Friday, December 21, 2012

How to stop child abuse in schools?

When you learn that your child is being bullied in school, you probably first impulse to go to school and bully a lesson. But before you go, consider carefully whether it is right for your child. If a child feels that your presence at school could only contribute to even greater humiliation, then do not do it. However, when it comes to physical violence over the need to take serious measures. Here are some basic rules that can help in this situation.

The basic rules

First of all, listen to your child and do not throw away the facts. It is important that your child knows that you can not complain, and you believe him. Most parents make mistakes, thinking that the child is lying.When you look at the opposite may be too late, your child will have been traumatized.
How would you understand why your child is picked on, ask him to repeat precisely what you sentence him to the school bullies point.
If they are vague phrases, it is not necessary that you are looking for sake of teasing. Your child needs support, not more reasons to feel that it was not hard enough.
You must tell him no reason not to excuse yourself to someone for the right to harass and tease the other person. School bullies simply should not tolerate the intolerable.
If you suspect that the reason for teasing your child's lack of self-confidence, then insist on all the things that works well in order to raise the level of confidence.
Rather than concentrate on the reasons why your child is a victim, you can concentrate on the reasons why the bully another child.
When you discover the weak points of thugs, then you can help your child make a strategy of opposition.
If your child is not in favor of you, as a parent, do nothing to take action against bullies, but also help the child to just cope. Your child will also learn to fight for themselves and be able to raise their self-esteem.

Do not forget that it is basically bullying izazvanje display power and suffering of the victim. Therefore, if the child demonstrates the power of a small rebel thugs. The next thing to reverse the insurgency and if your child can not only, help him.

Some parents think that bullying is a natural part of growing up, and that children will thus be strengthened.However, this view is not fair to the child victim who applied to our toleration of evil. It is true that children sometimes have a strange way of playing games that parents often do not understand. Sometimes it all starts and naively through mutual fun. But, if a child who participates in the game asks you to get out of it off a second child does not allow it, but then we considered harassment.

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