Thursday, March 29, 2012

The dangers of too much milk

Milk is considered to be very healthy and is an excellent source of protein, fat and calcium, at least for those children who are not allergic to milk proteins and for which there is no lactose intolerance. However, the organism can get enough of this good food.

If kids drink more than 2-3 cups of milk a day can lead to prison, but the biggest problem are the excessive calories that a child brings. These extra calories affect your child or feel satiety and does not introduce other nutritious foods and become malnourished or eat normally (without a drink more milk) and becoming obese.

Please be aware that the child drinks from 4-6 cups of milk and one cup has 150 calories. In this way it brings from 600-900 calories per day just from milk. It is in fact half or two thirds of the 1,300 calories that provided little boy needs a day to enter the body. Also, if your child drinks plenty of juice, it will bring all the necessary calories through milk and juice, and that he will not provide the proper mixture of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Another major problem that arises as a consequence of the excessive introduction of milk into the body is used as anemia of iron deficiency. This mostly happens because the milk has no iron in it, a lot of children who drink milk, eat any food rich in iron. There are times when the anemia is so strong that it required a blood transfusion.

On the other hand, if the child does not have anemia caused by iron deficiency, eating fine, no jail, normally gains weight, then the problem is not drinking much milk. As the child turns 2 years, parents need to switch to skimmed or semi-skimmed milk.

If you think you should reduce your intake of milk, so you do not fill his cup. Determine the quantity of milk should be taken daily and stick to a decision. However, many youngsters who are accustomed to the milk will be no protest so easily give up their habits. One way to cope with this problem is to pour water into the milk. More effective to mix milk with cold than with warm water. You can also allow your youngster to choose a new cup, and from it to try to drink water or another drink.

In any case, do good to your child if his lower your daily intake of milk.

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