Monday, June 16, 2014

Children constantly testing our limits

The birth of a child is immeasurable happiness and something we live for. When a child is born, your life will be completely changed. Each of us quickly discovers how much patience is required for the proper upbringing of children.  Sometimes your child that you love more than life,  know how to  bring you to insanity. 

Patience is a skill that is learned day by day. 

Have you ever seen how much patience you have when you have an audience and people who are watching you? In your home, there are quite opposite situation, because the smallest things take you to the edge. 
Each of us knows what is patience. How many times have we kept quiet about some things, because  we want to  left a good impression on someone.  I see no reason why not to use reserves of patience in communicating with our children. 

In certain situations, we know how to keep a cool head, consciously and carefully choose words and reactions. 
This clearly shows how accurate the claim that our patient is our choice and decision that we make all alone.  At any time we can show as much patience as we want. 

Patience is somethind that we need to learn every day. Sometimes it is enough just a desire to keep a cool head. 
However, there are some situations in life that are out of our control, when  slightest thing leads us to  madness, especially when our children are constantly repeated actions that we do not approve. The fact is that we love our children more than life, but it is also true the claim that children are great little manipulators and constantly testing our limits and patience. 
This happens when we are tired, stressed and when you're hungry. Our child does not want to brush his teeth,  leaving a mess behind and ready for hours even though he knows that we are in a hurry. You shoot at the seams. 
In those moments, it is enough to recognize such situations and try to avoid them. Take a deep breath, count to ten, rolled his eyes to yourself. Accept it and move on to the next step. 

Deep breathing releases tension, preventing the eruption of anger, breathe deeply and concentrate on more important things, and that is the relationship that you build with your child. 

Spanking is not the solution. Spanking undermines trust between parents and children. A child will listen to you, but only temporarily, because he feels fear.  This does not mean that your child respects you and respect is all that you want.

Angry people only concentrate on the problem. When you breathe deeply, you have enough time to change the focus. Keep the reaction of anger and patiently explain to the child what to do. Use a gentle, normal, calm tone. Ask your child if he needs help? 

Sometimes ask yourself: "What is the sense to be impatient?" 
You do not need to be a little Napoleon in all situations.  Does really everything needs to be as you want?
Maybe you just terrorizing the environment and your own children? Many situations are not stressful, just we experience them as stressful. 

Right patience, which makes life easier for us, asking profound changes. Every parent needs to look deep into himself and feel the basic difference between the situation in which chooses between patience and anger. 

Patience is always there when you children  from the perspective of love. When we see them as someone who is holding us back in an otherwise perfect life, we will never find peace and patience. Unfortunately, our families suffer because of our well programmed schedule. 

Impatience acts as a poison to the whole family. In addition, the person who shows impatience, feeling uncomfortable and very bad. The consequences of our impatience are immense damage to our children. Children feel worthless and vain. 

In contrast, the patient has a positive effect on the entire family climate  and helps everyone to feel happy, loved and to be confident in himself.  The next time you decide to go crazy over nonsense, remember this present topics.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why is my child presumptuous?

Respect is taught from an early age. Modern times and modern lifestyle more and more away from children basic moral values. Wondering why your child is poignantly, sometimes brusquely, outrageously, why do not comply, why you like, rolling his eyes, grins and throws the room? 

Maybe the problem is in you? You may not have enough patience and you may not deserve respect. 

Below are some tips on how you should act when you feel lack of respect by his own child. 

Stay cool and keep cool 

From your answer depends on whether your relationship with your child to go in a positive or negative direction. If you're too soft "brazen" behavior will only get worse. They must not be too hard, because it is a double edged sword. The children show a revolt against terror.  Be sure the child is raised by domineering parents who have problems in communicating with other people. Do not pronounce the sentence: "How dare you, I am your mother." Rather than go wild, stay cool, calm and collected. Take a deep breath, count to ten and think carefully about what you say in a given situation. Say to your child that you will talk later, when both heads are cool, but keep the spoken word. 

Discover the real cause of the bad behavior of your child 
The real reason may be hidden and the best thing you can do is to talk with your child. Find out if your little sunshine has problems with his friends in kindergarten,  school or front yard, and anger vented on the parents. Watch how he acts when he gets back from kindergarten, school or games with friends. Ask your child if something bad happened at school? When you discover the cause, the solution is easy to find. 

Set limits 

Children need to know who is the boss in the house. You can not be too flexible in relation to your child. To be respected you must be a little to be afraid of. Just yesterday you were obedient child that you still pronounced the sentence: "Oh, get off my door." Children often imitate their friends. Check with the company he keeps. Tell him that it's okay to sometimes not in the mood for a story, but there is a better way to communicate to you. 
Clearly and loudly say that shouting and disrespectful behavior unacceptable and will be followed by sanctions. 
This may be the loss of certain privileges, extra chores that will have to do, less allowance or early retirement to bed . Have knows in advance what the possible penalties, as there would be no surprises. You have to persevere, be consistent and stick to the rules you set yourself. This is the only way to show that you are serious. 

Be careful what you say in front of your child. 

Parents are role model for their children. Children learn through imitation. When you talk rudely with family members, the kids will think it's normal pattern of behavior. Teach your children respect for others from an early age. 

Praise your children 

Note that when a child friendly, rewarding and respectful sure to praise. It is a sign of approval, children are given an extra incentive and reassuring. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

What you should not promise to your children?

Never forget that children are very smart and great to remember all that they promise. How many times have you surprised when  your little kid reminds you of something that you have promised him a long time ago? 

Never make promises, if you are not able to fulfill. Otherwise, your child will experience great disappointment and it will slowly lose trust in their parents.

Below are some tips related to the fact that children do not need these kind of promises.

Professor of dealing with upbringing and education of children and the author of books for children, Sylvia Rus emphasizes the fact that children are "big sticklers" when it comes to promises.
The spoken word becomes your responsibility.
Every time you say a lie you lose part of your child's confidence.

One of the bad sentence: "I promise it will not hurt"

Pain is a subjective feeling. Even the little things that you are innocent, they can really hurt your child. When you remove the patch, clean the wound and the like, it is much better to say: "It may hurt a little, but it will soon pass."

For all too busy moms and dads, very bad sentence for your children is: "I promise I'll be home before you go to bed."
Children are intelligent creatures and they will understand if you tell them: "I will do my best to get home as soon as possible."
One should always be careful when it comes to circumstances beyond your control, such as emergency appointments, traffic jams, an inevitable lectures. 

Do not make promises  for children to play with a buddy, if you are not able to fulfill the promise.

Never buy and bribe their own child. A sentence like "I promise I'll take you for ice cream when you clean your room," I will not build the character of your child. Much better sound statement: "You need to clean up your toys, because someone could trip over and fall".

Help your child to learn to appreciate the value of books and learning, rather than at any price he wants to be the best. Never be satisfied with the fact that a child learns, because he wants to meet you. You need to create a successful man from a small child. Say: "Writing Domestic will help you to grow, learn and become a better person."

When your child is sad, do not promise it will be better tomorrow. Say: "It sounds like you had a tough day."

Your child wants something special and you want to give him, but more trips require more planning and investment. Together with your child, make a piggy bank and remove the money for your common dream.

Never forget that children are intelligent beings, have excellent judgment and a very strong emotion.