Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jaundice in newborns

The term hyperbilirubinemia indicates abnormally high bilirubin levels. Old, damaged or abnormal red blood cells are removed from the circulation, mainly in the spleen. In this process of hemoglobin (the protein of red blood cells that carries oxygen) into a yellow pigment called bilirubin. Bilirubin circulation leads to the liver where it is chemically changed (conjugate) and so is excreted into the intestine as part of bile.

In most infants coming to the transient increase in bilirubin levels in the first few days of life, which makes the skin yellow (jaundice). In adults, the breakdown of bilirubin in the intestine performed bacteria normally found there. In newborns lack the bacteria and excreted in the faeces much bilirubin why she Light Yellow. Moreover, the newborn intestine is an enzyme that changes the bilirubin in this way to facilitate the re-absorption (reabsorption) in the blood and contributes to the development of jaundice.Increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, jaundice becomes apparent, first on the face, then on his chest and then to his feet. Hyperbilirubinemia and visible jaundice usually disappear after the first week of life.Very high bilirubin levels are the result of increased production, scarce drainage or both. Sometimes, in healthy term infants in the natural diet (chest) during the first week, there's a growing appreciation of bilirubin in the blood, a condition known as jaundice lactation. The exact cause of this condition is not completely known. Lactation jaundice is usually harmless. If they become extremely high bilirubin can be applied to blue light. Hiperbihrubinemija usually of no consequence, but in some rare cases, very high values ​​of bilirubin can cause brain damage. The condition is known as kernikterus, and is most common in very immature and ill premature infants. treatment of hyperbilirubinemia mild hyperbilirubinemia should not be treated. Frequent feeding in newborn accelerates intestinal transit by reducing the reabsorption of bilirubin from the intestine and thus its level in the blood. At higher values ​​implemented phototherapy, in whom this procedure exposes the newborn blue light. Illumination child's skin occur due to chemical changes in molecules of bilirubin in the subcutaneous tissue. That changed bilirubin is excreted more easily without having to conjugate in the liver. If the bilirubin level is dangerously high blood newborn replaced by fresh (eksangvinotransfuzija which removes bilirubin). When jaundice lactation diet on breast rarely break at 1-2 days and only at extremely high bilirubin. Mother of the time regularly issues, so that the child can be put back on the chest, as bilirubin begin to fall. Returning to his chest poses no risk to the baby.

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