Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The truth about the beating - a sign of love or hate?

Whether to ban corporal punishment of children? Are any spanking abusive? Lately, this topic gets more media attention, and his views on this matter are very different. However, what the whole story somehow most worrying is the fact that parents in the society gradually assume the role of "villains".

On one side are opponents of the beatings as a form of parenting. They believe that every, even the worst hit - violence against the child, and that violence always produces more violence. Children in this version are the victim of abuse, and parents as evil oppressors, terrorize and control hunger. Very lightly imposed very severe sentence, and can often hear the view that parents who use spanking in the upbringing of children should be seized. It seems that growing up in a home for abandoned children as well as some works far better experience for the child.

The other side

On the other hand, there are opponents of the law that would prohibit corporal punishment. They make a sharp distinction between the real child abuse and plain kick the butt, which many parents sometimes resort to in order to respond to some mischief of his child. Opponents of the law do not want to believe that most parents are a danger to their children, and that society should be so treated. They could not believe that beating the best solution for such situations, nor that they should be promoted, but I do not think that they will permanently affect the child's psyche, or that parents should lightly and unconditionally denied the right choices when it comes to their method of parenting of children. Especially when there is already a law that strictly prohibits beatings and other forms of injury and child abuse.

Parents are not enemies

It would be foolish to conclude that modern parents are children but because they are maniacs who want to harm them. More likely, despite the enthusiasm of children to bring up the conversation in the spirit of tolerance, obviously there are always situations that do not manage to find a happier way to deal with your child's disobedience. The introduction of total prohibition, many of these parents who are, in essence, your child would like best, they would be branded and turned into criminals, and the whole family would be subjected to investigation and potential separation, as well as tabloid exploitation, that such parents would be easily turned into monsters.

Proponents of the ban of corporal punishment is commonly called the doctrine, arguing that spanking is not effective and to promote aggressiveness. Apparently, reasonable persuasion may be the children achieve more than compulsion. However, many psychologists warn that the "evidence" about the dangers beating just theory - which, admittedly, it sounds plausible, but in reality not so far supported by concrete results. That is, a strong causal link between the beating and negative effects has not been established.

Progressive move or not

Additional confusion into the whole problem entries studies that claim that the popular method of "denial of care" to the child who misbehaves (by sending in a corner in his room), even worse than beating. Some psychologists go further and believe that any form of punishment of children is detrimental to their psyche.

As an argument against the alleged beating, and that they are uncivilized way of dealing with children, so they are not acceptable in the 21st century. In particular, it plays the card of "primitivism" of Serbian society, that these laws should be improved and modernized, yet forgets to reduce parental freedoms to the government - at the same time means a loss of human freedom in general, which does not a progressive move for either company.

I punish adults

There is, of course, and the widespread thesis about "equality" of parents and children, in which the child must be treated as a grown man, with whom on all must be negotiated. Even the fact that parents choose children's clothes, in this light is seen as a demonstration of power and violation of child rights.

However, the idea that a child raised in a most successful partnership, based on friendly persuasion, are increasingly being challenged in psychology, because it does not really show results. We forget that the adults must abide by many rules of society, and that otherwise are punished, and often more severe than would any parent punish a child. And contrary to popular illusion of rational child, who learns by explaining his reasons, it seems that classical conditioning does have a much greater role in building a child's psyche than was thought in recent decades.

Science does not have "a recipe for Education"

When it comes to science, definitely proved that she is unable to determine what is best for the education of the child, or to offer a "recipe for education." Studies are shown that corporal punishment is not very successful way, but every parent already and I know that this traditional method and not very efficient in the long run.However, no other modern methods also show few results. The evidence and growing concern in many western countries, the horrible state of character and behavior of generations growing up today. All together it suggests that, despite the belief in the omnipotence of science and its theories, parents always have to rely on their intuition, experience and love. And the fact that they are best able to look at a complicated and changing relationship between himself and the child, dependent on many factors, that no expert is not able to take into account in its assessment.

Surrounded by family

What is certainly the saddest side of criminalization of corporal punishment, is an unprecedented loss of confidence in parents and their reasoning. As to the fact that parents love their children most in the world - completely forgotten, and almost began to mean that it is necessary to protect children from them. The public is extremely suspicious amount of statistics, according to which seventy-three percent of children in Serbia are exposed to abuse by parents, which would mean that most parents do not know or do not want to love their children, which is totally absurd. As long ago noted American social critic Christopher in his book Las surrounded by family, under the pressure of "experts" of all kinds, modern parents have lost faith in the authority of their own children. A society in general has lost the desire to believe his parents' competence, which all together resulted in an invasion of experts and the state of traditional family life.

Discussion on this topic in the local public is often trivialized and reversed by the opponents of the said law automatically declared "promoters" beating. And this despite the fact that they only promote caution and commonsense reasoning - in favor of good intentions and love for the vast majority of parents towards their children, as opposed pathologization this relationship - which stems from an atmosphere of surveillance, suspicion and denunciation. Paradoxically, as a guarantee of happiness and safety of children, parents of today hangs "police baton" which is there to "soulless" parents learn how to love.

Beaten back into the classroom

Surveys conducted in the U.S. and many European countries, shows that parents remain the most resort to beatings as an educational method. In fact, despite a campaign to ban stick in the family, there are even suggestions that they are back in the classroom. In the survey conducted this fall in the UK, a fifth of the teachers voted to return the "sticks" in the schools, because they believe that discipline is so bad that they will soon themselves become victims of beatings, and a previous survey showed that fifty-one percent of parents thinks the same. In the U.S., twenty-three states allow corporal punishment in schools, a ban on parents to use this method there is in neither. Canada has banned corporal punishment in schools, but left the possibility that parents use spanking in the upbringing of children between two and twelve. 

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