Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gifted child

Your child is much better expressed than their peers, the better the draw, sing, read, understand numbers ...What you can do and the talent just a blessing or it can become a problem? 

"Look at my child! It is wise! "She said you are a mother with whom you exchanged at the playground," a drink ", closely watching how the kids rolling in the dust, mud and put in your mouth everything they come in hand.

Of course the majority of mothers thought that her child funniest, sweetest, best and brightest. Wallowing in mud with other peers does not mean that your preschooler is not particularly smart or talented, but it is necessary to discern and identify the normal development of certain tendencies or talents, which is above average.

Earlier detection of certain talents, the child may "benefit" in terms of further development and proper guidance and also the child can be robbed and have problems in social, developmental and social sense, if you do not recognize the signs of giftedness. But how to know if there is talent or not? For there are certain parameters and characters that you identify yourself, but if in doubt ask for advice tete in a kindergarten, a child psychologist who would also need to know and recognize the signs.

Talent, attention, activity

How to identify gifted children (between two and four years of age):
First The child has a particular talent, or art is very good with numbers. For example, children who draw very realistic drawings or to understand what numbers represent, how to manipulate ...
Second The child reaches developmental milestones before their peers
Third It has developed a speech, that much richer vocabulary than their peers, understand the words he speaks in the right context and agrees correct and full sentences.
4th It is very interested in everything that happens around him and seems to always have some meaningful questions about the events.
5th It is very active child, but not hyperactive. While hyperactive children can not keep the attention on a particular object for a long time, gifted children can be much longer concentrate on the task at hand. Accept the task with great interest, and it can be said to express a passion for doing what i love new challenges to assigned by their particular area of ​​interest.
6th It has a very vivid imagination, and often in the head to create a large and intricate network of imaginary friends with whom I often "hang".
7th Very easy to remember things and I remember little things that are heard in their environment, be it the family, television (movies, series, shows) or have they even read the books. It may be gifted to read, so just read ...

Joint action

While you as a parent you can be proud that you have a gifted child, this does not mean that your child and really be easier and better. The child is quite easy to understand that different from their peers, making them feel isolated and there is the possibility of withdrawal. Because it can become a target buliinga other children.

Gifted children think differently, more quickly and more easily expressed verbally and physically, which can occur frustration. If your child goes to kindergarten, then the child's preferences, talents, and potential problems that could arise you must talk to aunts that reasonably should have a practice on how to better integrate gifted children in a particular group, but also caution their talents.

If you think that this is not enough or no matter what particular problems arise, seek the help of child psychologist, who will be able to give some guidance, advice and ultimately test the extent to which your child's talents go, and do tests to determine intelligence and IQ .
The children of three years and up can be tested for, and those that reach above 130 IQ can be considered gifted, because the average is between 85 and 115 Children who reach values ​​between 115 and 130 can be considered gifted, but this will depend upon the individuality of the child.

We should not forget that the IQ test today, only one of many factors taken into account when testing talent.
In assessing talent involved parents, teachers, psychologists ...

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