Saturday, January 12, 2013

Violence in the family

Recently, domestic violence has become a topic of public character. Open discussion of this issue indicates that the public has become sensitized to domestic violence that occurs in various forms, such as verbal, emotional, psychological, sexual and financial - of material. With this fact, agrees with Mr. Miro Vučenović, president of Blue phone, who believes that in the past few years, the public widely aware of this problem. 

The most common form of family violence occurs between spouses. It is well known that in most cases the male abuser, whether beating, raping, or otherwise abusing his wife. But there are also cases where a woman beater. Frequent victims of domestic violence are also the children. The fact that the public is more aware of this problem arises one question-is there all this talk of the benefits of that? In a way, yes, but the solution still lies much deeper.

But it does lead to violence in the family, who are the victims of violence in any form, what is the situation in Croatia regarding domestic abuse, it is best to search for answers from people competent in the subject matter. Therefore, we sought specific information from the experts who are in one way or another familiar with stories related to family violence. One of them is the above-mentioned Mr. Miro Vučenović, president of Blue telephone help lines through which the 15 years of its existence, helped people in over 100 000 calls received. On the other hand, Joseph Jankovic, Professor at the Department of Social Welfare, said that rare person who has not experienced violence and ignorance that is the reason of this fact is that family members are usually trying to hide that fact in order to preserve their ideal image of the family environment, and violence, as well as other side effects, it remains a private matter members. Many abuse victims are not even aware that what it's about because they were convinced that abusers deserve everything that happens to them, or that such behavior is entirely appropriate conditions, the method of communication that is transmitted from generation to generation. But the reality beneath the surface is much harder and deeper and more serious problems.

Year 1974. founded the first shelter for battered women

According to the facts, there is violence in the family for hundreds of years and have contributed to the development of his beliefs about the inferiority of women. In response to this situation, in 1974. established a shelter for abused women and their children, which was an incentive to create a large number of shelters across America. In addition, the 70-ies of the last century, the police response to domestic abuse had a procedure in which violence was reported when questioned on both sides who were involved in the event and encourage people that they occur in such situations. The threat of arrest gave them enough strong likelihood that the situation will not be repeated in the future. Nineties of the last century have led to a shift in the process. The arrest has become an integral part of police protocol for reporting violence. The reason was very simple. A person in prison could not hurt anyone anymore. However, as English law is breathing?Is such a situation in Croatia? Although the public is sensitized and although much has been legally reified in terms of domestic violence, there is still a cruel reality that Mr. Vučenović stresses in a metaphorical way of saying, "What does this all worth it, because the law is what it is for? Act serves to violate . " Although Mr. Vučenović highlights the fact that the law serves to implemented, it raises the question: "Who will implement the law?". According to Mr. Vucenovic still in Zagreb there are those that function as bureaucrats and cases related to violence are treated as nothing but another case in the series in the archive. "The reaction to the situation in Croatia related to domestic violence equals the society we live in and it's hard to expect anything else," says Mr. Vučenović. Croatia is full of various forms of violence, especially if we take into account the increasingly frequent reports of killings that occur in them. It is obvious that these families had various problems before such a tragic end. Viewed from another angle, prof.Jankovic says that there are penalties expected abusers and states: "We are not yet accustomed to report bullies and we have different standards. Males are more frequently reported for the violence committed against women and other family members, which is certainly commendable, but still that is not present in full measure, and the violence that women are largely hidden. Almost always tolerated bullying when abusers are women, while male violence is tolerated less and less, which are much contributed to women's movements, women's NGOs and activists brave "And he added:" Of course it's good and that we should continue to strive. " As for domestic violence in Croatia, according to Mr. Vucenovic situation looks something like this: "When we are at the beginning of 90-track call statistics, it was 0.36% of abused, which is really rare. Means it happened, but very rarely. When we repeated the statistics of the 1994th and 1995., this percentage jumped to 1.60%, and then the number is increased even more, "and adds:" Then we invited the public to give people know that something is happening in society . " Mr. Vučenović stresses that this procedure did not find fertile ground and they get very little response from the journalists sent a warning. It seems that the public has had little understanding for this situation. However, does it now? Mr. Vučenović argue that nothing has changed since then, especially financially, except for the already mentioned fact that legal provisions have been made and that the public is sensitized.

The pursuit of power and control is the foundation of family violence. It is believed that the use of violence by batterers compensate for their own insecurities and shortcomings. Everybody knows that the statement about changing behavior in the future, which comes from the abuser when they are brought to justice deserted hopes. Psychological basis of domestic violence are much deeper and more powerful than words.Some abusers are given the label of mental illness, but the fact is that most of them do not fall into this category. "Abusers among a literate, illiterate, semi-literate up to politicians and intellectuals," says Mr. Vučenović. A similar opinion has prof. Jankovic, who believes that all people are prone to violence, which confirms the words: "Before, it was thought that only mentally ill psychopaths and those who are abused, but studies have shown that this is not so, and that we are all prone to some kind of violence, or active reactive depending on the personalities and circumstances. " But they said the abuser abuse? The reasons are many. Prof. Jankovic said that the research as the most common motivation abuse emphasized the need for precisely controlled. "The desire to display power and the subjugation of others, and establishing themselves as important people, motivates many abusers to violence. Reactive But there is violence, which was thought to be the main form of violence that is female. That women become violent only when responding to" male "active violence. course it's going in the opposite case," said prof. Jankovic, adding: "Sometimes I can even talk about the violence that is shifted. Redirecting the aggression in autoagression. A large number of alcoholics is to tell you from my own experience many years of working with them, looked for a way out of the situation of deprivation, neglect, contempt just in alcohol as alcoholism, according to some interpretations actually prolonged suicide. alcoholism in the run, because of pressure from his wife, that they often serve a great subtle forms of emotional and verbal abuse, to which their husbands had to react to the ban on the area they are stronger, unconsciously sought a way out of damaged partnership. "When it comes to control, maintain control over their victims is rather cruel-abuser realizes her from being burnt up isolated from the outside world to the fact that increases the amount of violence against her as she is showing more signs of separation. According to prof. Jankovic abuser gains control over the victim so that she can not do anything without his permission. "Of course it's difficult, and commands for each violation, which sets the abuser, there is a new aggression and abuse, a new amplification of fear in the victim, and so staggering scale," said prof. Jankovic.

Reports of child abuse every 10 seconds!

According to some data, reports of child abuse are coming every 10 seconds. Eerie is the fact that every third child dies as a result of such violence. Also, the inconvenient truth is that the figure is related to violence against children in the family is constantly increasing. Department of Health and Human Services of America has presented data indicating that the latter in 2003. The 906 000 children were exposed to violence in the family and that is including 1 500 children died as a result of violence. According to data from Colorado (Colorado Association of Family and Children's Agencies), considered the country with the highest rate of domestic violence in the area, in 2005. approximately 30 000 children were abused, and it equally boys and girls. Further data have pointed to an uncomfortable reality. Every year in Colorado as a result of violence dies twenty children. Of these, 75% under the age of 4 years, the most common injuries are those physical and sexual in nature. According to Mr. Vucenovic often the case that the Blue Phone occur grandmother who see their grandchildren in one way or another, abused, and adds: "Grandparents occur because they want to protect their grandchildren from their own children. Tells you to something? "

Frightening is the fact that the reports of sexual abuse of children in a substantial increase. Incest in families are becoming more common reality regardless of income, profession, religion or race. Statistics clearly show this fact. According to statistics, a third of all the world's children are sexually abused before age 18 was years. This data is translated into percentages given are shockingly information. Of the total number of children in the world are sexually abused 40% of girls and 30% boys. To make matters worse, the most common age of children abused in this way is under 7 years of age. The most common sexual abusers are family members or someone who is very close with his family. In New York, the common situation of finding the dead bodies of children who had been victims of physical and sexual violence, and the authorities often remain unidentified. The consequences of this behavior has on children are substantial.Children who have been exposed to sexual violence have a lower IQ and increased risk of depression, a tendency to murder and drug problems. However, although this man was responsible for the sexual abuse, it is surprising that says that there is a rise of women as sexual abusers. Approximately 5% of abusers in this, sex, area of ​​the right woman! Mr. Vučenović stresses that occur in a small percentage of people who are personally abused. "More often call people who want to help abused," says Mr. Vučenović, and continues: "It's about friends, neighbors and the like. This is typical, because the abused often do not have the courage to call."

Abuse on children can leave the scary consequences. As the professor himself. Jankovic said, they are numerous and varied. Often there are consequences associated with behavioral disorders, mental disorders and psychosocial functioning of the child, says prof. Jankovic, saying harsh truth: "A child is abused not only basic needs are not met, it is permanently carried out an attack on his personality, mental and somatic health. Among the basic needs remain unsatisfied love as a basic necessity, which prevents non-compliance with the normal growth and development of the child, which is not a platitude. really need a man would love to be able to grow and develop normally. abused child who has that need, as well as several others, such as those for quality communication, intimacy, self-assertion, and others, not satisfied. ' The need for communication between parents and children, which is based solely on the abuse, children are not given too much and prof. Jankovic accordingly asks the question: "What kind of message a child from such a mode of communication can take?" Communication through abuse leaves an extremely grave consequences prof.Jankovic explained in simple words: "Beatings, insults, negative feedback led to the child itself creates a negative image, which prevents the establishment of basic security, self-confidence, develop quality adjustments in the family, community, peers, the future workplace ... . " As Professor. Jankovic said: "People do their own children horrible things very often because they do not love their children, as a psychopathic oriented, addicted or mentally ill but simply because they are not prepared for parenthood and tend abused because they themselves were abused and Now the violence carried on. "

Children abused by parents!

Information related to the abuse of children against parents sound impossible. But when you take into account that this is about adults, from my 40 years and over, who often physically abused by his father and mother, then the question arises-how parents react to this situation? According to Mr. Vucenovic majority of these people are of 60-70 years, and sometimes weep with envy when you call Blue Phone and stresses: "There is a very meaningful humans. It's neither bad nor grumpy people, and very often they do not believe themselves to be raised these children. For them it is extremely difficult realization. " Such parents can not believe that, not only raised, but these children were born, says Mr. Vučenović. Interesting information is that this form of abuse often is a child that your parents gave absolutely everything from housing, cars and other things they need and that the children, now adults, have everything. So, financially speaking, there is no basis for abuse.

But there is another form of this type of abuse that is associated with the younger children. According to prof. Jankovic to this form of violence comes just as the parents are not prepared for their parenting skills and lacking even the most basic information about how to raise their children, and among other things, for example do not set rules, limits or does not hold and thus sending the message that the child can get everything he wants. "If a parent does not know that his leniency will not help a child to be better, to become a stable, responsible, and productive adults, but just the opposite, it will happen to a child, even when he grows up and is expected to care for parents, search of them more and more, because they do not know the rules. Such a child sees the world and relate to it totally unrealistic, is convinced that he is permissive, "said prof. Jankovic, adding: "The requirements of the child getting bigger and at the same time they want to fulfill immediately, and at one point the parents are no longer able to fulfill all that is required of them, which then inevitably leads to aggression nezajažljivog offspring." Prof. Jankovic said that there are times when a child one day become stronger and to some extent independently, and then start back there from where aggression before it received, particularly happens often during adolescence crisis. It should be noted that for such behavior may be responsible psychoactive substances and the need for money to be acquired by such means, and what I prof. Jankovic holds one of the causes of ill-treatment of parents. Although all the above causes real, prof. Jankovic still the greatest responsibility on the quality of parenting that stresses the following words: "If the parents are of good quality and they know how to raise children and provide them with quality family environment with a lot of warmth, love, communication, and policies, and also understand the language of children and reasonably fit to their needs, then there will be problems. Otherwise they lack these factors returns in the form of aggression toward their children themselves at a time when they are most vulnerable ", adding:" It's about an unhappy child, because there are no bad kids. only accidents seem evil children, and most of the disaster comes from incompetent parents. "

Men do not recognize violence for fear of stigmatization

Statistically speaking, as far as abuse of women, about 80% of cases of abuse is abuse of men over women, says Mr. Vučenović and stresses that some times difficult to accept the fact that a young person of 20 years or so, that appear to help the Blue phone with one or two children and have no secure existence but depend on a man financially and housing and living in a small community. This is a situation with very little optimism, because in such environments is hard to find a job that is in some way out. "These women are in the Blue phone are out," said Vučenović, and continues: "Our facilities are really limited and often have nowhere to classify someone and give financial support to those people, because we do not have any. We are on the margins of society, and some way to the vicious circle. " The biggest, and most common, the problem of abuse of women is that they have no place to go, in addition, they have several children. Is there a way out? "Often the only way to stop the abuse of the abused person leaves the connection or relationship that is being abused," said prof. Jankovic. Statistics tell their own, but Mr. Vučenović highlights the fact that women are more willing to call and get help. On the other hand, Professor. Jankovic said statistical data from the early 21st century, which suggests that about 68% of reported violence perpetrated by men, and the remaining 32% of the perpetrators were women. But the professor. Jankovic highlights the need to take into account that men do not report the violence which is in favor of greater tolerance already mentioned the situation in connection with the violence of women against men. Global research and give a whole new different picture. As Professor. Jankovic said she deplored the fact that the violence exercised by men and women are equal, that each party has a share of 50%.

In order to kill the myth of the man as the abuser in the family, it should be noted that sometimes men are victims of abuse, as is evident from the above statistics. Violence against men is ignored because many sounds funny. According to Dr. Fieberta Martin (University of California) who investigated the physical violence of women against men, in a sample of 1000 women in the 300 is physically abused by their partners. Even more interesting is the fact that speaks to the violence prone women in their twenties, and furthermore, as the years go by, and still the thirties, the rate of violence among women is much lower. The data that is received Slavica Blažeka Kokorić in your topic for a PhD in which he explored the relationships between young people in their relationships and transmission patterns of behavior from the family, talking to the girls more aggressive than their counterparts. It is also interesting observation, though perhaps logical, in which prof. Jankovic said that women are more adept at emotional, psychological and verbal violence as opposed to men who are more physical violence, and continues: "For 1975. First studies have shown that women are in relationships just as much physically, emotionally and verbally violent as men. 'This kind of violence, there is very little information, among other things, for the reason that men are afraid of losing their masculinity and be declared a wimp. As Mr. Vučenović says: "Men are not yet ready to talk about their problems." Men is extremely hard to admit that they're being beaten, says Mr. Vučenović, however that such situations tend to be quite ruthless. The reason why men do not seek professional help is associated exclusively with the fear of stigmatization. Moreover, as Mr. Vučenović claims, it should be noted that women are taking leadership roles in groups and take on the role of men and become arrogant, and once he was in position to men. According to Mr. Vucenovic, the men are expected to behave in a pattern, to be macho dudes in line with all the other prejudices that go with the men, and now they're suddenly assaulted by women. "We must have the courage to admit something like the fact that your wife or daughter abuse," says Mr. Vučenović. According to prof. Jankovic and women throughout the story they want to save their reputation. But the professor. Jankovic emphasizes that the general climate in Croatia is such that men as abusers, and those women who need to be protected. Although the violence against men is often ridiculed, many argue for the fact that violence against men to be taken seriously. It should be borne in mind that violence is not a gender thing, but it is an issue related with all people. "It is a question of the human species" holds BA. Jankovic, "and the sooner people realize this and begin to deal with this through a process of socialization, upbringing, education and control system, the sooner this problem will be reduced to a sustainable level."

Harassment creates a pattern of behavior in children

The constant feeling of fear, because of exposure to threats in the environment in which they live, the reality is the victim of domestic violence. Dangers that victims exhibit associated with the acceptance of abuse as normal behavior. Children are the most critical group in this case, just because she copied the behavior of their parents. This sometimes leads to the risk of a new generation of abusers. "One of the consequences of child abuse is intergenerational transmission of abuse, because they are often the abusers in their own families and they were themselves abused as children in their families, and their parents are also in this form and its behavior is thus passed on from generation to generation as a folk song, "said prof.Jankovic. According to prof. Jankovic, children believe that the behavior seen in quite a normal family, and this kind of behavior, that is. violence, carried in your relationships, your family and your parental role.Concise way of saying: "People no one teaches you how to play any partner any parental role and pattern transfer, the role of the script, from their families, who are often totally wrong wording, which eventually leads to violent situations in the new family," said prof. Jankovic. Abuse is behavior that affects the entire life of family members exposed to violence. Consequences can be extremely serious and extremely deep scars. When asked how the victims feel, the answer is pretty sharp - a way of thinking, relationships with people, a sense of self-worth, daily activities and general functioning of the victims was extremely disturbed. PTSD, anxiety, depression and flashbacks are everyday victims of violence. To live with a constant sense of fear, nightmares and sleep problems is not pleasant, but for the victims of violence such conditions are a daily reality.

The scars that domestic violence has on children in some cases can be so powerful that it completely separated from the opportunity to learn social skills that they will need for life. One should take into account that it was the childhood stage of life in which these skills are learned, and that abused children often avoid contact with other people. According to prof. Jankovic, the abused child will have a negative self-image, self-esteem will be low it will be aggressive, because they know that there are different forms of operation, adding: "These children will come into conflict with everyone and in the end will often become abusers themselves , asocial, antisocial people so addicted and because she is seeking any stimulus that is not aggression, non-destructive, that they do not violate them, but at least for the moment gives the illusion of a different reality. " These people are waiting margins, such as prof. Jankovic, and I said, also pointing out that I can rarely get away from it all. This is so because a parent who is an abuser, to protect your child must first rid himself trauma of child abuse that could help their children. The facts show that the parent is often rezignira and feels depressed because he thinks he can not take care of the basic needs of their children. So, one parent was in his own world, often helpless, in her abuser, and kids turn to a third, which entails profound.

As for women, the dangers for those who are exposed to domestic violence are higher than the emotional and mental. Propensity to spontaneous abortions, birth of dead infant and the birth of children boležljivije according to research by the cruel reality of women who are victims of abuse. They are rare, but can occur in cases where women have taken away a life, or at least to try. According to some information out of this situation lies in economic independence. However, the situation would be much simpler if the abuser not to monitor and control a woman's income as is often the case. Achieving financial independence and makes absence from work due to injury, and in similar situations related to violence. According to data from 1998., between a quarter and half of the victims lost their jobs in part because of the violence to which they are exposed. Why? Victims of violence are subject to health problems that greatly hamper performance in the workplace. Nor abusers do not seem to fare any better. The recent survey showed that 48% of abusers have trouble concentrating at work and 42% of them late for work. The Bureau of National Affairs reported that domestic violence costs U.S. employers billions of dollars between three to five billion dollars a year because of the time and lack of productivity, and reports on this subject coming from other sources are saying about the amount of between six billion dollars to thirteen billion dollars a year. Under these conditions, the financial independence does not seem achievable.

Syndrome victims - stay with the abuser

A common question that is associated with violence is why abused person stays with an abuser? Looks like you already mentioned economic dependence plays a crucial role in this issue agree with, and Mr. Vučenović. No, because there's more. It is often the case that abused stay with their abusers because of the "victim syndrome". "There is a part, especially women, who are abused assume the role of victim, and this is due to infirmity or from a desire to protect children, or indeed no place to escape," said Mr. Vučenović adding: "Battered women often subconsciously knows induce specific situations in the family that. causing abusers and are thereby in a position of powerlessness. " So basically, abused are infected with this way of life and do not see any other option or way out. Prof. Jankovic emphasizes that the reason for the stay between the abuser and the victim creates a special relationship, one where the victim gets the message, and eventually begins to accept that she deserves abuse and inappropriate behavior to the abuser's right, and on the other hand has a strong sympathy for the abuser and constantly wants to protect him. "Often times it is difficult to prove the abuse because the victim does not want to admit that the abused and the abuser actively defend," said prof. Jankovic. There is a second case, which is: "The victim wants to protect and preserve the image of the family in the family fear that the children and the whole family will not be marked," said prof. Jankovic.

There are other reasons, of the so-called. love that you feel for the victims of the abuser, fear all the way to low self-esteem and the fact that conditional on the victim's abuser stay. Facts regarding domestic violence were many. But the whole story is one question arises - which could be a solution to the situation regarding domestic violence? Mr. Vučenović believes it would be helpful to young people before marriage, premarital first get in the community, where they will be able to experiment in a variety of situations, especially the bad, because everyone can handle a good situation. Problems in the premarital community could reveal all sorts of things, and according to Mr. Vučenović, a person with self-respect will clearly give the other side at some point know that a lot and will put an end to some situations. "I do not make the conscious decision is crucial because if you do not value yourself everyone else will be blamed," said Mr. Vučenović. And profits.Jankovic offered his solution: "We need such care and such a process of socialization, which will allow people to understand that they have in them aggressive impulse, and to teach them how to recognize the drive, curb and channel in a more positive direction."
Source: Funkymem


Domestic violence is any use of physical force and psychological pressure on the integrity of the person, each
other behavior of a family member that can cause or danger to
cause physical or psychological pain, causing feelings of fear or personal danger or
offended dignity; assault regardless of whether bodily injury or not, verbal
assaults, insults, swearing, name-calling and other forms of severe
harassment, sexual harassment, stalking, and all other forms of harassment, wrongful
isolation or restriction of movement or communication with third parties, or damage
destruction of property or attempting to do so.

What forms of violence are?

Violence can be:

• psychological - refers to the types of abuse in order to gain power and control
over the victim. Includes various prohibitions, threats to the victim or her loved one, insults,
scorn, ridicule, humiliation, blackmail, motion control, insulation and the like.
This type of violence can cause problems in mental health and personality of the victim.

• physical - all forms of physical abuse, which includes slapping,
Hair pulling, pushing, kicking, kicked, or cases, personal injury
different types of weapons, which can result in mild and / or severe bodily injury.

• Sexual - includes physical and mental, sexual violence, and refers to the
sexual harassment, sexual abuse, incest, involuntary sexual
acts, rape, or any sexual act committed against the will of another person.

• Economic - including denial and deprivation of resources,
non-payment of child support and other forms of leaving victims without means of subsistence.

Who can be a victim of domestic violence?

Violence can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, social status, education, race,
nationality, sexual orientation or financial situation.

The victim can be any person.

If the partner:
• orders and acts as the master,
• threaten you or blackmail you, verbally humiliated, insulted,
• I make all the decisions,
• does not allow access to cash,
• control what you do, where you are going, where and with whom you have been,
• forbids dating and / or do not allow you to have your own circle of friends,
• shows signs of jealousy,
• forcing you to have sex,
• destroy things around the house,
• children abused and threatened to take them away,
• beats you, pulling hair, pushing,
• the blame on you after you beat her,
• After the violence apologizes and tells you he loves you,
• denies the abuser,

You mentioned about the behavior:
• have a sense of helplessness,
• feel constant pressure,
• have sleeping disorders,
• have problems with eating (loss of appetite)

If a child:
• often gets beat up for no reason due to which the resulting bruising, unexplained
fractures, cuts or abrasions,
• has a speech disorder or delay in physical development without medical explanation,
• a feeling of pain or itching in the genital area, problems with walking and sitting,
venereal disease, frequent urinary or yeast infections, and sexually transmitted diseases
• have unmet medical needs, the constant lack of supervision, constant hunger,
inappropriate clothing, hygiene,


Potty train

7 steps to potty train 

Some mothers choose to stay a week at home to begin to wean your child from diapers, while others seek to incorporate this process into their daily lives. The choice is yours, but it can be a time limit for you and your child to build up pressure

A smaller number of children can be weaned from diapers in a few days, others need weeks, even months - as much, if not to say too much time to be able to put your life on hold.

The key is organization. If your child always knows where kahlica or toilet, whether you are home or away, the greater the chance that they will use them.


First Wear shorts and baby clothes that can be removed with ease, wherever they are located.

Second Enter the usual routine visits to the kahlicu. Selecting the exact moment, such as, for example, in the morning, after meals, before you go out, before driving a car or going to bed.
As an alternative, you can grant to sit on the potty at regular intervals, such as every 40 minutes.

3rd Help him relax while sitting on tuti reading books, singing songs or telling.

4th Do not make me go to kahlicu. If your little one decides to get off the potties without having done anything, praise him for trying.

5th When it fails the first time or pee in pokakati kahlicu, really praise him - some moms prefer to give the child a small gift token.

6th Keep in mind that accidents happen. Do not punish him for them and always keep change of clothes ready.

7th Some hand washing becomes routine to bathroom, with soap and colored quirky kid with basin pillar. 

Children test our limits

The struggle for power of parents and children 

The most common source of frustration in the parent - child relationship is certainly related to the struggle for power. Would you wear this dress, whether to stay awake for 10 minutes, whether to eat or not, whether to go to kindergarten or not, will look a little more like a cartoon, and the situation may be the reason for the power struggle between parent and child. Although it rarely goes with the occasion, at least not on a conscious level, it often becomes a strain, persuasion, explanation, and often cry.

Ana, Charles mom (5 years), are often faced with recurrent situation - Karl says it's time to sleep and clean up toys that are middle of the room because it's time to go to sleep to save. Charles is initially ignores these demands and continues to play like he has not a claim was made. After several repeated requests, Charles began to pray that my mom would want to play only 10 minutes. But 10 minutes is never actually 10 minutes. After 20 minutes of patient repetition, Anu starts Karlovo delay greatly disturbed. Aware of the importance of proper upbringing of the child, Anna repeated the request several times and explain to him why it's important to clean up toys. When it fails, Ana starts yelling at him for the last Carlo signal that the "devil take a joke" and that now is really the time to do what he was told. And so be it, with tears Charles, additional strain and frustration that Anna's high level of frustration.

Ana, like most parents, aware that no whole day of negotiations with the child and explain why something needs to be done. Parents want the best for our children and we are really trying, but somehow, against all odds, the outcome is still very similar. On the other hand, is often asked - not whether there should be one that will determine what the child needs to be done, and not to the child to decide what and when to listen to something?

What does the power struggle?

Although at first you might not act so, the behavior of Anna and Karl as they belong to opposing teams.Everyone pulls at his side, both determined to get their way, you win. Fights receding power of parents and children, provide fertile ground for resistance, rebellion, hostility, blaming one side or the other extreme obedience if the child has poor self-esteem. Such situations are emotionally overwhelming for both the children and parents. Leave behind feelings of disappointment, frustration, anger, sadness, helplessness, and so focuses on situations that are not in the pleasure and satisfaction through time. In every family there are power struggles, but not on an everyday basis. They can be avoided. Only after fears of absent blaming, shaming or pain, in an atmosphere of intimacy and trust are at the forefront, the child feels safe and can learn about important issues for further development and later life.

Children test the limits

Throughout their development, children testing parental boundaries are determined areas of independence and autonomy. How child to say "no" the first time verbalize their power and money makes it to the knowledge of what you would not want. As children grow, so does "not" begin to relate different things in different situations. Kids love to have control over the situation. Recognize that the power and control of their parents, and how different children learn life skills, so try to acquire the skills and determination to control.

The need for power is a normal psychological need. This need has been associated with the development of thinking, learning, problem solving, expression of feelings, self-reliance. Have the need for power is not a bad thing. It becomes a problem only when a child uses the power in a negative way. Children who have a strong need to be able to use it in this way when you are trying to achieve what you want. They refuse to do what they are asked as a requirement. I do not want to do what they're told. Resists authority and prefer to create their own rules. They like to determine how things will develop.

Most of the parents in these situations emphasize their own power and control. As can be seen from the previous example, it does not work. Once a parent is found in a power struggle, and he and the child was lost as a consequence of the fight leaves.

If the child gets what he wants, if he discounts the parent and thus "win" in the struggle for power, it is learned that power brings victory. If a parent "wins", the child believes that parental power caused it to conclude that the power really has a great value. Both cases result in more attempts by the child to fight using his power, each time with a new and more elaborate methods.

Using children to be able to express themselves in different ways. The most common active struggle for power, such as negotiation. But some children have learned to use passive resistance. Instead of negotiating, the children will refuse to accept the claim. I can nod my head, sat in silence, sometimes even a little and smile. But regardless of whether it is active or passive struggle for power, for both versions require at least two of the fighting is taking place.

What to do?

Having made the decision that we will not be part of the struggle for power is the first step. It requires a strong commitment from parents to no longer include the bickering and lengthy negotiations. They need to express their expectations and then simply determined to go which leaves the child to itself a decision.Clear expression of what we want from him, as he must do, and what happens if you fail to do so and then go away, deftly avoiding the area for a potential power struggle.

As previously described, the frequent battles can affect the quality of the relationship between child and parent. Frequent leaving "bitter taste" in a relationship, bad feelings about the implementation of time together, affect the general positive family atmosphere, joy for the new implementation of common time, and so the total amount of daily happiness and satisfaction with the child and parents. When frequent these days, with normal life stress, it's hard to relax and be entertained by playful with his child.

Therefore, you plug in a new development incentive program PROVENTUS Center "time for us."

This is an opportunity where parents and children spend time unencumbered joy and relaxation in common creative and entertaining games. The implementation of such a common time, without the usual "haggling", affects the quality of other everyday situations. The program includes an individualized approach based on knowledge of developmental psychology, marriage and family psychology, transactional analysis and play therapy. It is intended for all parents with children aged 0 to 7 years old who want to encourage their child's development through games together and for parents who want to improve their relationship with the child.It is conducted in small groups in the upmarket area of ​​the head of the toy with a wealth of experience in working with children and parents. The program allows parents to acquire knowledge and skills in order to communicate with their child, and will have the opportunity to better understand why children behave as they do. 

What if children vomit and have diarrhea?

Vomiting and diarrhea in children 

Infection of the digestive system in children is a common disease which manifests itself with fever, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The professional term for this disease is diarrhea.

The causes are different viruses, bacteria and parasites. In children, however, often a viral infection caused by the rota and adenoviruses. By bacteria and salmonella are significant campylobacter.

Intestinal infections in children usually have samoizlječiv flow. After 1 to 2 days stops vomiting, and after 2 to 5 days the temperature drop and reduce the number of chairs. For a complete normalization takes 7 to 14 days.

Because of frequent watery stools and vomiting, and elevation of body temperature and sweating during disease can cause loss of fluids (dehydration) and electrolyte disturbances due to loss of sodium ions, potassium and chlorine. Such disorders are more common if children younger than 3 years, and if the disease is severe. In such cases it is sometimes necessary to place the child in the hospital for rehydration and electrolyte infusions and monitoring of the child.

No matter whether you are treating a patient spends at home or in the hospital must:
compensate for fluids and salt, and
provide adequate nutrition.

Antibiotics, probiotics, and medicinal charcoal is usually not necessary, and giving antiperistaltika (Seldiar) could be harmful.

The patient with diarrhea is contagious to the environment in his chair are pathogens. Until the transfer of pathogens from the stools of patients to the mouth of the person in the environment comes through direct contact (dirty hands), indirect contact (through objects, toys, etc..), Contaminated water and food.Therefore, it is necessary after each contact with the patient, wash your hands with soap, prevent transmission of pathogens indirect contact and to ensure a quality system of food and fluid.

Rehydration and nutrition during diarrhea
Rehydration may be carried out through the mouth or intravenous administration (infusion). In all cases where possible recommended rehydration by mouth and used a prepared solution containing electrolytes (sodium, potassium, etc.) and glucose. One such product is Rehidromiks, which is sold in powder form that can be prepared as a solution both at home and in the hospital.

At home, you can treat children who are dehydrated, which are slightly dehydrated and possibly those that are moderately dehydrated. All cases of severe dehydration, as well as those children who profuse vomiting and liquid repellant should be treated in hospital.

Rehydration should be compensated:
existing fluid retention and
further loss of liquid stool and vomiting.

Existing fluid losses reimbursed by mouth or intravenously in quantities of 50 to 100 ml / kg body weight, and for every chair should be compensated an additional 10 ml / kg body weight. After each vomiting should be given by 30 ml of fluid. The condition and performance of rehydration should be evaluated every 2 hours.

As soon as the child's normal hydration, proper diet should be started. Children who are on a natural diet (chest) should continue to breastfeed. Other children should start feeding after successful rehydration or after the establishment of normal hydration, which requires at least 4 hours.

Food that is allowed:

- Milk (cow's milk with small amounts of fat or soy, oat, etc.).
- Low-fat dairy products (yogurt, cheese)
- Rice
- Cereals
- Potatoes
- Bread
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Lean meat

Food is prepared by boiling.

Food that is not recommended:

- Fatty food
- Fruit juices
- Food and beverages with a simple sugar

Classic BRAT diet (bananas, toast, rice, grated apple) is not recommended due to lack of energy ingredients, proteins and fats.

The early introduction of nutritionally adequate calorie and nutrition can be transiently increased number of bowel movements, but it does not extend the duration of illness. Early feeding ensures the renewal of damaged intestinal mucosa and prevents the formation of malabsorption (inadequate absorption syndrome simple nutrients in the intestine). 

Little secrets of good parents

Parents often wonder how best to raise a child, teach him what is right and what is not, as he explained that the food is healthy. 

Everybody wants their child to be healthy and happy and to grow into a healthy and happy person. These simple tips will help you do that.
First Be a role model!
This is the most important tip that you should always listen! You can not expect your child to eat healthy if you keep eating junk food. The same thing applies to activities during free time.
Second Activities
Children need activities. Even when they are quite small, they need movement and exercise to develop muscles, stronger and lighter sleep. And you'll sleep easier if your sleeping angel.
As the elderly, children prefer to watch TV or play on the computer. Therefore you also be a role model to them and to live more active lives. When the child is old enough, let him choose the sport that he is most interested. In addition to the benefits for the body, this is good for the mind as it will during sports activities your child to have social contact with peers.
3rd Allowance
You may think that it will only spoil the child, but it is not. Allowance teaches children the value of money and things. With it, they will learn that he can not always get what he wants
Pocket money should not be associated with punishment or reward. Determine the amount of money and give it to the child at regular intervals - once a week, and when the child grows up, once a month. When you start with their pocket money? When the child starts school.
4th Healthy Food
If your child refuses to Jasta vegetables and fruits, see what kind of food you eat alone. If you are drinking themselves 'green', the child will usually follow your example.
For each case, we offer you a simple trick that can help. If your child wants to eat chocolate, eat some before some fruit. This will not only get the necessary vitamins, but also eat less chocolate.
5th When is enough food
Listen to your child when he says he is no longer hungry. A lot of parents forcing children to eat everything on the plate have. It's wrong!
If parents force a child to eat, the kids will often eat more than they need. After a while, the kids will not know who to listen to your body tells them they are no longer hungry, which can lead to later problems.
6th Get enough sleep
Let your child sleep at least 8 hours every night. Research shows that children in the first grade who sleep less than that they have the same patterns of behavior as a 4-year-olds during the day's activities.
In addition, when a child is too little sleep, the body begins to secrete the hormone cortisol, which promotes fat storage. Therefore, little children who sleep prone to weight gain.
7th Do not ignore a topic
If the kids are interested in something, let them answer the questions. Ignoring the issue or problem it will be removed. Children will find their own interpretation, which may be totally wrong.
Do not forget that more and more children from an early age used computers, the Internet or from your peers will surely get the information. The only question is what.
8th Do not pay for child domestic labor
A lot of parents in a way that rewards the children help with the housework. If you do this, the child will learn that they will be rewarded for any work or effort, and that's not the case, right?
Children are part of the household, so it is normal to be expected to help with some household chores.
Do not forget to encourage your child's independence and encourage him to make new friends. This will blend into society and will have no problem growing up. 

How to become a good dad?

Children in the first place 
When you become a father, it is very complicated to coordinate your business responsibilities and care for the child. You should be aware that parenting means full-time care and involvement of both parents and to keep the plan when you plan your day. Do not switch on all the responsibilities of my mom, because the little baby and the baby.

Consider the direction in which to develop your career plan for the first few years of a child's life and how much time to devote to your child your time more than anything. A good father knows how to put your child in the first place.
Define clear limits to Mom
Somewhere around the second The child will begin to test the limits to which must go, and you have to limit yourself and your partner to set up in advance.
It is important to agree on what is acceptable - if the mother and father do not agree on the rules, the child will quickly learn that parents can take advantage of it.
Learning about relationships
Your child will learn about relationships from you, especially about the relationships between men and women. Therefore, it is extremely important to be attentive to the mother of the child, because in this way the child to grow up in an environment full of love and sincerity.
But do not compete for attention with the child your wife!
The social role of mother and father
If we look at the traditional family, it is common for the mother to spend more time with the child, while the father is often aloof.
But this is not the case with good fathers - sharing responsibility between both parents and help is essential in building strong relationships between you and your child.
Emotional bond with your child
Although the role of the father is associated with discipline and authority, fathers must have an emotional bond with the child. You can make that connection so that:
• Talk with your child,
• through the game,
• Participation in joint ritual (preparation before bed), and
• supporting the child's activities - in kindergarten and elementary school.
In this way, the child will feel your love and they will know that you can count on and feel safe with you.
When you get a girl child
Normally, all men become nervous when they hear that they will become fathers, but it becomes even more problematic when they find out that it will be a girl. Especially if you did not have a sister, because then you do not know how to approach daughters.
No matter what the role of fathers in the lives of each girl as important as the role of the mother, there is no need to panic.
Fathers are important in the lives of girls
As previously mentioned, the fathers are very important in the lives of their daughters, in some areas, even more important than the mother: -
• Girls learn about trust and relationships, especially with men through the connecting emotionally with his father
• girl learns how to act around men
• learn how to respect authority
• build their self-confidence and self-image
Spending time with my daughter
Many men still do not know how to deal with a female child how to spend time with her, but they have a picture of what is to be a male child.
Often say they do not understand the female gender - but that's no reason to be excluded from the relation of father - daughter.
Rituals that you can have together
There are many activities that you can share with your daughter:
• ice cream after dinner,
• going to the movies or walk the dog at night,
• to walk,
• Read her story.
There are many ways that you will become a very important part of her life. 

Child safety on the Internet

Here are tips on child safety on the Internet, compiled by officers of the Department of Juvenile delinquency and crime at the expense of youth and families of the Criminal Police Directorate of Police. 

What is the Internet?
The Internet is a global network of the world (the world wide web / www) that provides electronic connectivity between computers and their communication.

According to data available from the end of 2008. years, Croatia has almost 2 million registered Internet users, representing about 44% of the population.

On-line information and websites, anyone can create, administer them and access them anywhere in the world at any time.

The good side:
The availability of large amounts of diverse information on virtually everything that may be of interest to users.

The downside:
It is very difficult to establish a code of conduct on the Internet and thus ensure the safety and protection of consumers. There is no central international organization that monitors or endorse the content on the internet before it appears there.

The good side:
Most of the content available on the Internet provides users with an interesting, positive and educational information.

The downside:
The freedom offered by the Internet and the lack of an effective means of control leaves the possibility for abuse of the Internet. Abuse, which we consider to have the most serious consequences is the production, offering, acquisition and distribution of child pornography content.

Child pornography and online sexual abuse on the Internet

The concept of child pornography over the RH of the Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe, which was ratified by the parliament, and is in legal force over the Croatian law.

The term "child pornography" shall include pornographic material that visually depicts:
a) a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct
b) a person appearing to be a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct
c) realistic images representing a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct.

There is a strong international effort, supported by respectable international police organizations such as Interpol and Europol to these severe forms of criminality stop using the term child pornography, and to occurrence of calling spade a spade: the sexual abuse of children via the Internet.

The term child pornography largely bagatelizira these crimes and discredit the victim. The term usually does not cause Pornography negative emotions in people, and is a legitimate human activity, which is rare in the rare cases where a fine. It seems that the adjective "child" specifically describes only one acceptable social phenomenon.

However, one should know that under the Criminal Code for possessing, producing, offering, distributing and acquiring content that sexual abuse is punishable by up to one to ten years in prison, and that speaks volumes about the kind of serious offense works.

What is the extent of sexual abuse of children on the Internet?
It is difficult to assess the full scale of the problem. It is assumed that at this time in the world there are about 100 000 web pages that contain visual content depicting child sexual abuse.

The assumption is that one in five children who use the Internet have received adverse comment or request a sexual nature. It may refer to the requirement that the unknown person send your own photos or video clips depicting child naked or involved in various sexual activities, or the suggestion that the child is found with an adult for sexual intercourse.

It is assumed that between 25 and 35% of children were exposed to sexual content on the Internet.

What situations are most at risk?
Tenders or requests sexual nature children usually receive when you use applications for instant email, popular Instant Messenger, email, or while playing games online.

How to find the perpetrators of the children on the internet?
In everyday language we call such offenders pedophiles, but it is important to know that pedophilia is a medical or psychiatric term, which means sexual perversion, ie. sexual preference for children of the same or opposite sex.

Police and judicial officials use the broader term "perpetrators of sexual offenses against children" because the perpetrators can be people who do not and may never be diagnosed with a disorder called pedophilia.

The girls are five times more often victims than boys. Majority of abusers are men and the children of celebrities. Rarely used force, but persuasion and bribery.

Adult offenders learn about children in different ways. For example, find their personal information in their user profiles in various applications for messaging.

Perpetrators can search for the children they meet on social web sites or sites with on-line games, to add them to your list of friends, to then be able to have access to more children.

After introducing children to publicly available Internet services, the perpetrators encourage children to socialize through teaching communication tools that provide greater privacy: sending SMS messages or phone calls, or using applications for instant e-mail.

How can parents recognize the danger?
Children and young people can participate in online discussions and activities that are sexual in nature and should be seen as a normal part of growing up. Such activities are different from the actions of perpetrators of sexual offenses against children.

In case you suspect that your child is a victim of sexual abuse or find any trace on the computer (images, video, e-mail message), without delay, share your concerns with your child and talk to him about this issue, as they talked and principles.

If, after discussion with the child you are not satisfied with the explanation that you gave and if you have any reason to remain concerned, please ask for further clarification and assistance of relevant experts.

You can notify the police by phone, email, or come directly to the nearest police station or police department.

The application can be forwarded to the State Attorney's Office. Their main function is to prosecute offenders, and will most likely be your application submitted to the police, whose experts will conduct criminal investigation to determine the identity of the perpetrator, and notify the State Attorney's Office.

Should parents forbid their children to use the computer?
Many parents first thought it was after reading this content. Of course, the answer to your question is no.Such a ban would be counterproductive. It is feared that they could lose their privilege of using the Internet can be encouraged to be secretive and not telling parents about potential problems when using the Internet.

Tips for Kids


Do not give out personal information to anyone:
- Its name
- E-mail address
- Usernames and passwords
- Phone numbers
- The address
- The name of the school

Do not give out personal information to anyone of my friends and parents.

People you interact via the Internet can lie about who they are or how old they are. Not all of the information that you get on the Internet is accurate and truthful.

Encounter and
Meeting with a person you met / met over the internet can be dangerous.

Can meet only with the permission of their parent or guardian and only when they encounter may be present.

Receiving e-mails, messaging applications via instant e-mail (popular Instant Messenger), open files, videos and pictures you can create the problem:

- You can disable the virus further work on the computer
- On your computer screen may appear disturbing and sexual messages, photos or videos.

Entrust ourselves
It's not your fault / blame if you receive disturbing and sexual messages.

Tell your parents, guardians, teachers or other adults in whom you trust, and if communication via the Internet or content that you get offended, or are afraid of a sexual nature.

Misconceptions about the crying baby?

There will be nothing to them? 
Big mistake on putting babies to cry

Most of sleepy parents come to a point when it is able to do everything so that the child has learned to sleep through the night, so sooner or later encounter the method of 'let the child cry.'

And while some in the beginning dismiss as crude, others swear by the genius of this method, which teaches the baby to die in a way that calls for their tearful parents remain unanswered.

But is the method of 'let him cry' really teach a child to be independent Yili is the way that simplifies the parents?

Darcie Narvaez, associate professor of psychology and director of the Department of Ethics Education, University of Notre Dame in an article published in Psychology Today says that the study shows how this method could be a long-term danger to the child.

Our bodies release stress hormone cortisol, which can damage or even destroy a child's brain that is still developing, according to researchers from Yale University and Harvard Medical School.

This can lead to increased risk of hyperactivity disorders, poor learning ability and poor social skills development.

Human babies need almost constant holding, breastfeeding and quickly meet the needs in order to properly develop their brains, says Narvaez.

The matter was deferred in response to crying, not in complete ignorance

Even al. Richard Ferber, whose sleep learning methods commonly referred to as the said 'let him cry' claims that he never stated parents to completely ignore your baby's cries at night.

'I've always believed that there is a lot of solutions to sleep problems and that every family and every child is unique, "he said in an interview with Baby Talk. 'People want a quick solution, but it does not exist. I never encouraged parents to let them cry, but one of the described technique involves delaying response to a baby's cry. But this method is not suitable for all problems with sleep. '

His technique teaches children to calm themselves during normal nocturnal awakening. But there are many parents applied his advice on every night crying. And it is this release of children crying is associated with stress problems, trust issues, anxiety disorders, reduced brain function, and lack of independence, Narvaez writes. And given that these problems on the basis of genetic, not necessarily later in life to correct, except with the help of drugs.

Narvaez concludes that it could lie in the explanation of the development of 'Prozac nation'.

The lack of nurturing, and the prevalence of parents who put their own needs before the needs of their children, may be to blame for the problems of mental and physical health which now plague the United States. 

Babies and sleeping

If you want to sleep normally, these things you need to know 

Now that you've got your baby, you may find it saying 'sleeping like a baby' seems like the biggest scam ever. On the other hand, maybe you are one of the lucky group that child from day one sleeps through the night. Anyway, there are things about sleeping babies that you may be of a help.

Babies dream, even in the stomach
By the third trimester, the fetus most of the time sleeping, and at least fifty percent of the time is REM, phase of sleep in which dreams occur. Newborns also half the time spent asleep while in REM sleep, in contrast to adults where it is about 25 percent. Most sleep experts agree that this means that a lot of babies dream about, but we dream - forms mobiles above the crib, mother's belly, they hear the sounds of the day - is still a mystery.

All the babies be at night
Even good sleepers. In fact, all the children, just like adults, can be routinely several times a night, usually when returning to a lighter stage of sleep. Differences between the baby is in fact a position to alter, to turn from one side to the other and back to sleep. Second, you do not yet have developed techniques samoumirenja will be called to the rescue.

Shorter sleep cycles
Adults go through all the stages of sleep for 90 minutes, until the infant's done every 60 minutes. The progression stage is also different - they can go directly into REM stage (during which you can see your little gold to be smiling), or they can first get into a lighter stage of sleep and only later in the REM. Rapid changes in the cycle mean less sleep for babies. Adults almost always go from lighter to deeper sleep, and then enter in the REM.

Dream a dream is born
It will not help you if you deprive your baby sleep, trying to keep awake during the day or the rest during the day to sleep longer at night. Most babies are fussy, overtired or hyperactive when their lack of sleep, increasing levels of stress hormones, which are more difficult to fall asleep at night. The only exception here is that the child completes the afternoon sleeping up to 16 hours to be ready to go back to bed around 19 pm.

The quality of sleep will get worse before it gets better again
Approximately six months most babies enter the period spavalačke regression, which often begin to awaken. Even babies who have learned to sleep long periods, they may begin to appear during the night.Most parents assume that this means that the babies are hungry, but most likely it comes to developmental changes in cognitive and motor skills (in other words, employees of the brain), which makes it more difficult to fall asleep again. If this happens, try to comfort the baby for at least invasive way possible, such as Gag, giving pacifiers or pats. Raise only if none of that works.

Night feeding after six months
Doctors and sleep experts agree that babies are around six months psychologically able to withstand 11-12 hours without feeding. Of course, if you've ever ate at night, then you will be hungry, but if it is slow odučavate meal of the night, it will compensate during the day. If your baby has any health problems, on the abolition of night meals should consult with her doctor. A breastfeeding mothers to pump or can feed the baby before they go to bed in order to maintain milk supply.

Make friends with the early morning
Babies are programmed to react to the light and wake up with the sun, so it's 6 am reasonable time to boot (no matter how irrational it may seem to you). If your baby wakes up at that time, for the first time will be a nod to her about 8 o'clock at night, the bed will be ready about 19 hours. The time when she wakes helps set the internal clock that day, because the benefit to you is not going to go lie down too late.

Make sure her little room
Put your baby in the crib while still awake may be the best thing you can do. They are slaves to habit small, so if you get used to wear until they fall asleep, who can blame her if he wants whenever he sleep? A baby's ability to self-calming changes rapidly during the first year, but they need time and space to rehearse it could. Try not to enter the room when the story hits the page, or crib, come only when he starts to cry.

Most babies do not outgrow sleep problems
Studies have shown that babies who do not sleep well during the first year, will not sleep or more of the following. This is probably due to the habits that have built themselves, but also the routines and expectations that you set for the first year, really affects sleep. It is a good idea to implement the routines of early and sustained bedtime and disclosure of any problem that hinders sleep after the sixth month. But remember that the quality of sleep comes in many forms - for example, if your baby sleep its 11-12 hours (with a short wake for a feeding), and you get your 7-8 hours - no reason to change anything. 

Natural products for children

Natural cosmetics for the skin of children 

Do you choose for your child is a product by first sniff, enjoy the color shampoos, or you are enthusiastic and rich soapy bubbles that amuse moments baby bath?

Do you choose for your child is a product by first sniff, enjoy the color shampoos, or you are enthusiastic and rich soapy bubbles that amuse moments baby bath?

Then you know that cosmetics manufacturer has put a few synthetic chemicals that will improve the properties of cosmetic products, but will also be a potential threat to the delicate baby skin and its health!In addition to 6 million different chemicals in the environment with which we can meet, 2800 were potentially irritable to the skin, and they include the 150 and the types of chemicals that are present in every household (mostly cosmetic) and daily cause a variety of observable pathological changes in the skin .

Of course the selection of cosmetics very important part of life and care about your health, because it can enter through the skin and some of the chemicals that can damage your health, and caution is even higher when it comes to babies! Every mother is trying to care for maximum safety and the environment healthier for your favorite baby. Natural and organic cosmetics are leading the trend of the world, which is likely in the near future to replace the existing conventional and synthetic products. For years there were rumors about the harmful parabens to be isolated from cosmetics, but it was now officially! Denmark became the first country in the European Union, which decided to ban children's cosmetics containing parabens, for use in children younger than 3 years. In this way, indirectly and at a national level regulatory and launched a chain reaction of increased awareness of what-we used in cosmetics and care for the youngest members of the fledgling family?

After birth, a baby's skin is exposed and under many adverse external factors, which can not be independently "fight". The epidermis is very thin and permeable, thus potentially harmful substances can easily penetrate the baby's skin while the dermis is not fully built, with a lack of collagen and elastin fibers and even four times thinner than the average adult dermis.

Babies and young children have a greater absorption of products into the skin and bloodstream, thus the risk of systemic toxicity greater, and the quality and safety profile of cosmetic products and more than important!

Babies and young children have a greater absorption of products into the skin and bloodstream, thus the risk of systemic toxicity greater, and the quality and safety profile of cosmetic products and more than important! Consequently, the skin of babies and young children are extremely vulnerable and require special attention by cosmetic experts. It is very important to ensure that the youngest gain maximum care, maximum protection and appropriate advice of health professionals, given that there are more people-oriented pharmaceuticals and believe their competing advice. Cosmetics for babies in any case be adapted to their extremely sensitive skin, due to increased permeability of the skin and decreased immune response.

Typical application includes baby care baby cosmetics that includes a mixture of a number of chemicals that preparations seem frothy, fragrant and smooth, and a number of preservatives and dyes in cosmetics such as a longer protected from microbial contamination. But it is interesting that 75 percent of infants in the U.S. have a rash in the first few months after birth, as pediatricians attributed the frequent use of synthetic ingredients, preservatives, ingredients for foaming and cleaning, and artificial fragrances in these preparations. In preparations with the highest risk are classified bubble bath, shampoo, scented massage oils and more babies falling asleep, which are also the best-selling cosmetics for babies!

In recent times, mothers are more conscious and want to avoid any risk of chemicals or synthetic preservatives such as parabens questionable may pose to the smooth development of the child. No wonder that children's natural and organic cosmetics has become an absolute "must-have"!

Organic cosmetics contain natural, organically grown ingredients to completely avoid the use of ingredients that are considered potentially harmful to humans, animals, water and overall environment. It is an isolated natural ingredients that can be both physically and chemically processed (the so-called. "Green chemistry"), and water and mineral ingredients that are obtained while respecting the environment and ecosystem. Major brands of "green" cosmetics into account the overall philosophy of care for people and the environment, so often on the packaging stand out as pictograms products are not tested on animals, as in making preparations preserved forests and animal life in the forests (FSC logo), or Their cosmetics are generally no animal derived ingredients (suitable for vegetarians)-certified VEGAN.

Organic cosmetics are banned all ingredients that pose any risk to human health or the untested, and processing methods of natural materials that might be the least risk to human health (nanotechnology, GMOs, irradiation sterilization, etc.)., No matter what have not yet been proven as such. Much has been said about the negative effects of phthalates, sodium lauryl sulfate and parabens to cancer, so using natural cosmetics (which does not contain such ingredients), this risk absolutely. Very often sell such products and packaging made from recycled materials to make it more consistent natural, ethical philosophy, but also because it is prohibited, such as PVC or polystyrene. For organic and natural cosmetics ingredients banned the use of synthetic origin: organic dyes, synthetic fragrances, silicones, paraffin, petroleum, mineral oil, etc..

What are currently the most popular natural ingredients in children's cosmetics? Favourite they are natural ingredients from organic farming such as organic almond, aloe vera, jojoba oil, sweet orange flower, and vegetable oils, evening primrose, borage, olive and sunflower oils, especially for sensitive baby skin prone to allergic reactions. It's interesting how so. shea butter (or shea butter) are increasingly replacing Vaseline in baby creams, because it elaborates on how to Vaseline, are present in every child's conventional cream, can clog pores and irritate the skin, and as a petrochemical derivative is associated with the development of some cancers.

If your baby or young child with sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation, or atopic dermatitis, it is colloidal oatmeal right cosmetic-therapeutic "treasure" This is a strong natural protective preparation and emollients that the beta glucan and avenantramida, currently facilitates symptoms such as itching and redness, not only with atopy, but the hives, eczema, contact allergies and insect bites. Colloidal oats in performance called "natural corticosteroid," a course that has no side effects, and only have to avoid celijakičari. Recently, the Croatian pharmacies can be found as a powder and 100% pure pharmaceutical grade colloidal oats, which are made from simple baths and cover with hot water, and cause irritation to the place, after which it rinse the baby's skin is applied only simple natural beauty that can not contain synthetic preservatives and additives.

The advantage of natural cosmetics in the simplicity - you want a cheap "universal" natural product skin care pregnant women, nursing mothers and babies-is currently the most popular cosmetics organic shea butter (shea butter) or cocoa butter (cacao oleum) which you can buy in any pharmacy at very affordable prices. Both are ideal for all skin types, especially for dry and kserotičnu, acting preventive anti-aging, perfect for sunbathing and after sun are ideal for pregnant women and for stretch marks, you can place them on your hair, body, lips, or eye and the skin of your puppy - you will not go wrong and you will be absolutely secure. 

Tantrums in children

Tantrums  in children: 
A new study reveals that they are happening at exactly the right form

Most children aged 1 to 4 years at least once a tantrum, screaming loud and crying neutješnog, when it seems that no one method is not helping to calm and remain helpless parents look into that little body torn by inner anger and irrational negativity.

Tantrums tantrums or, until recently, were the subject of scientific study, but the latest to say they happen at exactly the right form.
Beneath all the screaming, kicking and crying, there is a phenomenon that is very suitable for scientific study. It seems that tantrums have a pattern and rhythm within itself, or rather a "scenario" in which they occur. Once they understand, they say, this pattern can help parents, educators, and even those who work with children, to more effectively respond to tantrums. In addition, deciphering the pattern by which the tantrums occur, clinical specialists will be able to better distinguish between those that tantrums are a normal part of child development, from those who are the early signs of a disturbance.

The key explanation tantrums lies in the detailed analysis of the sounds of kids "products" during an angry outburst. In this new study, published in the journal Emotion, scientists explain and reveal that different sounds or so. vocalizing at times amplified and men turn at exactly the right pace during the tantrum.

"We have a quantitative theory of tantrums related to the highest quality so far, and even in the history of humankind," said study co-author Michael Potegal from the University of Minnesota and his colleague James A. Green added that their first challenge was to collect the required number of sounds themselves during the toddler tantrum. For the purposes of collecting sounds invented a special vest that kids are wearing, and that in itself was a high-quality wireless microphone. Wireless microphone was connected to the Recording Service. Over time, the researchers have collected more than a hundred recordings of sounds that children are "produced" during tantrums and in high quality.

This was followed by a second phase of research - analysis of sounds. What they discovered is that different sounds during tantrums have very different audio tags. When they put that label in a graph, the researchers otrkili to certain sounds appear and disappear at a certain pattern. For example, the sounds of shouting and screaming usually go together. With these sounds often and hitting the legs or arms. Furthermore, throwing things, pulling and pushing objects and people also have occurred at the same time, and there is also a combined stage crying, whining, throwing on the floor and seeking comfort.

An earlier study suggested that the tantrum begins with anger (yelling and screaming), and ends in sadness (crying and whining), but this is a new show that anger and sadness is deeply interwoven throughout the episodes tantrums.
In other words, the tantrums have two stages that are believed to now, but the anger and sadness simultano.Dr event. Green et al. Potegal found that the sounds of grief occur throughout a tantrum and break them short and sharp sounds of shouting and screaming and sounds of anger.

A new discovery that tantrums have a rhythm can help parents determine more precisely the moment to intervene and give them some control osjaćaj.

The trick is to try tantrum as soon come to an end, he says. Potegal, and the way to help a child to overcome as soon as possible feelings of anger and rage. When a child travel the sense of anger, there is only sadness and grief occurs when a child needs comforting. The fastest way to overcome anger there, but researchers advise parents screaming and yelling over to do nothing. It's difficult because it's hard to watch a child hitting, pushing, screaming, crying, choking and not know what to do with negative feelings in you, but you should just wait for all out of me. The feeling of anger is the trap that you should not fall for it. We should not ask questions, additional spray anger or yell, threaten, make fun and joke at the expense of the child's feelings, or too fine to be rude ... All this can only extend the period of anger.

Children in difficult situations of anger and rage to process information, to answer parent's questions or requests, or can not deal with it further, and the moments of anger prolong and intensify. The child feels more cornered.

It is best accessed by the child when the anger turn into sorrow, and weeping and crying. Moreover, the child will actually yearn for your comfort. When it is completely quiet, you can try and talk about everything that happened.