Eating disorders mainly comprise of areas: attention, perception, motor skills, learning, thinking, relationships, emotions, behavior, sleep, and differences in physical development.
How to recognize a child with attention deficit disorders with hyperactivity
The child begins to work before he received the instructions and understand them.
It too fast and makes unnecessary mistakes and errors associated with not knowing.
He was constantly in motion, all touching and not for a long time to sit in one place.
Answer questions on too quickly and does not give you enough time to think.
Not able to follow the instructions given to the entire group.
Can not remember the instructions, although there is no difficulty with memory.
Transitions from one activity to another and rarely ends started tasks.
There are difficulties in organizing written work: they are usually confused.
Misunderstood the simple statement, I do not understand many words and sentences.
Be repeated statements that he noted a lot of time and can not repeat those of the said recently.
Easily slips and falls, awkward throwing objects, or they fall from his hands.
Easily one of the triggers for children who talk a lot and make a noise, often completely stopped work to join them.
It is too talkative, often interrupting the conversation.
Often leaves the bench and a little browsing in the classroom while other children sit still.
I do not watch when the teacher explains something, looking somewhere else.
It is often said: "I can not do it" even before trying, giving up easily especially conspicuous in the new tasks.
He speaks, sings and whispers to itself.
Can not express thoughts in a logical and understandable way.
! IMPORTANT! All children with these disorders do not exhibit the same behavior and all behaviors (symptoms) do not occur in the same way in all situations.
Behaviors typically worsen in situations that require more sustained attention or mental effort (such as a group situation you are learning in class, lunch), or lacking in affection, cheerfulness, dynamics, something new (eg, listening to the teacher, listening, reading or writing longer texts, and in adulthood is to constantly work on the same monotonous tasks).
ADHD is usually diagnosed with the early elementary school or at school age child, and the diagnosis should be extremely careful.
Subtypes of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity ADHD:
hyperactive children
impulsive children
children with attention and concentration difficulties
Hyperactive children are unusually active for the infant while in later life on the move, impatient. Early walk, clumsy, poorly planned and foresee the consequences of their actions and are non-critical in approaching strangers. Hyperactive children are fearless, forgetful with severe difficulties in the organization.
Impulsive children often have difficulty in responding to control signals, stimuli or events that are irrelevant to the performance of current tasks, reacting without thinking about the possible consequences of behavior, are prone to accidents and injuries, subject to persuasion,
curious to severe difficulties with creating and maintaining friendships
Most children with attention and concentration very difficult to learn, and may have difficulty with academic achievement, but is adopting practical and motor skills.
They have highlighted the difficulties with the teaching of speech, have the ability to learn the necessary skills, but they need to help managed to keep the attention long enough to do so.
These children have difficulties in the domain satisfying relationships with family and friends.
In addition to the above characteristic behavior occur more noise (as a consequence), which differ depending on age and developmental level, but also the severity of the disorder. Some of the additional noise may be:
Poor school achievement - learning difficulties
Non-specific learning difficulties
Disorders of speech and language development
Developmental delay
Connections with adults
Difficulties in relationships
Low self-esteem
Psychiatric and psychological disorders
Tourette Syndrome
Hyperactivity, impulsivity and difficulty maintaining attention can seriously impair the child's ability to learn:
delay for class
difficulties in reading and writing
noise and movement around them is very easy for them draws attention
often miss important information or instructions
messy and illegible handwriting
hard to bear a long stay in school
90% showed reduced productivity in school work,
90% achieved lowered school performance,
20% have difficulties with reading,
60% have serious problems with the manuscript,
30% drop out of school,
5% completed university education, as opposed to 25% of children from the general population.
Dealing with the text of a problem due to motor disturbances and disturbances of attention and concentration
slow write
difficult to prescribe from the board
difficulties in the orientation of the paper (skip pages in the notebook and turn the notebook upside down)
when i was reading techniques adopted often have difficulties in understanding the text (connecting stories with their own experience)
listening skills are usually better developed than reading skills
How to help a child with ADHD in the classroom:
break the text into smaller pieces
use texts in the strip
respect the slow pace of the writing
give him a ready to paste text into a notebook or to dictate instead of copying from the board
read them out loud (but not too long)
Encourage them to visualize the events in the story (creating a picture in my head and describe them)
teach them how to use highlighting important facts in the textbooks (in bold text, frames)
asked to predict (they think the story would still have happened)
encouraged to write notes and use of markers in reading and learning
develop a dictionary (which is wider vocabulary and a better understanding of the text)
translate figures of language (literally)
teach them to read between the lines
help them choose the literature relevant to their interests
! IMPORTANT! Do not forget, the child / person with ADHD is the first child, a person, with your full name, his personality, desires, feelings, interests, that this disorder certainly works, but does not turn a person into a set of symptoms and where the where we have to "work".
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