Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Children and Television

Watching television is the main activity of children and adolescents and they have a major impact. Children, on average, per day watching television three or four hours. At that rate until the completion of high school kids spend more time watching television than they spend in the classroom. While television can entertain, inform and make children a society, on the other hand it may affect them and the undesirable way.

Television and Its Influence

Time spent watching television distracts from important activities such as reading, doing homework, playing, practicing a sport training and socialization. Also, watching television, children learn information that may be inappropriate and inaccurate. Often can not distinguish between the fantasy presented on television and reality.They are influenced by commercials that more than a thousand watches each year, many of which are related to alcohol, junk food and toys. Children who spend a lot of time watching television are likely to:

* Have poor grades in school,
* Read fewer books,
* Less to play sports,
* To be obese.

The content that you see on TV

Violence, murder, pornography, racial, ethnic and gender intolerance, abuse drugs and alcohol are more than frequent topic on television programs. Bearing in mind that the children easily impressed, she simple principle of modeling can assume that what you typically see on television, safe and acceptable. Television also exposes children to behaviors and attitudes that can be overwhelming and difficult to understand (a typical example, were the war years) ..

Active parenting can ensure that children have a positive experience with television. Parents can help by:

* Watch programs with their children,
* Choose developmentally appropriate programs,
* Set a limit to the amount of television viewing (per day and per week), take into account the removal of televisions from children's bedrooms,
* Off the TV during family meals and during learning,
* Show off that you think are not appropriate for your children.

In addition, parents can help by doing the following: Do not allow children to watch television at too long intervals, but to help them select individual programs. Select programs that zadovoljavalju development needs of your children. Children's programs in the "curriculum" public TV are appropriate, but not soap operas, talk-show's parade and show business stars for adults. Determine the specific periods when the TV is off. Time for learning is provided for learning, not sitting in front of the TV while doing homework. Mealtimes is a good time to talk among family members, not to watch television. Remember, you are the model for their children attitude toward television.

As a family counselor, I suggest some families where the television has taken the power of the organizers of family life, 7 days to completely turn off the TV and a different plan daily activities, especially joint. The result usually is improving emotional relationships, greater intimacy, significantly more communication between inmates and intensive communication with the outside world that is largely replacing the television.

If old habits are not easily lost, encourage discussion with their children about what they saw when you watched the show with them. Point out positive behavior, such as cooperation, friendship and concern for others. While watching, make a connection with history, books, places of interest and personal events. Talk about personal and family values ​​if they are connected with the issue. Ask children to compare what you are looking at the real events. Talk about the real consequences of violence and crime. Consider how advertisements influence the purchase. Encourage your children to be involved in hobbies, sports. With appropriate counseling, your child will learn to use television in a healthy and positive way.

Children and Violence on TV

Television can have a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. Unfortunately, without a lot of common sense, a local television program is rich with violence. Common sense is nullified by the fact that hundreds of scientific studies say about the harmful effects of television violence on children and teenagers, and the production of such programs extensively and continues playing. These scientific studies have found that children can:

* Become "immune" to the scene of violence and terror,
* Gradually accept violence as a way of solving problems,
* Imitate the violence they observe on television and
* Identify with each character, the victim and / or violent.

Prolonged viewing of television violence by children causes aggressive behavior. Sometimes, watching a single violent program or film can increase aggressiveness. Children who view shows in which violence is very realistic, frequently repeated and unpunished, it is more likely to imitate what they see. Children with impulsive behavior, violence on television can more easily influence the learning of such behavior. Impact of violence on television can be immediately očevidentan in children's behavior or may surface years later. Sometimes, teens can show violent behavior even when the family atmosphere shows no tendency toward violence. Of course, television violence is not the only cause of aggressive or violent behavior, but it is clear that a significant factor.

Parents can protect children from excessive TV violence in the following ways:

~ Apply all protective measures already mentioned about watching television in general,
~ Noted that the actors did not really hurt or killed and the violence shown that in reality result in suffering and death, and that the abuser is not a positive person and that in reality there are consequences for violent behavior,
~ Do not allow your child to watch the show known for violence and change the channel or turn off the TV when offensive matralijal come on line, explaining why you do not feel that it's okay watching such a program,
~ Not approve a series of violence, emphasizing his belief that such behavior is not the best way to solve problems,
-Balance the influence between you, your child and peers who encourage him to watch TV violence by contacting other parents and agree to apply similar rules on the length of time and type of programs that children can watch.

Parents can also use these measures as prevention of painful effects of television in areas such as gender, racial or ethnic intolerance and violent stereotypes. Length of time children spend watching television, regardless of context, it should be controlled because it reduces the time can be spent on more useful activities such as reading, playing with friends, and developing hobbies. If parents have serious problems that limit, or care how their children respond to television, you should contact the child and adolescent psychiatrist for consultation or assistance.

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