Every time your little student opens a book or a notebook, you should ask him what you already knew about the things learned. If you work hard, you will surely think of something. "Memory is a vast treasure, a child needs to learn to use it. It is very important to him to explain how it works, "says Ellen Katra, which in the Group for the Study of theories of learning helps children who are in school are faced with difficulties in learning.
First you need to understand and then to remember
In order for something to learn, a child must first understand the material. This will stimulate his curiosity and help him to adjust himself a lesson. If he needed a chart to understand a grammatical rule, or is it easier to say in your own words, do not let him restrained. This will allow you to easily learn the definition later in the book, or to practice the relevant rule.
You need to know how to use what you learn
Even if the child has understood everything in class, at home, needs to renew his knowledge. Not enough information to get into his head, he must learn and find them when they need. In addition, the child will be more likely to learn a lesson if he could imagine how it can exploit this knowledge. If you teach, say, the past tense, the child should be able to recognize the text and to use it in the squad.
How to learn the multiplication table
The child needs only to find a method that suits them best. Do I need to watch a paper that was written to the table "photographed" and should be aloud to repeat? Or will it easier to remember if it was someone else repeats or questions? If visually memorized the multiplication table, has to learn to find it in memory when it needs it. If he recited by heart and listened, first let's learn in a row, and then skipping.
To memorize a poem
It will probably easier to learn if it rests its rhythm and syllables pronounced by imitating the rhythm. You can imagine a particular image with each verse. Of course, you also learn the text by heart, you have to train the to recite expression. It will be easier to understand and remember the text of it. It is best to exercise in front of the mirror and at the same time imagining that in a classroom and listen to the teacher and his classmates.
To prepare for the control
Mathematics, geography, history ... The principle is always the same: before you begin, you need to summarize what is already known about a particular topic. As the child learner, help him to better prepare for class by encouraging them to imagine him questions that a teacher might put him or who could be in control.
Learning is a habit that is acquired. Help your child learn more easily
The first half has been completed and will soon start the "second round" in school. If you are not satisfied with the success or simply want to facilitate child learning, we suggest several ways.
Good students have a habit of learning, formal learning is when the small time the child learns more. In order to learn well, the most important conditions for work, good planning, strategy and support to parents.We reveal some tricks to help their students to be more successful in school.
8 Habit
1 Material divided into smaller units.
2 Specify a time for learning. At exactly the same time each day, preferably after coming home from school and a short rest.
3 Follow the plan and a time for learning.
4 First, by solving the most difficult tasks.
5 Before the start of learning inspect all records.
6 The phone must be turned off during the learning process.
7 Help a friend who is a better learner and a good math, biology ... is always welcome.
8 Weekends are also taught. The child may even repeat lessons.
Parental support
If your child enable favorable conditions for learning over time, usadićete him and work habits. It is necessary that the child has an appropriate place for learning. The area must have a function, beauty is not essential.
Talk to your child about his or her needs and adjust mealtime. Agree on the household rules during learning - let it be known that a television or radio does not need to work while studying in the course. Prohibited and calls. Encourage your child and learn more than you need hey, some reading encyclopedias or other literature you have in your home.
If a child she was very nervous before the test or control task, talk. If a child is anxious, learning does not make sense. It's the best for the child to rest and then continue learning.
First you need to understand and then to remember
In order for something to learn, a child must first understand the material. This will stimulate his curiosity and help him to adjust himself a lesson. If he needed a chart to understand a grammatical rule, or is it easier to say in your own words, do not let him restrained. This will allow you to easily learn the definition later in the book, or to practice the relevant rule.
You need to know how to use what you learn
Even if the child has understood everything in class, at home, needs to renew his knowledge. Not enough information to get into his head, he must learn and find them when they need. In addition, the child will be more likely to learn a lesson if he could imagine how it can exploit this knowledge. If you teach, say, the past tense, the child should be able to recognize the text and to use it in the squad.
How to learn the multiplication table
The child needs only to find a method that suits them best. Do I need to watch a paper that was written to the table "photographed" and should be aloud to repeat? Or will it easier to remember if it was someone else repeats or questions? If visually memorized the multiplication table, has to learn to find it in memory when it needs it. If he recited by heart and listened, first let's learn in a row, and then skipping.
To memorize a poem
It will probably easier to learn if it rests its rhythm and syllables pronounced by imitating the rhythm. You can imagine a particular image with each verse. Of course, you also learn the text by heart, you have to train the to recite expression. It will be easier to understand and remember the text of it. It is best to exercise in front of the mirror and at the same time imagining that in a classroom and listen to the teacher and his classmates.
To prepare for the control
Mathematics, geography, history ... The principle is always the same: before you begin, you need to summarize what is already known about a particular topic. As the child learner, help him to better prepare for class by encouraging them to imagine him questions that a teacher might put him or who could be in control.
Learning is a habit that is acquired. Help your child learn more easily
The first half has been completed and will soon start the "second round" in school. If you are not satisfied with the success or simply want to facilitate child learning, we suggest several ways.
Good students have a habit of learning, formal learning is when the small time the child learns more. In order to learn well, the most important conditions for work, good planning, strategy and support to parents.We reveal some tricks to help their students to be more successful in school.
8 Habit
1 Material divided into smaller units.
2 Specify a time for learning. At exactly the same time each day, preferably after coming home from school and a short rest.
3 Follow the plan and a time for learning.
4 First, by solving the most difficult tasks.
5 Before the start of learning inspect all records.
6 The phone must be turned off during the learning process.
7 Help a friend who is a better learner and a good math, biology ... is always welcome.
8 Weekends are also taught. The child may even repeat lessons.
Parental support
If your child enable favorable conditions for learning over time, usadićete him and work habits. It is necessary that the child has an appropriate place for learning. The area must have a function, beauty is not essential.
Talk to your child about his or her needs and adjust mealtime. Agree on the household rules during learning - let it be known that a television or radio does not need to work while studying in the course. Prohibited and calls. Encourage your child and learn more than you need hey, some reading encyclopedias or other literature you have in your home.
If a child she was very nervous before the test or control task, talk. If a child is anxious, learning does not make sense. It's the best for the child to rest and then continue learning.