Friday, December 21, 2012

What if kids do not want to eat?

Children who stop eating does not make such a radical choice from mere caprice. Their behaviors are adaptive and purposeful: children try to avoid or something perceived as unpleasant, or get access to something that is important to them. The child sends a clear message to parents: "I do not like what is going on. If you want to eat, you have to change something." When it comes to babies and small children, we must be sensitive to their non-verbal behavior to understand the message behind it. Our task, before you make any attempt to remedy the problem, is to carefully start noticing your child does and think about the meaning of the behavior.

We must ask ourselves: "What messages are we sending a child?"

If you refuse to take food or fluid, a child tells us something about anything and everything of the following:

First The child is not hungry or thirsty.
Second Something hurts him during the meal.
3rd A child experiencing emotional discomfort as a result of previous negative experiences feeding.
4th He has learned how to behave in a certain way and thus get something they want - whether it's about a certain food or special attention.
5th A child only has to learn to feed flavors to create a pleasant and reduce hunger.
6th The child is confused about what it means to eat the way parents want.
7th With a person's diet and eating enough without problems, but this is not the case when it comes to other people.

Once we recognize which of these situations affect a child's eating, we have a better chance to find out what should be done to help the youngster eagerly eaten.

First Physical experience of hunger or thirst. Regardless of age, children are very different in the need for food and drink. Their "method" of eating and drinking are also significantly different. Also, if a child took pre-meal snacks or drinking a lot of fluids, they will not be hungry.

Second Physical discomfort. Go to your GP without delay if you notice that your child during meal shows any of the following: vomiting and the zagrcava, floods, food ejected through the nostrils, discomfort in the stomach, bend back like that
experiencing chest pain or persistent stomach-ache. Remember, a child who does not want to eat sending us a message: his refusal of food could speak to him in pain.

3rd Emotional discomfort. Nearly 95 percent of children who do not want to eat, according to the emotional discomfort associated with feeding. Often it is the site of a spoon, pinch stool or just enough to mention lunch at children challenges anger or fear. Older children, on notice that it was time to eat, I can now complain of nausea. "Emotional" behavior is often a reflection of the past, and sometimes unsuccessful attempts feeding raw and require, in young children, an additional step - "desensitization." However, the behavior of a large number of children who are apparently a reflection of fear or anger (eg throwing on the floor, screaming, tight closure of the mouth, fending off food) actually learned responses acquired in interactive experiences with parents. These reactions, often referred to as avoidance responses, children are always unconsciously learned intentioned parents who were not quite sure what to do when the child began to rebel against feeding. Problem avoidance reactions, and needs to be "overcome", is one of the main foundations of assistance.

4th Preference for certain foods and excellent response. Some children refuse to eat selectively - are entirely satisfied by taking only one type of food and refuse to eat almost everything else. For some reason, the parents of these children were found early in the baby food you eat and keep fit as well as the provision of food, often for several months. When a child has been talking about chocolate pudding enriched with vitamins. In the second it was the pasta and sauce. A child would not rule any problems parents and pediatricians that could survive on chips and soda. Parents report that attempts to broaden the child's menu always result in a royal battle and suspension of further efforts. Eating food is not only selected as the second group was controversial children. Their efforts are directed toward another goal: they are determined to do anything to their parents took in his arms or in order to gain their full attention. It can be a signal that the child in the family has received little attention. In fact, most of the family interactions occur during eating. In this case, children will learn that when you eat quickly, quietly and well, gets little recognition or love, but when a real fuss about food, receives a lot of attention from their parents. Then the problem of feeding the lower dynamics of family relationships.

5th Lack of experience pleasant taste and / or taken to calm hunger. Most children do not want to eat, even younger than one year, have successfully experienced the different flavors of food, and a comfortable feeling that comes due to reducing hunger by eating.
Acquired their refusal of food is not related to lack of knowledge of the natural consequences of eating.However, a small number of children dohranjivan is some other artificial means. These children are much more at the hospital, or directly to the failure in weight gain and growth, or because of the great physical hardships they stepped on the road since birth. (Hospital stays can dramatically disrupt the normal routine of feeding, causing varying degrees of rejection of food.) Because of the need for extensive feeding addition, the children did not understand that eating mouth can produce a pleasant taste and / or reduce hunger. In a real sense, these children have had little interest in the process of feeding. They were fed by someone else's schedule. Without a doubt, they experienced the feeling of hunger, but have not experienced any kind of active, personally driven process reducing hunger.

6th Confusion. Sometimes the child is uncertain about what parents actually want. This happens when parents are inconsistent - in connection with cutlery, then in this regard should you feed children and he is expected to eat alone; Furthermore, in connection with the amount of food that a child should eat, how much to offer, When a meal is considered complete, the child should eat while in the arms or while sitting alone, and many more other things that usually are not a problem child who eats a relaxed and appropriate.A 12-month-old baby was breast-fed at random, from the bottle and the glass. The baby has decided to bring order and consistency in his young life: it is completely stopped eating.

7th A child eats "for" (in the presence) of a parent (adults), but not for anyone else. Finally, some children are showing a clear preference that "who" will and with whom to eat. Sometimes the person selected only the mother, and in other cases only the father. There are cases when a nanny easily feed the baby, and neither mother nor father have no success with it. A child who eats at someone, perhaps with the exclusion of all others, tells us that the method of feeding the person, from the child's perspective, the best. One of our tasks is to accurately analyze this method in order to help others to emulate.

From "My child will not eat," Joel Macht, published Achievements, 2005;

Jealousy in children

Within the family, there are significant differences between the first-born child and drugorođenog - from sex differences in age, character individuality, the general physical and mental health, as well as various life situations in which the parents were at the time of the rising first, and later a second child. All of these factors can, in certain periods of life and the development of both the child reflect on certain beliefs and attitudes - both the children and their parents, and the surrounding environment. The most common is the older sibling of the child than the younger, but not uncommon situation to be reversed, or that jealousy is mutual.

Jealousy and how to solve

Many parents are afraid of jealousy firstborn child, to realize at some point in the child's second child jealously.
Adequate response, dealing with children and the aforementioned good organization, can overcome these problems. Parents should make an effort to both children of them receive the same attention and an equal amount of time spent together - when dealing with specific activities appropriate for their age.

Situations in which you may find when you have two children of different ages:

Situation 1:
The younger the child, although the opposite sex, often covet the same things over - whether it's the clothes, toys, shoes, or something related to school activities. You do not want to stay home, but to join the company of older children. Insists to go out with them, to play together, or to spend time with them when they come to visit. Often, no explanations can not stop crying and mališanov applications. Then the parents are trying to persuade an older child to give in, "Please, let it be with you only a little, not crying After all, you're older / a, you can easily understand ...".

If parents do not allow children under the age interfering older, but it suggests that something else is interested, it can become very irritable, restless, even said: "Nobody loves me!" In the event that such a situation recurring, a younger child may enter into frequent verbal and physical conflict with the older child. Or to retreat and inconsolable crying.

Situation 2:
An older child may come into a situation where there is no freedom to socialize with their peers, because they "must always be careful," the younger brother or sister. Children usually comment like: "I do not know the game, so we spoil everything!"

Unfortunately, if this situation persist, the older child begins to avoid socializing with peers. Also, can live in the belief that he loved the child, but not to tell her parents. It becomes jealous, whining, oversensitive, often refusing parental orders, and the younger child comes in a variety of verbal and physical conflicts.

The reaction of parents

Sometimes parents think that it's only a short stage in the development of their children, that they will pass ... so I do not pay much attention.
Some believe that the older the child, because he can no longer understand, should accept such a role, and those views are relentlessly adhere to, which can cause many problems.

Imitation is positive

Children usually learn imitative motivated curiosity and exploring what happens when you repeat a pleasant or unpleasant behavior of adults. How older and younger children imitating each other, their parents and their environment. At a young age, imitation is the means to achieve the effect, and during further development can be used to check the emotions of each member of the family group, in order to later developmental period is adopted as the opinion or belief.

Some parents think it is essential that children in these situations are separated and strictly pay attention to each other, do not bother.
A number of parents did not try to intervene in such situations, but allows children to solve. Then often leads to child crying rant, heated arguments, and covered with short periods of calmer.

The reaction environment

It is important to know that in addition to the parents, and others from the environment: such as grandparents, other relatives, neighbors, friends, teachers can play a decisive role in the messages that suggest - because they remember, crossing into the subconscious and are retained lifetime.

Conversation - The Key to Success
A parent can sit next to a three-year child (or take it on your lap), and to act in the same manner and with the older child, and telling them how much they loved, how much he cares about them, that he liked as smart , beautiful, valuable ...
The potential of these youngsters will surely come to light. They will try to justify the parents' and show yourself in the best light. Children will want to show what they can do best, positively will accept any verbal message in the order form.

From the moment you take the time to talk to children, parents approach requires good organization and free consultation. The only way children learn and acquire many habits of behavior.

Parents Code of Conduct
Here are a few rules that parents should adopt:

- You need to make a list of interesting content and timing of their implementation, for both children.
- Trying to keep the mood is positive, there is a lot of talk and laughter.
- Make an effort to get children not exposed to excessive noise, they do not become too sensitive.
- Not at all, be punished children. But if there is a need for it, then you should not be drastic, and should not yell. Children of three or four years are too small to understand the punishment. They need to explain why they were punished. Sentence may not last long, because in this case the children feel rejected. After the sentencing, is gradually creating an atmosphere of good cheer.
- Do not be afraid of kids with something that does not exist - if it does not do what you wanted. You do not need to tell them that there will not be loved or to be paid if someone does not make a specific account.Children must not create the fear of losing a parent.
- Teach your children's emotions and feelings. When you are angry, tell and explain to the children the best way they know how - why are you angry and why.
- Gestures (if a little child) show your feelings. From time to time, ask your child how to be angry, laughing, crying ...
- From time to time leave the door open nursery. Tell the child that you are there if you need it by accident.
- If children are restless or irritable, overly tired or express disapproval regarding sleep, give them a favorite toy and tell something nice - until you are sure you have calmed down.
- Sometimes a parent to a child of primary school organizes a number of activities, meetings, visits to the cinema, theater ... while others, younger children need to organize different activities.

How to survive the first day of school?

After the holidays spent in the game, the first days of the new school year can be hard on a child. If your child is nearing umusilo since the beginning of school, remind him that all children first September start school and that it is not only in the sauce, and remember the fun together moments from the last school year.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid anxiety and strife in the house because of the new school year.

The alarm for the child's room is a good investment. Allow your child to choose the only alarm clock that he likes, and you will avoid despondency when it is time to get up the first of September - the lesson will be "guilty."

Allow your child to choose only the clothes for the first day, and make sure you try out all the day before, to avoid that first September morning, he finds something "is terrible" or is uncomfortable. So the first day of school will not have "nothing to wear" drama.

If your child wants to bring lunch from home, let him choose what it will be. The same goes for breakfast, ask the child what they want to eat and make sure that on Thursday to get it.

Try to arrange to get to school a little early, keep in mind that the first September is likely to be crowded in the city, so head out of the house on time.

Warn your child that can happen to any of the classmates might move out, or that the seating arrangements in the classroom would be different, that the child would not be disappointed if "his" seat is occupied.

When you return home, you can celebrate the first day of cake, or going to a favorite restaurant, where you will in a cheerful atmosphere with the child to talk about the organization of obligations, extracurricular activities, plans for the upcoming school year, in order to keep the child or to fix last year's success, how will you him help with that, but also about how to spend their holidays.

In any case, try to make the school is marked by a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.

Creative toys for children

Seven best toys for your creative child.

While the little child absorbs like a sponge. It is said that what you learn to remember the whole seven years of life, and you as a parent decide which way to go in developing your child's earliest years. As you already know, toys are not just for the fool's game, but also learning and developing imagination and creativity.Although many pediatricians recommend toys and Montessorijevih Waldorfovih classroom, they tend to be expensive. Here are a few toys that help you boost creativity of your favorite creatures, and while you do not spend a lot of money.


One of the simplest but very effective game for creativity. Although the most popular Lego dice, playing dice any will be successful. Besides the agreement at will, try to interest a child to arrange something with the template image. Besides the imagination, it develops coordination and intelligence.


Although seemingly nothing to offer so round and simple, ball is one of the most interesting toys that kids follow through childhood and beyond. The ball has a handful of interesting games, especially social, where the child learns to navigate groups.

Creative Box

I put all those sticky, colorful stuff that kids love. Tempera, crayons, stickers, glue and whatever else they can come in handy in a happy creative play. Leave them some place where they can enjoy and Let them get dirty. If you feel sorry for clothing or
else, give them old clothes that you will not be sorry. Perhaps it is this game from your child create a great artist.

Musical instruments

It is important to decide which instrument suits the character and talent of your child. If you catch something that constantly taps, let it be drums or other types of percussion instruments. If you think a more melodic type, let it be guitar or synthesizer to start.


They do not have to always be a doll that your children want to buy them every time I pass by some colorful shops. Most effective are the dolls that you create yourself. Socks, buttons, ribbons, along with the child make a doll.


Interesting, patient and intelligent game. Today you have a variety of "puzzle" of which is currently perhaps the most interesting three-dimensional ones. Arm yourself with puzzles and the game can last long into the night.


Although you do not seem to have books toys, they can greatly serve the party and the game. Give your child read what he likes, because in this way, and you realize what and in which direction to develop his pursuits. 

How to be a good surrogate parent?

It can be difficult to establish a balance between the desires of your partner and how to bring her / his children and your willing according to be accepted by those same children.

Here are some tips:

- Avoid collecting points
- Do not buy toys just to gain sympathy
- Allows the man to be alone with your children

The key to success is time. To children accustomed have to give them time and they will know how to prize. You will not succeed if you buy gifts and not be with them. Children love attention more than anything, so if you can give it to them unconditionally then they will surely fall in love with you as well as your partner / woman.

How to teach children to wash their hands?

It is very important to wash your hands to prevent the spread of germs and disease. Teach children to wash their hands of the owner can be difficult. Children are most of the time in a hurry and just do not think about it. These tips will help remind children to wash their hands.

First place the signs in your home. Characters do not have to be big, just large enough to gain a child's attention. Characters you can create for yourself.

Put a sign in the bathroom above the sink or on the back of the neck or near the light switch.

Be a living example of children and wash hands before and after meals. Wash your hands before and after preparing food. Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing or emergency. Let the kids do the same thing as you until they become habits.

How to prevent discord among brothers?

Of course we all want our children to be friends, not competitors. But how to achieve it? Well here's a tip ...

The difference in years-means that the siblings will be in different stages of learning. Enter the activity in which all ages can participate. Encourage older children to help younger ones, so they will feel more important.

Do not rush-interrupt children's quarrels. Solving little friction can be a valuable lesson to them. Do not stop or take sides in order not to think that you have a favorite.

Praise them when they get along well. Notice that only when we misbehave, we might think that this is the way to win your attention.

Teach them how to work together, to alternately play a particular toy.

Tell children to talk openly about the issues. Make sure that they know how to ask an adult to help them in resolving the dispute.

Encourage them to think of others. Ask them how they would feel their brothers and sisters and we would like to have in their place.

Stay calm. You give them know that the problem is not so great, it will help them to listen to you in the future.

Disorders of reading and writing

There are several types of these disorders, in its intensity, and the therapy is conducted in collaboration with a psychologist and speech therapist

There are several types of disorders of reading and writing

For a child to learn to read and write must be good to see, hear, speak and has developed motor skills hands.These skills usually develop until about ten years ago when automate, but when it does not come up with reading disorders (dyslexia) and writing (dysgraphia and disortografija).
Dyslexia is a learning disorder in reading that manifests itself by moving the sequence of letters in words, adding or omitting letters. A child who suffers from this disorder usually stops before you have to read the word, the first letter is repeated several times, "chopping" multi-words into syllables, separate read word by word and does not respect the punctuation. In addition, irregular breathing during reading, and after reading it does not know what he read.

Dysgraphia is a disorder in mastering the art of writing the rules of spelling, which is seen in various errors.How to develop and write the last to learn it is possible only if the previous skills and abilities developed properly, a child who suffers from dysgraphia makes no spaces between the letters, turning letters on the opposite side, mix them ... The disorder is reflected in the messy handwritten letters and a poorly placed in the space of the page.

In other words, children with these problems reading and writing level is lower than expected given the child's age and intelligence. Diagnosing dyslexia and dysgraphia is very complex and involves neurological, ENT, review hearing, and the intellectual skills, guidance, coordination, skill and ability grafomotoričkih auditory and visual perception. There are several types of this disorder, and in its intensity it is a lightweight, dysgraphia and agraphia expressed or complete inability writing.
If errors occur in writing the result of the difficulty in pronouncing or distinguishing auditory votes, it is a phonological dysgraphia. It is very often the case that a child has dyslexia and disgrafiju, but the latter more difficult to correct.
Dysgraphia takes many forms and can cause the external influences on the developing child, poor short-term memory, problems in processing words and visual perception, "error" in the work of the brain hemispheres, but it can also be hereditary, which is very rare.
Even today, scientists are not sure what is the cause of these disorders, or have a unique theory as to why they came.
Dyslexia occurs in early childhood and is mostly detected when the child starts school. However, there are signs of that already in early childhood may indicate the occurrence of dyslexia and dysgraphia, such as delays in speech, decreased speech-language development, poor vocabulary, agrammatically sentences (for example, the blue sky, five children ...) inability to recall a word, bad navigation, poor motor skills, disinterest in drawing numbers and letters ...

When a child is diagnosed with dyslexia or dysgraphia, therapy consists of a visit to a psychologist and speech therapist, and the goal is to improve skills, enhance grafomotorika, text understanding, reduce or eliminate resistance to reading. If you notice anything that might indicate the disorder, should as soon as you contact an expert, because the disorder is detected early and quickly mastered. The child who has these problems require professional help, but there is more support for parents and loved ones, because they can develop fears and bad relations with the environment.
A child who has dyslexia or disfgrafiju NEVER punish avoided if the read-write, or speak to the lazy or rude. When you exercise you do not ever rush and lose patience. He needs all the praise for doing good and reward him every time he succeeds. Openly talk to him, encourage him and ask what's bothering him, what they think, what they fear. On the problem and talk with the teacher and school psychologist, and include people who spend a lot of time with him.
In a speech on the basis of symptoms and on examination determines an individual plan for each child.
It's very important for parents to participate in therapy, because it is very complex and includes various exercises of speech, discrimination, memory, analysis and synthesis of votes, visual memory and distinguishing letters ...
Studies have shown that these disorders occur more often in boys than in girls, and that the number of children with these problems on the rise.

Allow children to rest on leave

Spring or summer vacation time and vacation child child should be allowed to implement it without a load.

Schools our children too quickly gets serious and "overwhelm" a variety of information, tasks, and a sense of responsibility. Because of this, the children break "hardly welcome," and look forward to his policies.

This break from school is required even a child who has only recently become a student, and that has excellent reviews.

Why is the holiday break that is so valuable to our children?

First School is stressful.

School stress include: commitments (always learning, assessment, temporary or permanent difficulty in tracking materials, resistance to certain subjects or teachers), your expectations and the pressure to teach a child, proving (in front of you, you, peers, teachers), peer group pressure (the temptation to do something illegal, but challenging, even that is open and clear statement about their feelings).

The reasons for stress can be "fine" at first sight unimportant (for example, early to rise, lack of sleep can affect, and thus to poor concentration in class, the poorer grades in school), or the rules that apply only in school, but not at home (to sit still for several hours, the child is always neat, obedient, not to lag behind, to raise his hand when he wants to say something).

Learning policies

No effect of exercise, such as mathematics, in advance. Think about it. If your child has good grades in math, understand the material that was provided for the program when it comes time to do so, within hours.On the other hand, if you think that will help advance his training to understand the material when it is being presented to teachers, it is much more likely to forget about it until then, but it will be some extra support.

Second Children need relaxation.

Adults use many relaxation options: sport, walking, listening to music, seeing with friends, reading ...Children do not have those options, or do not know them. Often do not have the opportunity to either accept (processing) a daily event, as it starts too soon and a new push overlap the previous one. However, the "unprocessed" experience working in the subconscious and can cause a variety of stresses.

3rd It is not true that their only obligation is only to learn.

When you tell your child: "Yours is just to learn", you have made more mistakes at the same time. Your child will believe you or not, has its problems, even when you are not aware of. Additionally, it is your burden and expectations, which are not limited only to learning, but also to keep all your habits and behaviors that you are satisfied that the bad change or turn into those habits which will (again you) just become happy.

Teachers will not tell you this

Try to peek into the brain of teachers who teach your child - so you will understand the system of the school and facilitate student in mastering duties.

Here is how most of the teachers:
First And if you teach very young children do not tell us what it is so sweet and cute - we hear the noise of the day, the smell of glue udišemi paper, we avoid stains from crayons ...

Second It's nice when the parents are honest with us, but we are not married advisers - do not complain to us that your husband does not help with the housework and chores around children.

3rd Do not test our work because they've already done a lot more expertise than you - professors at colleges before graduating, and gave us "permission" to deal with this trade.

4th Talk with your children as much as possible, allow them to socialize with their peers, because if you spend a lot of time "stoned" in front of the TV or computer screen, they will not know how to interact with the environment, even with the teachers.

5th When you hear them yelling at each other, cursing, we know that this is a pattern of behavior of their parents.

6th Maybe your child is the center of your universe, but we do our share them with another, at least about 30 other children.

7th Please help us by sending them to the school to ban using cell phones and other electronic devices that distract them.

8th Guys who dribble the ball a couple of hours per day can earn about 20 million euros per year. We educate those who will be earning a lot less. Tell them where you are and why.

9th Some children spend more time with us than with his parents busy. We have the role of psychologists, counselors, doctors, friends. We teach them how two and two together, but also how dangerous drugs, unprotected sex, driving fast ...

10th We know how children affect parents' attitudes about money, religion, policy can, minorities, other races ...

11th Do not buy their's Love and attention, we use some other means, because we have no money.

12th Do not attempt any of us to buy. Even the "small" services.

13th Please - enough of stuffed animals, picture frames, mug. For a Woman's Day or New Year, only one flower, a book, or even better - warm and sincere greeting by the children themselves did.

14th And we love the holidays and weekends, maybe even more than the students.

15th The memories remain our children are well-behaved, happy, pleased and honored that we were, no matter what kind of grades they had.

As a child loves math...

Rather than be a chore, this science can be useful and fun for children, show examples in the world, and in our country.

Geometry, a branch of mathematics that studies the shape and spatial relations of the body, is managed from the time of ancient Babylon, Egypt, the pharaohs, including ancient Greece (and she gave birth to perhaps the greatest minds of science) that confuses students, Nesvik abstract way thinking. The younger the child, the harder it is to imagine a distant point at which to cut off the two seemingly parallel lines, or, say, a dodecahedron - "the most perfect geometric body" (at Euclid) composed of 12 petougaonih areas, and more complex hiperdodekaedar (this will adults and difficult to pronounce, let alone kids from kindergarten!) which is actually a four-dimensional dodecahedron, object composed of 120 dodecahedra.

It is a dodecahedron Center for the Promotion of Science Serbia chosen for the main character in your workshop "Geometry around us," intended (primarily) children. Kids can, but older ones that have already learned something about the geometric bodies in maths lessons, the past few days, so in the gallery Kolarac National University of Belgrade had the opportunity to try their hand at constructing a dodecahedron made of plastic straws, hanger, strainer ...

Introduction to the dodecahedron

Unusual colorful shapes have attracted many children, and curious passers-by, who were exposed to the billboard could read a brief history of the dodecahedron, to know that he is a "symbol of the unity of mathematics, the focal point and the intersection of a large number of its disciplines," that for Plato symbolized the structure of the universe (which tried to prove mathematically and modern scholars, notably the Poincare) and inspired many scientists and artists (among other Ptolemy, Fibonacci, Leonardo, Kepler, Picasso ...), and that hiperdodekaedar a key role in modern cosmology and crystallography and the form in which it appears many viruses, some amoeba, and - of gold nanoparticles.
Sergei Vušković from a four-year Kindergarten "Villa" got into making dodecahedron of straws completely oblivious to holding a "structure of the cosmos." The nine-year Uros Radojevic, student school "Pavle Savic", which has an A in math, according to the geometry of this more interesting than the volume, while Michael odlikaš slips from school "Mihajlo Petrovic Alas" enjoys the conclusion that the form of video on the computer.
- And this is one way to awaken curiosity and encourage children to develop an interest in better understanding the world around them, to encourage innovation and creativity and inspire young people to love science and you may opt for a scientific career, which is the mission of the Center for the Promotion of Science - promotorki explains one of the workshop.
Math helps children gain self-confidence and successfully and easily solve a variety of challenges they face in their growing up in everyday life and in education and to understand general models on which to learn to anticipate certain situations, they make decisions and act, to learn to think abstractly, to use technology to manage the area and to manage their own time and expense ... So not only teachers, but also parents of children expected to gradually, in a fun and practical way to introduce the world of mathematics, to show the kids so it is not a "bogeyman" but useful knowledge that will enable them to open the door (s) for science and many other activities in later life.
The Canadian Ministry of Education announced that occasion and guide for parents called "How to help your child to master mathematics." It is intended primarily kids can and contains a series of recommendations, instructions, explanations and tasks that moms and dads can show your child why math is important, what is it, and how to apply.

Puzzles for kids

In Mathematical High School in Belgrade, the program is designed to work with preschool children, to kids as young as four years could, through play, to step into the world of mathematics and learn to think logically.
Once a week, they learn the basic geometric shapes, count to ten, solve logical puzzles and tasks appropriate for their age, draw and paint ... and, most importantly, learn to think, to come up with a solution. "Almost all the school decide to continue with us because we have a program for elementary school students, and," says Bojana Matic, a professor of geometry in high school Mathematics.
In organizing "Education Plus" from Belgrade, as we found out in teaching practice teaching basic mathematics, a new method of learning with the working title "Silent mathematics", as one of the activities of the holistic education program that is designed by Jean Borisavljević. The peculiarity of this method is, as the name suggests, the mutual agreements in students and teachers perform in silence, without discussion, agreed systems and character movement, possibly with writing.
What, after all, the word math? She has already declared a "universal language" which are symbols suitable for communication, not only between people, but also with extraterrestrial intelligent beings, if any.

Tips from "chatting"

Caring, and indeed occasionally panicked parents, increasingly, over the Internet to exchange experiences and seek advice on how to help their children learn math better. At one of these sites reveals that the Dutch school math teachers more frightened than children, and the six year old is expected to know what they cost two melons, if one costs four euros, but how much does it cost half a melon - to leave to the next grade.
On the other, most likely from the Japanese experience, it is recommended origami (the art of paper folding) as an excellent method for the development of abstract thinking in young children. "Sounds logical, because after a while how to conquer fore bending the paper win a three-dimensional space."
One mother says she started with problem assignments "based on examples from everyday life of her family." For instance, how to divide a chocolate bar so that each child gets the same number of bricks.
The Canadian experience say ...
· Use the objects surrounding the child, to be counted, measured, moved, dismantled and compiled by making a variety of geometric shapes ... Draw charts and diagrams, allow kids to fend for themselves and in them. Have to discover the different ways to solve a problem. To learn from mistakes.
· Assign them to count the plates, which are sorted on the table, favorite toys or books stacked on shelves, to loud repetitive song razbrajalice while they do, to show or print the numbers that are so welcome.
· Looking to go on "hunting figures" around the house and neighborhood, finding them, say, the face of a clock, a television, on the stove, the microwave, the list of tenants or board in front of the building, in the store, on street billboards ...
· Encourage your child to just find new ways to use numbers in the environment. Give him to solve problems such as: "We have pasta for dinner. For the sauce need six tomatoes in the house we have two.How much you need to purchase more? "Or" In your sister's room and four pillows in our bedroom two.How many pillowcases have to wash? ".
Ask to cut a slice of bread in half, then in quarters, and then compare them and say which is greater. Let your blanket folded in half and a quarter, and compared with a quarter of the slices of bread.
· Ask him to help you on a pocket calculator that supposedly missing eight, came to this number by arithmetical operations of addition, subtraction, division, multiplication ... Take in a similar way tickets for the game.
· Show your toddler how to sort cans or jars on kitchen shelves, height or weight. Send it to find objects of the same length as, say, a spoon, or to "measure" how much is the length scoop rooms.
· With children from four to six years of work and can be more complex tasks. For example, give them to check whether the objects are always more difficult than smaller, or when you make cookies together, converted from grams to kilograms prescription and vice versa, or to calculate how many days left until Christmas, and if they do share the five holidays weeks, or to determine how many inches a week growing plant that was planted ...

When you buy your child a cell phone?

"All the schools have a mobile," began the child complains to you these days. Is it already so grown up? Is it really time to buy him a mobile phone?

Already in the first years of primary school, children today get their first mobile phone. Is it a mere luxury and fashion needs or rights that, as a parent, you have to meet - a question that can be answered only by you and your family. By no means do not buy the phone only child because he says he would like to have it or because it reiterates that it has all of his friends. However, psychologists argue that there are circumstances when the purchase completely justified.

Greater safety is one of the main motives for many parents is the key argument. If you are going to have your child waiting for the bus on a lonely station if practicing a sport and have a break between classes and training, if it happens that his friends went home without it - these are all situations where it would be good if the child can call you and that even "virtual" real company.

Busy schedule is another reason that motivates parents to buy a child a mobile phone. Kids today are really torn between school, friends, family and extracurricular activities - sports, music, foreign language learning. Neither your day is not reduced, it is going to have more obligations, is not it? The mobile phone can help you easily maintain communication with your child - you can check that arrived on time to training, is a piano teacher decided to extend a little lesson ... Imagine how relieved you experienced that could send you a message the day she missed home because of overdue traffic on the bridge!

Each family can have some of my own specific reasons. Mom with a parental forum recounted the traumatic moment when he suddenly collapsed at home, and her three year old little daughter found the cell next to it and pressing the green handset just called my dad! The big question is whether it would be able to do it with a fixed telephone line. This case may be too extreme, but most parents think that is the moment when you "let a child alone in the world" - in school or at a friend - both appropriate moment to give him a cell phone.

Remember that it does not have to be his personal phone. At first, and for short outings you have to give him the use of his spare and coffee - so the child will gradually learn how to use it and gain responsibility instead thinks it's a new toy. Interim solution is to get the phone, but not the right to wear it all the time.Simply, specify what those occasions when you want to have a child and this means of communication available. In all other situations, you have to stand on the place in the home and the unexpected use only in emergencies. By the time you estimate to have met all the conditions that the child begins to constantly carries a mobile phone, arrange the basic rules of usage and do not miss to warn children of the threats that lurk in the area of ​​mobile communication that comes with the device. The advantage of the mobile phone is that it can largely control its use.

Stop learning with children

There are two types of parents who simply adapt to their character that children do not work alone. And that's not good because kids homework not only solve the problem of living - ponavaljajući lessons and practicing tasks children become ready for school. Thus, a child psychologist acic Gordana explains that there are two types of parents, and you check which group you belong to and you're wrong.

A concerned parent

Parents who care about children and examines the execution of school obligations, expecting the worst if the tasks are not done, and the material learned. When you see that time is short, takes matters into his own hands and does everything for the child - says local (child rewrite it), the line drawings for which it is impossible that the work of children's hands, according to an abbreviated version of a larger text - to simplify it and to child understands what this is all about, so you quickly learn together ...
The message that it sent a parent child is: you are not able - I have for you, or you'll fall class. When a child is repeatedly heard, or felt, begins to behave accordingly. Unfortunately, this is the beginning of a relationship to the school, and later to other life situations.

Relaxed Parent

A parent who is aware of the capacity and capabilities of their child and consequently helps the child when there are difficulties. Such a parent does not assume responsibilities that child, suitable to their age, can only assume, although it is sometimes frustrating effort and a child.
If that fails, the message that this sends the parent relates to a child's confidence in his abilities - I know you can do it and I do not mean to diminish your ability. A child in this situation, after much effort, there is always the result - whether it is a complete success, and that causes delight children and parents, or failure.With the failure will be used primarily parental support - in terms of the incentives and help with analyzing what led to it and how it can be resolved.

Do you teach children? Do you spend hours and hours explaining to them the material and do their tasks. And then you get angry at them ... Well, maybe not their fault? Maybe you're wrong.

How to stop child abuse in schools?

When you learn that your child is being bullied in school, you probably first impulse to go to school and bully a lesson. But before you go, consider carefully whether it is right for your child. If a child feels that your presence at school could only contribute to even greater humiliation, then do not do it. However, when it comes to physical violence over the need to take serious measures. Here are some basic rules that can help in this situation.

The basic rules

First of all, listen to your child and do not throw away the facts. It is important that your child knows that you can not complain, and you believe him. Most parents make mistakes, thinking that the child is lying.When you look at the opposite may be too late, your child will have been traumatized.
How would you understand why your child is picked on, ask him to repeat precisely what you sentence him to the school bullies point.
If they are vague phrases, it is not necessary that you are looking for sake of teasing. Your child needs support, not more reasons to feel that it was not hard enough.
You must tell him no reason not to excuse yourself to someone for the right to harass and tease the other person. School bullies simply should not tolerate the intolerable.
If you suspect that the reason for teasing your child's lack of self-confidence, then insist on all the things that works well in order to raise the level of confidence.
Rather than concentrate on the reasons why your child is a victim, you can concentrate on the reasons why the bully another child.
When you discover the weak points of thugs, then you can help your child make a strategy of opposition.
If your child is not in favor of you, as a parent, do nothing to take action against bullies, but also help the child to just cope. Your child will also learn to fight for themselves and be able to raise their self-esteem.

Do not forget that it is basically bullying izazvanje display power and suffering of the victim. Therefore, if the child demonstrates the power of a small rebel thugs. The next thing to reverse the insurgency and if your child can not only, help him.

Some parents think that bullying is a natural part of growing up, and that children will thus be strengthened.However, this view is not fair to the child victim who applied to our toleration of evil. It is true that children sometimes have a strange way of playing games that parents often do not understand. Sometimes it all starts and naively through mutual fun. But, if a child who participates in the game asks you to get out of it off a second child does not allow it, but then we considered harassment.

My son does not want to bathe

Age of puberty, many children begin to "goof off" in terms of regular showering and washing your hair. Moreover, there are still children who listen to heavy metal or hard rock, and the reputation of the members of such bands think it is "cool" to be messy. Nevertheless, the boys, unlike girls, much harder to get used to adhere to the good old rules in terms of the regular hygiene. One reason to avoid regular shower can be a sloth.

When they were little you bathe them, sometimes right before their very sleepy. Now you can swim on their own and become their task, usually goes right moment. While you see that are not bathed and ready for bed, it was too late-they were asleep. In that case, try your best to be strong. Although it is hard for you to be at this point, be persistent. After a few "scary" wake-up shower will learn a lesson - never to go to bed neokupani.

Mothers have the advantage

According to research, most boys have no problem talking about hygiene with both parents. A number of them prefer to discuss it only with mothers, while a very small percentage said that they were embarrassed to talk about it equally with both parents.

So, moms have a great chance to learn unopposed son of daily hygiene. It's easy to say, but the question is: "How to start such a conversation?". The best recipe for talk is always that they do not look right in the eye.You will do it if both are in the same room absorbed in some activity, such as in the kitchen while you cook, he cleans. The boys should be brief and clear. Do not ask him if he wants to use deodorant, but it provides the solution without frills. Tell him that the time has come when it is natural to start using deodorant and just give him the option to choose what kind of deodorant wants.

Physical appearance

Puberty for boys is very inconvenient. They often do not feel comfortable in your body, especially if you increase the speed of light. It seems that, for one year and can grow up to 12 cm. Also, they can hardly fall and the pressure that they have to grow into a strong man. Therefore, boys between 9 and 16 years old physical appearance could be the first. But even so, they should learn about the physical appearance into account carefully. For example, many of them are overloaded with their hair, and so spend an hour arranging to have a haircut at the same time forget to brush their teeth.


The boys like to give them solutions to their problems and to choke without unnecessary story. For example if a son obsessed with hair, you should take him shopping for hair gel, but at the same time, he briefly introduce other hygiene products. Find products that are easy to use. They respond best to use a system already designed - if our need to discern which product to use that will not even bother to time.

Men usually prefer that all their products smell the same, so he can buy komlpetnu line of manufacturers.Put them mandatory on the shelf closest to him so they do not bypass "because it can not reach them." Also, it is important to find him a good male hairdresser "in no mood" to not have had the frustration of a bad haircut.

Music is great for the kids

Children who chose the music, have better grades in school, more and more human like animals are - according to a survey of U.S. psychiatrists

Children who chose the music, have better grades in school, more and more human like animals are - according to a survey of U.S. psychiatrists.
It was found that extracurricular activities impact on the young population, but it was recently discovered that those who attend music lessons, regardless of how many are successful, have better results on tests in elementary school, have at least one pet and show humanity to the elderly and persons in trouble.
On this basis it was concluded that music enriches the soul, which is most pronounced in children who play the piano and violin.

Music education makes kids smarter

Many studies have linked music to improve school results. Even Plato said, "I would teach children music, physics and philosophy, but mostly music because the music and all the arts key learning skills." Here's another good reason to have your child get interested in music.

Good reasons for music lessons

It seems that Plato was right. Here are a few studies that enumerate the positive side of music learning in children.

Swiss survey obuhavatilo 1.200 toddler has shown that playing music help children with reading and verbal skills with their influence on improving concentration, memory and ability to express them.
A study in Hong Kong has shown that adults who have had music lessons before 12 years of age were able to express themselves better than the adults who have had little or had no music lessons.
U.S. research has revealed that children aged 5 to 7 who are falling behind in school performance, reached their peers in reading and surpassed them in math, after seven months of attending music classes.
Listen to music in any age has a direct impact on our internal systems and activates pleasure areas of the brain that produce euphoria.

When the child is ready to play a musical instrument?

Before you go to classes, help your child to develop a love of music and to understand it. Take your child to see live music performance, play his CD's and talk about the instruments you hear.
The best age to start playing the instrument depends on the child, his or her development and planning instrument to learn. We've all seen kids how effortlessly they play Mozart on the violin with 3 or Chopin on the piano at 5 years old.
The best sign that children are ready for music is that he wants to go to formal classes and be able to concentrate during class. The ability to easily distinguish letters and numbers is also a big help when you begin to read music.

Choosing a musical instrument
Vertical or block-flute is a very common first instrument and a good introduction to music-making. It can even be found in stores at very low prices. Children can begin to play the flute length when their fingers are big enough to cover the hole. The recommended age: 5 +
Piano can be played as soon as the child can touch the keyboard and as soon as there is enough power to push the keys. The recommended age: 5 +
String instruments are usually to be found in smaller editions, for example 1/8 smaller than normal size, not intended for young children so that she can begin to play very early. Some children learn the violin at the age of 4. The recommended age: 5 + Violin, 7 + for viola and cello.
Some wind instruments are not recommended for small children playing while not increasing, due to pressure exerted on the teeth, because of the size of the instrument, which forces the mouth is needed and blowing strength needed to make a sound. The recommended age: 8 + (flute, clarinet), 10 + (saxophone, trombone, trumpet).
Guitars are available in smaller sizes and are a great favorite with children in schools. Many teachers are advised to start with an acoustic guitar with nylon strings before moving on to the electric guitar. The recommended age: 7 +
Drums and electric guitars, may be favored in the selection of instruments for "rokerskog" factor. While they look easy to play, they are not! But the fun. The recommended age: 7 +

How do you know if your child is musically gifted?

It is said that every baby is born with a natural instinct to help her recognize her mother's voice. But there are those who say that some children are simply born with musical talent.

These kids are already in a very early age, even 2 years ago, they can react to the music swinging and jumping or repeating melody perfectly. These kids can play the melody and rhythm of the piano, drums, and even recognize when strummed wrong notes.

But if these kids are gifted for music or just have a good disposition for discussion. In any case, if you love music, then we can say that they are gifted.

Finding music teachers

Many teachers offer private music lessons one to one or group lessons in primary school, which is all the information directly or in schools or in small ads. List of contacts music schools in Serbia can be found here: List

Is your child interested in music and a musical instrument?