Monday, April 23, 2012

Hyperactive child

WHAT IS Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder? 

Attention deficit disorder, which may be accompanied by restlessness and impulsivity (ADHD / ADD) is a developmental disorder of self-control. It is not just a developmental stage that the child will outgrow, not caused by the failure of parents in the upbringing of the child nor a sign of "Naughtiness". The so-called hyperactivity disorder is real, problem, and often a source of concern and the parents and teachers, and most harmful to children at the very disorder that is observed.

Most of the children living in an age of restless, impulsive, or inattentive. No, that symptoms of hyperactivity were clinically significant and satisfy the diagnostic criteria, must be stronger than what is considered normal given the child's age and developmental level and to a considerable degree impair the functioning of the various aspects of the child's life (eg, functioning at school, kindergarten, leisure activities, social relationships).
Many studies have confirmed the stability of symptoms over time. The main symptoms and related behavioral patterns are retained for years, although in about half of children with this disorder symptoms largely disappear as they are approaching adulthood.

Various studies have attempted to answer the question of the frequency of this disorder. Although the figures obtained by various studies differ somewhat, it appears that ADHD is present in about 1 - 5% of the population. In doing so proved that he is more pronounced in boys than in girls, and the ratio is around 2:1. Some authors believe that this finding results from the fact that there is a greater likelihood of identifying disorders in boys because they are more violent, and the difficulties easier to observe.

During decades of research and definition of the disorder, it changed its name. The first name was MCD - minimal cerebral dysfunction, then appear further names: Hiperkinetic-impulsive disorder, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Hyperkinetic reaction of childhood. In modern classifications of diseases and health problems recognized the name - Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder.

Characteristic behavior Hyperactive kids

It starts to work before he received the instructions and understand them.
He is watching the other kids are doing before you attempt to do just.
It too fast and makes unnecessary mistakes and errors associated with not knowing.
He was constantly in motion, all touching and not for a long time to sit in one place.
Answer questions on too quickly and does not give you enough time to think.
Not able to follow the instructions given to the entire group.
Can not remember the instructions, although there is no difficulty with memory.
Transitions from one activity to another and rarely ends started tasks.
There are difficulties in organizing written work: they are usually confused.
Misunderstood the simple statement, I do not understand many words and sentences.
Be repeated statements that he noted a lot of time and can not repeat those of the said recently.
Easily slips and falls, awkward throwing objects, or they fall from his hands.
Easily one of the triggers for children who talk a lot and make a noise, often completely stopped work to join them.
It is too talkative, often interrupting the conversation.
Often leaves the bench and a little browsing in the classroom while other children sit still.
I do not watch when the teacher explains something, looking somewhere else.
It is often said: "I can not do it" even before trying, giving up easily especially conspicuous in the new tasks.
He speaks, sings and whispers to itself.
Can not express thoughts in a logical and understandable way.


Although often referred to as hyperactivity disorder, motor restlessness I am just one of the main symptoms of this disorder within. In fact, there are three subtypes of attention deficit disorder, depending on which group is most pronounced symptoms. The main symptoms include hyperactivity, impulsiveness and inattention.

First Children who are hyperactive
It is normal for small children to be hyperactive, they are constantly in motion, to investigate, they are restless. In the framework of normal development of motor activity is increased to three years, after which the activity decreases.

Hyperactivity is sometimes diagnosed in children younger than 4 - 5 years. They are already in infancy unusually active: a lot of crying, and later age at night looking for food, have difficulty sleeping, often is, difficult to calm and soothe. In later life these children are constantly in motion, can not sit still, all the prejudice, of things they asked, their attention is not appropriate for the age, tend to play alone. Because of the unrest were hyperactive children at greater risk of injury. Although often an early walk, often clumsy than other children, a lot of falling, poor planning and anticipate the consequences of their actions.

For hyperactive children sometimes do not show fear of separation and they are uncritical of approaching strangers. For the difficulty in predicting the consequences of behavior, such children are often fearless and persevere in situations that scare other children.
Parents of hyperactive children are described as hard odgojivu, and she really are because they can not follow and respect the parents' demands and prohibitions.

In preschool and school age children are hyperactive very impatient, never in it's place, do not listen to "damage" or teacher, babble, while other children are doing in silence. Often interrupted by work group, fall into the word and prevent others to complete tasks or activities.

Hyperactive children have difficulty in the organization, often forget to bring books, exercise books, supplies, tend to lose their stuff.
Because such behavior hyperactive children, teachers are seen as undisciplined and vicious. Other children are initially seen as a fun and interesting, however, when the hyperactive child reacts impulsively, physically or verbally attacked or hurt another child or to interfere with learning, test or play, peers are also starting to reject it.

Second Children who are impulsive
The main difficulty in all children with hyperactivity is diminished impulse control, adequate and inadequate.Children with this problem experience constant problems with impulsivity, particularly in response to control signals, stimuli or events that are irrelevant to the performance of current tasks.

This impulsiveness, ie. react without thinking about the possible consequences of behavior, causing numerous problems hyperactive children and their families.

Parents must be constantly alert to prevent accidents and injuries which these children are prone. A typical example of this is crossing the road: parents know that if anything distract your child, it will step on the road regardless of whether there is a danger to her or not. And only the household can be threatening for hyperactive children: open windows, hot oven, cleaning products, knives, drugs are available ...

In school age and adolescence, impulsivity is a big problem. Impulsive children are easily nagovorljiva. In order to be accepted by peers, often make the things they are trying to persuade them. Such behavior is known to be harmless, from petty mischief like chewing gum stuck to the teacher's chair to life-threatening situations such as climbing the lighting pole. Impulsive behavior and may be motivated by mere curiosity, for example, a child just to see what happens when you put in the soup temperature.

Impulsivity may also interfere with the child's social relationships. Very often impulsive children have difficulty creating and maintaining friendships. Interrupting the word, the imposition, speaking the wrong things at the wrong time, patting, hugging or touching others for no reason for it, aggressive conflict resolution can lead to problems in relationships with peers, and child who seeks to friends and eventually be discarded.

Third Children who have difficulty maintaining attention and concentration
Although hyperactive children are usually observed for impulsivity and hyperactivity, why jump out of peer groups, who experience serious difficulties because of the short range of attention may also have long term consequences. Due to problems with care, these children are very difficult to learn and may have difficulty with academic achievement, but is adopting practical and motor skills (such as cycling or swimming). For the same reason, there are difficulties with learning and speech, which can manifest itself in difficulties in joining the conversation and group activities.

Many problems of hyperactive children related to school and social skills are actually caused by the inability of children to maintain concentration for long enough so she could learn what it takes. Hyperactive children often have the ability to learn the necessary skills, but they need to help managed to keep the attention long enough to do so.

The consequences of an inability to concentrate reflected not only in education and success in school, but also in the domain of normal, satisfying relationships with family and friends.
There are a number of children, particularly girls, who are not hyperactive or impulsive expressed, but have serious difficulties due to the large deficits of attention and concentration skills. For this group of children said that they have attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity. Often these children remain unidentified due to their unobtrusive interference. If they are recognized and adequately treated, these children can thrive.


Children with attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity may have difficulties at home. Often their parents try all possible methods which they could remember how to reach their children to behave appropriately. It is likely that even in a careful family interrelationships be burdened by high tension.

The hyperactive children often need less sleep than the other contestants, with the result that all other family members chronically tired. Parents often have little time for yourself. Constantly talking, noise, jumping, pulling toys, pencils, crayons, destroying televisions and other valuable things, as an inevitable part of many families with a hyperactive child.

These families often have serious marital problems, which are at least partly a consequence of the child's attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity. In many families this is a disorder caused rivalry between brothers and sisters.Sometimes the family has a number of hyperactive children.

Other family members have a lot to do about these children. It happens that the parents are tired and exhausted by the constant calls to the school for their child's problem behavior. Sometimes the parents themselves abandoned by their relatives and their friends because of their child's behavior led to them calling for social gatherings and events.

Sometimes the parents begin to feel incompetent and incapable of raising children, which affects their self-esteem.Some of them have relatives they knew or even pros say that they are incapable of parenting.

The consequences of this disorder are often far-reaching and affect all family members.


Hyperactive children need to see the consequences of their actions are predictable, consistent and clear, and receive feedback more quickly than other children, if you want to gain control over their behavior. The secondary rewards (eg, praise) and primary rewards (eg, toys or privileges) should be administered more frequently when the hyperactive children kooperabilna or successful. Parents should keep in mind that these children are less likely to receive positive response from their brothers or sisters, so it should further endeavor to maintain a balance of praise.

If the child does not show positive attention, it would be best to be noticed in a way that their behavior attracts negative attention. If the positive consequences of such behavior for the child, ie. If it turns the attention, even negative, it will increase the likelihood of such behavior. However, if the unwanted behavior and did not react if your child gets the attention, it is likely that it will no longer appear.

The task of parents is to be positive, to observe, comment and reward the good and desirable behavior.
How to do?

Praise should immediately follow the desired behavior.
Praise must be linked to specific behavior.
Praise must be specific and specific (eg, "I'm happy when you play so quietly").
Compliment your child smile and look, but the words themselves.
Located next to the phrase, forgive, hug or kiss a child.
Notice and praise your child whenever the right behavior, not to be kept only praise for perfect behavior.
Use praise consistently, every time you see behavior that you want to boost.
Compliment your child and to others.
Any behavior will become more frequent or more powerful if it leads to positive consequences.
Specify the behavior of the child that you expect from him, which can accurately and precisely. You should try to ensure that you understand what behavior is acceptable and which not. Try to explain what exactly you mean by certain terms, such as "be good" or "being naughty" because these terms can be confusing for the child. It is good to tell the child: "I like how nice sharing my chocolate with my sister," "I like to clean up their toys before they reach Grandma," "I do not like to shout at the store." Parents need to clearly comment on the child's behavior so she began to understand what is expected of him.

Explain to children the consequences of good behavior so she knows when and what they will get if they behave appropriately.

Reward your child for desirable behavior because it will also begin to believe it can succeed. It is important to start gratified or reward good behavior.

Ignore unwanted behavior. If children are constantly in a sentence about something, they get discouraged and stop trying to be good. If you change what the child hears about himself, and instead of criticizing "bad" start gratified "good", you will encourage him to behave in a way that will lead to praise.

Help your child realize that good behavior is to plan ahead. Try not to bring him in situations that are more likely to manifest undesirable behavior, such as to lead him to buy when you are very rushed, and the child is tired.

Every child is different. Some awards will be successful in some children, and the other does not. Need to find one that rewards your child will react.

Successful awards may include going for a walk with my parents, family playing some games and the like. Rewards need not be expensive. There are cheaper and better solutions than money and gifts. Young children often respond well to praise, or a simple kiss.
Prizes must occur as soon as possible directly after it appeared certain conduct. Hyperactive child can not wait until the end of the week to receive the award. It should follow immediately after the desired behavior. Remember that hyperactive children lack patience and are impulsive, and will hold prizes to be very difficult, and will be very little chance of success. It is important that things are not set so that the child fails.

Individual awards after a while they lose their strength. It is good to change them every few days. With older children a very useful technique can be samonagrađivanje.
It is often not enough to increase the frequency of desirable behavior, it is necessary to reduce the occurrence of some undesirable behavior. A very useful technique for reducing unwanted behavior of hyperactive children is "off" (time - out).

Exclusion means to remove the child from the context in which the behavior occurred and to ensure that agreed to spend time on uninteresting, but a safe place. The exclusion of time must be fairly measured, and if the child continues the behavior for which it was turned off, the clock should be placed at the beginning. The time that a child must spend in the exclusion should not be too long and should be consistent with his age (usually recommended as many minutes as the child's age, if it is still small).

It is important to know that the child's behavior can change overnight. What was learned and built up for years and it would be unrealistic to expect rapid change. It often happens that children initially show a resistance to new rules. Many parents say that, shortly after they started to apply new techniques, the number and severity of undesirable behavior increased. However, the situation will certainly improve if you persist and consistently apply the new techniques. It is important that the family is no single set of rules that will accept and implement all the adult members. It is important that the same set of rules applies to all children in the family, whether hyperactive or not, in the same manner, in accordance with the age of each child.

Regardless of the difficulties you have with a hyperactive child, it is necessary to develop and maintain a positive relationship with the child. It is useful to find an enjoyable activity with your child and you turn yourself into it as often as possible, at least several times a week. When you allow your child to choose activities for "their time" and take initiative in activities, increased his confidence.
Develop positive self-esteem of your child
Hyperactive children may feel quite negatively related to their abilities. This often hampers them to achieve success, and also to recognize and accept that some things are good or successful. Such a feeling is not astonishing in children: because of their past experiences and differences from other children, hyperactive children often develop low self-esteem. Because they have a negative opinion about themselves, the hyperactive children can never go overboard with praise. They need help in how to critically reflect on their failures to realize them in a positive light, and thus change their feelings and self-image. Parents should teach their children how to be positive so they say positive things every day.

Hyperactive children are often very creative and have special talents. Their strengths should be recognized and utilized, even when these talents do not fit into the parents' expectations. Discovering, highlighting areas of competency and nurturing of a hyperactive child is an effective way to change low self-esteem in these children.

Give your child a routine, structure and predictability
Hyperactive children respond well to structure and predictability. A clear timetable for getting up in the morning, afternoon homework and meet its daily obligations have a positive effect on hyperactive children. Predetermined routines of learning provide a basis for the adoption of good learning habits. Ideally, during a predetermined time for learning, should not be allowed to watch television, or the presence of other distractions. Gradually, children should indulge responsibility for their obligations.

Hyperactive children benefit from clear and consistent behavioral boundaries set by parents. Limits should a child to know where he stands, as it is for hyperactive kids too great a burden and stress if the rules are constantly changing. Parents should be sure that children know the rules and the way they should follow, so they should say if there is a change in routine. Any changes to plan ahead.
Both parents must be coordinated educational attitudes and reactions to the different behaviors of the child. This sometimes requires a lot of discussion and planning. In older children it is useful to those involved in decisions about family rules, rewards and sanctions. By participating in the decision making process, children begin learning long-term strategy to solve the problem.

Communicate clearly with your child
Children who are inattentive, impulsive and who are deaf to the discipline, which should clear communication and guidance. Instructions should be simple, concise and consistent. If you expect your child to the only correct and discipline, we often end up in conflict and quarrel with him, which is no help or improve the situation. The most effective positive instruction, like "Put shoes in the closet", and negatively worded instructions, such as: "Do not leave shoes everywhere," have little effect.

It is very important that the child knows the rules and how they can follow. Parents are often very difficult to be decisive and consistent with children. If the child is accustomed to having to follow parental instruction, parents can try any or all of these, to make sure that the child hears what you are looking for from him:

Keep your hands on the shoulders of the child until he tells you what you want to make.
Look into the eyes of a child.
Speak in calm, but firm voice.
Insist that your child listen to you and make him speak, and give reason to want.
Remember to grumble, grumble, discussing, praying, shouting or being outvoted the TV will not lead anywhere.
It may help if you ask the child to repeat what you want to do.

Have realistic expectations
Instead overemphasize small problems and create unnecessary anxiety and tension, the parents should be given to several outstanding child behavior that are most important to them. It is important to have realistic expectations. It is not possible and it is inefficient to try to change their child's undesirable behavior simultaneously. When you decide to change some behavior, select one or two clearly defined pattern of behavior and do just what they've changed. Select this behavior depends largely on the priorities of the family and the degree of probability that it will conduct a long-term negative consequences for the child (for example, hitting other children).

Caring for yourself
Hyperactive children can create enormous amounts of stress in their families, and stress is a suitable substrate for the occurrence of undesirable behavior. It is very important, although sometimes it is not easy, stay calm. Parents should pay attention to their own needs and those of other children in the family. Vacation, trip, travel, friends, hobbies and other activities help to reduce stress levels of parents, brothers and sisters.


Hyperactivity, impulsivity and difficulty maintaining attention can seriously impair the child's ability to learn.These children often, unless you are particularly intelligent, they begin to fall behind the class, and develop academic problems. This, along with behavioral problems, another reason why their children mock them, and why parents punish. Hyperactive children because of their difficulties in school can develop a sense of rejection from peers, which only exacerbates the situation.

A significant percentage of hyperactive children have specific learning difficulties, above all, difficulties in reading and writing. Given that the entire educational system is based on reading and writing skills, and to successfully reading and writing necessary for participation in the teaching of any subject, hyperactive children often have trouble with grades. Once you fall behind their peers in a very difficult to compensate. Besides them the medium through which knowledge is transmitted creates difficulties, because they have their disorder and many other problems. I can not concentrate as long as their peers. The noise and movement around them very easy to draw attention to them. Very often miss important information or instructions given to them as a teacher because they are occupied with thinking about something else. Many of them have a very messy and illegible handwriting, they create additional problems. They did themselves very difficult to understand and read, and very often get the manuscript and criticism from teachers.
In order to prevent the development of further trouble, it is important that teachers understand the specific way of functioning of hyperactive children who often negatively affects the school uradak generally to carry out the obligations and responsibilities. This requires contact with teachers in order to help distinguish between behaviors that result from hyperactivity, prevent the development of secondary pathological upgrading and appropriate to assist the child.

Studies conducted in the U.S. have shown that hyperactive children have these problems associated with learning:

90% of hyperactive children show reduced productivity in school work,
90% of hyperactive children achieve success in school decreased,
20% of hyperactive children have difficulties with reading,
60% of hyperactive children have serious difficulties with handwriting,
30% of hyperactive children drop out of school,
5% of children with hyperactivity disorder completed university education, as opposed to 25% of children from the general population.


Academic achievement is just as important hiperaktivnomu, as well as any other child. Hyperactive children need a high level of structure in the learning situation. A child can be helped to be agreed with him daily schedule and routines in the performance of school tasks. The middle class is good to encourage all children, including the hyperactive child, to record what they have for homework and occasionally to check whether the child is all recorded.

It is recommended that a hyperactive child is placed in the first bench and to encourage him to have as few things on the table. Namely, in the front row it was more focused on teachers and less opportunity to interact with other children during the lesson.

It is desirable that the child does not sit near the window or door for stimuli outside the classroom will strongly influence the child's focus of attention.
During the lesson, it is good to ask several additional questions hyperactive child, the child's attention back to the educational process. Also, it is important to focus on the positive, on what the child is made, a task that was successfully completed, not on what did not make, or what the error. Focus on the positive motivation of the child increases and strengthens his sense of competence and achievement.

Most problems with hyperactive children resulting from their reduced ability to follow rules, leading to disruption of discipline in the classroom.

Although every hyperactive child is unique, there are some principles that will facilitate compliance with the standard class child, and this will also facilitate the work of both teacher and other children:

Explain to children the rules of behavior in the classroom. The rules are important and it is important to give children information about what the teacher expects of them. These rules should be positive, expressed in terms of desired behavior. Preferably, the write and present, so that all children see. Not recommended to be imposed more than five rules.
Particularly important is the emphasis on corroboration desirable, positive behavior. Feedback on student behavior must immediately follow the behavior, and be linked to specific behaviors (eg, raising hands when a child wants to say something). With your child can agree on a reward system, which may include a number of possible rewards, and allows the child some freedom of choice.
Determine the child a clear hierarchy of sanctions for undesirable behavior, because it allows him to get feedback about their behavior and the "next step". In the hierarchy include planned ignoring and time-limited time-out.
Praise and encourage positive attention.
Communicate with the child on assertive manner, clearly expressing its need to non-aggressive manner. Avoid ridicule, or criticize prodike.
Distinguish between the inability of disobedience. For example, when a child says "I do not know" or "can", it needs training or assistance. "I" or "I do not want 'demands before the agreed sanction.
Keep priorities. Do not focus on more than three behaviors at once.
Ignore undesirable behavior in order to remove them from the child's repertoire of behavior and to prevent what used to attract negative attention.
The rules of learning:

Divide the material into smaller pieces. The goals of learning must be realistic and achievable.
When academic achievement of hyperactive children planning is extremely important. It provides structure to the child and facilitates learning.
Instructions to solve complex tasks and break tests in more simple instructions. Ask a hyperactive student to repeat what should be done to ensure understanding of the task. With younger children it is recommended to give instructions one at a time.
Preferirajte oral examination. Hyperactive children do better and better to show off your knowledge by answering verbally. Reduce the number of written assignments, and if necessary, enlarge the time of hyperactive children.
When giving instructions to the whole class, stand by the hyperactive student while doing it. Use for explaining the task to his book, thecoma, a workbook as an example.
Hyperactive children often have low self-esteem, which leads to avoidance of school for fear of failure. Often these children have difficulties with learning, not because of lack of ability but because of emotional difficulties. If a student achieves poor results, reduce the scope of a given material, not its weight. Also, for children to be useful to focus on positive attributes and accomplishments.

Hyperactive children can reduce frustration during the course allowing a brief pause, or exit from the class. Also, such a child may get some special obligations, such as taking care of Cretaceous or sponge, which enable changes in activity, gives him a sense of importance and reduce tension and discomfort.

Hyperactive children need friends just as other children. Sometimes they do not have adequate social skills, or use them incorrectly. Social skills can be learned and developed in the middle class, of which will benefit all children.

Within the class, through play and leisure activities, you can:

teach children nonviolent conflict resolution,
teach children assertiveness,
encourage the development of social skills by working in small groups. Such work certainly requires constant supervision and monitoring of processes occurring in small groups. Create flexible groups and ensure that hyperactive children are working with other children,
Encourage children to help one another (for example, to teach each other in math, reading), and activities should be monitored and recommended that children in this exchange.
encourage consideration of the situation from another angle,
be a model according to which children can learn good social skills and use their own positive comments about the students' work, interaction and attributes,
adopt the principle that each student a valuable member of the group, trying to encourage cooperation rather than competition in the classroom.
Hyperactive children can be extremely challenging students. For teachers, it is important to note that these children have a serious problem. For most people this is a side perspective because this is not the blindness, deafness, disability or cerebral palsy. But though at first glance it seems that the hyperactive children physically all right, specifically the functioning of their central nervous system creates more problems in their daily functioning. The hyperactive child to learn successfully in an environment that supports individual differences within a flexible, structured approach, and will focus on the differences lead to their stigmatization and seclusion.It is important to understand and adequately respond to the child's successes and their evaluation. Hyperactive children respond well to the caring attitude of teachers and, consequently, are highly motivated and achieve great results.
For the successful education of hyperactive children is of great importance cooperation of parents and teachers.Parents should be familiar with school routines and expectations that are placed before the child. Mutual support for parents and teachers is crucial, and both sides can learn from each other: the effective ways of dealing with some undesirable behavior, forces the child and the positive side, the motivation of the child. In doing so, except for open and effective communication Informative might be helpful to share information on achievements, tasks or potential difficulties.

Hyperactive and difficulties in creating FRIENDSHIPS

Many children with attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity have very few friends and are often seen as "different type". Their problems are often the result of their impulsivity and attention to short-range for which they are able to learn social rules or recognize social cues and messages. These children are often painfully aware of her isolation and rejection, and their inability to keep friends, try to change, but do not know how and are able to do themselves.

If you give these children extra help, it can often learn to have successful social relationships. They must be helped to learn what the most successful children learned spontaneously, without thinking. In fact a lot of them can help parents and teachers. Hyperactive children is often necessary to give specific and clear instructions. It can be, for example, said: "First go and stand next to a group of children. Stand quietly for a while and listen very carefully. When you are sure you know what they are talking about when you thought twice about what they want to say about it , wait for an appropriate pause in the conversation and then tell them that you agree with what they said, because ... or, you, too, experienced a similar ... " It is very important that this assistance be provided to nekritizirajući, supportive and positive way. It may sound excessive, but it may be helpful rejected and lonely child who longs for friends. There are children whose behavior is due to this disorder was so bad that they were different (both children and adults) consistently rejected because they could not tolerate their imposing, destructive and often violent behavior.

The continuing failure and refusal by the child's peers can catastrophically affect the child's self-esteem, as well as his subsequent behavior.

Tips for parents
Parents can help their children develop positive social skills.

How to do?

Practice good social skills at home. Determine, in consultation with the child, one or two social behaviors that you want to boost your child's repertoire of behavior towards other children. It may be sharing toys, talking quietly, not commanding, not falling into the word and the like. Establish a program of rewarding these behaviors.
Several times each week, take a few minutes to rehearse with the child chosen behavior. Explain to your child skills that you would like to try to use it. Fake a situation where you would be a child and thus show the child how to use this skill. Then let the child try a new skill in front of you. Encourage and inspire children to use newly learned skills when the next time he plays with some child.
Whenever you have a chance, watch your child play with other children, brothers or sisters. Do it more often than usual. Whenever you notice that the child used the new skills, praise him or reward. Taking care not to interrupt the game dynamics. Sometimes it is better to call a child aside and reward him there as a child would not be embarrassed.
Your child may not be popular among peers. Popularity is not as important as friendship. A better goal might be the popularity boost friendship with your child.
Encourage your child to after school or on weekends call on you any of their peers. If your child has serious problems with social skills, plan and strukturirajte time that children spend together. For example, plan a trip to the movies, playing board games, prepare special sandwiches, prepare the mixture for modeling or anything else for you would think that another child might enjoy. It is important that the activity is structured and to be under your constant supervision. Such contact can be structured to encourage friendship between your child and his peers.
When you are at a friend of your child, monitor the activities that children do. The moment you notice that their interactions out of control, stop the game and offer the children something to eat or give them a more peaceful, structured activity.
Do everything you can to avoid your child to see an example of aggressive behavior at home. Be aware of your own behavior and the behavior of other inmates, so as not to have happened unconsciously modeled aggressive behavior of their child, whether it's shouting, insulting or speaking profanity or throwing things. Also, you need to carefully monitor what your child watches on television. If you can avoid having your child watch television on aggressive behavior, make such a scene for the child to point to the fact that the behavior is unacceptable behavior and that other kids do not like.
Try to prevent your child socialize with other children who are aggressive. Encourage your child to socialize with children who will be a positive model for relations among peers.
Involve your child in organized activities in your community, such as Scouts, sports clubs, folklore. Try to choose activities that are structured and supervised by an adult, preferably with small groups of children. Avoid activities that require a coordinated effort with other children or who have complex rules to achieve success. Such activities could be to too much trouble for hyperactive children. Also, it is better to choose those activities that involve less competition. The competition causes increased arousal, which in hyperactive children may increase the incidence of disorganized behavior.
Helping hyperactive child to solve problems in relationships with other children can be very difficult. Be realistic in your expectations concerning the changes in this area. Looking for any opportunity to organize a situation where your child will have a chance for positive contact with peers. Avoid situations where it is likely that there will be a social failure. Your efforts may eventually lead to a more positive relationship with your child's peers and the quality of friendships.


Hyperactive children have difficulty with the lack of skills or knowledge, so show your child how to do something, will be of help too. Instead it is more efficient to give clear instructions, reorganize tasks to be more interesting or to motivate a child to redirect children's behavior toward future goals instead of immediate gratification and to provide immediate rewards for completed tasks or compliance with the rules.

The immediate feedback and consequences
When a hyperactive child is faced with the task of who he is unattractive, difficult or boring, it will feel the urge to do something else. If you want your child to continue a given activity, you need to give positive feedback and consequences that will do the job more attractive and cost effective for the child, as well as a mild negative consequences if a child withdraws from the task. Similarly, when you want to change undesirable behavior, the child must provide rewards and feedback when they behave in a desirable manner and rapid negative consequences for undesirable behavior.

Positive feedback can be in the form of praise as long as clearly and specifically say that the child is made positive.It can also take the form of physical affection. In some cases it may include awards such as the special privilege or a system whereby children earn points to gain special privileges, for praise alone will not sufficiently motivate the child to remain in a given activity. No matter what kind of feedback you give, it will be successful to a certain immediate behavior.

Provide frequent feedback
Hyperactive children not only need to feedback effects and faster than others, but more often. Immediate effects can be effective even when temporary, but better to act on a child if they are frequent.

Frankly speaking, an exaggeration that can be irritating for the child and tedious for you, but it is necessary to do so as often as your schedule permits, energy and time available, if you want to change an unwanted behavior is important. For example, instead of waiting to praise a child who has serious difficulty in completing all tasks or to urge the child after several hours of written homework, and you could end up in 20 minutes, tell your child that you will give one point for each task is solved from mathematics, and the points are added together to achieve some privileges. To write a complete duties also give a reasonable period of time, 20 minutes, and say that if time runs out, the child will be penalized one point for each pending task. During work praise the child for having written homework and encourage him to continue as long as keep track of points.

Often parents are so busy and occupied with daily routine and forget to check the child. This is so you may land a small set reminders in places where often stay every time you see a reminder, commentary child's behavior at the time.

Use larger and more powerful effects
Your hyperactive child needs stronger effects than others, so you will be prompted to complete a task, follow the rules or to behave well. These consequences may include physical attention, privileges, special sweets, points, material rewards such as small toys that children collect or sometimes even money.
This can interfere with the usual attitude that children should not be financially rewarded because often such awards may reduce the child's internal rewards such as reading, the desire to make you happy friends or parents, overcome pride when a new skill. However, these internal rewards have limited effect on hyperactive children.The nature of the disturbance required to use larger, more important, and sometimes material consequences in order to develop and maintain positive behavior in hyperactive children.

Use incentives before punishment
Parents usually resort to punishment when a child misbehaves. It is effective in children who are hyperactive, which here and there behaving badly, and so experience little penalties. However, hyperactive children are more likely to not comply with the standard and therefore experience a large amount of negative consequences. The sentence, when used alone, without reward and positive feedback is relatively inefficient method of changing behavior. It usually leads to bad feelings and hostility.

It is important to remember that in hyperactive children before the rule is positive negative. Note that the hyperactive child experiences a lot of negative feedback and punishment of persons who do not understand his disorder and that it only appropriate incentives and rewards to learn what you expect from him.

When you want to change undesirable behavior, decide that the child positive behavior to replace the undesirable behavior. Then follow more closely when it is desirable behavior occurs, and when the child behaves in this way, the more reward and compliment her child. Once you are consistently rewarded a new behavior for at least one week, you can begin to punish the opposite behavior. Even then, try using a mild punishment such as loss of privileges or an activity, or a brief time-out, and try to keep a balance between punishment and reward: a penalty for two or three commendations or awards. Punish consistently but selectively, only to appear that a certain behavior.

Try to be consistent
The most difficult step in raising children is consistency. No, that would change some behavior or begun to appear more frequently, it is necessary to use the same strategy every time. Being consistent means of four important things:

each time to react to a particular situation or behavior
do not give up too quickly when you start changing the behavior of a
each time to react the same way, regardless of the changed environment
Both parents should use the same method
Volatility or kapriciranje in an effort to set the rules will lead to change. Also, react the same way at home and in public, no matter what others think or say, because they do not raise your child. The changes require time, and do not lose hope if things change slowly. Finally, try to maintain a united parental front, as you allow different parenting styles.

Note that the hyperactive child is sensitive to the effects of feedback, while much less sensitive to the reasons and explaining the rationale of some procedures than other children. For this reason, react quickly, frequently and consistently, which will lead to better behavior. Interviews and complaining led to resistance, rather than obedience.

Keep in mind the nature of the disorder
Sometimes, when parents are faced with difficult odgojivim hyperactive child may lose sight of the real problem.They may be mad, angry, feel uncomfortable or put down the child's level and argue with the child as it was the second child. The whole time you must keep in mind that you are an adult, you are a teacher and guardian of the child with the disorder. If one of you should have control over the situation, in any case it is you.

One way to stay calm is to try to distance himself from the situation and look through the eyes of a stranger - see parents trying to solve a problem with a child who has behavioral problems. If this fails, you will be able to react just and reasonable, but if you get upset.

It is hard and try to remember every day that your child is having difficulties, especially in situations when trying to resolve an unwanted behavior.

Do not let your own sense of worth becomes associated with it that you managed to beat some behavior or not.Remain calm, develop a sense of humor-related problem. Sometimes this means that even go to another room and remove from the situation until they can win control of their emotions. Do not conclude that you are a bad parent when the situation gets out of control or does not finish the way you want.

Practice forgiveness
Forgiveness is the most important principle in the upbringing of the child, but often it is very difficult to implement in daily life. Practice forgiveness means three things. First, every day after you place your hyperactive child to sleep, take a moment and think about the child's "transgressions" and forgive him. Let you go through feelings of anger, disappointment, resentment, injury. A child can not always control their behavior and deserves to forgive him. This does not mean it is not responsible for their behavior, but it does mean that you need to get rid of bitterness with which it binds.

Second, focus on the forgiveness of others who did not understand the difficulties your child hyperactive, and are therefore react inappropriately, offensively or your child simply labeled as lazy or naughty. You know better than that and settle for their child, but do not let the fact that you act in anger or sadness.

And, finally, learn to forgive yourself for mistakes you made in the education of that day. Hyperactive children have the ability to stir up the worst in us as parents, which often leads to parents feeling guilty for your mistakes.Without that let us not repeat the same mistakes without consequences, allow self-blame, shame, humiliation, sadness and anger that accompanies this aspect of self-evaluation. Replace and honest assessment of your feelings of parental functioning on that date, identifying areas that are improved.

TREATMENT OF CHILDREN WITH attention deficit disorder, with or without Hyperactivity

Hyperactive children have difficulties that can cause serious problems for them and other people, but they are in all other aspects of normal children. They have thoughts, feelings, desires and dreams as everyone else. Although it is extremely important to a child with this disorder is identified to him and his family could not provide adequate treatment, there is a serious risk of getting a diagnosis that consists in the fact that the child once the diagnosis is often viewed only in terms of the diagnosis. Children with disabilities and deficits of any kind are, first and foremost - children, not disorders or syndromes.

Many of the symptoms and characteristics of hyperactive children may be turned to their advantage. The future of children with this disorder should not be black. Taking into account the child's strengths and weaknesses and to provide adequate assistance, family and professionals can work together to achieve a hyperactive child become aware of their potential and to be able to lead a happy and successful life.

WHAT TO DO IF A CHILD show symptoms of hyperactivity

It is recommended that parents who perceive their children's behavior similar to the above characteristic behavior of hyperactive children, should consult a psychologist, depending on the place of residence. All psychologists are familiar with these issues during their undergraduate education, and many psychologists with hyperactivity often encountered in practice

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