Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mimicking Mother

Imitation is the forerunner of the imagination. 

With children it is so spontaneous and beautiful. Every day is a surprise. One day
Only you will be surprised when your toddler take a phone or cell phone in hand and begins to "talk to" raise arm in greeting as utters "so-so", with a dust cloth prodefilira next to you ... Children learn best from experience - include them in their activities

Is there anything more beautiful than the small, chubby rukice which began flirting when you say "bye-bye"? It is also a very important milestone in child development and an essential part of learning.

"The imitation of the mother is an important part of child development and a precursor of the child's imagination," says dr. Punam Kashyap, a pediatrician at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.

How to develop his memory, the child will begin to imitate the things you did yesterday (eg, delete a table), not just things you do now (eg a phone call.). Sometimes it is not easy to include children in their activities, the easier it is to put the cartoon while you're cooking, and not let him cook with you, but, trust, investment in them while they are so small it will quickly pay off. You will have a smart and independent child that you will rightly be immensely proud.

Encourage imitation is very simple - turn your child into the routine activities:

• If you reach the page you are reading the book, show her how to turn the page, so that his arms gently follow.

• If you start waving your head while you brush, give him a comb. Praise him for a nice haircut!

• If you raise a hand to wave to someone, help him - will soon be able to do independently.

• If you cook, and give him a piece of vegetables, spoon and bowl. And yes, you must try (and be impressed by) "handle" that the child is steamed.

• If you hang clothes to show her how you add the laundry from the baskets and how to shake it before then

Useful information about pregnancy on:
Useful information about health and healthy diet you can find on:

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