your child will act like this.

Prepare your child for the first day of school

Two months before school begins with the preparations for her first graders first day of school, so that everything was as bright, without undue fear and tears ...

Starting in first grade is a big step for your child, but for you, so it is useful to begin with but now preparing to fall on the first day passed in a new environment with less stress and problems. A long hot summer is ahead of you and this is the perfect opportunity to explain to the child all the concerns you may have and answer all his questions.So, every day, take some time his pupil, and through play and conversation make all the preparations.

Answer all questions

It is a great possibility that the child will be fearful of the first day of school. It'll easily notice this by the mere mention of the school to become irritable, weepy, or will have a temper tantrum. This then is one more reason why you have to be made regarding the preparation. Do not begin to bombard the child with different information, but start with his own short stories as you were when you went to school. Speak only beautiful adventures and you have all experienced. Answer all the questions that the child will have, no matter how you made it meaningless. Child they are often crucial.

With a positive attitude, you will gradually build your child's confidence. No, do not exaggerate and lie about events at school. If the child went to kindergarten, accustomed to be separated from you, and separation at the school should not be a problem. However, if the child did not go to kindergarten, explain that you are going to accompany you to school and after school to wait, but to their peers and the teacher have to spend some time socializing and learning new things.

Socializing with peers

If you have older kids who go to school, the budding schoolboy from older brothers and sisters in the school. Of great help can be friends from the neighborhood, who know what kindergartens are expected in school and are more likely to look forward to the beginning of the school and will not understand the change so dramatically, nor will be stressed. But no matter how the child is accustomed to certain activities, it is useful to pick up the game his confidence.

Gather all of his peers who went or should go to school and play teacher and student. Let each child gets a chance to tell the story, or respond to the question. This will be a chance that the child acquires confidence in speaking before a group of children and adults. In addition, your child's good to be hanging out with peers, if they did not go to kindergarten to acquire certain social skills.

Find in a library or bookstore picture books or books that talk about reach first grade. Read a book with your child and discuss the topic. In first grade, children will have benches to sit and listen to what the teacher talk. If your child is fussy and try to reassure him get used to at least half an hour draw and color a picture book or to sit still while talking about his story. Children start to learn the letters in kindergarten, and some already know and read when they come into first grade. Do not worry if your child does not know letters, but try it through fun and games teach letters, or alphabet.

Turn it in preparation

Summer is the perfect time for walking, so why not make it to school if she is close enough. Walk once more with a child from home to school, to help put remembered. Explain how to cross the road, and to which all must be careful. Since the summer, so the school will probably be closed and you can teach them, but spend a few minutes before school in the game so that the child got used to the surroundings. Allow him to explore the surrounding area. Explain how each day to come here and learn new things and hang out and play with new friends. Tell him I will have to behave in school routine and you will have to adapt to.

When the time comes the first purchases of school books, bags of clothes and other things, include your child. Let you choose the bag that he would like, pens, pencil cases and such colorful book covers. With books such as coloring book, or buy an interesting book that will be used immediately, it will increase the joy and excitement about going to school.

Girls is especially important and the clothes you will wear to school, so they must take the purchase of new clothes. Whether it's just a new shirt, dress, pants or shoes will be excited, happy and impatient about new things.Both girls and boys like clothes with favorite characters from cartoons and animated films, so that will not go wrong.

Two weeks before school ...

If your child is not an early riser and likes to sleep longer, two weeks before school to start training to get up earlier. Wake him at the time when you will wake up while going to school, and save him a light breakfast.Immediately after breakfast we come up with some activities that you will work with the child, so to adjust to the earlier activities in the home or going out of the house. If the child did not go to kindergarten and is not used to be a long time without you, explain that you will accompany you to wait until the end of the school teaching, and that there is no need to be sad or to cry. If the tear occurs, do not be overly concerned. Remain calm and cheerful and do not show and that you hard.

The first day of school, bring him to school and wait for teacher instruction and the person who will be welcomed by first graders. When will be the time to say goodbye and leave the child in the classroom. Make sure your child on the first day of school is naspavan and rested and eat something before going to school. Get organized, save to go to school without the fuss and nervousness, and that everything goes serene and relaxed atmosphere. Promise him before parting it to the school from school to make ice cream or a favorite place or such that you spraviti his favorite dish at home. Thus the child is happy and the school and return home.

The first day of school

What do you think - how long should accompany children to school, when they should be allowed to go there yourself and get yourself back there?

A child crying the first day of school year

- Crying is an indication of school phobia and should be taken seriously. It mostly occurs in young children who are difficult to separate from parents and UNLACQUERED gain confidence in other people, usually in the firstand 2 grade. In such situations it is good to spend time parent with a child in the classroom or at the door. It is important that the child sees mom or dad talk to the teacher and other children and the only way to gain confidence in the new environment. The worst thing a child is crying due to leave at home.

2 The child is afraid of going to school

- As much as 30 percent at the beginning of school children showed aversive reactions. Children who are afraid of school often complain that they have a headache, feel bellyache, vomiting, their hearts pounding, sweat excessively, have trouble sleeping. Whether these reactions persist longer than a month, should seek medical attention.

3 How long should accompany the child to school

- There are no rules. Experts recommend that children be monitored until it feels safe to be alone go to school time, and it will only show when he no longer needs help. Seeking the help of a child for over a year, you should contact an expert.

4 When school children have to sleep

- Numerous studies have shown that many children come to school sleepy. School children need eight to 10 hours of sleep. This means that babies should not be allowed to go to sleep after 22 hours, a high school no later than midnight. It is very important for parents to control children in order to avoid the whole night spent watching television or dopisujući with friends.

5 What must be the TV or Playstation
- As little as possible. Experts recommend that the total time for playing games and watching television is a maximum of two hours a day. In addition, computer and television is certainly not set in their bedroom. It is important to control the content with which children come into contact via a TV or computer.

6 When you give him a cell phone and be with him in the school

- Mobile is best to buy it later, not before 5 grade. But if it has in the past, a child needs to learn that can not be 24 hours a day on the phone. Many schools have already banned the adoption of mobile phones to school.

7 A child can not sit 45 minutes

- Most children can not be. In general, the children every 15 minutes after changing position. According to CNES, which this year will be implemented in all primary schools, the task is to master during a lesson, change the six situations. A good teacher will not tolerate that the children walked with permission, go to the toilet, a restless child will engage to remove plaque, zašilje pen and the like.

8 Should children with learning and homework

- It does. The child should be shown how to learn, not learn it for him. The task of parents to control whether the child fulfilled all academic obligations. The child is happier if you just write the task, but if a parent does for him.The first time you write a task rather than a parent of the child, forever undermined his confidence.

9 The child is exposed to bullying

- Bullying is a serious problem. Even 27 percent of school children exposed to violence, while 16 percent of them make up their own violence. More difficult to detect female bullying because girls mature earlier and practice specific forms of violence. They usually isolated and the other girls gossiping or using tricks, while in boys is mainly about the physical life balance.

10 How to dress for school

- Most importantly, the children comfortable in your clothes. The school should not be a fashion runway, but teachers should not panic if you raise the girls came to school našminkanih lips and nails. Experts warn about how to dress for the school to talk with children from first grades to avoid that children have of the brand shoes, pants, or be subjected to violence cell phone, which is unfortunately common in schools.

11 How often should I go for information

- If you need every day, and at least once every two weeks. As soon as you notice that the child feels unsafe and that there is a problem with the school should discuss this with the child is his tutor.

12 The child avoids school

- Marking one of the major problems in school. Experts are divided over whether to justify the hours the child, as a sign of trust, or not, because it was a message that such behavior is wrong. It is important that parents be aware of the mark and the child to speak with him about why he did it.

13 wants to go out at night, how many hours

- It is individual. Best be guided by the fact that most children are not in his class. We should not succumb to the child's statements like "Everyone laughs, but I do not." It is also important for parents to personally know the children with whom their children come out, and it is well known and their parents.

14 The child received the first unit

- It should be understood as an event that will make your child more mature. Around this we must not panic, much less to punish the child because it may be a consequence of the fear of school.

15 The type of activities as a child

- Children may not be loaded with too many activities. The best recipe is the one child - a leisure activity.

What every father needs to know?

This is every father needs to know

Men's magazine "Men helt" published a few tips for fathers, which he claims are very useful in raising children.

Words are very valuable
Speak - you listen to your child. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology in a family where both parents work, fathers had greater impact than mothers on the child's language development by age three. Create a creative atmosphere and an environment in which to carry the game through various activities. In a speech to use long words, even if your child does not understand, because children learn many things out of context.

Do not reward anger
"When you're visibly nervous, just add fuel to the fire," says Hal Edward Ranke, a family therapist. And if you simply give the child candy, only encourage bad behavior. When your child starts to cry, try to remain calm and give him attention. Do not ignore it. This will be a sign that you will not disturb its behavior and that the child will not win - ever. Perhaps the first attack of anger will not be effective, but in the fifth act of magic.

Competition raises confidence
Children 4 years old are beginning to compete with their parents, as seen in the car racing or wrestling on the bed.Loosen. Let them win some time, but slowly pull up the criteria to be harder to win. "In this way children develop a sense of strength and muscle testing," said Dr. Justin Richardson, who teaches psychiatry at Columbia University.Being confident is not a target for bullies.

Giving up is hard
When his son wanted to leave basketball to 8 years, Rankel he said, "Sure, but you will communicate it to the coach and teammates." The boy could not have done that and played basketball for the next 7 years. Allow your child to feel the pain of giving up and then that decision will not be easy to make, advised Rankel. "If your child tells you he is hard at school and did not want to teach, tell him it was fine," said Rankel. "But he must emphasize that tells teachers how to teach and not to give any assessment. Believe me, I will not do it. "

Feelings of others are important
It is easier to connect with others if you understand their perspective on things, so cultivate the instinct of a child.Start with his feelings. Rankel suggest that you ask your child how he feels with 8 years, and then you show the people the child knows the difficult, for example. that the father of a second lost his job. Ask him what he thinks is his second. "There will always know the answers, but will at least think about it," said Rankel.

Arguments will be resolved by themselves
Unless a child is seriously threatening the other during an argument, do not confuse it. "As soon as you say even one word, they are no longer interested in the solution. Just try it you will consent to choose the side, "says child psychiatrist Dr. Anthony Wolf. If you are bored, say that your solution will be bad for both. They will learn that begging does not work. More importantly, they will learn to quickly resolve the conflict.

Independence is gained
When your child asks to stay longer in the second, ask him what time it intends to return. And then ask why. If your answer does not satisfy you, deny it. If the response is good, let him, said Dr. Janet Edget psychology from Pennsylvania. Studies have shown that children quickly develop strong moral principles, if their parents are given the freedom and responsibility.

For the success of your focus
Maybe you do not want a child prodigy, but a competitive society in which we live imposes different rules. Because more and more children have a problem with focus, says MD C. Andrew Ramsey, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University. Let your child know your expectations. Celebrate improvement and explain the benefits of child coping skills.

"Regardless of whether your child likes Tom Brady or Bejonse, may learn that these people have succeeded because they mastered a skill," said Dr. Ramsey. "Teach them that if they pass through a door - will open many more, but if you try to go through the five-door at the same time - will get nowhere."

The changes that parenthood brings

Regardless of whether you are preparing for it for years, or there was an unplanned, parenting will change completely. Together with the children build a new, more complex, in any event more beautiful and more fulfilling life. However, at the beginning of the road waiting for you some surprises.

The relationship with your partner changed

Before you get your child, your partner and you've been inseparable - you had a myriad of topics for conversation, everywhere you went along ... and now barely share the occasional word. While you are both very like a child, growing tired, and therefore conflict, loneliness and depression.

Research shows that sixty-six percent of couples feel this way in the first year after birth of the child.

The good news is that most of the partners after exhausting the initial period manages to regain the closeness and even strengthen your relationship. The key is to express emotion - because, for once say how you feel, it will be easier.

It changes the relationship with friends

Friends? Where are they gone? Many friendships have been on a serious test when a parent became a member of the troupe. Night clubs, loud music, several hours of phone calls - for you have lost meaning, while your best friend's baby is not even a five-year plan. Priorities have changed, and with them the desire for conversation topics and interests.

However, children grow quickly, and soon they will not be required for all 24 hours a day. As you change your habits when you get a child, so you will want to return to the old rhythms of life when it poodraste.

They will begin to miss you friend, "female" conversations and thoughts, support and comfort. Renew friendships, then, you will stay for life.

Make "error" that you were horrified by the other parent

"Never say never" - this phrase many times in your life lightly used, but it gets a real sense only when we become parents. How many times have you shocked by seeing a child in the toy store real "scene". Do you firmly promised myself not to allow your child to be spoiled, that from birth to sleep only in her crib, it will not take in his arms every time you cry?

Surprise! Millions of parents around the world every day violate these promises, so that you do not have to be strict with yourself. But is there anything more beautiful than the smell of baby's skin while still sleeping in the safety of your arms? Is it not the most important thing in the world comforted a child who is crying?

Raising children is not the training which should be adhered to strictly prescribed rules. Parental intuition, unlimited patience and unconditional love, combined with imagination - is a formula for a happy child. And that is what matters most.

There will be days when you will not enjoy the role of parents

Parenting does not only gentle moments, games and laughter. Endless process of washing, cooking, ironing and changing nappies can really act frustrating. Many mothers stated that they sometimes felt the need to return to work, because it is open from nine am to five in the afternoon in the office seemed more attractive than the "office hours" at home. Of course, after such thoughts must follow a sense of guilt: "What am I to mother you do not enjoy every moment with my baby?".

Surveys conducted in the United States show that 80 percent of the young mom has this dilemma. So, accept the bad times as well as normal and move on. After all, nothing lasts forever, not even your child not to use diapers forever. As soon as you exit the "strenuous" phase, all you mind - you'll quickly forget that. The perfect mom maybe there somewhere, but we have yet to meet.

You are overwhelmed with emotions and difficult to control

Since you get a baby, you happen to strange things, like he does not know himself. Quickly change the channel when you run into a film in which the children are unhappy or sick. Stop you lump in my throat when you pass an abandoned puppy. Just to see or hug your child and to cry with joy ...

Whether it comes to hormones, gratitude, awe, or lack of sleep all together, parenting is "disturbed" your emotions. Even 78 percent of mothers surveyed said they now more often crying - that of sadness, and joy, and that they only allow motherhood to know what it means unconditional love.

Your child will become independent more quickly than expected

In a way, the child will be needed throughout life, but essentially - the act of birth marks the beginning of your separation. All the beauty and the weight of parenthood are in this knowledge. Your baby's first steps, first refusing to help because the child said to be only the first departure of the recreational education - all these are signs of growing up healthy, that will make you proud to meet.

But why are you sad at the same time? Unfortunately, there is a manual that will ease this dilemma, you have to rely on their own experience. Having a baby with you - it sounds very tempting, but such an attitude means more than your needs. What is it, in fact, necessary - is a help and encouragement to go his way.

Check what your child watches on TV

Television programs are generally not suited to children because it is important that the program intended for people over 18 years of broadcast only after midnight, while others indicate the number of care facilities, in order to know the age of the audience to which they are intended, it was said the discussion "Media Laws and Protection of Children and minors. "

"The regulatory body is required to classify each program separately, but the broadcasters to work independently and there is a problem, because the contents of the scenes of violence, obscenities, hate speech, marked number 16 would not be aired after midnight," said a member of the Republican RBA Goran Pekovic.

A particular problem, he said, are reality programs that were aired once during the day, at prime time, and which could be seen swearing and inappropriate behavior.

RRA is therefore reminded Pekovic, in April this year decided that the content broadcast just after midnight, and that reality programs do not play in real time, or to be issued only when the pass editorial "control."

According to him, in the upbringing of children, and what to see, have the responsibility of parents, schools and media, and the fact that the youngest are available to more platforms through which to transmit media content, so it is difficult to control.

"Television driven by the desire for better ratings, resort to sensationalism and reality programs," said Pekovic, adding that all broadcasters use public resources (frequency), which must have some degree of social responsibility.

Speaking of the children's program, he noted that the Broadcasting Act did not govern how broadcasters should have such content in the program schedules, which are programs for children on television and represented "per thousand".

Vice President of NUNS Dragan Janjic said that the rules of presentation of the youngest in the media generally respected, but that the models and models that the media offer poor children, because "the way people are presented with show business and their private life, signals that the kids should to behave. "

Janjic stressed the need of primary and secondary schools to introduce the subject of "Media Literacy", while the assistant chief editor of "Studio B" Daniel Alam said that "television content disastrous impact on the development of children."

To parents with this problem alone can not cope, says director and chief editor of "SOS channel" Dragisa Kovacevic who said that the RBA should adopt rules that all broadcasters would have to comply with and be "the supreme judge who speaks in the During the program can be aired. "

The children spend the most time watching TV

Parents should exert selection emissions and limit kids time watching cartoons and TV programs.

Cartoons have a major impact on the behavior of children and therefore requires the control of children, experts say, while the Republican Broadcasting Agency (RRA) state that there is no special regulation for this kind of movies.

"The average child spends more time watching television than in school or listening to advice parents learn about the world watching the electronic 'image'," said psychologist Tanjug Aleksandra Jovanovic Hungary.

According to her, with this in mind, it is necessary to exercise control of children's programs.

She said that the cartoons are broadcast on local TV channels mainly cultivate positive values ​​and warned of danger from igranioca and actions in which the sale of video games, aggressive content.

"Violence is the basic concept of these games, according to the real world," said Jovanovic Hungary.

She added that studies show that the aggressive content of the program immediately transferred into the daily life of children, increasing their impulse to violence.

According to her, hence the dual responsibility of parents - to carry out the selection of programs and limit the time watching cartoons and TV programs.

RRA spokesman Srboljub Bogdanovic told Tanjug that there is no specific regulation for the cartoons, that they are subject to the rules under which subject the rest of the program.

He said that the RBA has no specific view on the cartoons.

"Cartoons are part of the program and as such are treated, therefore, broadcasters are free to play in the period in which alone are fit," said Bogdanovic recalled that censorship is prohibited and that does not exist.

He noted that there are no special rules for the cartoons, which would not be valid for all other films.

"If a problem occurs the content of cartoons and cartoon is not suitable for children, to the Broadcasting Agency Council resulted in the situation that exists when it appears that the content in a film that is not appropriate for children," said Bogdanovic.

He stated that citizens can contact the RBA applications if they wish to point out that the program being broadcast is not suitable for children.

"Each application will be considered and for her procedure will be executed in accordance with the procedure, which means that if it is established that the broadcaster made a misdemeanor, he can be warned and he may be sentenced to undergo" Bogdanovic said.

Impact of TV on your child

Television has long been known as a mandatory "resident" of each household. Everyday life is unthinkable without the TV content, and some even go so far as to subordinate your schedule to that television. Odaslih addition, television is an integral part of the child's life. Once the children are growing up with children's educational programs and entertaining cartoons, like "Branka Checkers", "Open Window", "Kalimera" and similar, but today the situation is quite different.
Following the example of adults, children spend more time watching television. There may be even less instructive to see the content, but we can see movies, TV shows, commercials, music videos, mostly all the material intended for everyone except children.
Violent, sexual and marketing facilities have the greatest impact. Advertisements are often an integral part of children's programs, so you should not be surprised what your child is humming along with advertisements for soft drinks, snacks, milk, etc.., Because the advertisements of this kind usually released in between cartoons.Marketing agencies are well aware of what they do because children are most vulnerable consumers. Be sure it is not a coincidence that your child in a supermarket wants to buy "right there" chocolate, and not another.

When it comes to violent and sexual content, the result will be similar. How to imitate adults, children in the same way and mimic what they see on television. Social psychologist Albert Bandura's back in 1967th The research conducted in which preschool children with no behavioral problems, was exposed to a one-time viewing a completely unknown woman to fight in different ways so. Bobo doll. Once you have watched, the children were left in the same room with the same props and the Bobo doll, they behaved exactly like a woman - she was beaten and punched and kicked, beaten with a hammer on the head, throwing, etc.. The results showed the incredible power of modeling, that children will be aggressive as well as the model in a similar situation. The survey was repeated through the years and the results were always the same. If the child is strongly influenced by unknown model, it is difficult not to wonder what impact you have parents, brothers and sisters, and eventually television content that the child sees every day. Watching content dominated by aggressive behavior robs the child's sense of community, the children lose confidence, have more fear, and all this is reflected in the future. In addition, preschool children are not able to distinguish fiction from reality, which appear fears, nightmares, anxiety, bedtime, and similar difficulties. However, not all that bad even when the influence of television on children on Wednesday. Certain television facilities have a positive impact because through them children can affirm their experience, expand vocabulary, encourage the development of solidarity and friendship, and contribute to the awakening of interest in learning and encourage the development of imagination. Children through television enrich knowledge and encourage the adoption of new concepts.

However, as a parent to choose content appropriate age of your child, you can monitor what your child watches on television. Talk with your child about what they see and help him to better distinguish the real from the imagined content. Do not let your child unnecessarily leave hours in front of the TV screen when you have time to go together in the park, walking, visiting his friends alike.

The dangers of excessive television viewing

Serious consequences of television viewing 

Excessive television viewing may lead to specific impairments in children, according to a study group of scientists from the University of Montreal.

The longer television viewing in children with the start at an early age leads to, as research has shown, higher risk of developing disabilities, such as the decline of interest in class, mediocre results in mathematics and rejection by other children.

The scientists concluded that every hour in front of TV over the average seven percent decrease for engaging the child in class.

The researchers concluded that excessive television viewing in children between two and four years later, reduces success in mathematics, but not in reading, while the danger of being rejected by peers in the class increases by ten percent.

Physical activity on weekends, as scientists have found, in these people reduced by 13 percent, and overall physical activity for nine percent.

Consumption of sweetened soft drinks increased by nine, and ten percent for snack foods, which leads to increased body mass index by five percent in the tenth year of life.

Scientists have come to this conclusion after eight years of follow-up 1314 children whose parents are informed how much time they spend watching television, while the teachers evaluated their academic and psychosocial skills, and health.

The consequences of excessive television viewing

It is understood that children can not fully isolate the TV 

First Movies for adults to watch children: yes or no?

In the preschool age child is very important that the entire TV program (and the movies that you watch) is within the limits of understanding of the child. Or if not, explain to the child, she also tells you interpret what is happening on screen. If you do not, you risk completely wrong to interpret the phenomena that surround him, and to you that you are not aware of. Explaining it, however, helping him to understand the same concepts better and more detailed. Often, it is in adult films you will find an excellent cue to explain the different emotional states tumečenje characters or their relationships. Of course, the child is smaller, more careful and learn in advance how these movies have violence. It is understood and that if your child is afraid of darkness, witches, snake ... that these fears will not rasterivati ​​story (with the wedge to wedge breaks) of the TV program content.

Second TV Series for adults and children who watch

What is interesting to you, it can be very harmful for your child. Remember that your perception of the world, as adults, and built to meet your precise borders where reality stops and the film begins life. That with your child is not the case. If it is burdened by following tv series, consider that message to him in this way are close. Usually the central figure of tv series girl (a poor, semi-educated but very nice) that is looking for our happiness. (A happiness can only be married.) To do this it came to their happiness goes a long way to an incredible event followed by a huge amount of tears. Consider whether it is a model of life and value system that you want to have your daughter? In her most important in life is to marry well, that when this does not matter how many times or how it formed? Maybe you do not look so serious, but these messages embedded in the minds of our children are not accidental, and certainly not good.

Third What are TV facilities eligible for the child?

Most of the children before the age of one year, is beginning to show interest in TV and, most advertising. Short Form, recognizable sounds, colorful paint that can absorb children's attention just as much as it is at this early age can last, that is. short. Then follow the cartoons, short programs for children, adaptations of fairy tales ...

Do not think that all the programs within the school program is really educational, and therefore quality. The best programs are those that are at the same time educational, interesting and entertaining. For example, many children enjoy dokumetarcima, short films (usually last up to 15 minutes), descriptions of nature and animal life.

4th The consequences of excessive TV viewing

Children who watch more TV are passive, prone to obesity, without the necessary physical abilities. It's hard to concentrate, remember the poor, have developed verbal skills or knowledge that I can still use their time ... But the consequences can be in fields that are not so obvious. For example, to create images of themselves, the formation of gender identity and relationship to sexuality. For example, our children are up to his adolescence, I saw so many rapes and sexual perversion that have created their own plays based on that. It is not easy to form a healthy sex education, based on such a basis.

5th Preventive effects:

It is understood that children can not (nor should it be desirable) completely isolated from the TV. The maximum that you can do is to form a habit of not looking at anything and you learn your child and yourself and implementation of quality time without the TV. So, along izučavajte TV program, and then check in advance what to watch. It is better to watch what you choose naked together to watch whatever is on the program. Define clear rules. For example, there are times when the TV certainly can not be seen (while eating, when the guests ...) You can try the diet with the TV, ie. Limited time watching TV. (For example, 2 hours per day)

6th Computer and TV

If your child's life there is what TV does not lose much in particular. Being in touch with their environment, develop their social skills, learning, communication skills, can be overcome in many other ways. However, computers are important and useful because they allow easy and fast access to a vast quantity of information (internet), contact with those who are not spatially close .... First introduction to the computer may begin as early as preschool age through play. Your child is becoming increasingly older, it will offer him more various educational programs, which are more inextricably linked with fun. And while you are talking about TV, we always have in mind a number of consequences, the only real danger from computers is contagious. Once a child starts experimenting, testing, play and understand that all of its features will be hard to resist him. However, in both cases, no matter how big your child try to find some rules (when looking at one, when and for how long etc.) The time provided for the computer and the TV will depend on the age of the child but should not go on aktinosti physical damage and games with friends. (Between 30 minutes and 2 hours)

Children and Television

Watching television is the main activity of children and adolescents and they have a major impact. Children, on average, per day watching television three or four hours. At that rate until the completion of high school kids spend more time watching television than they spend in the classroom. While television can entertain, inform and make children a society, on the other hand it may affect them and the undesirable way.

Television and Its Influence

Time spent watching television distracts from important activities such as reading, doing homework, playing, practicing a sport training and socialization. Also, watching television, children learn information that may be inappropriate and inaccurate. Often can not distinguish between the fantasy presented on television and reality.They are influenced by commercials that more than a thousand watches each year, many of which are related to alcohol, junk food and toys. Children who spend a lot of time watching television are likely to:

* Have poor grades in school,
* Read fewer books,
* Less to play sports,
* To be obese.

The content that you see on TV

Violence, murder, pornography, racial, ethnic and gender intolerance, abuse drugs and alcohol are more than frequent topic on television programs. Bearing in mind that the children easily impressed, she simple principle of modeling can assume that what you typically see on television, safe and acceptable. Television also exposes children to behaviors and attitudes that can be overwhelming and difficult to understand (a typical example, were the war years) ..

Active parenting can ensure that children have a positive experience with television. Parents can help by:

* Watch programs with their children,
* Choose developmentally appropriate programs,
* Set a limit to the amount of television viewing (per day and per week), take into account the removal of televisions from children's bedrooms,
* Off the TV during family meals and during learning,
* Show off that you think are not appropriate for your children.

In addition, parents can help by doing the following: Do not allow children to watch television at too long intervals, but to help them select individual programs. Select programs that zadovoljavalju development needs of your children. Children's programs in the "curriculum" public TV are appropriate, but not soap operas, talk-show's parade and show business stars for adults. Determine the specific periods when the TV is off. Time for learning is provided for learning, not sitting in front of the TV while doing homework. Mealtimes is a good time to talk among family members, not to watch television. Remember, you are the model for their children attitude toward television.

As a family counselor, I suggest some families where the television has taken the power of the organizers of family life, 7 days to completely turn off the TV and a different plan daily activities, especially joint. The result usually is improving emotional relationships, greater intimacy, significantly more communication between inmates and intensive communication with the outside world that is largely replacing the television.

If old habits are not easily lost, encourage discussion with their children about what they saw when you watched the show with them. Point out positive behavior, such as cooperation, friendship and concern for others. While watching, make a connection with history, books, places of interest and personal events. Talk about personal and family values ​​if they are connected with the issue. Ask children to compare what you are looking at the real events. Talk about the real consequences of violence and crime. Consider how advertisements influence the purchase. Encourage your children to be involved in hobbies, sports. With appropriate counseling, your child will learn to use television in a healthy and positive way.

Children and Violence on TV

Television can have a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, without a lot of common sense, a local television program is rich with violence. Common sense is nullified by the fact that hundreds of scientific studies say about the harmful effects of television violence on children and teenagers, and the production of such programs extensively and continues playing. These scientific studies have found that children can:

* Become "immune" to the scene of violence and terror,
* Gradually accept violence as a way of solving problems,
* Imitate the violence they observe on television and
* Identify with each character, the victim and / or violent.

Prolonged viewing of television violence by children causes aggressive behavior. Sometimes, watching a single violent program or film can increase aggressiveness. Children who view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated and unpunished, it is more likely to imitate what they see. Children with impulsive behavior, violence on television can more easily influence the learning of such behavior. Impact of violence on television can be immediately očevidentan in children's behavior or may surface years later. Sometimes, teens can show violent behavior even when the family atmosphere shows no tendency toward violence. Of course, television violence is not the only cause of aggressive or violent behavior, but it is clear that a significant factor.

Parents can protect children from excessive TV violence in the following ways:

~ Apply all protective measures already mentioned about watching television in general,
~ Noted that the actors did not really hurt or killed and the violence shown that in reality result in suffering and death, and that the abuser is not a positive person and that in reality there are consequences for violent behavior,
~ Do not allow your child to watch the show known for violence and change the channel or turn off the TV when offensive matralijal come on line, explaining why you do not feel that it's okay watching such a program,
~ Not approve a series of violence, emphasizing his belief that such behavior is not the best way to solve problems,
-Balance the influence between you, your child and peers who encourage him to watch TV violence by contacting other parents and agree to apply similar rules on the length of time and type of programs that children can watch.

Parents can also use these measures as prevention of painful effects of television in areas such as gender, racial or ethnic intolerance and violent stereotypes. Length of time children spend watching television, regardless of context, it should be controlled because it reduces the time can be spent on more useful activities such as reading, playing with friends, and developing hobbies. If parents have serious problems that limit, or care how their children respond to television, you should contact the child and adolescent psychiatrist for consultation or assistance.

Spanking is not the solution!

Not only have studies shown that most parents do not like beating children, but experts have proved that spanking is not effective. In contrast to these is the fact that nearly 75% of parents reaching for beating the first sight as a disciplinary measure. Does spanking should be banned by law?

Somewhere near you, someone just beat his child. Research conducted in Britain showed that even 94% of physically punishing four-year - almost half of them more than once a week. The same survey found that more than 75% one year old was beaten in the first year of his life! However, nearly 75% of parents who were included in this study claimed to feel awful after you beat a child, and only one in five respondents believe that parents are an effective way to beating your child learn to distinguish good from bad behavior. In other words, parents do not like to beat the kids, so do not even believe in the efficacy of beating. But on the other hand, does not give just beaten the fastest results? If the child is "insane" and does not want to listen to rational explanations, or to cooperate, is not the only possibility of beating? They did not, says a growing number of professionals dealing with child rearing. The truth is that you will achieve instant results - beating the child will calm down now.However, tests have shown that the first child the next time to do the same thing that you have him beat. Child psychologists say that children are not able to answer the question why they were physically punished. Beat your child that you are torn on the street, it will remember the beating but will not learn a lesson about safety, it was your intention.

Appeals to outlaw spanking does not come from a small group of liberal parents (or those without children). This has become an international issue. In the ten European countries protect children from beatings law, a study conducted in Europe have found that the 58% of the citizens of those countries where there is no law supported its adoption, until the law is to protect parents who resort to that sometimes its very slightly magnifying glass a child.

"Reasonable chastisement" - The biggest problem with the law is the part which speaks of "reasonable punishment", that is, as opposed to serious physical abuse, are allowed. These terms are as defined, is very individual. There are many parents that constant physical punishment of children considered normal educational measure, not offense. In addition - to prescribe the permissible strength of the impact? Quite correct argument in these debates is that the law does not allow "reasonable" physical punishment adult. Hit the adult is punishable.Why can not also be true for the children? The only logical, but the tremendous response is that children are vulnerable and can not fight back.

But what to do if you are really beating the only thing you have left? Being a parent is not easy and sometimes each of us must "break". The latest guides to help parents say the main thing to make a distinction between discipline and punishment. Positive education focuses on the good stuff: the prize for children's behavior that grant, even if it is about the smallest things. Children love when they receive attention, so that it will strive to give you pleasure to see whether they like it "worth it". Of course, things will not change overnight, but persistence can certainly change the behavior of the child. Try to distract the attention of those things that bother you, especially those of a child still is not done (do you recognize the phrase "if you do, you will get beaten up?").

When it comes to crucial moments where you feel that someone will get hurt, psychologists suggest that the most important attempt to create a vacuum between himself and the child, which means practically or completely separated from the child and try not to be alone with him. With very young children in this case is crucial to have someone you at least fifteen minutes to be replaced and you create a time during which you can cool off. If this option is not there, try to stress drain along with the child. The physical drain not be beaten, you can try to suggest to him to play together zmir, Gagné, jumping or playing lions and ricet until the anger is drained. Another option is to save and run it in the park or playground.

Experts recommend time out. But what about situations where the child is thrown on the floor until all the supermarkets turn and look behind you and it is because he does not want to buy what you ask for? Most experts agree that children in these cases it is best ignored. Like all those that amused your show. Of course, you always have an eye on it, but you can remove a few meters from where the child is buried, but when there is a fountain of tears or neizdrživih sounds the human ear, you can go back, take him in my arms and try to explain why can not get what he wants. One will surely stop. However, you must have enough nerve and be prepared that it can take an hour. And although this is one of the worst possible situation, do not avoid the store tomorrow. Send the child a bad sign - or you'll think you won, or that problems should be solved by making them turn back.

When it comes to children over three years, so most experts recommend. time out - children should be sent in a separate room, or to allocate to a particular place at one time. He does not forget to kneel on corn. The point is not that a child is suffering, but to him to know that his behavior is bad. In addition, it will give you a few moments in which you can gather. Experts recommend that this penalty is limited to a maximum of ten minutes or for as many minutes as the child's age. This method will send the message that you do not want to tolerate the behavior that you have previously warned, but given time and the child understand what it actually does. It is also recommended that this type of sentence you repeat every time it is the same or similar error. If it forces you to constantly go into a corner, that he will eventually get bored.

A very effective strategy and the withdrawal of privileges or toys (watching TV, playing games, etc..). However, if it choose to do that, after the first threat of the agenda into action and stay consistent. Otherwise - no winner.Although the child has received what they wanted, you sent a message that will also be a next time.

Sometimes it is very important to understand that there are things about which i do not bother to apply. The best tactic for a particular situation, experts say, just do not watch. I keep the power for matters that are truly important. Of course, that so many parents say they have already tried all this and that nothing has failed. With a team that such statements often exaggerated. You can expect to ten days after the change of tactics, to teach a child how to behave in life.

Parenting is not something that lasts for ten days, but all his life. If at the end and beats up baby - do not forget that this is not the end of the world. Most important is to understand where the failure occurred and try again.After all - and you are only human. A child does not hurt to learn the important lesson here.

Beaten in sight! How to Avoid Them?

For children under five years:

* Try to detach from the child - even the smallest distance to work,
* Call someone who will not shock your obezglavljenost - soothing conversation,
* Redirect energy - iscijepajte mallet bag or old newspaper, making sure your child without having seen and not hurt,
* Try the tactic of discharge - remove the child from having to channel the anger and the fact that you will dance to his favorite tapes,
* Try to divert his attention to something else - read to him or sing to him,
* Take your child than what you were annoyed - patterns on the walls -> run him out,
* Sometimes give in - consider whether you are just working on which will be the last, only wants to eat - let him!

For children over five years:

* Try outom time, or close to another room for ten minutes,
* Have grown enough to understand that "no" means "no" - to repeat them, but still, do not let you out of the clock,
* Try to separate them from what you annoying - if you throw toys, subtract them and tell them that they will be able to play again only when calm.
* As children grow, the abolition of privileges makes more sense, let the first target to be spending money, or TV.

How to stay calm?

~ Accept that some stages of development of the child just like that. For example, children under three years tend to be really tough. Do not blame yourself you're a bad mother - you are simply fed up and frustrated, and it happens to everyone. Always blame the behavior, not the child. Do not hate because your child is naughty. Your child loves you and you love it, it is conduct which is unacceptable. Do the same thing happens with adults?

~ Reward all good behavior - it always works. Do not tell them that they are always bad, you used them and convince them of that. Rather praise them when they are good. Children love attention.

~ If it beats, do not apologize to him or take him into his arms no matter how difficult it was. Children remember and apply tactics that they learn. And this is one of the worst.