Friday, June 14, 2013

What if the child is a perfectionist?

How to put towards our child because presavesno fulfills his schoolwork, although we of him that do not even ask

It is good that you recognize that exaggeration of good things can be a problem, just like the complete opposite behavior. Your child in need of assistance because of the fulfillment of their school duties to perfection, it's trying to solve another difficulty which is not able to direct elections. Usually there is a loss of confidence, lack of lower values, or lack of security. Perfectionism that helps so that the child re-create a good image of himself - one that he returned igubljeno trust and confidence. The trouble is "only" that the criteria perfectly work performed continuously raise, until the child is completely exhausted in striving to reach them. Remedy for this situation lies in the fact that a child accept that perfection does not exist, and that neither itself should not and can not be perfect. In fact you can be of use to the following "magic" phrases:  * "It can all happen." Ovodetetu should say when erroneous, and has previously made ​​an effort to do something. You can specify examples of celebrities who, despite his unquestionable genius made ​​errors or achieved below average results. This especially holds if the child among them has their idols (musicians, athletes ...). It is important to point out that such "loss" did not diminish the value and size of the works of famous people.  * "I had / la similar problem when I was / by your age." Children do not know what were their parents when they were little. They see them for who they are now, and often what parents know how to do, or have a child looks perfect and unattainable in comparison with what it can. So it is very important that you provide proof that you are a child and you have difficulties and failures in his age group, so you have time to overcome. Child will mean much to your credit and will have the experience to understand it. * "I believe in your ability." Up to a certain age, children have such a picture of yourself with any person whom it believes most, and that Mom and Dad. Accordingly, showing their child to believe that it aptly, capably, sweaters, etc., in fact fix his own experience of self. And when he thought better about themselves, and striving for perfection will lose importance

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