Friday, December 21, 2012

Disorders of reading and writing

There are several types of these disorders, in its intensity, and the therapy is conducted in collaboration with a psychologist and speech therapist

There are several types of disorders of reading and writing

For a child to learn to read and write must be good to see, hear, speak and has developed motor skills hands.These skills usually develop until about ten years ago when automate, but when it does not come up with reading disorders (dyslexia) and writing (dysgraphia and disortografija).
Dyslexia is a learning disorder in reading that manifests itself by moving the sequence of letters in words, adding or omitting letters. A child who suffers from this disorder usually stops before you have to read the word, the first letter is repeated several times, "chopping" multi-words into syllables, separate read word by word and does not respect the punctuation. In addition, irregular breathing during reading, and after reading it does not know what he read.

Dysgraphia is a disorder in mastering the art of writing the rules of spelling, which is seen in various errors.How to develop and write the last to learn it is possible only if the previous skills and abilities developed properly, a child who suffers from dysgraphia makes no spaces between the letters, turning letters on the opposite side, mix them ... The disorder is reflected in the messy handwritten letters and a poorly placed in the space of the page.

In other words, children with these problems reading and writing level is lower than expected given the child's age and intelligence. Diagnosing dyslexia and dysgraphia is very complex and involves neurological, ENT, review hearing, and the intellectual skills, guidance, coordination, skill and ability grafomotoričkih auditory and visual perception. There are several types of this disorder, and in its intensity it is a lightweight, dysgraphia and agraphia expressed or complete inability writing.
If errors occur in writing the result of the difficulty in pronouncing or distinguishing auditory votes, it is a phonological dysgraphia. It is very often the case that a child has dyslexia and disgrafiju, but the latter more difficult to correct.
Dysgraphia takes many forms and can cause the external influences on the developing child, poor short-term memory, problems in processing words and visual perception, "error" in the work of the brain hemispheres, but it can also be hereditary, which is very rare.
Even today, scientists are not sure what is the cause of these disorders, or have a unique theory as to why they came.
Dyslexia occurs in early childhood and is mostly detected when the child starts school. However, there are signs of that already in early childhood may indicate the occurrence of dyslexia and dysgraphia, such as delays in speech, decreased speech-language development, poor vocabulary, agrammatically sentences (for example, the blue sky, five children ...) inability to recall a word, bad navigation, poor motor skills, disinterest in drawing numbers and letters ...

When a child is diagnosed with dyslexia or dysgraphia, therapy consists of a visit to a psychologist and speech therapist, and the goal is to improve skills, enhance grafomotorika, text understanding, reduce or eliminate resistance to reading. If you notice anything that might indicate the disorder, should as soon as you contact an expert, because the disorder is detected early and quickly mastered. The child who has these problems require professional help, but there is more support for parents and loved ones, because they can develop fears and bad relations with the environment.
A child who has dyslexia or disfgrafiju NEVER punish avoided if the read-write, or speak to the lazy or rude. When you exercise you do not ever rush and lose patience. He needs all the praise for doing good and reward him every time he succeeds. Openly talk to him, encourage him and ask what's bothering him, what they think, what they fear. On the problem and talk with the teacher and school psychologist, and include people who spend a lot of time with him.
In a speech on the basis of symptoms and on examination determines an individual plan for each child.
It's very important for parents to participate in therapy, because it is very complex and includes various exercises of speech, discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis of votes, visual memory and distinguishing letters ...
Studies have shown that these disorders occur more often in boys than in girls, and that the number of children with these problems on the rise.

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