Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to help children with learning?

Every time your little student opens a book or a notebook, you should ask him what you already knew about the things learned. If you work hard, you will surely think of something. "Memory is a vast treasure, a child needs to learn to use it. It is very important to him to explain how it works, "says Ellen Katra, which in the Group for the Study of theories of learning helps children who are in school are faced with difficulties in learning.

First you need to understand and then to remember

In order for something to learn, a child must first understand the material. This will stimulate his curiosity and help him to adjust himself a lesson. If he needed a chart to understand a grammatical rule, or is it easier to say in your own words, do not let him restrained. This will allow you to easily learn the definition later in the book, or to practice the relevant rule.

You need to know how to use what you learn

Even if the child has understood everything in class, at home, needs to renew his knowledge. Not enough information to get into his head, he must learn and find them when they need. In addition, the child will be more likely to learn a lesson if he could imagine how it can exploit this knowledge. If you teach, say, the past tense, the child should be able to recognize the text and to use it in the squad.

How to learn the multiplication table

The child needs only to find a method that suits them best. Do I need to watch a paper that was written to the table "photographed" and should be aloud to repeat? Or will it easier to remember if it was someone else repeats or questions? If visually memorized the multiplication table, has to learn to find it in memory when it needs it. If he recited by heart and listened, first let's learn in a row, and then skipping.

To memorize a poem

It will probably easier to learn if it rests its rhythm and syllables pronounced by imitating the rhythm. You can imagine a particular image with each verse. Of course, you also learn the text by heart, you have to train the to recite expression. It will be easier to understand and remember the text of it. It is best to exercise in front of the mirror and at the same time imagining that in a classroom and listen to the teacher and his classmates.

To prepare for the control

Mathematics, geography, history ... The principle is always the same: before you begin, you need to summarize what is already known about a particular topic. As the child learner, help him to better prepare for class by encouraging them to imagine him questions that a teacher might put him or who could be in control.

Learning is a habit that is acquired. Help your child learn more easily

The first half has been completed and will soon start the "second round" in school. If you are not satisfied with the success or simply want to facilitate child learning, we suggest several ways.

Good students have a habit of learning, formal learning is when the small time the child learns more. In order to learn well, the most important conditions for work, good planning, strategy and support to parents.We reveal some tricks to help their students to be more successful in school.

8 Habit

1 Material divided into smaller units.
2 Specify a time for learning. At exactly the same time each day, preferably after coming home from school and a short rest.
3 Follow the plan and a time for learning.
4 First, by solving the most difficult tasks.
5 Before the start of learning inspect all records.
6 The phone must be turned off during the learning process.
7 Help a friend who is a better learner and a good math, biology ... is always welcome.
8 Weekends are also taught. The child may even repeat lessons.

Parental support

If your child enable favorable conditions for learning over time, usadićete him and work habits. It is necessary that the child has an appropriate place for learning. The area must have a function, beauty is not essential.

Talk to your child about his or her needs and adjust mealtime. Agree on the household rules during learning - let it be known that a television or radio does not need to work while studying in the course. Prohibited and calls. Encourage your child and learn more than you need hey, some reading encyclopedias or other literature you have in your home.


If a child she was very nervous before the test or control task, talk. If a child is anxious, learning does not make sense. It's the best for the child to rest and then continue learning. 

Children and the Internet

The most common problem of parents today is that their children seem to constantly sit at the computer, playing video games or "look on the net," and most often doing both. The book and do not even think, school is boring and completely non-motivating, and read a book seems like an impregnable feat for which there is no need, and certainly not as much as the need to move towards a new level in the game, or "troop on Facebook."

* Internet children's lives - what your child is doing online?

Today, the Internet is about 1.2 billion, or about 18 percent of the world's population (consciously), and unconsciously as much as 30 percent (through a variety of devices, telephones, television). Of these, half the age of 5 to 18 years. Content that children use mostly "fun" character - pictures, movies, chat, games and other entertainment facilities. The most popular among them are the site for exploring the Internet, MySpace and Facebook. Frightening is the fact that 57% of children on the Internet see a kind of pornography. After these statistics, the fact that many parents feel that their children are safer at home in front of a computer than on the street, it becomes quite worrying. But the time has come to put this claim under a big question mark.
Violence is all over the internet and in the virtual environment of communication at first sight it seems that the law, technology, schools and parents can do very little to stop it.
Of course, the computer and the Internet are the dark side of the world, but uncontrolled and aimless use of the Internet is a great danger to children but also for adults. Where children are concerned, the danger is, of course, and much more.

* Communication via the Internet

The most common way of accessing malicious people to children via the Internet various forms of misrepresentation, (generally a good virtual friend of the same age, understanding). Since gain a child's trust the next stage is to send photographs, references to Web portals or scheduling meetings and exchanges of personal contacts. In this last stage of a child forced by blackmail or ordinary force the system to the desired activity. This does not apply only to sex, but also to other types of exploitation - theft, fraud and the like.
Mobile phones are a category of device which, in addition to having access to the Internet, and also allow some abuse. Increasingly, we have seen films shot with mobile phones which aims ridicule, or even bullying.Children in schools have become very abusive and blackmailers (bullying through the Internet and mobile devices), and responsible persons are not sure what to do to prevent this.
Although it seems that these are extreme cases, the truth is that they happen more often than we are aware.However, even if the focus is moved away from such cases, the fact remains that children via mobile phone connected to the internet and play games or spend time on Facebook and similar sites. Given that almost every child has a cell phone, and only a small number of controlled conditions, it opens up a wide field of possibilities not only for the misuse of the Internet, but also for simply a waste of time or will provide a basis for behavior and lifestyle in which creativity develops and conformity becomes paramount.

* How parents can influence?

Technical resources are accessible to all children and adults, unfortunately, most are not aware of the problem. They are often not aware of what kids are doing on different technical tools (what to write messages, take pictures of what mobile phones, etc.). Because of it, or do not have time or do not want to violate the privacy of their children. Many parents because of their own ignorance and lack of experience in the field of computers feel insecure and helpless, and about and talk to their children. They feel pretty helpless because I do not know what to do.
How do you as a parent? The most important thing to notice even the slightest change in the behavior of the child. If the child resides outside of the home more than usual, if you spend more time at the computer, try to find out why. Also, if you feel that your child spends too much time at the computer, playing games or spending time on sites for entertainment, not to acquire any useful knowledge, or the time spent at the computer behind in school, have lower grades than before, bring certain rules. In the world we live in, is not intended to completely deny the child use the computer or playing games. Can you do it's a good idea, however, if we consider that all the peers of your child spend time on the Internet and playing games, the absolute deprivation will lead only to the fact that your child has a problem socializing with their peers because they will have problems finding common topics of conversation. The solution is - find a measure.Limit the use of computer time, bear in mind that your child visits the sites and, most importantly, talk to him. But he do not completely take away the time on the internet. Although you might not like it, the Internet has become an important part of communication with children and young people, and certainly not a solution to disable them, this type of communication.
Instead, find a time for the children, not the children instead of their companies offer computer and Internet. Learn more about the computer so that you can talk to children about their topics of interest.Introduce clear rules limit the use of computers, for example, a computer may not be used after school and after they finished homework.
Place the computer in the living room, not in the nursery for so you can monitor the children while they are on the Internet and see which pages visited. Encourage the use of computers as tools for learning and socializing, not only for entertainment (eg games). Do not understand socializing online as bad. What did you, when you were a kid, playing outside and spending time inventing games does not mean that it is possible today. Of course, do not allow their children to completely ignore the physical activity and just sit in front of the screen, but hanging over the Internet opens up some nice features that you as a child were not available. Certainly, we should not ignore the risks, but the same can not be done with any of the benefits. Your child can make friends all over the world, all from your living room. As long as you're here, and while you can give your child be well-meaning counselor (from his point of view, of course), the Internet communication may stem much good.
If, however, came up to the fact that your child becomes a victim of some form of Internet violence, or if you experience something unpleasant, degrading or in any way bad, there are also things you can do.However, keep in mind that children are not so easy to turn to an older person to help, and that's why you have to be careful in approaching. What is it that you do?
* Teach your child not to respond to violent, threatening, or in any way suspicious messages
* Do not delete messages or images, they can be used as evidence so that they can take appropriate measures to prevent violence
* Contact your Internet service provider, the identity of the school bullies known, or any of the institutions or persons who can help
* Try to contact the parents of their peers in a way, the Internet threatens your child (because there is a high probability that they do not know how their child acts)
* Contact the police if the messages over the Internet contain threats of violence in any form.
But let's deal with some more other part of the problem. Even when your child has developed a healthy social network of peers with whom to socialize through the Internet, although at first glance looks good, even in such situations is not necessarily free from trouble. It is possible that your child spends too much time on the computer, that is interested in games, but not for school and learning, and generally do not want to go to school. This may be lack of motivation, lack of interest and lack of will to learn, but also it can be an escape from some of the problems related to school, such as fear and anxiety.

* Fears and anxiety in school children

In general, fear is an understandable reaction to a dangerous situation. He humanity enabled the preservation of life because we are in life threatening situations, forced to flee or defend. Although the fear of the people quite normal, he has sometimes impossible to function normally.
Advice for parents who want to help their child who is too afraid of:
Teach a child the dangers are real, and therefore the fears and dangers that are impossible. When the child is in fear, try to get his attention (go for a walk with your child, read to him a book or play a game, talk ...).
Teach your child how to refocus their attention only when he is afraid of something that can not be avoided ("Can not think of something nice. On what are you thinking?"). Encourage the child ("We will be together to celebrate your success."). Talk with your child (talk should not take too long as the child gets the impression that the parent color, and becomes even more frustrated). Teach your child some coping skills fear of which the most important assessment of probability that it will happen precisely what the child color ("How certain are you that this will happen?"). "I'm not going to school." "Can you stay with me?". "It's my stomach / throat. Can I stay home? ". These are sentences that at least one out of the mouth of your child hear most parents. Sometimes they hide behind these sentences and deeper problems than just trying to avoid the day school.

* How to recognize the fear of school?

The child is afraid to go to school or stay in school but no adults in the family (usually parents). Before school child complains of headache, abdominal pain or other pains that are not physical in nature. When you stay at home because of the "disease" suddenly feels much better. The child always put off going to school (can not decide what to wear, long dresses, forgetting things and returns home, etc..) And always late to class.

* How can parents help?

Find out if there is a problem why your child does not want to go to school. If there is a specific problem for which the child does not want to go to school together solve your problem (for example, if a child is afraid of oral exams, can practice their common this situation).
Try to make a list of the child, "Why do not all like school." This list can help parents prevent and reduce the causes of why a child does not like to go to school (for example, if a child writes "I do not like to go to school for reading," a parent might not agree with the teacher about less stressful method of testing reading ). Be sure not to naređujte child must go to school. Try to understand his fears and to explain why it is important to go to school.
Spend as much time as possible with the child while it is not in school.
If a child is shy and he does not make friends at school, give him advice and / or engaging in some indoor and outdoor leisure activities. Praise your child for his every effort to overcome fear. If this problem is long and / or if it is too intense, consult professionals (school psychologist, therapist or doctor). Make sure your child eats a healthy diet and enough sleep - usvajajte healthy ways of living. Practice with your child different relaxation methods (eg, deep breathing, etc.)..

* Fear of examinations, tests and assessment

The child becomes so nervous when he faces the test or the board of an oral examination, to have a sense of what it is all knowledge "evaporated", even if you are very well prepared for the test or examination.
How to help a child who is afraid of exams?
Preparation >>>
Motivate your child to be ready for the test well in advance.
Motivate your child to daily recap of the material objects that is the problem.
If the child does not understand the material, some written questions to ask the teacher next time.Sometimes it's good that children learn with their peers.
Practice >>>
Today they are available in many bookstores exercise books, worksheets, and other similar materials that is used for training material. Consult with the teacher which of these books was the most appropriate for your child.
If your child uses exercise books, review the method of solving the tasks to be able to help him in those areas that are difficult to learn.
Look at the child's notebooks that the teacher / ica worked with students / by a pilot test. When you practice with your child, using similar tasks in its pilot test using a teacher / ica.
Reducing fear >>>
Practice with your child relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, slowly relax your arms and legs, relaxing facial muscles. These techniques children can use immediately before writing the test in order to reduce tension.
Children who suffer from a fear of exams, often while writing test considering the negative outcome of the test ("I'll be sure to get a unit.", "What would mom say?" Etc..) Because I can not concentrate on the tasks that have to them. Teach your child to think positively about the test (eg, "I learned and I will know to solve most of the issues.", "This is just a test.", "Later I can be upset, now I'm going to solve the test."). Children who are afraid of the oral examination, it is necessary to exercise (acting) of the situation.

Conduct of the examination >>>
Encourage your child to listen carefully the instructions teachers before the test in order to avoid something skipped.
Encourage your child to at the beginning of the test, "fly" through all the issues, in order to identify those that are lighter and those that are more difficult. When the test comes to the question of which currently can not answer, you should skip it and come back to this question later. Warn your child to read the questions to the end, and not just in part. Encourage your child to if you finish writing the test before the scheduled time, you once again to check the answers to the questions.

>>> Morning before the exam
Save your child a "good" and good breakfast rich in carbohydrates and vitamins (mandating pressed glass of orange juice, for example).
Be sure that the child is in school at the time and not be late.
Encourage your child and wish him luck (do not mention the importance of achieving good results).

And >>> after the exam?
It is extremely important that the child after the test or tests to know the results achieved as well as what is possibly wrong. If the test is brought home, discuss possible errors (explain to the child what was asked of him and that is the correct answer). The child needs to understand the purpose of the test - test of learning, but also, more importantly, the knowledge that the material should be repeated or learned.
The child never talk only about the assessment, the number of completed tasks, or the number of points on the test. Discuss the progress it has achieved in his knowledge and / or progress in overcoming fear.However, the most important of all the talk. And do not forget to reward your child from time to time. So if it is a few hours at the computer.

Teach your child how to refocus their attention only when he is afraid of something that can not be avoided.Teach your child some coping skills fear of which the most important assessment of probability that it will happen precisely what the child is black. 

Why children are concerned?

Children do not have to pay bills or cook lunch but, just like adults, and they have their daily tasks and responsibilities that do not go smoothly. If frustrations and disappointments pile up, and children can not take care.

It is natural that children are sometimes worried, and because of differences in personality and temperament, it is expected that some of them care more than others. Fortunately, parents can help children cope with these feelings of tension and solve everyday problems with ease. Children who learn it, develop a sense of confidence and optimism that will help them to master the challenges of life, be it large or small.

Why do kids care?

The reasons are often associated with age and stage in which they are located. School children in the prepubertal period usually worry about things like grades, test tasks, changes in their bodies, integrate into society, a goal that they missed a soccer game, or whether it will get into it. Can not care about social issues such as gangs, the pressure of friends or whether someone is harassed, teased or left out of the group.

Because increasingly began to feel belonging to the wider world around them, pre-teen can not take care about events or issues in the world about which they hear in the news or in school. Things such as terrorism, war, pollution, global warming, endangered species, and natural disasters can become a source of everyday thinking.

How you can help children overcome what ails them:

Find out what's on their minds

Be available to process and interest to what is happening at your school, team, and with your children's friends. Use the sporadic moments to ask what's new. While listening to stories about the events of that day, do not forget to ask what your child thinks and how he feels about what happened.

If you think that your child is worried about something, ask. Encourage children to describe him what is bothering them. Looking for key details and listen carefully. Sometimes their cargo can ease just talking about the event.

Show that you care and understand

Showing interest in the care of your child shows you that it is important, and helps children gain a sense of support and understanding. Encouraging comments can help - but usually only after hearing the child. Tell the child to understand the feelings and problems.

Remember to hear positive things. Please take a some time for the good things that happen and let the children tell you what they think and how they feel about the success, achievements and positive experiences.

Solve the problem with the kids, not for them. Taking an active part, children learn how to independently solve problems.

Provide children to come up with solutions

You can help them worry less is to let them help you constructively deal with situations that cause wear.When your child point to a problem and offer to help in finding a common solution. If your son is worried about the upcoming mission control in mathematics, for example, offer to help him in learning, and so diminish his concern in this regard.
In most situations, you should refrain from the urge to jump in and solve the problem of your child - instead, think well together and come up with possible solutions.

Offer encouragement and comfort

Sometimes when children are concerned, what they need most is encouragement and comfort to parents. It could be a hug, a comforting word or spent together. This gesture helps children to know that, whatever happens, parents will be present with love and support.
Sometimes you have to show them how to get rid of some concern instead of whining over it. You have to know when it is time to move on and help the children to "change gears". Show time by importing the bright theme or activity that will create a more relaxed mood.

Show another angle

Children sometimes worry about things that have already occurred. Then parents can offer a view from a different angle and change a child's perspective. Maybe your daughter went to the hairdresser and returned home crying unhappy hair. Let them know that you understand how to shake, then that will remind her hair grow and help her come up with a good way of stylizing your hair in the meantime. If your son is concerned that it will participate in the game, remind him that there would be a lot - if you do not include this time, there will be other opportunities. Confirm him to know how much it matters, and tell him that you are - whatever the outcome - proud to be tried and did my best.

Without disparaging feelings of the child, point out that many of the problems temporary and manageable, and there will be better days and other options to try again. Teaching children to keep their problems in perspective can reduce their worries and help them build strength, resilience and optimism to try again.Remind your children that everything will be fine, whatever happens.

Make a difference

Sometimes children worry about the big things - such as terrorism, war or global warming - about which they hear at school or on the news. Parents can help by talking about these issues, providing accurate information and correcting any poor child's actions. Try to encourage the children talking about what adults do to solve the problem and protect themselves.

Be aware that your responses to global events affect the children. If you express your anger and stress of the global event that is beyond your control, the children will most likely react the same. But if you show concern by taking a proactive approach to make a positive difference, your children will feel more optimistic and more emboldened to do the same. Therefore, look for things you can do with your children to make sure that everything you do seems to make a positive change. You may not be able to go and stop the war, for example, but your family can contribute to an organization that works on issues of peace, or to help children in countries affected by war. Or your family can engage in some charity work to give your children the experience of volunteering.

Be a good role model

The strongest lessons our children are the ones that show them in person. Your response to their own care can serve as a way to teach their children how to cope with everyday challenges. If you are upset or angry when faced with too long a list of obligations, your child will learn that this is an appropriate response to stress.

Instead, insights, strengths and bestowing optimistic thoughts about their own situations, at least as much as the amount of talk about what is bothering you. Set a good example to their reactions to problems and obstacles. Optimistic and reliable answers teach your child that the problems are temporary and that tomorrow is a new day. Recovering from problems with a positive attitude will help your children to do the same. 

Bulimia and anorexia in young

Last years of the twentieth century is increasingly talked about mentally conditioned eating disorders that occur in adolescent period, with more and more frequency in younger children. Among the most common eating disorders are:

Anorexia - the refusal of food and
Bulimia - deliberately throwing food - vomiting.

The definition of anorexia and bulimia

Anorexia - the refusal of achieving the expected weight for a given age and height. Obsessive fear of fat, although below the expected weight for a given age and height. Invalid image of his body. There is also a health hazard. In females, the disorder occurs monthly cycle.
Bulimia - binge eating frequently and bringing more food than most people do in a short time. At the same time it loses control over the amount and type of food. Resorted to the use of medical products and high physical activity, that to exclude ingested food.

What are the symptoms and usually when starvation becomes anorexia

Onset is usually gradual. Young people are beginning to screening or reduce the amount of food, they complain about digestion - disturbances, bloating and abdominal pain and difficulty moving "due to obesity." They declare that they have no appetite, you are not hungry, to feel good, and that is often denied food refusal.
Some of them conceal appetite disturbances, taking regular meals the parents who usually require persistent and later caused vomiting or food spat and threw it when parents are not looking. The desire for food can be, but is still an adolescent does not take appetite and gradually becoming smaller and smaller.
In severe cases, the caloric value of the food eaten is very small and the parents are "surprised by which the child lives." With decreasing food intake, there are also striking emotional changes such as: apathy, depression, increased tearfulness.
Social relationships and jobs are shrinking, or may remain unchanged or get a special and unusual features.Relationships with parents, usually the mother, filled with aggression and hostility, although anorexic boys stay for a long time related to the mother. Some young people (often girls) because they are passive, anorexic boys remain long working life styles and conduct special physical exercises in order to spend "excess energy and calories." And thus contributing to weight loss.
Severe and long-lasting anorexia accompanied by physical symptoms: physical decline, sometimes to the extreme izmršavelosti, can be strikingly and covers the whole body. The skin is dry, cracked, scaly, loose, pale and elderly. Limb blood flow is very weak, and the fingertips are modričasti. The lining of the tongue is coated, dry mouth, hair of the body, head and genital areas. It is a common jail. Blood pressure and temperature are reduced.

What people point out as a cause of hunger

The desire to omršavi because girls are considered to be "fat." But there are a lot of girls "dieting" for aesthetic and self-serving motives without being anorexic.

At what age occurring eating disorders

They can occur at all ages. More often occur during puberty and adolescence, and often in girls.

How the body reacts to Anorexia and Bulimia

Body or parts of it, for example. stomach, are seen as a big, heavy, hold, and a bloated body stimuli as unpleasant and disturbing. In this case the body is unacceptable and adolescent desires slender, thin and light body. For him (it) is proof skinny body beauty, morality, wisdom, omnipotence, and courage. In addition there is a disturbance of perception stimuli that come from the body. Anorexic people despite physical weakness of dimension are less mobile and zamorljive (especially girls).

How to detect the causes of disturbance

Emotional turmoil, injury and psychological conflicts, it may cause, but are observed and anorexia for no apparent reason. Often found in anorexic and other disturbances of oral origin in early childhood rejection, separation, death in the family, neurotic responses (hysterical, forced, depression, and aksozno-phobic).

Where patients can seek help

The doctor at the primary health care, if the problem is detected during the key person in a team to solve problems. It helps a psychiatrist, psychologist, nutritionist, social worker. A major role in all of this there is a family and its position on the disorder. 

Panic disorders in young

Panic disorder is a condition characterized by repeated and unexpected panic attacks, fear that an attack will happen again (anticipatory fear), fear of potential physical, social and psychological consequences of the attack and the visible changes in behavior (eg avoiding situations or određnih undergoing numerous medical examinations).

A panic attack is a beginning, take a few minutes, rarely hours and has a spontaneous outburst završetak.To paroxysmal very intense fear, with no visible signs or cause, tends to have a recurrence and an emotional experience different from other anxiety disorders.

Panic disorder is often accompanied by agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is defined as the fear of a number of places or situations that can be avoided, and fear is the most common result of expectations that these situations occur panic attacks physical symptoms or fears. Agoraphobia is therefore the consequence of panic attacks and panic disturbances across complications.

Panic attacks can occur as early as ten years of age, which was found in 18% of adults with this problem.Most panic attacks in young adolescents is associated with some significant events, while older adolescents occurs unexpectedly. Some authors believe that the clinical presentation of panic disorder in the developmental period similar to that encountered in adult patients. I point out that adolescents and adults with panic are brought to the emergency medical service because of physical symptoms, which are not recognized as part of the panic disorder.

Not recognizing panic disorder in young people can be serious consequences for the psychosocial and cognitive development of young people. Practice has shown that prior to the arrival of a psychiatrist at least ten doctors are involved in the treatment of nearly 70% of panic patients. The process of searching for physical illness lasts for a long time, and then the patient is referred to, as it were, under the pressure of a psychiatrist, which bypasses all the time.

But this is often not the end of the problem, because often diagnoses fear neurosis, phobic neurosis, depressive reactions, etc.. As many as 95% of patients changed over shrink until the hold on again, and this fact has become a landmark in the accurate diagnosis of panic disorder.

In this population panic attacks are often characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms: palpitations, tremors, sweating, heat and cold waves over the body, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and cognitive symptoms such as fear of losing control, fear of insanity and fear of deaths. About 40% of adolescents have during the worst panic attacks severe interference in the operation, and one in five adolescents with panic disorder seek professional help for their emotional and psychiatric problems.

Agoraphobia is prevalentnija the young in whom panic disorder started in previous years, and with them the common comorbidity with other anxiety and affective disorders. Agoraphobic avoidance behavior is a significant complication of panic disorder that requires vigorous treatment. It involves avoiding a number of places and situations caused by the fear of panic attacks in these places, and can greatly impoverish the life of a person.

Ethiopathogenesis panic disorder

Predisposing factors for the occurrence of panic disorder: anxiety sensitivity, negative affectivity, female gender, presence of depressive disorder, the presence of separation anxiety in early childhood and adolescence.
Precipitating factors for the occurrence of panic attacks include family conflicts and different stressful situations. As the previous depressive episode may be a predictor of early panic attacks and panic attacks prediktuje history of major depressive episode. Early onset of panic disorder is associated with a family, although the clinical picture of them does not have to be difficult.

The rate of panic disorder among relatives of the first generation was higher in patients with early-onset panic disorder.

The understanding of panic disorder has a significant role theory of separating the fears and perceptions psychodynamic model of panic disorder. Freud sepracionoj the anxiety gave special importance to the emerging panic disturbances across.

The first theory of fear-preobražanje libido into fear, at the same time, Freud's first theory of the fear of separation. Dealing with the fear of children, Freud opined that children experience fear in situations when separated from the mother, or when experiencing loss or feel loved. Separated from the mother, the children feel anxiety in the way as an older feel frustration libidinally invested implementation. The accumulated body tension is directly converted into fear.

Bowlby points out that changes in childhood, such as separation or threat of separation, which seem insignificant for parents can be traumatic for the child. Behavior bonding (attachment behavior) can persist for Boulbijevoj hypothesis throughout their lives. Failure of parental empathy in children with insecure attachment'''' included, constitutionally predisposed, leading to disordered internalization of soothing parental figure that would help a child in the modulation of intense feelings of fear. (Ainsworth, 1978).

Factors contributing to the maintenance of panic disorder are included in the conceptualization of cognitive disorders. Influential psychological models of anxiety disorders postulate that cognitive processes are essential for the maintenance of these disorders.

Three types of cognitive errors mediated the maintenance of anxiety disorders:

Errors attention
Errors in memory
Errors in interpretation
Among them, the panic disorder are the most specific errors in the interpretation of panic symptoms.People with panic disorder interpret bodily sensations, which are typical for panic disorder as threatening and menacing, and this interpretation by increasing the level of anxiety that result in panic attacks. Apart from fear of bodily symptoms and their interpretation as a sign of a serious physical illness which leads to the fear of death in patients with panic disorder are often the fear of falling and loss of consciousness (usually with symptoms of dizziness), fear of losing control and fear of madness. Catastrophic misrepresentation contributes to anxiety sensitivity, temperamental characteristics that predispose for the development of anxiety disorders. Anxiety sensitivity is the increased tendency to react fearfully to the emergence of anxiety symptoms and has a position of cognitive factors in the development of anxiety disorders in youth.

Consistent with the cognitive model of panic, that young and be able to experience physiological symptoms associated with panic requires a catastrophic cognitions. Negative cognitions and assumptions and interpretations of various physical symptom associated with panic significantly increase the likelihood of having a panic attack.

Contributes to the understanding of panic disorder and biological theory about the sympathetic overactivity and the role of genetic factors for cognitive behavioral inhibition. (Robinson, Kagan, 1992)

Share genetic factors in kogmitivnoj behavioral inhibition is about 50%. Kagan is hypothesized that inhibited children and young people tend to fear born with a lower threshold of stimulation of the amygdala and hypothalamic neurons. (Robinson, Kagan, 1992).

's Cognitive behavioral inhibition is characterized by the reaction of withdrawal in unfamiliar situations or among strangers, shyness and physical manifestations that are the result of increased sympathetic activity.The link between behavioral inhibition and anxiety disorders has been confirmed in a series of family studies. They show that children and parents with panic disorder and agoraphobia have a high degree of behavioral inhibition (Craske, 1997)

Any early occurrence of panic disorder, suggesting biological predispoziciju.Takođe, adverse experiences during childhood can have long-lasting effects on the central and serotonergic system and may determine predisposition to anxiety disorders. (Craske, 1997)

Treatment of panic disorder

Since the etiopathogenesis of panic disorder, a complex interplay of biological and psychological factors, the problem usually will not be able to solve through the prism of a single theoretical system and the theoretical approach, but we will have to resort to a combination of therapeutic modalities for the treatment, including pharmacotherapy, cognitive techniques -behavioral therapy and various modifications of psychoanalytic psychotherapy (psihoanalatičko counseling, brief psychodynamic).

Treatment of panic disorder is necessarily integrative, which again, includes a variety of therapeutic modalities in the different stages of the disease. 

Adolescents and tolerance

Adolescents, otherwise ready for going out of clichés, show intolerance toward those who are not like them or root for another sports team.

Explain to your child what is tolerance. Although many stories about tolerance, it seems that little is known about her. As if people still do not really understand what it means to be tolerant, and if you grew up in this area have a problem, it will be able to properly teach their children tolerance behavior? So here shortest possible explanations: be tolerant means not endanger, not persecuted and harassed those who we do not like and can not stand. Thus, the tolerant person is one who has kept his beliefs and world view but accepted that there was no right to the other, and a variety of other attacks themselves, humiliates and insults even as these others have no right to do it.

Help your child learn to be tolerant of others. Kadaste clarify the notion of tolerance, there is a more difficult task: to teach your child to be in a tolerant way of dealing with people in their environment. Best to start with its surroundings because it is very likely that it is a peer that is different from the rest and that may have been ridiculed or even a victim of violence. Encourage your child to start at least not participate in the attacks on his friend and later will decide whether to accept the peers in the group of those that likes to hang out. It is important not to put pressure on the child that it must at all costs be friends with someone he does not like, just do not be teasing him or in any other way threaten.

Practice tolerant behavior in everyday life. Remember that parents are the most powerful role models for their children, and the first models of behavior that their child has the opportunity to see. That's why all your "lessons" on tolerance fall into the water if you are not manifested themselves what they need and that your child is doing. Translated into everyday situations, this means that such derogatory not call it small Roma people when the traffic light you want to wash the windshield - just firmly tell them you want their service or to simply close the window and ignore their persistence.
Whenever you find it hard to tolerate someone diversity or something to encourage your child, remember that the world would be boring if all the people like to listen to the same music or the same dress. Diversity contributes to make the world an interesting place to live and to us how much we enjoy it.

Depression in young

Your adolescent is acting weird lately, avoiding conversation with you, refusing to eat, often close to your room ... Worried and confused that whether it is the problem that you do not know, depression or just normal adolescence.

Adolescence (Latin adolescero means "become mature, ripen"), begins with reaching sexual maturity at puberty, while the upper limit on the time taken to achieve emotional and social maturity, which include experience, willingness and ability to assume the role of an adult, which means 24 years of age.

Each an expert in children or young people (I have the dilemma of how to address you, imagine what it's like them!), Will tell you that it is really difficult to draw a clear parallel. However, it is not impossible.

Symptoms of depression in adolescents
The main psychosocial task of adolescence is the formation of a solid personal identity which is determined by biological, psychological and social maturation. Identity formation is the process of finding answers to the question "who am", "I belong," "What I want to achieve," "what I want to be." Nature was not receptive to a little man who is trying to grow and find its place under the sun. On the contrary, the first barrier on the descent, if he had a "happy childhood" are physical changes.

During this period, peers occupy first place in the life of a young man, who had cuts and impose standards of beauty, as well as an indispensable media and other social factors. If our adolescent falls into depression, changes and his experience of body schema, which can manifest bulimia, yo-yo dieting, overeating or, in extreme cases, anorexia. In addition to disrupting diet, sleep patterns are also changing. Begins to excessive sleeping, escaping thus from himself, and may suffer from insomnia. Classroom calling you for an interview, because "child" gave way to terrible school, carelessly at the moment, those rare days when at school. You return from school astonished and realize that your child is not there. Are you waiting for it, mobile is not available, and night fell. Depressed children had run away from home, thereby sending the message that they want your help, as much as you seem illogical. He calls you father your adolescent friends, drawing your attention to them at an earlier return home he found that smoking pot.Unfortunately, substance abuse is a frequent companion of depression in young people, because that way they think they will escape their harsh reality.

Sexual identity
Gender Identity Disorder in adolescence is a specific form of psychopathology that is associated with the unsuccessful integration of psychological processes in the acceptance of their gender, their gender roles and general sexuality, that is. masculinity or femininity, with normal biological attributes half. Apart from going through various physical changes, gets a host of new roles that were not sufficiently prepared. So the answer is constant feeling of tension and anticipation that something bad is about to happen in certain situations, is generalized own belief that is inferior to the other, to society can not be accepted as such, and that no one may like. Extreme hypersensitivity may cause frequent bouts of crying, or contradictory to the fact, frequent outbursts of rage, anger and violence. Constantly surfing the Internet or playing games are a form of escape from reality and a way of supplementing the time caused a sharp reduction in social interaction, cessation training favorite sport or other hobby. Preoccupation with the idea that it could be rejected or criticized, afraid to surround yourself with people unless certain that they really like it leads to a teenager holding an old, well-known companies in the fear that they could be denied, redundant or simply bad accepted. He sees himself as ugly, worthless loser who is not worthy of anyone's attention and love.When these thoughts become dominant, depressed adolescent can think about radical exit - samoubstvu.Do not oglušivati ​​some signal that sends-jokes at the expense of suicide, states that "it is better I would be if I were dead," "I'd like to disappear forever," "there is no way out." Positive attitude to death and its presentation of the romantic stories and poems, often apparently unintentional injury, excessive drinking, speeding cars, may be a reflection of the attitude towards life, or his contempt and the desire to completion.

What causes such a state?
Low socio-economic status, poor education and unemployment in the family may be risk factors. Poor family relationships and traumatic events in childhood leave a strong mark on the little guy who has yet to take shape. If the spouses have affective or other psychiatric disorders, the behavior of a family member fits into the pattern of antisocial, with that usually goes along with substance abuse and / or alcohol, chances are that the child is developing. "Learned helplessness", which will almost certainly take steps to depression. If you often argue with their spouse, thereby entering and physical conflicts, make sure you do not do it in front of children and seek professional help family therapist. Do not neglect a child for her career, frequent changes of residence, permanent absence from home, divorce, death of a family member ... Be sure not to place heavy demands it. Ask yourself first what the child really wants and what he can.Children who have been physically or sexually abused are more likely to get sick from depression than their peers, and children who grow up in rigid families.

My child is depressed. What next?
To start the talk. Let him know that you are with him no matter what and it is completely unconditional. Do not panic, attack him and ask him unnecessary questions. It is important to let him know that you are willing and ready to give him support in any way. The first reaction of the adolescent "accused" of depression is often close and silence. Talking about the problems at that age is very difficult. Observe the extent to which your child is open, point to sympathize with him and that you are willing to listen to him when he's ready.

If a child says that there is a problem, do not ignore your instincts and symptoms that you observed, taking into account their severity and duration. Keep in mind that a strong defense mechanism of denial that there is a possibility that your little man who does not recognize that there is a problem. It would be best to your little one and you seek counseling psychologist or psychiatrist. You might have exaggerated the symptoms, but it's better to calm the conscience of an expert, right?

* What's youthful depression?

Youthful depression is a phenomenon which is often, and increasingly, young people face in the process of maturing. It is a complex, insidious and dangerous phenomenon. Complex because of the many complex causes and consequences.

Insidious because it almost always goes unnoticed, even by a teenager who experiences it, until it comes to more serious consequences. It is dangerous because depression can result in many negative consequences of school failure, social withdrawal, alcohol, drugs, delinquency ... to suicide.

* How to recognize?

Teenage depression is difficult to identify because its symptoms are different from the classic symptoms of adult depression. For example, slightly depressed teenager behaves and speaks normally. There are no external signs of depression. Mild teenage depression is manifested by gloomy fantasies, daydreams or dark dreams. Mild depression may, at this stage, to identify a small number of professionals who are familiar with this phenomenon, or very sensitive parents and educators who understand the psychology of teenagers and the content of his thoughts.
Moderately depressed teenager also speaks and behaves normally. However, moderate depression affect the topics to talk teenager. They are mostly depressing topics like death, morbid problems and crises.Given that today mngo adults think in a pessimistic way, teenagers depression can go unnoticed. Mild depression can severely affect the functioning of adults. It can cause sleep disorders, feeding, and onesposobni to perform professional and parental responsibilities. Moderate depression teenagers is just as serious as adult depression.
Moderately depressed adult usually looks bad, feels miserable and unable for most everyday tasks. But, the teenager looks depressed mainly in major depression. Teenage depression is difficult to recognize because teenagers are good at "masking", that is, they can hide it by acting as if they are good, even if you feel completely miserable ("down in the dumps"). This is often called "depression with a smile." They hide depression, especially when there are other people. If we consider such a teenager when he thinks no one is looking, we can see an amazing transformation in the face.

* Detecting juvenile depression

The best way to recognize depression in teenagers is to learn what the different symptoms of depression and how they develop. It is important to understand the full and detailed picture of symptoms for one or two symptoms may or may not be true to indicate depression. It is important to recognize depression youthful as soon as it is depressed teenager susceptible to harmful peer pressure, a potential victim of drugs, alcohol, inappropriate sexual experiences may engage in fraud and other forms of antisocial behavior, including suicide.
Before examining the individual symptoms of adolescent depression, we need to understand that depressed adolescents may have one or more of the classic symptoms of adult depression, including feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, despondency and despair, sleep problems (either too much or too little sleep), problems with nutrition , (excessive or insufficient weight gain or weight loss), lack of energy, lack of self-esteem, problems with containment of anger.

* The specific symptoms adolescent depression

* Problems concentrating. The first symptom of teenage depression is mild shortening of attention. A teenager can not long be focused on a single topic. His thoughts run away from what he wants to focus and becomes rastreseniji. More often catch myself daydreaming. The problem with short attention becomes evident when a teenager tries to do homework. All of which is difficult to think of what he's doing, and it seems that a less achieved the more trying. This of course leads to frustration and a teenager then blamed himself as "stupid" and "dull". Therefore assumes that intellectual unteachable, which reduces its sampopštovanje.
* Dreaming. Shortening attention affects teenagers in school because most of the hours daydreaming. When the depression deepens, the teenager increasing proportion of his time daydreaming. At this stage, the teacher can easily recognize depression. Bažalost, daydreaming is usually interpreted as laziness and bad behavior. However, it should be borne in mind that only one or two symptoms reported separately are not enough to say that a depressed teenager. We need to consider the gradual development of complex symptoms.
* Poor school performance. Weakening score is mostly gradual and teachers and parents usually assume that I work for teenagers too hard, that he "hates" it works because it's lazy or because he is more interested in other things. When the score suddenly breaks down, it is more likely to take into account the possibility that the adolesents depressed him "something is bothering you."
* Bored ("a pain"). When a teenager more and more dreams, gradually sliding into boredom. Solicitation is normal for teenagers, especially in early adolescence, but only in the short term. Normally solicitation takes an hour or two, sometimes all night or day, sometimes even two days. But annoyance that lasts several days or more is not normal and should be a warning to us that something is wrong. It's one of the things that make me very zabinjavaju of today's adolescents, the prolonged "pain in the ass." Solicitation is often manifested in teenagers by more and more time I want to spend in your room. He then just lying in bed daydreaming or listening to music, or "staring" at the computer playing games, "hanging" on facebook and the like. A teenager who is bored losing interest in those things they once enjoyed, such as sports, social activities, outings ...
* Somatic depression. As the solicitation continues and deepens, teen gradually falls in moderate depression. Then he begins to suffer from some physical symptoms of depression. Moderately depressed teen often begins to feel physical pain in many places, but mostly in the chest or a headache.
* Withdrawal. In such a miserable teenager may withdraw from peers. He will not easily avoided, but usually dispose of them, expressing hostility, aggression, rudeness ... As a result, the teenager becomes very lonely, and considering that he rejected the old friends would rather hang out with polupoznatim peers who may use drugs or are often in trouble. Even in this state, the teenager is rarely aware of his depression.
Specific symptoms of juvenile depression
Problems concentrating, daydreaming, poor school performance, annoyance (a pain), somatic depression, withdrawal.

* Expression of depression in adolescents

Teenagers offenses arising out of depression called "expression of depression." Young men are more prone to violence than girls. They try to alleviate the symptoms of depression, stealing, lying, fast driving, or other forms of socially unacceptable behavior. Doing something exciting and dangerous seems to somehow relieves the pain of depression. Breaking into someone else's house or graffiti on forbidden places ... brings a sense of excitement (in depressive boredom), and because many depressed young men do. The girls express their depression in a less aggressive way (although this trend is changing). They often express their depression, sexual promiscuity, depression alleviating pain during close physical relationship. However, these unfortunate girls, usually after sex feel worse, more depressing than they were before because of self-abasement. Depression and lack of confidence are the basis of most girl's promiscuity.
Depressed teenager can also express their depression is drogirajući. Marijuana and depression are a very dangerous combination, because marijuana makes you depressed teenager feels better. (Many teenagers do not consider marijuana or "weed" drug, and think that it is harmless. "Well, all blow," say) Marijuana is not an antidepressant. It blocks the pain of depression. A teenager feels better just because they feel less pain.Of course, when marijuana wears off, the pain comes back depressed. That could then achieve the same degree of pain relief, after the teenager has to take a larger amount. He slowly becomes a "Smoke weed" ... as long as it does not become sufficiently ... followed by a stronger one.
An obvious way in which a teenager may express depression attempt suicide. Sometimes a suicide attempt just a gesture in which teenager does not really want to die, but likes the attention.

* How can we help

What can we do to help a depressed adolescent? First of all, we have the time to find out depressed. This means that we must be aware of the symptoms of adolescent depression. It is especially important to note for parents, teachers, school counselors and others who work with youth. While depression is mild, it is relatively easy to stop the process and alleviate it.
Although the majority of juvenile depression has complex causes, often a specific factor or event that finally broke teenagers and start full the sklom symptoms. This means, for example, can lead to death or illness or departure of a person means a teenager, disappointments such as divorce or arguing parents, or moving to an undesirable place, problems with acceptance by peers, love "woes", etc ... In such situations teenager feels lonely, abandoned and unloved. First of all, it is important to show him that we care about him and love him. We do spending enough time with him to his psychological defenses caved in and be with us to talk sensibly. Then we will help you in expressing love, above all, eye contact, physical contact and focused attention. Do not make the permit to be fooled by an adolescent in appearance, refuses to communicate with you. It's just his defense. Take him somewhere where you will not be alone, talk about anything that is his actual. After a while, you relax, openers gradually. If you refuse physical contact, do it discreetly, by the way, while watching TV or on the computer, in passing ... It does not matter that he is not paying attention. Believe me, the manifestation of love are recorded in it.
If the problem is a conflict within the family, such as divorce, teens need help to cope with feelings. In particular, he needs to realize that he is not to blame for the divorce and that he could not do anything to prevent it to happen. Teenagers are very sensitive to the problems between their parents. Although it may be true that they do not matter a great mistake to believe that they did not care, even when separated and left home.
When adolescent depression becomes moderate or severe, there are more serious consequences. It affects the thinking process. Adolescent gradually loses the ability to think clearly, logically and rationally. Losing the ability of maintaining a healthy perspective, it has increasingly focused negative things and his perception of reality is distorted, especially misreading the opinions of others about themselves.Increasingly believe that all dark, that nothing is worth the time spent and not really worth living. In such situations it is necessary to seek professional help. This youthful depression is not just a passing phase, and can get worse if we do not recognize and do not start doing something to overcome it.

* Teenage anger and depression

Many parents assumed that teenage anger bad or abnormal, and that it should suppress and disallow. This is a terrible mistake. The feeling of anger is in itself neither good nor bad. Anger is a normal, and everyone will be Đivo it feels. The problem I have is not anger, but anger management, and how many are wrong. It is necessary to understand that there are different ways of managing anger and know which is the best. Let's start with the worst ways to cope with anger, and that's passive aggressive behavior.
Passive aggressive behavior is the opposite of an open, honest, direct and verbal expression of anger. It is a manifestation of the wrath that is indirectly returned to the person. A mild example of this delay, waste of time, stubbornness, intentional inefficiency, "forgetfulness" ... Subconscious purpose of passive aggressive behavior is that upsets parents and make them angry. Passive aggressive behavior is the refusal to take responsibility for their own behavior. Passive aggressive techniques of keeping anger under control are indirect, cunning, self-defense and harmful. It is mostly subconsciously motivated, that is, the child is not aware that this behavior is used to loosen the accumulated anger and upset parents. Passive aggressive behavior causes problems, from poor grades to drugs or suicide.
Adolescent is ready (not) to do much of its damage to, thus, discharged their anger towards their parents or carers. Depression is often anger turned towards himself, with unconscious motivation that this injury causes anger.

A small child can express passive aggressive behavior by, for example, begin again to pee in your pants.Teenagers passive aggressive behavior can have disastrous consequences for himself (failure in school, drug use, smoking, getting pregnant, ... all of which will upset the parents.)
Passive aggressive behavior occurs when teachers do not understand the outrage, they think it's wrong and that it must restrain its expression. If you hamper the expression of anger, the anger will not go away. He will be pushed into the subconscious, where it will remain unresolved, waiting to later be manifested by inappropriate behavior and / or passive aggressive behavior.
Another mistake made by some parents, and refers to the expression of anger is an inappropriate use of humor. Whenever a person becomes angry, some parents use humor to resolve tensions (sometimes it's mocking the joke). Humor is, of course, invaluable for any family. But if you are constantly used to avoid appropriate treatment of anger, teens can learn how to properly deal with anger.
Passive aggressive behavior is the absolute worst form of expression of anger because:
* It can easily become ingrained, enduring pattern of behavior
* It can distort a person's personality and the person so completely uncomfortable
* It can affect all future relationships of adolescents
* It is a behavioral disorder that is difficult to resolve.

Parents, if your teen expresses their anger verbally, even if it is unpleasant that it is much better than the passive aggressive behavior. One of the most important lessons of growing up and gaining maturity is coping with anger in an appropriate and mature manner. Children will tend to exhibit immature anger in until someone proves otherwise. We can not expect teenagers to express anger automatic document the best and most mature way. Learning to overcome the wrath of mature leaves gradually, and passes through a number of steps:

Ladder of anger management:

* Fully disorderly conduct - When a person has tantrums, destroying property or violent towards another person (even the kind of behavior easier to correct than passive aggressive)
* A verbal outburst, but no physical violence, limited to shouting, screaming, swearing. Anger is not only directed at the person you are angry, but to anyone who is nearby.
* Embarrassing verbal expression (loud, yelling ...) but no insults and swearing ... but still not focusing only on the person who is the challenger, but to everyone ...
* Embarrassed expression (yelling, screaming ...) but limited to the subject and the person who has caused.
* The manifestation of the friendly and sensible manner, if possible according to the person who caused the anger.
Each power-scale anger in an improvement in the expression of anger, and teenagers should be commended for any progress, no matter what our advanced and expression of anger can be uncomfortable. That will help him to move to the next step on the ladder of expression of anger. Of course, the crucial step is where the ladder expression of anger is an educator. We can not ask the children what we ourselves are not able to do. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

How to create work habits in children?

Working habits acquired in the first days of school the child will use throughout life, and teach him everything you need to know. 
daily routine child will gain valuable work habits.

In order to become independent as soon as possible and get a better work habits, the champions, says psychologist Radmila Grujičić, had a lot to carry themselves. A child should be dressed just to have breakfast without your help and you know how to namesti bed.  Unless taught in preschool children, help them overcome these skills as soon as possible. It is not necessary to learn all the letters, reading, mathematics, but to take care of myself a child needs to know before start of first class. GOOD PLAN is valuable  - A day or two before the start of the school year show the child where his stand books, notebooks and accessories, how to pack bag and encourage them to do so itself. As soon as you get the time table, paste it in a prominent place in order to know what to carry to school. If you go in the morning shift, teach him to pack books in the evening, not the morning before going to school, they will forget something - says Radmila Grujičić.  parent should be with the child to determine where the drawer of the desk kept notebooks in which books, and where are sketchbook, pens, pencils and a ruler. On the child to them every time after using all back to their place to make his desk was neat and in order to know where to search them when they needed him. Branka Tišma, a psychologist at the elementary school, "Lazarus Savatić" in Zemun, suggests that parents with child needs to make a plan of activities that must be respected. 5 RULES  firstWhen a child comes home from school, you first need to rest, eat and then learn.  2nd Every day at the same time a child should be doing homework.  third A child should always teaches and writes in the same place. 4th Schoolwork is always put at the first place, ahead of the game  fifth Even if there is nothing for the home, the child should odsedi half an hour at his desk. NOT write, homework  Many parents, suggests psychologist Radmila Grujičić, make a big mistake fumbling too much in children 's school work and helping them more than necessary. In this way, she says, prevents the child to create work habits and of his rights clingy person.  To avoid this, do not sit down next to the child while learning or doing homework.You can look at what you need to complete, but under no circumstances embarrassed to write it instead.  - Only when the child completes homework, parents can look at whether it is a good accommodation of tasks.If there are errors, the parent does not need to be corrected, but to let the child to try just to find a proper solution. Only if it fails again, parents can help him - says Grujičić.  When something good to learn and do their homework correctly, praise him. This will instill confidence and motivate him to new successes.champion and housework? DA  Ever since first grade children should be involved in the sorting and cleaning their rooms. It can and throw garbage that is dusting off the table, to match your clothes, and even to lay bedding in closet. The average age of seven can go to the shop for bread and milk, that namesti your bed and Disassemble that after breakfast. Sorting toy is meant. NOT  terajte No child goes to his clothes in the closet when the shelves are too high because it will bring down all the way and wrinkle. If sleeping on bunk beds, will not only be able to tighten up sheet and a blanket, and help him. Changing bed linen, also needs to be your job, but a small schoolboy can help an older brother or sestra.Ako waiting for the child went into the seventh or eighth grade to him Clearinghouse part of house chores, pogrešićete. Habits are acquired from childhood.