Thursday, May 9, 2013

Learning problems in children

Learning disabilities are disorders acquisition, retention or use of the skills and information due to lack of attention, memory and judgment that undermines the success of education.

There are different types of learning difficulties, with different causes. It is believed that the basis of all disorders determined abnormality of brain function. It is estimated that 3% - 15% of children in the U.S. have learning difficulties and need to apply some form of special education. Boys 5 times more likely to have these problems than girls. Symptoms little child with learning disabilities often have difficulty with coordination of vision movements and awkward in physical activities such as cutting, coloring, buttoning, tying shoes and running. child may have a perception problem with vision or hearing, for example, identifying a particular pattern or distinguishing sounds or problems with memory, speech, thinking and listening. Some children have difficulty reading, some writing or numeracy. Most of the learning disorder is complex, with a reduced ability to higher levels. child can slowly remember the names of colors or letters, the names of familiar objects, may be poorly in learning counting, and have little ability to learn. Mastering reading and writing is slow. Other symptoms include short attention discontinuous speech and short-term memory. The child may have difficulty in drawing and tracing, activities that require fine motor coordination. Children with learning disabilities may have communication problems and impulse control, and difficulty in discipline. They easily distracted, can be hyperactive, withdrawn, shy or aggressive. Diagnosis and Treatment Doctor primarily examines a child in fact possible organic disorder. 
The child then solves a series of intelligence tests, including reading, writing and arithmetic. Psychological testing is the final step in the evaluation and diagnosis. treatment in applying some extent unproven effectiveness, eg elimination of additives in food, taking large doses of vitamins and level measurement of trace elements in children's serum. Neither drug showed no improvement in the level of education attained, the general level of intelligence and learning ability. However, some drugs, such as methylphenidate improve the level of attention and concentration, which improves learning ability. Most effective measure is to educate children adapted to their needs and requirements. 

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