Friday, June 14, 2013

How to create work habits in children?

Working habits acquired in the first days of school the child will use throughout life, and teach him everything you need to know. 
daily routine child will gain valuable work habits.

In order to become independent as soon as possible and get a better work habits, the champions, says psychologist Radmila Grujičić, had a lot to carry themselves. A child should be dressed just to have breakfast without your help and you know how to namesti bed.  Unless taught in preschool children, help them overcome these skills as soon as possible. It is not necessary to learn all the letters, reading, mathematics, but to take care of myself a child needs to know before start of first class. GOOD PLAN is valuable  - A day or two before the start of the school year show the child where his stand books, notebooks and accessories, how to pack bag and encourage them to do so itself. As soon as you get the time table, paste it in a prominent place in order to know what to carry to school. If you go in the morning shift, teach him to pack books in the evening, not the morning before going to school, they will forget something - says Radmila Grujičić.  parent should be with the child to determine where the drawer of the desk kept notebooks in which books, and where are sketchbook, pens, pencils and a ruler. On the child to them every time after using all back to their place to make his desk was neat and in order to know where to search them when they needed him. Branka Tišma, a psychologist at the elementary school, "Lazarus Savatić" in Zemun, suggests that parents with child needs to make a plan of activities that must be respected. 5 RULES  firstWhen a child comes home from school, you first need to rest, eat and then learn.  2nd Every day at the same time a child should be doing homework.  third A child should always teaches and writes in the same place. 4th Schoolwork is always put at the first place, ahead of the game  fifth Even if there is nothing for the home, the child should odsedi half an hour at his desk. NOT write, homework  Many parents, suggests psychologist Radmila Grujičić, make a big mistake fumbling too much in children 's school work and helping them more than necessary. In this way, she says, prevents the child to create work habits and of his rights clingy person.  To avoid this, do not sit down next to the child while learning or doing homework.You can look at what you need to complete, but under no circumstances embarrassed to write it instead.  - Only when the child completes homework, parents can look at whether it is a good accommodation of tasks.If there are errors, the parent does not need to be corrected, but to let the child to try just to find a proper solution. Only if it fails again, parents can help him - says Grujičić.  When something good to learn and do their homework correctly, praise him. This will instill confidence and motivate him to new successes.champion and housework? DA  Ever since first grade children should be involved in the sorting and cleaning their rooms. It can and throw garbage that is dusting off the table, to match your clothes, and even to lay bedding in closet. The average age of seven can go to the shop for bread and milk, that namesti your bed and Disassemble that after breakfast. Sorting toy is meant. NOT  terajte No child goes to his clothes in the closet when the shelves are too high because it will bring down all the way and wrinkle. If sleeping on bunk beds, will not only be able to tighten up sheet and a blanket, and help him. Changing bed linen, also needs to be your job, but a small schoolboy can help an older brother or sestra.Ako waiting for the child went into the seventh or eighth grade to him Clearinghouse part of house chores, pogrešićete. Habits are acquired from childhood.  

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