Friday, July 26, 2013

Worms in children

Infection little kid worm is a condition in which small children Enterobius vermicularis worms grow and multiply within the intestines. Mala baby worms or white worm is the most common parasite of children in temperate climates. At least 20% of all children and up to 90% of children placed in institutions have a small baby worms.

The causes of infection usually runs in two steps. The eggs are first transferred from the area around the anus (back passage) to clothing, bedding and toys. The eggs are then transferred, often fingers into the mouth of another child who swallowed them. The eggs can also be inhaled from the air and then swallow.Children can re-infect (reinficirati) by transferring eggs from the skin around the anus of his own mouth.worms Male children are growing up in the final part of the small intestine during 2-6 weeks. Female then moved into the area around the anus, usually at night, to be deposited eggs in skin folds. The eggs are deposited in a sticky, gelatinous substance. This material, as well as moving the females, itchy condition.eggs can survive up to 3 weeks at normal room temperature. However, the eggs in the skin folds can quickly sprawl and small worm back into the colon and final part of the small intestine.


Most children infected young kid worm causes no symptoms. Some, however, itching around the anus and is constantly scratching and the skin may become rough. The girl may be itching and irritation of the vagina. Abdominal pain, insomnia, seizures and other unproven effects were unjustifiably blaming the kid's small worm infection. In rare cases of appendicitis may be due to blockade of a small baby worms.


Diagnosis is made ​​by finding the worm. Search is the best spend reviewing children's anus about 1-2 hours after a litter to sleep. Worms are white and thin as hairs, but are moving and are visible to the naked eye.Samples of eggs or worms may be taken from the skin around the anus of the transparent adhesive tape early in the morning while the child is still asleep. Scotch tape can be folded and take the doctor. The eggs and worms on adhesive can be seen under a microscope. Prognosis and Treatment Treatment is usually not necessary. Parasite rarely causes damage, even it is very common. However, most of the patients upset knowing that there are worms and often they are to be solved. A single dose of the drug mebendazole or pirantela cure about 90% of cases. All family members must be treated for the infection is transmitted from one member to another. Cream or ointment itching (anti-pruritic preparations) were applied directly to the skin around the anus to reduce itching. despite treatment often leads to re-infection (reinfection) because it has seven days to live eggs are excreted in stools (because after 7 days should be more single dose).Clothing, bedding and toys should be cleaned often to remove the eggs.

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