Sunday, June 30, 2013

Adolescents and tolerance

Adolescents, otherwise ready for going out of clichés, show intolerance toward those who are not like them or root for another sports team.

Explain to your child what is tolerance. Although many stories about tolerance, it seems that little is known about her. As if people still do not really understand what it means to be tolerant, and if you grew up in this area have a problem, it will be able to properly teach their children tolerance behavior? So here shortest possible explanations: be tolerant means not endanger, not persecuted and harassed those who we do not like and can not stand. Thus, the tolerant person is one who has kept his beliefs and world view but accepted that there was no right to the other, and a variety of other attacks themselves, humiliates and insults even as these others have no right to do it.

Help your child learn to be tolerant of others. Kadaste clarify the notion of tolerance, there is a more difficult task: to teach your child to be in a tolerant way of dealing with people in their environment. Best to start with its surroundings because it is very likely that it is a peer that is different from the rest and that may have been ridiculed or even a victim of violence. Encourage your child to start at least not participate in the attacks on his friend and later will decide whether to accept the peers in the group of those that likes to hang out. It is important not to put pressure on the child that it must at all costs be friends with someone he does not like, just do not be teasing him or in any other way threaten.

Practice tolerant behavior in everyday life. Remember that parents are the most powerful role models for their children, and the first models of behavior that their child has the opportunity to see. That's why all your "lessons" on tolerance fall into the water if you are not manifested themselves what they need and that your child is doing. Translated into everyday situations, this means that such derogatory not call it small Roma people when the traffic light you want to wash the windshield - just firmly tell them you want their service or to simply close the window and ignore their persistence.
Whenever you find it hard to tolerate someone diversity or something to encourage your child, remember that the world would be boring if all the people like to listen to the same music or the same dress. Diversity contributes to make the world an interesting place to live and to us how much we enjoy it.

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