Parents make up all possible ways to force a child to eat something, but all efforts are often reduced to just pizza, hamburger, and piles of candy.
- The child should be talking about food, the best while preparing or buying.
- Ask your child what he wants to eat, because you'll also involved in deciding what will be a given that I chose to eat and easier.
- It is important that you sit with your child while they eat. It would be nice to eat together, but if you can not then at least make him company. Children do not like to eat alone and always need your attention, and the table maximum.
- Children refuse to eat because it is one of the few things you can control. I refuse to dinner, let him let go of the table, but do not desert him. The child will look for food when hungry, but then he does not give snacks, but a real dinner.
He refuses to eat vegetables, milk does not tolerate or frequently suffer from constipation ... What to do?
By the third year, the child loves to discover new tastes. Take the time to get used to different tastes of fruits, vegetables, meat ... From three to six years - this will be virtually impossible! The best way to get used to a variety of child nutrition is to give him an example. If the parents every day eat fruits, vegetables and fish, the child will understand that it's good and what i will mainly only! However, if parents do not cooperate, this task will be much more difficult. Make sure your child that is varied and balanced diet is healthy, and not initiate any meal an argument and forcing the child to eat some food. If it still will not eat it all, you must resort to some trickery.
He does not like certain foods
I never drink milk, or it does not tolerate
Why is it necessary to milk? It brings the necessary calcium for bone growth and strength. Ideally, the child takes four daily dairy products. It rarely happens that a child does not like not all dairy products.
What do propose as a replacement? A child who does not like or does not tolerate milk, and still has a great selection.
Remember: the yogurt and cheese contain lactose, so that they can be consumed by children who can not tolerate cow's milk proteins.
Among dairy products, try to choose one particularly rich in calcium: 100 g plain yogurt contains 150 mg calcium, 120 mg chocolate cream, yogurt and fruit 96 mg. There are also cheeses, for example, Emmentaler, which is extremely rich in calcium (children simply adore when they narendate cheese over the dishes!)
Besides dairy products, and other foods contain calcium in sufficient quantities: broccoli, lettuce, parsley, grits, some mineral water, almonds and dried figs ... Another idea: insert milk everyday dishes (in the soup, puree, bechamel sauce), store-based confectionery dairy products (pancakes, cakes with yogurt). Be careful not to eat too much salt - gram of salt added to food causes loss of 25 to 50 mg of calcium through the urine.
"He hates the" meat
Why is meat necessary? It is rich in proteins necessary for the development and maintenance of muscles. Meat is also the over-represented in the diet. A sufficient amount of meat is 0.8 to 1 gram per day per kilogram of body weight. You can give your child only two or three times a week.
What do propose as a replacement? In the first place, eggs (60 g of meat = 1 egg), fish or cheese. But other foods contain protein: dried vegetables (250 g lentils or beans is worth a 100 g of meat) or dried fruit.
He does not like vegetables
Why is it necessary to vegetables? It provides vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition stimulates digestion. A small number of children aged two to ten years, like vegetables. It is often necessary to wait for puberty to begin to really cost him.
What do propose as a replacement? It rarely happens that a child does not like just any vegetables: there's a lot, and can be eaten cooked or raw. Take your child to the market or in a garden where they can only choose either harvested vegetables. Why not planted parsley on the terrace? Let him help in the kitchen, especially when it comes to peel vegetables.
There are problems with health
Often suffer from constipation
The prison talk when the child has less than three stools a week. This problem occurs mostly in boys, and the causes can be various: an unbalanced diet, taking certain medications (eg codeine), poor hygiene in the bathrooms ...
What to do? Make sure your child get enough fiber. For breakfast he suggest wholemeal bread, cereals, muesli ...As a dessert and eat fruit that contains more fiber than squeezed fruit juice, dried fruit (prunes, figs, apricots ...), and fresh green vegetables. It also needs to drink more water. On the other hand has to reduce the intake of white rice, pasta, potatoes, white bread and fast-food meals. You may want to also have regular physical activity.
In diarrhea
Talking about diarrhea when the child has frequent and liquid stools. It can be caused by infection (gastroenteritis) or food poisoning can occur with ENT infections (eg, ear inflammation).
What to do? Although it is rare that a larger child becomes dehydrated, you can offer him juice from fruits and vegetables (carrot, apple ...). For a meal to give her white rice, pasta, potatoes, mashed ripe banana. Such a diet should be maintained while the chair does not become normal.
Recovering from illness
After a childhood disease or ENT infection, the child is required to restore power, but does not feel a great hunger. Offer him fresh squeezed fruit juices (orange, grapefruit, kiwi ...) and if you like, strawberry milkshakes, or raspberry. These pleasant drinks he will soon make up the necessary vitamins.
- Many parents believe that if children hide sweets to eat better, but it's wrong. What they subtract, it will most likely want. There is no reason to not allow them to eat sweet, but find a deal.
- Do not threaten your child will not get a cake if you do not eat lunch or dinner, because it will be considered as a main course something bad because he can not get something he likes and wants. Instead of these tactics, saying that they will become strong salty foods and large.
- Do not force children to eat everything you put them in a plate. They know their measure of food and therefore will, depending on daily activities or the mood to eat as much as they need, no more, no less!
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