Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Teach your child to ride a bicycle

Every child up to five years of age trtebalo to learn to ride a bike. Here are some tips in this regard.

Cycling is a healthy sport that helps develop leg muscles properly, to establish a sense of balance and increase the capacity of the respiratory organs.

When a child learns to ride a bicycle at an early age (it is advisable to master the art of the fifth year) and it also develops self-confidence and personal values: mastered a new obstacle and achieved his first ride in life.

If you decide to go with the kids in the water cycling, follow these tips:

Children from 1 to 3 years
Children under three years do not have sufficiently developed motor acts to maintain balance on a bicycle with two or four (two extra) point. It is much better to ride a tricycle (and thus better develop the leg muscles), instead of the hours of drill baby bike that is functionally adapted to their age (less pedal revs, which means less development of leg muscles).

Ideal is a metal tricycle with higher wooden seat, which is more stable and suitable for driving the plastic. But keep your primary criterion for the purchase price of the tricycle is: buy it cheaper, because children quickly out of the tricycle-phase (three years).

The tricycle is easy to ride. It is important that children first learn to keep your feet on the pedals. Explain that the wheel should not hold strong and firm because otherwise difficult to maintain direction and balance (although kids tricycle with a very rare drop).

Walk in front of him and tell him to drive to you. When you learn the right to drive (which will happen very quickly) explain to him how far to go a little bit to the left and right. And for half an hour your mališn become great "triciklista". Teach him to sit properly and that for safety reasons, always looks right in front of you.

Children older than 3 years
Child's first acquaintance with this "sports equipment" should be grammatical - teach him to say a bicycle, not bike or bicycle, and, unfortunately, in our language there is no verb that explains the action when riding a bicycle, although biciklanje sounds nice.

The bikes go shopping with your child. Do not be the main parameters are the manufacturer company and the external appearance of the bike. It is essential that a bicycle is a simple (no gear that is not needed for the first run, it is much more important rear brakes), ranging from 50 to 70 cm, the wheel is 10 cm higher than the seat (for-establishment of equilibrium) and, most importantly when a child sits on the bike the feet of both feet touching the ground.

Children's bike riding kids from third to seventh year of life (as long as they can to extend the seat and steering wheel). Although many have auxiliary wheels, these are not recommended as initial training difficult. If the child gets used to and rely on the support rollers, tomorrow will be much harder and longer to learn to balance on two wheels. Therefore, training should start on two wheels.

For the first "steps" on the bike straight asflatirane select areas in parks and promenades. Holding the bike with the zadanje (behind the child) for the seat and tell the children to climb on the seat, by one foot on the pedal your knee while the other will have support on the ground. Hands of a child is caught by the wheel. It is important to keep a relaxed drive, not to squeeze, as any problem with the balance resulting from tightness and muscle spasm.

Pressing the pedal starts a child, put the other foot on the pedal and with your help (you still treasure it držište the seat) is beginning to maintain balance. The child then has to drive it just right. If you start to turn left or right (which will happen only if you hold fast steering), stop it, explain why this is happening, and start again. Ride your bike over 10 feet, then stop, turn it and repeat the whole operation from the beginning. Do not the first time that preforsirate child. It is enough that first day is spent 20 minutes on the bike because it must gradually gain a sense of balance and the brain needs time to pass and process new information.

Repeat the same exercise the next day.  After four to five training sessions in which the child learns to drive right, teach him to turn left and right: it continues to hold the seat and explain to him that the wheel turns slightly to the left or right side.

There is still that children learn to make the turn. If these courses run every day (and it is enough for 20 minutes) your child will learn in ten days to ride a bicycle independently. But do not let the right, it might be a few more times require your presence to feel safer.

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