Thursday, April 4, 2013

What is funny to children?

Humor beautify the life of every family - the baby will a great time having her mouth crackling across his stomach, three-year child will be delighted when you put a funny hat and chasing with him around the table, a child who went to school is a great "cool" When you pretend that you shot and fall into a pile of leaves.Teens will be shared with you, but jokes that are becoming more and more sophisticated smisaonije as a child grows. Laughter is a great way to connect with children, and will be a good sense of humor help you be smarter, healthier, and better deal with the challenges. Although it is commonly believed that a sense of humor, qualities which, like eye color, are inherited from the parents, it is in fact learned and developed.

Humor is, in fact, what one thing seems funny, sense of humor and the ability to recognize it. A person with strong sense of humor, knows how to recognize it funny and ridiculous traits in others, but also to entertain other people. Deca must not be an average of 200 times a day, and adults only 15 to 18 times a day. The fact that you have a child gives you a chance to catch up with the huge lack of humor in life! Sense of humor is a great tool that can help children in many cases: to see things from a different perspective, not just what's obvious to be spontaneous to understand unconventional ideas or ways rzmišljanja to see beyond what is on the surface to enjoy and participate in all the fun apektim life that do not understand themselves too seriously Children with well-developed sense of humor are happier and more optimistic, have higher levels of self-confidence and know how to come out to deal with disagreements (when she does not agree with others, or someone else does not agree with them). Children who understand the humor and participate in it peers over price and are better able to cope with peer disputes - whether because of moving to another city, a taunting, or children who terrorize others in the playground. Besides, a good sense of humor not only helps children the emotional and social development, but it turned out that people who laugh more are healthier, they are less susceptible to depression and even have a pronounced resistance to disease or physical problems. These individuals are subject to a lower level of stress and have a slower heart rate, pulse and blood pressure, and digestion of them is better. Laughter can even help people better tolerate pain, while studies have shown that improves immune function of the body. But before all that, a sense of humor makes life fun, and there is little pleasures in life that can be compared with laughing to tears with your little ones. What's children funny? children can begin to develop a sense of humor is very early, but what what fun baby certainly is not fun teenager. To help your child to enjoy the humor in every stage of development, it is important to know what will most likely have fun in any stage. Bebe and humor Babies can not understand what is humor, but we know very well that you are happy when you see that ye laugh .Laughter is good for the heart - it has been proven that laughter increases blood flow by over 20 percent and that the benefits of laughter last even for 45 minutes. When you make funny sounds or facial expressions, your baby will probably feel the joy and your imitiraće you. He or she is also very price and react to physical stimuli, such as tickling or crackling mouth of the baby's skin. In the period between 9 and 15 months, babies already know enough about the world and understand that when mom quacks like a duck and put a diaper on his head doing something unexpected - and it's funny. Deca from 1 to 3 The humor andChildren at this age price of physical humor, especially the kind of humor that includes the element of surprise (such as a game in which hides and reveals the face or sudden tickling). How to develop language skills, rhymes or words that have no meaning will be very funny, it may take up to preschoolers. Precisely at this time, children often begin with attempts to zasmeju parents. A child may deliberately to show the wrong part of the face when you ask him, "Where's your nose?" Or that the volume of your shoes to keep pounding at home. preschool children and humor Dete preschoolers will probably pre see something funny in the picture where something is order (for example a car with checkered wheels or pig wearing glasses for the sun), but as a joke or trick. incompatibility between the picture and sound quality is also ridiculous in this age group (for example, a horse that says "Moo"). How are becoming more aware of body function and what annoys parents, children were increasingly starting to enjoy the so-called "humor from the bathroom" (tied for peeing, kakenje etc.). schoolboy humor How do the children go to kindergarten and beyond, the basic game words, distortion and exaggeration and making outrageous comedy becoming more interesting. then will probably discover the simple pleasure of telling a joke, and the same will recount a hundred times.Older pupils better understand the meaning of words and are willing to play with them, appreciated them puzzles, anagrams and other types of games with words. At this age children begin to ridicule any difference from what they imply as normal, whether it be on the conduct or dress, and excessive body function jokes are an absolute hit. However, children of this age and develop more refined understanding of humor, including ability too to use wit, sarcasm and irony to solve conflict situations by using humor. Basis of humor There is no time when it is too early to počenete to develop a sense of humor in children. Smile and laugh baby is so enchanting that it is often intuitive and encourage - smešeći is, golicajući them all day just to get them zasmejali. important thing is to continue encouraging as child grows. When you are playing with the child and cherish together humor, enjoying the clowning and laughter, helping the child to develop a playful and humorous attitude to life. A of the best ways to do this from a young age is that every day you are open to all possibilities for laughter that you provide your child. Be spontaneous mood for the game and aware of what your child amused at what age. Likewise, be chum and smejte the kid 'jokes, do not let it feels that his joke failed. What else can you do to encourage the development of their child wit? Be a model of wit. One of the best ways to develop a child's sense of humor that you develop and use your sense of humor. You're making a joke, talk funny and amusing stories, smejte out loud and not get excited about small domestic disasters like spilled milk. On the contrary, try to humor you hover over these problems.Understand Children's humor seriously. Encourage each child attempts to be funny, Whether you read jokes from a book (even when they are not overly funny) or to draw "funny" drawings of your dog. Praise your child for fostering humor and be prepared for surprises - the first situation is when you are a child laugh is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Teach children that adults funny and that she could be. kidding during everyday situations with children and encourage them to share with you funny stories or reactions, even when there are other adults. Create an environment rich in humor. Surround children comical books - for children under 3 years old and preschoolers are usually books with rhymes and silly stories, and older kids love funny comics and books with jokes. Find and TV programs, movies, or on the internet with comical stories and help children to choose the content to which they will enjoy. Where to draw the lineYou do not want spoiling children 's entertainment, but children are the delivery of jokes and enjoying the humor necessary boundaries, as in some other areas. certainly do not want to encourage or inappropriate Prices jokes, so be especially good role model and you do not use humor in this way. If someone tells a joke that violates another person or is not appropriate, do not you also love the child, but to explain why the joke and a way of using humor are not funny and they are not wrong . Think about that slightly discouraged korišećenja so. "humor from the bathroom," or at least not to participate in it with enthusiasm. It is true that this VSTA humor will not hurt anyone but try to help the children to understand in which situations is fine joke on So (at home, with family, or playing with mates), and where such jokes are not appropriate (in the classroom, in an official place). Families who laughs Be family to laugh and enjoy humor together. Surely you already noted that it is always more ye laugh in society than when you're alone. For this reason it is important to spend time together, share an jokes to each other, watching comedies, adding, and tickle. Not only will you enjoy the time but years later when the children be prisećala silliness from childhood.

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