Thursday, December 19, 2013

Why children are naughty sometimes?

Never forget the fact that children are born good. Children's attitudes and their behavior shapes the environment. First of all, are the parents because children every day looking for role models in the behavior of their parents. Children should not be ignored and neglected. neglect of the child leads to the accumulation of revolt and anger in them, because the children have their own personality and their pride. 

Children often make mistakes, sometimes they want to attract your attention. Sometimes everything seems deliberately planned scenario be annoying and lead to the edge of the nerve.
Children really want to overcome many of the limitations that are imposed on him. Do not overdo it with the hinges. Do not exaggerate your fears. Even the birds love freedom.

Outbursts of anger, screaming, noise, hitting, banging, throwing objects, resistance to the parents and breaking the rules only way to find your child's personality and express their views. All of these are transient phase that you must have endless patience. Every age has its own characteristics.

Children are curious. Out of curiosity often takes bad behavior.  I'm sure you will dream up many troubles which have fortunately always end well. Children's curiosity has no limits, but it is the best ally for the development of children's intelligence .. You need to understand that children do not make trouble because they want to be mean, but because they want to make a scientific experiment.

Children perform troubles due to communication problems.

Immaturity is also one of the reasons why your child may be terribly upset. All children do not mature at the same pace. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish the good from the bad. When you go to kindergarten, many things will change. In kindergarten will also encounter a variety of prohibitions, restrictions and obstacles, and will result in outbursts of frustration and dissatisfaction. Talk with your child, help him to overcome its internal problems. Children do not know suppress their emotions when they express it is to crack.
It may not be called "bad behavior" and "problem child."

At one point, the children want more freedom and independence. Also, days are coming when they will deliberately test your patience and bounds. Every child at one point expresses aggression, because it fights for its place and its own identity.

You should always have enough heat and patience to your child on the right track, the path of love, honesty and genuine human values.
Nobody in the world does not love you more and more honest than your child and no one in the world you need as your child. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What the children inherit from their parents?

How many times have you scared about the possibility of a child inheriting a disease from you? Right at the outset I must emphasize the fact that in medicine there are no written rules that apply to all. You can never know for sure whether your child will inherit a disease or you have some in your family. However, the fact is that with high probability the disease transmitted from generation to generation and the transmission probability can be calculated. 

Today there are some genetic techniques which even before pregnancy can calculate the probability of inheritance of certain diseases. A concrete proposal is that before a planned pregnancy, if in your family there are certain diseases must consult a good and smart geneticists.

Half of our genes and the traits we get from the mother and half from the father. DNA is the most amazing molecule in nature, our genetic code and spirals which are written our destiny and our lives.

Do you have allergies, suffer from migraines and acne, your teeth are not that great? Does your child have similar problems?

Allergies are inherited. If both parents have allergic constitution, the likelihood that a child will have allergies is about 60%. If one parent has allergies, chances are your child succeed allergy is 40% .. If anyone in the family suffers from allergies chance that the baby inherits falls to 10%. Allergic or atopic constitution tendency is inherited, but the disease can be provoked, and a number of other factors, such as contact with allergens, industrialization, living in polluted cities. The most common cause of allergies include pollen of different plants, house dust mites and food. A

Allergy to detect as early as possible. At present time, allergy testing directly from blood. There are other methods of allergy tests. If your child has a change on the skin very itchy and if there is interference with breathing, if it is often a runny nose, coughing and a tearing of the eyes, always an allergic search.

Cavities and bad teeth are also hereditary, although a major role in the development of these diseases play a bacteria and inadequate oral hygiene. Be sure to brush your teeth. Your kids imitate you at every step, and that it does not realize it. Disturbances in chewing due to poor jaw position also causes diseases of the teeth.Take your child to the dentist regularly. Recommended two inspections per year.

Interference with vision are also hereditary. In particular, this applies to short-sightedness. If both parents carry the glasses there is a strong likelihood that the children will wear glasses. In addition to nearsightedness, farsightedness and inherit astigmatism. Color blindness (inability to recognize colors) are also transmitted to the male children. If you have vision problems, your child is sure to take your eye examination in the first year of life.

A large number of psychological disorders are inherited. Depression is an inherited disease. If someone in the family suffers from depression, the risk increases to 50%. When I talk about depression mean clinically confirmed depression, not to frequent changes of mood, which is most of us prefer. With depression is inherited only a preference, but the environment has a decisive influence on the expression of the disease.Keep track of your child's emotional development, especially in puberty and adolescence.

Skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema are often hereditary. Atopic dermatitis is inherited, psoriasis is also inherited.

Bronchial asthma is a group of inherited diseases. The first signs of the disease is usually manifested in childhood. If one parent suffers from asthma, the chance that a child will suffer approximately 25%. If your child has frequent bronchitis and wheezing find a good pulmonologist. Maybe it is asthma. This disease is very important to start treatment on time, because it can avoid permanent damage to the lungs.

The constitution and structure of the body to inherit. If both parents are large, it is unlikely that their child will be fine. If the parents are obese there is a chance that a child will be obese as a child takes on bad eating habits from their parents. Make sure that your kids food. Do not let them spend the whole day in front of TVs and computers. Some play sports, play and socialize with other children.

Remember how we just played well until it was too much computer and television channels. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What if your child is taken you to the madness?

Your little baby is suddenly a real thief and Wiggles. Every day is testing your limits and patience. You get the sense that slowly lose control of their child? It is not easy being a good parent and it is impossible to be a perfect parent. We all have our little and big crises, large and small dilemmas, big and small fears. How many times have you been asked: Will I fail to make a man out of this tiny creatures?

Sometimes you feel helpless and you feel that your hard work and your words do not reach your child. Hysteria and crying you crazy. And it must have snapped it clear that hysterical attacks near you fail.

The most important thing in situations when your child becomes hysteric and when you bring it to the border of insanity is to control your own emotions. Just calm and confident in themselves and their attitudes can improve your child's behavior.

Below are few tips that will hopefully be used for many of you:

1 You have to control your own emotions and behavior. You have to stay calm. If this is not possible, then you need to practice humility. Breathe deeply several times a day, and speak a message to you calming.

2 You must devise a plan to deal with the child's tantrum. You need to be unanimous in their attitudes towards the child. By no means do not let your husband in a fit of rage on the side of the child. The child must have a clear, loud and decisive message from both parents.

Most of the burden of raising children is to be a single parent. If you're a single parent with children's outbursts always be consistent. Tell your child what you think, but do not argue with him.

No giving up, give in if children's anger and unacceptable behavior, then behave irrationally and as bad as your child.

You need to be reasonable, and your child will be reasonable.

When the situation is over, but do not be untouchable. The child should be given a chance to apologize, but it should not be allowed to do so formally.

If your child has made the whole scene by throwing objects, hitting a younger sibling, cursing, then make him  to just clean up the mess that was made, and the obligatory apology.

When a child realizes he has done something bad, then it will also leaurn  important lesson.

If your child starts to hysterical outside the house and that is thrown away and yells at the supermarket, do not tell him that it will no longer run out. Tell that followed the ban chocolate, candy and other sweets he loves.

Your child needs to learn to accept "no".

And never forget to praise your children when you do something nice.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

It is not easy being a single mother

We all want to have a happy family, but for many of us life destroy childhood dreams. At one point, everything looks perfect, then life changes overnight. Do you know how hard it is being a single parent? Our society is unfortunately full of prejudice against single parents. Life of a single mother carries significant challenges, huge responsibility, care, dedication and daily dread what the next day will bring.
Luckily only a sincere and happy smile of your favorite little creatures gives incredible strength and energy to get them out of the way.

Below are some tips to help single mothers a little help with daily living.

Do not neglect yourself
Do what you love. Dedicate one part time only himself. The finishing touches. Buy yourself a new pair of shoes. Satisfaction with their appearance brings a smile to your face and brings optimism into your life.

Create a support network
Your close family and friends are fewer columns in your life. Do not forget the fact that widening the circle of friends can make positive changes in your life and ease the daily struggle.

Show what you feel
Do not suppress your emotions. Hide the sadness, anger and tears is not good for your health. Cry all times, because the tears you can come back to life. Say what you feel, write the paper, write elektronic diary, just do not keep the sadness inside. Repressed emotions causes a number of health problems, heart problems and cancer.

Save money
Life is too expensive nowadays, but it is still a small amount of money can be left in the piggy bank for better times. You need to have control over the finances. So will your sleep be peaceful and daily apprehension reduced. If there is a sign a life insurance policy.

Think Positive
Crucial skills for single mothers to think only positive and avoid any negative thoughts. If you enter into a vortex of negative thoughts, it's a vicious circle that is terribly difficult to get out. It is not good for you or your baby. Discard the pain, sorrow, regret, guilt, think of the nice things that you've lived and you will live again. Proceed boldly, with a smile on your  face.
Never forget that you are the greatest living role model for your child.
Be proud of every day that you have brought smiles to others. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Why our children are most concerned?

Make a man a child is the greatest challenge and responsibility of every parent. The toughest job in life is to raise a child properly. On the education of children affected by numerous factors parents, school, relatives, neighbors, friends, comrades, teachers. However, when something goes wrong then surely the duty are parents.

Children and adults have their own small and big hassle to bother them and they are exposed to daily stress. Below are some tips about how to midnight the child to cope with their problems


In our society, even small children to be overly concerned about success in school, sports and other activities. Help your child to find activities that are doing fine and enjoying and give him the support that effort, continue to exercise and celebrate small and large successes. As far as school, help children to organize daily tasks. On Sundays, they help to create a weekly schedule of commitments. Encourage them, even when the results are worse than expected. Help them to understand that there are problems that can be solved by persistent effort, learning and training. Collaborate with teachers and the school psychologist, develop confidence and self-esteem in a child, have a story of success and failure in school.

Boredom is ravaged children

Children crave stimulation, so that they can become restless if they have no obligations after school. This way I can acquire bad habits and make bad choices, such as eating junk food and too much time spent watching TV or playing video games. After-school programs and regular physical activity for a period of one hour each day can provide a healthy way of spending time in the afternoon. Additional activities, if well directed, increase the activity of the child in the "right direction", reduce boredom and improve sleep quality.

Children need to eat regularly

Skipping meals or snacks to replace it difficult for children to maintain a balanced energy throughout the day. In addition, hunger negatively affects children's ability to concentrate on a healthy diet and regular, which can cause problems with weight.

Follow the in-house rules: three meals and two snacks a day, which is feasible for most families. In addition, studies show that when children eat together with family members several times a week, you tend to be happier and healthier eating. Provide your child regularly breakfast, but it is not every day "fast food".Children need to have a hot cooked meal at least three or four times a week and keep fruits and vegetables on the table. Do not forget that obesity in children will provide a basis for obesity in adulthood and increased risk of cardiovascular complications.

Children are difficult to tolerate changes

Children under 6 years old still can not talk about stress, but become moody after the great change, when things look bad to them. Any change in routine, such as a new school, a new job or moving parents - can turn the world upside down, and this can affect the parents, brothers and sisters.

Observe a few daily rituals such as meals at a certain time, Afternoon walk or time to read the story. Kids who know what to expect, feel more relaxed, and will feel all around them. When you change your school or you move, pay more attention to children to help them overcome and submitted the "big" change.

Too much time in front of screens

TV or video games may act as a relaxation, but watch the screen does not act as a relaxing reading a book or talking to someone. In addition, time spent watching television often leads to excessive snacking and improper seating.

Limit the time spent in front of the screen to a maximum of two hours a day. I do not let you eat in front of the TV, because it distracts attention and awareness reduces the size of the portions, feeling of fullness and communication in the family. The screen can not replace the lack of parents, walking or sport. Spend time with your children.

Overly burdensome obligations

Teenagers may look happy and calm while chat with friends, listening to music, doing homework, snacks, eat snacks, or all at once. But multitasking is tiring and stressful than you think many parents and children.

Too much time spent indoors

Children, like adults, feel better when I can get out into nature. One study showed that patients in the hospital showed a faster recovery because they see trees from their windows.

Plan a family walk in the fresh air every day after school. Take children walk to school instead of drive, take a walk to the ice cream or cake shops to bars to "hot chocolate" or pastry. Go ice skating, game or amusement park with your child. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

AIDS in children

Infection with human immunodeficiency virus is a viral disease that progressively destroys white blood cells and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS, according to Eng: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). 

Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, according to Eng.: Human immunodeficiency virus) which progressive deterioration of the immune system, which opens the door to opportunistic infections, especially in adults, certain types of cancer. 

AIDS (AIDS) is the late stage of HIV infection and for the time being is lethal. HIV infection and AIDS primarily affects young adults. Only about 2% of people infected with HIV in the United States as children or adolescents. However, the number of young adults who have acquired the infection in adolescents is growing rapidly. In 1995. year in the United States were more than 3,000 children with AIDS and at least 1200 with covert infection. Each year, new cases recorded 800-1000. Approximately 90% of children infected before, during or shortly after birth; 61% blacks, 23% Hispanics, and 15% white. 


HIV infection is caused by viruses HIV-1, or, rarely, HIV-2. Young children almost always get the infection from their mothers before or during birth, although it is more than 2/3 of children of mothers with HIV will become infected. Infection can also be obtained after birth because the virus can be excreted breast milk. 

Transmission from mother to child is not the only way children can become infected. Although rare, the second transmission of infection is sexual contact with child abuse. The child could be infected blood transfusion before in 1985. year. Boys with hemophilia who received clotting factor preparations before the mid-1980s could be infected if they were blood products contaminated with HIV. Since 1985. The collected blood is controlled by the presence of antibodies to HIV. Made significant steps towards the safety of clotting factor concentrates. Today in the United States seldom that a person infected with HIV through blood transfusion by blood products. 

In the same way as the infected adolescents and adults: sexual contact, by sharing infected needles by drug abuse, and although now rarely before in 1985. The blood transfusion. 

The virus can be transmitted through homosexual and heterosexual activity. Male homosexual activity is responsible for 33% of new HIV infections in adolescent males, and heterosexual activity is responsible for 54% of cases among ado-lescenticama. Sharing of infected needles is responsible for 11% of new cases among adolescents of both sexes. 

The virus is not transmitted through food, water, household items, or social communication at home, at work, or at school. In very rare cases, HIV is transmitted through infected blood skin. In almost all such cases, the skin has been damaged by scratches or open wounds, or anything else. Although saliva may contain a virus, never confirmed the transfer of a kiss or bite. 

Symptoms and Complications 

Infection before, during, or shortly after birth is not immediately obvious. In 10% - 20% of children problems begin during the first or second year of life, the other 80% - 90% of the problems begin until years later. In about half of children infected with HIV-AIDS diagnosis is set to the third birthday. 

If the disease starts after infancy, changeable intervals illness with periods of relatively normal health.Infections acquired in adolescence often remains hidden or causes scant symptoms for months or years, it looks like the infection acquired in adulthood. 

Different symptoms and complications occur in the child's immune system deteriorates. Approximately 1/3 gets pneumonia (lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis), usually in the first few years of life. As a result, the occurrence of cough and batićasti fingers, depending on the severity of lung involvement. 

Pneumonia caused by the microorganism Pneumocystis carinii seriously endangers a child with AIDS.Children born with HIV usually have at least one episode of pneumonia penumocistis in the first 15 months of life. More than half of the infected children before or after get pneumonia. Pneumocystis pneumonia is a significant cause of death among children and adults with AIDS. 

In a significant number of infected children progressive brain damage prevents or slows the normal mastery of psychomotor functions 


On HIV infection is suspected in children of mothers with known infection or in children with symptomatic HIV infection or immune problems. In newborns, the standard test for antibodies against HIV has no diagnostic value because of their blood antibodies are almost always the mother who is infected with HIV (even if the child does not have to be infected). The majority of infants these antibodies retain 12-15 months or more, but finally lost from the blood if the child is not infected. To definitively diagnose HIV in children younger than 18 months must be used in specific blood tests (growing HIV or polymerase chain reaction). By repeating these tests in most, if not all, of the infected infants can be diagnosed for HIV before the age of 6 months. 

For the diagnosis of HIV infection in children older than 18 months and adolescents using the standard search for antibodies against HIV. 

Treatment and prognosis 

An increasing number of drugs used to treat HIV infection in adults and adolescents. Many of these drugs, but not all are tested in children and have proved to be useful. Many experts believe that the combination may be more useful than individual drugs. 

Drugs that are given to children as zidovudine (AZT), didanosine (ddl), stavudine (d4T), lamivudine (3TC) and zalcitabine (ddC). Some of the drugs that are already applied to adults just take aim at children - are sakinavir, ritonavir and indinavir. Some drugs, such as nevirapine and delavirdine, and tested on adults and children. 

To prevent pneumocystis pneumonia infants older than 1 month of mothers who have HIV infection, and children with significant impairment of immunity, antibiotics are given. In general, given trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, but some children treated with pentamidine or dapsone. 

With modern therapy, 75% of children with HIV infection experience 5 years and 50% 8. The average age of death is still about 10 years for children infected with HIV, although more and more children to survive into adolescence. 

Occasionally Intravenous immunoglobulin to enhance your child's immunity. Routine vaccines are given to most children infected with HIV, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not. Generally do not give live virus and bacterial vaccines. However, the vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (which contains live virus) is given nonetheless, since measles in children can be infected to a HJV cause a serious or fatal disease, and the vaccine has not been reported unwanted side effects. 

For children in need of residential care, kindergarten or school doctor evaluate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases. In general, the transmission of infections, for example. chickenpox in children infected with HIV (or any child with a weakened immune system), the higher the risk of transmission of HIV from the child to the other. A small child with HIV infection, which has open sores on the skin or is prone to potentially dangerous behavior such as biting others, will not be eligible for kindergarten. However, in general, there is no need for anyone other than the parents, doctors and school can be a doctor, be aware of the HIV status of the child. 

Children infected with HIV should be closely monitored for their medical condition is getting worse, treatment is best applied to the least restrictive conditions. If there is a system of care in the home along with social services, children may spend more time at home than in the hospital. 


Prevention depends on the knowledge of the transmission of HIV and to apply that knowledge. Pointing out the importance of refraining from sexual intercourse or practice safe sexual intercourse, it is important to stop the spread of AIDS among adolescents and adults. 

The most effective way to prevent infection in the infant to infected mothers avoid pregnancy. Some studies show that caesarean section delivery reduces the risk of infecting the child, but this is not standard procedure. 

One of the most important achievements is to prevent, in many cases, transmission of HIV from mother to child by anti-HIV drugs. Pregnant women who are infected with HIV, given zidovudine (AZT) in the mouth during the second and third trimester (last 6 months) of pregnancy with intravenous zidovudine during labor and delivery. Zidovudine continues to give the newborn for 6 weeks. These measures threefold reduced transmission of the virus from mother to child (from 25% to 8%). 

In the course of further research to see if others drugs to further reduce the rate of transmission of the virus. Therefore, all the pregnant women had to think twice to get tested for HIV early in pregnancy to zidovudine, if necessary, could be applied at a time. 

Although the risk of HIV transmission by breast milk rather low, infected mothers should avoid breast feeding fetus, especially in the U.S. where there is no problem of good industrial milk and water. In countries where the risk of malnutrition or infectious diarrhea caused by contaminated water large, natural nutrition benefits far outweigh the risks of HIV transmission. 

Since it does not need to know the HIV status of the child, all schools and kindergartens should adopt special measures of treatment in case of accidents, such as bleeding from the nose, and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces stained with blood. The staff is advised to avoid contact of bare skin with blood.Gloves must be readily accessible and hands after removing gloves must be washed. Contaminated surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected freshly prepared solution of household bleach at a concentration of 1 bleach: 10-100 parts water. 

Worms in children

Infection little kid worm is a condition in which small children Enterobius vermicularis worms grow and multiply within the intestines. Mala baby worms or white worm is the most common parasite of children in temperate climates. At least 20% of all children and up to 90% of children placed in institutions have a small baby worms.

The causes of infection usually runs in two steps. The eggs are first transferred from the area around the anus (back passage) to clothing, bedding and toys. The eggs are then transferred, often fingers into the mouth of another child who swallowed them. The eggs can also be inhaled from the air and then swallow.Children can re-infect (reinficirati) by transferring eggs from the skin around the anus of his own mouth.worms Male children are growing up in the final part of the small intestine during 2-6 weeks. Female then moved into the area around the anus, usually at night, to be deposited eggs in skin folds. The eggs are deposited in a sticky, gelatinous substance. This material, as well as moving the females, itchy condition.eggs can survive up to 3 weeks at normal room temperature. However, the eggs in the skin folds can quickly sprawl and small worm back into the colon and final part of the small intestine.


Most children infected young kid worm causes no symptoms. Some, however, itching around the anus and is constantly scratching and the skin may become rough. The girl may be itching and irritation of the vagina. Abdominal pain, insomnia, seizures and other unproven effects were unjustifiably blaming the kid's small worm infection. In rare cases of appendicitis may be due to blockade of a small baby worms.


Diagnosis is made ​​by finding the worm. Search is the best spend reviewing children's anus about 1-2 hours after a litter to sleep. Worms are white and thin as hairs, but are moving and are visible to the naked eye.Samples of eggs or worms may be taken from the skin around the anus of the transparent adhesive tape early in the morning while the child is still asleep. Scotch tape can be folded and take the doctor. The eggs and worms on adhesive can be seen under a microscope. Prognosis and Treatment Treatment is usually not necessary. Parasite rarely causes damage, even it is very common. However, most of the patients upset knowing that there are worms and often they are to be solved. A single dose of the drug mebendazole or pirantela cure about 90% of cases. All family members must be treated for the infection is transmitted from one member to another. Cream or ointment itching (anti-pruritic preparations) were applied directly to the skin around the anus to reduce itching. despite treatment often leads to re-infection (reinfection) because it has seven days to live eggs are excreted in stools (because after 7 days should be more single dose).Clothing, bedding and toys should be cleaned often to remove the eggs.

Gastroenteritis in children

Infectious gastroenteritis is an infection of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Gastroenteritis can cause a number of diverse bacteria. Some bacteria cause symptoms exuding toxins, others grow in the intestinal wall. If you are growing inside the wall, can penetrate into the bloodstream.Viruses and parasites, for example. Giardia, can also cause gastroenteritis. In fact, one virus (rotavirus) is responsible for almost half of all cases of severe diarrhea hospitalizations ending in the U.S. and developing countries. Bacteria and parasites are somewhat less important in the U.S. than in developing countries, but they also cause outbreaks of food poisoning and diarrhea.

The consequences of severe diarrhea are quite different in developed countries than in developing countries, for example. in the United States, despite the millions of cases of diarrhea in children each year, all of them ending fatally hundreds, while the proljevne disease, killing more than 3 million children under 5 years in developing countries.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Gastroenteritis is usually manifested by vomiting and diarrhea. To determine the cause, the doctor takes into account whether the child may have been exposed to a source of infection (eg, a particular food, animal or sick person), how long had the symptoms and what are the symptoms and how often the child vomits or has shed chairs . One must also take into account the child's age.

Within 24 hours of the occurrence of gastroenteritis in infants under 6 months can fall into dehydration, the loss of too much water and salt (electrolyte). However, each child may run into dehydration within 24 hours if they are severe vomiting and diarrhea and fluid intake is insufficient.

Dehydrated infant has poor appetite, dry mouth, fever and scantily urine production and thirst shows and weight loss. More severe dehydration gives eye inflammation and dry appearance, and the soft part between the bones of the scalp (fontanelle) is also inflamed. A child may be sleepy.In older infants and children fat symptoms may occur before dehydration becomes critical. Such children may seem very weak, with hot, dry skin and inflammation, dry eyes.


First, given fluids and electrolytes, usually the mouth, but if dehydration is severe, intravenous, to compensate for the loss of vomiting and diarrhea. Older otherwise healthy infants and children are given antibiotics for certain bacteria and parasites, for example. 
Those that cause bloody diarrhea or cholera.Infants under 6 months and those with impaired immune systems are treated with antibiotics, even when there are no signs of infection beyond the intestines. Antibiotics are ineffective when the gastroenteritis is caused by a virus. Antibiotics are often given to people who are traveling befalls diarrhea and when heavy or persistent diarrhea.

Feeding your baby

Hey baby has mature sucking reflex and searching lips and can begin feeding immediately after birth. If the child is placed on the mother's chest in the delivery room, meals usually starts within four hours of birth.

The first day of life is normal puking and vomiting mucus. If it takes longer, the doctor or nurse may gently rinse the rest of mucus by introducing the probe through the nose to the stomach.

In neonates who were fed some milk substitutes (artificial food, "formula"), vomiting may be due to a milk allergy. Then you can apply some milk that does not produce allergies. If that does not help, the doctor still looking for the causes vomiting. In infants fed breast cause vomiting should seek the roadblock that prevents gastric emptying. On human milk allergy does not occur.

Newborn wet diaper six to eight times a day. In addition, a chair every day for the first few weeks, nourishing crying skin nucleus has a strong sucking reflex. These are all signs that your child gets enough food, or breast milk substitutes, and this is supported by the increase of body weight. Prolonged sleep between meals usually indicates a sufficient amount of food, even in the children fed breast is not always the case. Therefore, infants breast doctor regularly to monitor perceived food you enough.


(Bottle feeding)

In the newborn to be bottle fed for the first meal given sterile water, to test the reflexes of sucking and swallowing, because the water will not harm the child with a feeding disorder. If the child does not return water to the next meal can give milk substitutes. The maternity ward is considered sufficient feeding babies every four hours.

Formula is adequate caloric and vitamin content is available in sterile bottles of 120 ml. The mother should not try to kid each meal drink a whole bottle, but as much as you want. The amount of food should be gradually increased during the first week of 30 ml or 60 ml to 90 ml or 120 ml six times a day.

In the first year of life are more suitable preparations adapted milk (commercial formula) than cow's milk.Although cow's milk is bad food for infants, poor in iron, which is important for the development of red blood cells. You give daily multivitamin drops containing vitamins A, C and D infants on artificial or natural diet during the first year of life and during the second winter in cold areas where children are little exposed to the sun, and the activation of vitamin D is limited. In areas where tap water is not fluoridated, feeds can be added fluoride.

Children on artificial diet in warm weather or when in a hot, dry environment between meals should be offered water. Sometimes the child is inappropriate foods must dohraniti intravenously. In this case, the doctor searches for the causes of malnutrition.



Breast milk is the ideal food for a baby. In addition to providing essential nutrients in the most appropriate form for digestion and absorption, breast milk contains antibodies and white blood cells (leukocytes), which protect the baby from infection. Breast milk is best regulated by acidity and intestinal flora, thus protecting the baby from bacterial diarrhea. Because of this protective role, children who are breastfed less frequently suffer from infectious diseases than children on artificial diet.

Meals on the chest has benefits for the mother, for example. provides intimate contact with the mother, her child, what can not be done with bottle feeding. First of mature breast milk is secreted rare yellow liquid called colostrum. Colostrum is rich in calories, proteins and antibodies. These antibodies are particularly valuable as they successfully absorbed from the stomach. The child gets protection from infection against which his mother has developed antibodies.

Mother's nipples do not require special preparation before breast-feeding. Hand express breast milk before birth can lead to a breast infection (mastitis) or even premature birth. Area nipple and areola are naturally prepared to suck secretion podmazujućeg protective layer. This protection does not need to be removed.

For a woman who planned to breast feed the baby may be useful to talk to a woman who has successfully breastfed her baby. Observation of nursing mothers and pressing the apprentice confessed can be very instructive and encouraging.

For a successful breastfeeding mother is comfortably placed in a relaxed position, and can be quite lie flat and rotate it from side to side giving the child both breasts. The child sat opposite her mother that holds her breast with your thumb and index finger from above, and other fingers below the nipple and gently touches the baby's lower lip. This encourages the child to open his mouth and latch. Mother helps child put in his mouth the entire nipple and areola which prevents damage to the nipples. When you want to stop breastfeeding mother finger gently pressed the baby's chin, and so break the suction.

At first the child was fed on each breast for a few minutes. While sucking the mother's milk is helping to create, from scratch to be avoided too suck. Sore nipples caused by improper position of the nipple in the mouth of a child during suckling and it is easier to prevent than to treat. On the other hand, the milk depends on the total duration of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding gradually extended until it reached sufficient milk production. It is considered appropriate to ten minutes on the first breast and then the other until the child is satisfied.

For the first child to create a full milk supply is expected within 72-96 hours. For the next Children should be shorter. If the mother after delivery of the first night exhausted, a meal at 2am it can be replaced with water. Yet the distance between the first day of meals must not be longer than 6 hours. Breastfeeding is better to implement the child's wishes but according to the calendar. Similarly, the duration of each feeding should be adapted to the child's needs.

Mother to her child, especially if the first, for 7-10 days after birth should take a doctor to assess whether breastfeeding successfully and mother needed advised.

The frequent occurrence of the first days of breastfeeding is breast tumescence (become clogged). This can be avoided by frequent feedings. The pain can be reduced by wearing a comfortable bra 24 hours a day.Pumping under a warm shower can also reduce tension. Before feeding mother sometimes has to manually express milk a small amount of milk to enable the child to cover his mouth swollen areola. However, over-pumping in between meals can cause painful constant overcrowding and mother to express milk when her only that overcrowding creates considerable discomfort.

Inappropriate position of the child in the chest causing damage to the nipples. Child nipple sometimes catches lower lip and sucking it, is irritating. In this case the mother of the thumb releases the lower lip of a child. After feeding nipples should be kept dry and should not be deleted or rinse. Mother can optionally nipples dry hair dryer on a low heat. In a very dry environment warts can be spread hypoallergenic lanolin cream or neutral. We should not avoid nipple shields in my bra.

Mother in lactation need special diets, particularly rich in calcium. Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium, but if the mother can not stand, can successfully replace the nuts and green leafy vegetables.Optionally calcium can be taken in the form of a peroral preparation. Vitamin is not necessary if the diet is well balanced, and is particularly important enough vitamins C and B6, and B12. It should be noted that the average American diet is low in vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 vegetarian diet.

The separation of the child from the breast depends on the needs and desires of both mother and child.Breastfeeding is considered desirable at least six months. The gradual separation from the breast for a few weeks or months, it is easier for the mother and for the child, rather than abrupt cessation of breastfeeding.

The separation usually means introducing stiffer food, so instead of 8-10 feedings a day, stiffer food given to three times a day, and the number of feedings gradually decreased. At the age of seven months, a bottle or a glass of fruit juice, milk or expressed breast milk substitutes, we should replace one breastfeed a day.Drinking from a cup is an important developmental range, and can be completely overcome by the age of 10 months. Some children are tied to one or two meals a chest until the age of 18-24 months. The child has to eat solid foods and drink from a cup, and when it feeds on the chest.

Introducing solids

Time of introduction of solid foods is determined by the child's needs and willingness to accept it. In general, babies do not need solid food before six months of age, although it can smooth swallow of 3 or 4months. Ingestion of solid food may be earlier, if you put a bite on the back of the tongue, but the babies are usually rejected. Some parents give their infants large amounts of solid food to sleeping over night. It sometimes does this desired effect, forcing solid foods too early can lead to problems later in the diet. Many babies take solid food after a meal or bottle feeding, making them quickly solve hunger, while it is not denied the satisfaction of feeding.

From solid food is first applied jednovrsne grains (avoids mixed), and then introduces the fruit and it also one by one species, and then the vegetables. Hypersensitivity to food will be easier to define if the infant gives some new food over a few days. Solids is given a spoon to master a new technique of infant nutrition.

Many commercial preparations of baby food, especially baby food and soup mixture containing much starch. Starch does not contain any vitamins or minerals, is highly caloric and infant difficult to digest.Some finished preparations of baby food with a high content of sodium, more than 200 milligrams per serving. The composition of each mixture was highlighted in a box. Fragmented food prepared at home is cheaper and more comprehensive source of quality nutrition.

The meat should be introduced later, after 7 months of age, then he should be given priority over food rich in sugars, because babies need a lot of protein. However, many infants refuses meat, so it should be introduced with great care. How many children are allergic to wheat, eggs and chocolate, should be avoided to a year. Honey should also be avoided until the age of one year, because it can contain spores of Clostridium botulinum in infants can cause botulism, while in older children and adults safe. 

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a long-term joint inflammation (arthritis) is similar to rheumatoid of arthritis in adults, but it starts before the age of 16 year.

The cause of the disease is unknown. Hereditary factors may increase the risk of disease.


In about 40% of children disease affects only a few joints, and another 40% is affecting many joints. The remaining 20% ​​of patients develop a systemic disease that affects the entire body, not just the joints, and can also be seen with fever, a condition called Still's disease.

Inflammation that affects only a few joints usually occurs before the age of four years (usually girls) or after eight (usually boys). The affected joint is painful, swollen (edematous), and stiff, and usually hit his knee, ankle and elbow. Sometimes, they may be more affected by two other joints such as the big toe, wrist, or TMJ, which are stiff and swollen. Symptoms resulting from the joint may not last long, or you can go back and pull.

Girls have more inflammation of the iris (iris) and ciliary body in the anterior chamber (chronic iridocyclitis), which does not always cause symptoms and are discovered only target search. Inflammation of the ciliary body can cause blindness, because the children have to specifically browse the circumstances of this possibility in the case of irodociklitisa treated immediately.

Inflammation of multiple joints can occur at any age and affects equally boys and girls. Pain, swelling and stiffness may begin gradually or suddenly. The joints that are usually affected are the knee, ankle, wrist and elbow. Later joint inflammation occurs both hands, neck, temporomandibular joint, and may be affected hips. The inflammation is usually symmetrical, and affects some joints on both sides of the body, for example. both knees and both hips.

Systemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis affects boys and girls equally. The temperature is variable (intermittent), usually higher in the evening (often 39.5 ° C or higher), and then rapidly returned to normal.During fever, the child has a sense of serious illness. Surface, sitnotačkasti pink rash mainly on the trunk and upper parts of the arms and legs, there is a short time (often at night), migrate (occurring in different places), disappears and can occur. The spleen and some lymph nodes may be increased. Pain, swelling and stiffness occurs last.

Every juvenile rheumatoid type of arthritis can hinder growth. When the disease interferes with the growth tempromandibularnog joint may be poorly developed chin (micrognathia).

Rheumatoid factor, an antibody that is often found in the serum of adults with rheumatoid arthritis, is rarely found in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid factor is most commonly found in girls where the disease spread to multiple joints (polyarticular form).

Prognosis and treatment

Symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis completely disappear under the influence of drugs in about 75% of children. The prognosis is worse in those who have the disease spread to more joints which are found in rheumatoid factor.

High doses of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) can usually reduce the pain and inflammation of the joints. Other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, eg. tolmetin and naproxen, are often used instead of aspirin because of the risk of Reye's syndrome.

Children may be given corticosteroids by mouth if the disease is severe and if it affected the whole body, but steroids inhibit the growth of the child and the need to avoid use if possible. Corticosteroids may be administered directly to affected joints to reduce inflammation locally. A child who does not respond to aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs can be injected with the preparation of gold. Penicillamine, methotrexate and hidroksihlorokin can be applied when the gold salts no effect or cause side effects.

Exercises keep your joints movable and protect them from development stiffness. The splint can prevent joint remains fixed in position unsuitable.

Eyes are reviewed every six months to rule out inflammation of the iris (iris) and ciliary body in the anterior chamber. Inflammation is treated with corticosteroid eye drops or eye ointment that open wide (dilate) the pupil. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct eye surgery. 

Games that develop motor skills in children

At the age of 3 to 5 year old children are too busy developing physical and motor skills-learning how to use the muscles of the legs, arms and torso to running, jumping, throwing, grabbing and kicking. You are working on the development of fine motor skills, but they develop later as opposed to rough. Obviously you want to allow your toddler plenty of time so that he can develop all the muscles, both large and small.

Try the following actions:

- Dance - child bouncing, moving every part of the body, activates almost all the muscles ...
- Walking - let the child around the house, walking around the neighborhood, park. You can include running, fast walking, skipping low barriers, all that comes to mind, and it seems a good child development.
- Swimming or any other games and water activities.
- Keeping the balance - let the child walk on low beam. If the park is no beam, you can make one at home and is fully adapted to the needs of their child.
- Play games that require your child imagination, imagine and pretend - enhancing children develop gross motor abilities when imitating a duck, a horse running, a robot-plane or anything that comes into their heads.
- Riding a tricycle, bicycle, children's motor - heavy-truck-toys will help if the trucks pull trailers.
- Construction of houses and other buildings - the house will be used as the material pillows, blankets, boxes, pieces of furniture, and outdoor stones, wood, sand and equipment on the playground.
- Playing with a ball - throwing, catching a ball, throwing the same as the rolling of large and light ball.
- Play with peers.
- Swinging, going down the slide, climbing on the playground or at home if you have a space for play.

My child bites?

To be honest, it's not fun when near a child who bites. Although it is not abnormal behavior is not acceptable at another child, especially with other parents. This concern typically occurs when the child starts preschool and when very few.

What parents can do to reduce and eradicate this problem?

1) firmly say, "No bite!" And remove it from the child who was bitten.
2) Take away a toy or punish him by being only a few minutes.
3) Enough Pay close attention to the person you bit me.
4) Have fun and watch the kids play. Avoid inserting the game children who bite.
5) Resist the temptation to you and baby through the bite of an effort to pointing out an error. Instead, use a positive approach. You do not want a child says teacher to bite as do his parents.
6) Be uvijjek in the shade because it is the only way to be present when the child is wanted again to bite and prevent it.
7) Tell him that it hurts. As small children it is their perception of pain worse and do not understand that violates others. It's a slow process, but be persistent. Anything less will want to bite.
8) You need to know when a child bites in self-defense, and when attacking. This procedure can not be justified, but it is certainly easier to know that a child bites in defense, and it does not work in any other case. Talk to your child but it will soon discover just other ways by which will defend themselves if attacked.
9) Only talk can solve the problem. The more you talk about how biting is wrong and what the consequences may be, it will decrease the child's desire for the same. You need to be strong, tough and tenacious, but it will pay off. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to help children with learning?

Every time your little student opens a book or a notebook, you should ask him what you already knew about the things learned. If you work hard, you will surely think of something. "Memory is a vast treasure, a child needs to learn to use it. It is very important to him to explain how it works, "says Ellen Katra, which in the Group for the Study of theories of learning helps children who are in school are faced with difficulties in learning.

First you need to understand and then to remember

In order for something to learn, a child must first understand the material. This will stimulate his curiosity and help him to adjust himself a lesson. If he needed a chart to understand a grammatical rule, or is it easier to say in your own words, do not let him restrained. This will allow you to easily learn the definition later in the book, or to practice the relevant rule.

You need to know how to use what you learn

Even if the child has understood everything in class, at home, needs to renew his knowledge. Not enough information to get into his head, he must learn and find them when they need. In addition, the child will be more likely to learn a lesson if he could imagine how it can exploit this knowledge. If you teach, say, the past tense, the child should be able to recognize the text and to use it in the squad.

How to learn the multiplication table

The child needs only to find a method that suits them best. Do I need to watch a paper that was written to the table "photographed" and should be aloud to repeat? Or will it easier to remember if it was someone else repeats or questions? If visually memorized the multiplication table, has to learn to find it in memory when it needs it. If he recited by heart and listened, first let's learn in a row, and then skipping.

To memorize a poem

It will probably easier to learn if it rests its rhythm and syllables pronounced by imitating the rhythm. You can imagine a particular image with each verse. Of course, you also learn the text by heart, you have to train the to recite expression. It will be easier to understand and remember the text of it. It is best to exercise in front of the mirror and at the same time imagining that in a classroom and listen to the teacher and his classmates.

To prepare for the control

Mathematics, geography, history ... The principle is always the same: before you begin, you need to summarize what is already known about a particular topic. As the child learner, help him to better prepare for class by encouraging them to imagine him questions that a teacher might put him or who could be in control.

Learning is a habit that is acquired. Help your child learn more easily

The first half has been completed and will soon start the "second round" in school. If you are not satisfied with the success or simply want to facilitate child learning, we suggest several ways.

Good students have a habit of learning, formal learning is when the small time the child learns more. In order to learn well, the most important conditions for work, good planning, strategy and support to parents.We reveal some tricks to help their students to be more successful in school.

8 Habit

1 Material divided into smaller units.
2 Specify a time for learning. At exactly the same time each day, preferably after coming home from school and a short rest.
3 Follow the plan and a time for learning.
4 First, by solving the most difficult tasks.
5 Before the start of learning inspect all records.
6 The phone must be turned off during the learning process.
7 Help a friend who is a better learner and a good math, biology ... is always welcome.
8 Weekends are also taught. The child may even repeat lessons.

Parental support

If your child enable favorable conditions for learning over time, usadićete him and work habits. It is necessary that the child has an appropriate place for learning. The area must have a function, beauty is not essential.

Talk to your child about his or her needs and adjust mealtime. Agree on the household rules during learning - let it be known that a television or radio does not need to work while studying in the course. Prohibited and calls. Encourage your child and learn more than you need hey, some reading encyclopedias or other literature you have in your home.


If a child she was very nervous before the test or control task, talk. If a child is anxious, learning does not make sense. It's the best for the child to rest and then continue learning.