Two months before school begins with the preparations for her first graders first day of school, so that everything was as bright, without undue fear and tears ...
Starting in first grade is a big step for your child, but for you, so it is useful to begin with but now preparing to fall on the first day passed in a new environment with less stress and problems. A long hot summer is ahead of you and this is the perfect opportunity to explain to the child all the concerns you may have and answer all his questions.So, every day, take some time his pupil, and through play and conversation make all the preparations.
Answer all questions
It is a great possibility that the child will be fearful of the first day of school. It'll easily notice this by the mere mention of the school to become irritable, weepy, or will have a temper tantrum. This then is one more reason why you have to be made regarding the preparation. Do not begin to bombard the child with different information, but start with his own short stories as you were when you went to school. Speak only beautiful adventures and you have all experienced. Answer all the questions that the child will have, no matter how you made it meaningless. Child they are often crucial.
With a positive attitude, you will gradually build your child's confidence. No, do not exaggerate and lie about events at school. If the child went to kindergarten, accustomed to be separated from you, and separation at the school should not be a problem. However, if the child did not go to kindergarten, explain that you are going to accompany you to school and after school to wait, but to their peers and the teacher have to spend some time socializing and learning new things.
Socializing with peers
If you have older kids who go to school, the budding schoolboy from older brothers and sisters in the school. Of great help can be friends from the neighborhood, who know what kindergartens are expected in school and are more likely to look forward to the beginning of the school and will not understand the change so dramatically, nor will be stressed. But no matter how the child is accustomed to certain activities, it is useful to pick up the game his confidence.
Gather all of his peers who went or should go to school and play teacher and student. Let each child gets a chance to tell the story, or respond to the question. This will be a chance that the child acquires confidence in speaking before a group of children and adults. In addition, your child's good to be hanging out with peers, if they did not go to kindergarten to acquire certain social skills.
Find in a library or bookstore picture books or books that talk about reach first grade. Read a book with your child and discuss the topic. In first grade, children will have benches to sit and listen to what the teacher talk. If your child is fussy and try to reassure him get used to at least half an hour draw and color a picture book or to sit still while talking about his story. Children start to learn the letters in kindergarten, and some already know and read when they come into first grade. Do not worry if your child does not know letters, but try it through fun and games teach letters, or alphabet.
Turn it in preparation
Summer is the perfect time for walking, so why not make it to school if she is close enough. Walk once more with a child from home to school, to help put remembered. Explain how to cross the road, and to which all must be careful. Since the summer, so the school will probably be closed and you can teach them, but spend a few minutes before school in the game so that the child got used to the surroundings. Allow him to explore the surrounding area. Explain how each day to come here and learn new things and hang out and play with new friends. Tell him I will have to behave in school routine and you will have to adapt to.
When the time comes the first purchases of school books, bags of clothes and other things, include your child. Let you choose the bag that he would like, pens, pencil cases and such colorful book covers. With books such as coloring book, or buy an interesting book that will be used immediately, it will increase the joy and excitement about going to school.
Girls is especially important and the clothes you will wear to school, so they must take the purchase of new clothes. Whether it's just a new shirt, dress, pants or shoes will be excited, happy and impatient about new things.Both girls and boys like clothes with favorite characters from cartoons and animated films, so that will not go wrong.
Two weeks before school ...
If your child is not an early riser and likes to sleep longer, two weeks before school to start training to get up earlier. Wake him at the time when you will wake up while going to school, and save him a light breakfast.Immediately after breakfast we come up with some activities that you will work with the child, so to adjust to the earlier activities in the home or going out of the house. If the child did not go to kindergarten and is not used to be a long time without you, explain that you will accompany you to wait until the end of the school teaching, and that there is no need to be sad or to cry. If the tear occurs, do not be overly concerned. Remain calm and cheerful and do not show and that you hard.
The first day of school, bring him to school and wait for teacher instruction and the person who will be welcomed by first graders. When will be the time to say goodbye and leave the child in the classroom. Make sure your child on the first day of school is naspavan and rested and eat something before going to school. Get organized, save to go to school without the fuss and nervousness, and that everything goes serene and relaxed atmosphere. Promise him before parting it to the school from school to make ice cream or a favorite place or such that you spraviti his favorite dish at home. Thus the child is happy and the school and return home.
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